Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Oct 1925, p. 16

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i . WILMETTE LIFE October 23, 1925 B rid e afid G room at Vedd;ng Are Recent T J",. , Northwestern A lum ~~,ll· " GIVES - UNIQUE PARTY Louis. San Antonio and New Orleans. ~lr. Cook doc!' not expert to he hack Autumn days bright and crisp arc f llllt il the first of Noon: mher. offering their own opportumty . or soeial frolics oi a special sort. /\. unique ~J r:-.. l ohn Howard ]one~. fornh·rly oi party \vas that i\·c n by I~ohert 0. Ber' } , . · 1 ·I . 1 , Kenihrorth, is now settled in , her · · One ot the Jargt·s t and 1110st bcautl- 1 ger, .J(l(> 'end · rt 1 avenue, " 1~11 1c . . . . -:> ! -{' . . . F..new . ful ni Oak Park'..; \n·ddings took place played l1ost at a \HTk - end g)lf party .tJ><lltllitnt, 1 - 1 mm.m .t\tnttc ,\.ttbin the Fir~t Hapti...;t Church of Oak at Lake Geneva, \ri . -,. The of the· ton. . 51/2 Money · Have funds to. loan on choice improverl North Shore Suburban residence property at 5¥.!% interest. SPe us on renewals % E. G. Pauling & Co. S N. LaSalle St. l 1 :trk. 'fl1ursdav. ()ctoller 8, \\'I1Ct1 A1iss Katherine Rediearn became the bride oi Donald Brotin Calhoun, son of ~I r. and ~f rs. I ames K. Calhoun of C knroc, the Re~·. Douglas H. Corn~ H. pa!--tor oi the Cknroe Union church, offtciating. Thl· church, ihelf a beautiful cdifire. was \'ery artistically decorated. The org-an loft was hank d with palms, ferns. and large rll" ~d-gold and yellow · rhn·::-.anthcmunb, and ~tately 36-inch ta1>ers in huge candelabras provided the church's only illumination. Phyllis Trojan of Hogers Park, a~ maid of honor, wore a chi lon {rock of apple green. Afr!'-. Harry Redfearn, as matron of honor, \\·as attired in petunia chiHon, and the two bridesmaids, Janc l\f c Kenna of La Grange and Eleanor Kent Calhoun, - ~ister of the groom, were d n· ~~ed in Ia n·nder, and they all ca rrie<l ~hmn· r bouquets of garden g c1lier:-. wrre etlt~rt;litll'(l (J\'l'r ~~aturday ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,,.,,·c:-. Main 0250 ) and Sundav at tlw lndian Hill hom e of ~I r ~ . SidJH:_\. Ball. i -o~I r. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Bi : -. hee of Kenilworth, who formerly li\'ed on Essex road, han· bought th e ~1ar ~ hall hollle .o n Cunm o r road . Parisian Expert Weaving Co. <NOT INC.) ICunm HI-t ~urtla :\nu·rit·nu Building 36 SOUTH STATE STREI!:T, CJTTC:\(;0 'l't·h·Jthunt· Ut·arlwru I :!fUi ~~;;.;;;;;;;;~~;;;~ ...~ ..... , .,, . , '1. ..· '·· "..·" ' ~ · ,., · ·· ·· · ·. ·· -oThe l~vening Bridge club · ()i Kl·nil \vorth met with ~I r .... Edward D . Par melee for dinner at the Orringt.on 1 hotel ~I ~f on day evc11ing. ..... .... ... ...... . .... .... . '.:·::::: . . . . ..... ... , . ..... . . i·····olllll , ··········~·~···· ··,. ~~~~;~~~~i~~~~~~;~~ , ' NO PATCHING . .. . ... · l!r··· ,.,, W 11 , ,. ,. ·· a · ·· · ··· · · ·· " · nw · · · · ·II' II · ·· A ' . . . . W · · . -~· Jt. a ·· ll' W tli · II 'BUT ,., " w · · · , ,,, ·· ···· · ··. · .......... : : : : : =~~:: -.·.'-'~- ~1 ~ .... ., ,. ,,,,, ·· w., .... , ·· ,. ...... .. ~' ......... : : : -or:-.. ~I enges oi Pa s adena ha...; been the guest of : Mrs. J. .