24 WI L_M_ E T T E_ L I FE October 23 1925 OPERA BEGINS NOV. 3 " ard ~<'H'ral llC\Y productions arc schcdnlcd, to an unusually brilliant sea on. Brilliant Season Predicted for Chicago including world premieres and AmerCivic Opera Company ; Open $500,- ican pre,mieres. A number of splendid new artists have been engaged, many 000 Studio, W are houae of whom will he introdun·u w .\mcrEmpha::;izing- the fact that grand ican audiences for the first time during npcra is not a "h ig-h -hrow" pl'rform· thL· sea .~ on. ~"~n-vral hrilliani .\mnican ance ior a ~elect few. hut a highly en- ~rtists arc included among these. These joyablr work of art which :1ll-musical \\'ill he in addition (o the host oi interor notHllllS ira 1-c a 11 a pprrcia t c. 1111 der- nationallY known artists of \rorld-widc :> ;)pularit.y ior \Vhirh the Chicago · :-tand and enjoy, the Chica~o CiYic l j,·ir OtH'ra j.., ;,)rl'ady ia·mou~. Opera i:- m:tking- :1 new g~·st nrc to gain The period ior adranrl' sub~rription-; public fayor by issuing a unique pros .. for the coming season is r;q>idly draw · pcctu~ for the new . ca . on which open-; Xon·mhcr 3 at the Auditorium theatre. ing to a clo. e. with the opening but but ail'\\' \\'L'vk-.. u 11. The JHli>lt~· . acThe new pro pectus .is a di stinct dcquainted \\·it h tilt' ad\ <tilt<tgt· .., t "<tt <t ··parturc from anything previously iscrue to suhscrihcrs, is re ponding ' iiY :-ue<l hy any grand opera company anyunusu~tlh · largc nunJI>ers. ,,·!Jich ar ' where in the world . It consists of ::t ·incrcasi1;g daily a:- the period dra\\·s beautiful 16-pagc magazine, printed in to a close. rotogravure. It is la\'ishly illustrated :\II things con~idercd. <·hicago I.' with scenes from famous operas and preparing for its greatc.:~t "ea:-on of pictures of well-known stars. which in - grand opera. tersperse the stories of some of thr masterpieces which the company will ~!iss Jeanette Cherry. ~22 :\hhoth }'roducc. These arc told in an informal, ford road, Kenilworth. lea n·s Friday ii1tima tc mann c r, em ph as izi ng the rom - for the East. She will Yisit relatin~s ancc. loYc interest. tragedy and comedv. in Ruffalo and Ithaca before going to which grand opera embodies. More 1\ew York where she will stay a few than a quarter of a million of these weeks. magazines are IH'ing distributed to iostcr an increased " let's get acquainted" spirit between Chicago and its CiYic Opera organization. Have $500,000 Studio This comp;1ny, which is th~.· large<...t and fi nest civic ins tit uti on of its k in d in the world. has just moYcd into~ its new $500,000 studio and warclwuse building, the fi twst opera at.: lier and onh· structure of its kind to hr found , an,;whcre on earth. Here more than 100 complete opera productions arc stored. representing an invl'stmcnt of m ·er $6.000,000. Here. too, ncw productions arc built inc! uding· everyth in~ from huge sets of scenery, period furniture, and costumes, dov,:n to the ~ma ll es t items of decoration. · Chicago's Civic Opera is looking for- · · . I LOAD UP with our cement, li tlle, pia~ ter~ brick, ~. heath i ng paper. ~and. tile, \\·all bo;trd and other hi~~h gra(k lntilding· :-.upplie-.. if : <Ht are about ttl . Luild. \\ .l' \\'ill makl· thl' price~ rig-ht and pro111pt (klin.'ric-... Ld u~ ligurl' \\'ith \·uu . WINNETKA COAL and LUMBER CO. 823 SPRUCE ST. WINNETKA · SOMETHING HAPPENED Something happened in the Motor Car industry . when Jordan produced the Line Eight Sedan at $1995 and the Playboy at $1845 delivered. - WATCH AND Y.OU'LL SEE - FLOYD KOON 1160 Wilmette Ave. AUTO SALES Phone Wilmette 597 ---·-