Uctober 23, 1925 WILMETTE LIF~ 19 trips. Last week all dirt roads in 65 miles than the routes via Clinton Give Tips on Winter WIN OFFICERS' ~~ Iowa were practically impassable, and and Marshalltown, or via Davenport and I!>es Moines, but the superior road Touring Through West still exists in some places. condition more than makes up for the IN ILLINOIS R. 0. T. C. \Vhile all the mountain ·passes in this Where they are dry enough for travel additional distance. con~ition Wilmette Youths Receive Recognition in Largest Reserve Unit in Country .i Bradlee Pruden, 631 Central avenue; F. V\i. Teegarden, 1102 Central d venuQ, and D. E. Peterson, 701 Linden avenue, have received appointments as officers in the Reserve Officers Training Corps at the University of Illinoi . Pruden. and Teegarden have been made lieutenants, while Peterson is a warrant officer. Pruden is a senior. Teegarden, a jun.ior, and Peterson, sophomore. These appointmct'lts, together wit.h all the others just announced were made because of proficiency in military work, . cholarship standing, ancl general trustworthiness. The University of Illinois brigade is the largest university unit in the world. Some three thousand men students are taking military \vork this year, instruction being given in tlv ' branches of the sen-ice. Training Ia Required ~1ilitary training is required of all first and ~econd vear students. Thi-; . is because the uni~·er:-.it v is one of the "Land Grant Colleges,"()\\ ing its origin and existence to provision of the Fednat Government which gave to such institutions certain portions of lanrl in <:xchange for an agreement on the part qf such colleges that they would in. . truct student in military matters. This land grant was made by Congress in 1862. The Illinois State legislature accepted the Illinois portion in 1863, and the University of Illinois (then known as the Illinois Industrial un in'r · -;ity) was chartered in 1867. Beside~ its student brigade of 3,000 men, the university is cu todian for approximately $2,000,000 worth of military equipment loaned it by the War rkpartment for training purposes. In~truction in a 11 branches is ,given by· men on the regular staff of the Cnited States armv who have been detailrd to the university for this purpose. the west are reported to be now opet1, nevertheless sno~· has fallen in the Dakotas, : M ontana and Colorado and consequently these passes may dose at any time now without warning. ~[otori s ts who plan using the northern routes through the west arc advised by the touring bureau of the Chicago 11otor club to inquire about conditions locally before stC:!:rting their they are rough and rutted. Tractors were used in place on Iowa route 7 last week, pulling venturesome travelers through the mud. ·M otorists bound for Omaha are advised to travel via Rockford, Beloit, Dubuque and \Yaterloo. This is an all-\\'eather route as f.ar as Denison, and makes the best route to Omaha in bad weather. It is longer by about Mr. and Mrs . Frank Sherritt,. 330 Oxford road, Kenilworth, returned Saturday from a business convention at Atlantic City. · --oMrs. Arthur B. Adair, 320 Melrose aYenue, Kenilworth, entertained her bridge club for luncheon Tuesday. a 1 "ORTH SHORE 11 LINE EVERY HALF HOUR there's a train to Chicago on the North Shore Line . t t THE NEW MARMON CLOSED MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Open every night tmtil 9:00 P. M. W · HEN travelling to downtown Chicago, you need never adapt your plans to a railroad train schedule. North Shore Line schedules truly adapt themselves to your convenience! Service is so frequent that you need scarcely think about train times. Every half hour during the day or night there is a North Shore 4ine express train to do\vntown Chicago. And the same frequent express service is maintained north.. bound from the Loop. In addition, there are 47 Chicago.. Milwaukee trains daily. The North Shore Line takes you direct to the heart of Chicago's Loop district- convenient to everywheresaving time and taxi fares. Our after . . theatre service offers unequalled convenience: nine trains leaving the Loop from 10 p. m. until 1 a. m. Save money; use a 1Q . . ride or 2S . . ride ticket. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. Marmon North Shore Sales and Service 1008 DaYia St. Greenleaf 1138 / The high..speed elecuified railroad Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 9 2 EVANSTON