\. Culhahon oi 220 Melro:-.l' an·nt;c, Ke11ilw () rth. tlte past week. :: :· :: ;!·:·:: :·:::·:·:.:.::: :: ~!. . · · · · · t1 · ···f . ·· ·.··~ :.: :.: :·:·: a · · · · · Hand Weaving ot Damages such as )fotlt Holt's, Cigarette llurnN, ('utN, 'l't'nrs in \\'oolen uud Silk (..iurmentN ~4 , "~·-····""" """"wwv-.······"·' ' ~ ..................... e a .- ·······~~···I··· · · · · · · ············~·· ·"<~~··· ·······~··········· """""'····""""" ~~~~:::::::::::::~:: ,,.,.:.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,:!', ~ ,.,.,. ., ,,.,,,,,, ' ,. · !'I .. ' ·· ' ' " · ' " · ' ' , . :t ..... ........... . ....... ..... ..... .. ',.' ,., ~ : : ·: : ·· ; : ·: : : ' "' ... ..... ...................... . .......... , .......... . ~···· ·~:.·"""""'" -oOgden Cook oi the kl'nilwurth Inn, fdt Thursday for a hu..;ine~ s trip to St. · .\1..-\IL C>ltDI·~HS SOLI ~JTgD l·~slimale Sl·nt upon rPc e ipt of GarmPnt l{efore FIXE LIXI·~.'\ and A:'\TIQ'CE TAI'I~STRY Aft 1' :\IOIH.':I{ATI·; PRICES a. Spe<'lalty All \Vor·l< Guaranteed Hou1 - Service t · Am\Trs ;tncl ro se-;. Eleanor Ft ances Gambill and Hut h Dale\· of Oak Park. the t\\'n little Amn·r gi~b. ,,·ere in old fashioned cost umcs of flcn\ ned taffeta made " ·ith lig-ht hodie~ and full skirts t0tH:hin~ the floor. and earh carried a quait~t nosegay of AO\n·r:-.. · The hriclv \\'as l!eautifully. ~ l't :-.imply t!O\\·ned in white ~atin ,,·ith Duchess 1;oint lace and pcark A coronet of rose point lace held hn veil of tulle in place, and a fin.· yard lrain hung from the ~hottldns where 1t was fastened hy pearl ornaments. Her bouquet wa!' of valley lilie..; ami white roses. Preston Broune Calhoun wa.; his hrot her's hes t man, and 'li a rry Red, fcarn and Berry Redfearn, the bride's brothers, and Dennison Pad en of Evanston were the ushers. The ceremony wa~ followed by a rereptinn in the dignified and l·>catttiful t·ntrann· lnhll\· of the church \\·hich \\'a" han ked \\it!; flr trl'l'~. inns and lin\\ ns . The "·edding sttppn \\'a~ then ::-.nved to 250 gttt:~ts. Owing to the fact that ~t r. Calhoun ha:-. heen ~t·nt hv hi~ fin11 to new territorv in Ohio, he and his bride left at Clll ci.· for their home in Find Ia v. Ohio. postponing their ,,· eddin~ tr~p until January \\·hen they will spend a month in the South. . AT FOUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON A Special From Ottr . BARGAIN · BASEMENT BOYS' SHOES and . OXFORDS "The f · $4.45 Sizes 1 to 6 I I I Dudcliff" I ! \Vatch Your .Eyes i Many \\'nmcn, by r..~glect or im, prop~r care, allow thdr EYES to I become lu~tcrlt.:~s. dull and unattrac·ive. EYES cleansed d:1ily with ]\{urine ..,hl)U id assume n..:w lights and Lwl·ltne., .... This harmless, time, te..,tl·J lntJon i~ mo ·t n·E·e~hing and bcne 1Kial. \\!rite Murine Company, Dert. OJ, Chtcago, for free book on Eye 1.3ez.uty. I 1/L l/RINL f.OR youR EYES Made of good quality Winter Weight. Black and Tan Calfskin with overweight solid oak leather soles. Weather-proof storm welting and rubber heels in the styles boys want including the favored balloon toes. At this feature price the value is outstanding. It's economy to buy your Children's shoes in our Basement Shoe Department. ,.

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