12 WILMETTE LIFE October 23, 1925 St John's Lutheran "~ilmette It is · going to be really worth while. and Park avenuE-s, \Vilmette. 4t)6 Ht:>rman \\" . :\lt>YE'I", :\l. A., pastor Prairie avenue, Tt..'l ·p hon e 13911 hur e h t E- l e phon e 3111. ~F.R \' J( ' J<~S 9:3·0 A. :.\1. ~undHY ~(·hool and Dible classes. · 9:4 5 A. M. First service anrl SC'rmon. 11 A. M . Second s erv ice and s rmon"Is the Bible a Book for the fe\v or for the People?'! . Commemorating William Tyndal e's Nt' W Testament translation, 1525. JtiEETINGS On Saturday evening next at 6:30 o'clock there will be a get-togethl)r banquet of Lutherans of Chicago and vicinity at the Hotel LaSalle. Th~s is undE:!r the auspices of the Lutheran du-b of Oak Park. Special address ~s will be made by well known speaker '>, and will be broad(1ast by WMAQ. ~sterfbJes. ~~~d]losierj lOr Women and <hildrm Congregationalists in Arinual Meeting-Ballot Kcw officers of the First Congregational clnirch .\\'ere elected Ia ·t week at the annual meeting and banquet held in the church parlors. The dinnn was ·erved by members of the Crescent circle of the \\'omen's socict \·. A "sing" \vas conducted hy the H.c v. \\. · E'. .McCormack, new as~ociate min is'tcr of the church. Officers elected for the ensuing year were: Church clerk , Mrs. S. M. Singleton: : financial secretary, \ V. A. Richards on; ; treasurer, L. E. Bu~h; representatin~ on church cabinet, 11 rs. F. J. Scheidenhelm; deacones s (term two years), Mrs. Theo Delang; deacon s (term three years), R. D. Burtner, Dr. N. P. Colwell, Rev. \V. F. Engli~h, Dr. E. V. Tubbs, G. E. \Valk; trustee s (term three years), C. A. Carpenter, Mrs. A. ]. Coburn, ~1iss Esther Dnn shee. Mrs. F. E. Schall is stopping in \\rilmettc to spend this week-end with her sister, Mrs. H. H. Hoffman, 411 Tenth street, on her return from an extended trip in the East. 1\londay and Friday at 4: Children's classes. Tu sday a 1Hl Friday at 7: Classes for adults. In the year 1525 William Tyndale completed th E> first English N e w Tes~ ament translation out of the original Greel<. That was 400 years ago. This tran~la tion was such a. masterpi ece that tlw King Jam es Version of 16!.1 is, · so far as the New Testament :s conce>rn<><l, the work of William Tyodal . Tyndal (' liv ed at a time wh e n the Bible, as a book of the people, w :\s littl known and less wanted. He was )ler~e c utPd and finally died a martyr ~ o his work. The sermon next Sunday will commemorate the achievem e>n t of William Tyndale. Everybody is ver:r cordially invited. The sl·rmon on SutHlay, NovPmber 1, will commemorate the work of the ehurch's Reformation. The Junior Walther leaguers of St. John's are going- to givf' a Hallowe'<>n party, Friday, ()etoht ·t· ::o, an<l have iPvited all tht..· st·niors to IH· th(·ir gupsr~ but i~· this CP..~<' <>n·ry g-u(·st is to pa~! for hts own pleasure. Here's hopingeV<'f'Y seniot- will be a paying guest. ,, " I ..; f r cA 1oster Jports @x[ord A modern interpretation by 1oster of an anc1ent Scottish design. Produced in tan or black Cfigrwegian grain calf-with leather laces and tassels. ... ~ · . ,· L 7 8. 7oster &'Company Orrington Avenue at Church Street EVANSTON DOWNTOWN 1 15 North Wabash Avenue The Drake Hotel Shop NORTH SIDE AND IN KANSAS CITY ·1 THB GIFT SHOP OF THE WEST" ....FOR FUEL-USE OIL" HEATING OILS MARLAND GASOLINE ALCOHOL FOR RADIATORS LUBRICATING OILS GREASES PHONE Like Shopping Abroad C1 /\,HO does not thrill with the thought of shopping -uv abroad? It's a natural desire which can be realized at The Burley Shops--a pleasure awaiting yotL Days are few which do not bring the newest wares, selected with painstaking care, from the fashionable marts and out-of-the-way places. Just now there are especially delightful arrivals from France, Italy, Bohemia, Vienna and England. · .·, 1 ~ Burley&Companr CHINA · CRYSTAL · ~PS - ANTIQUES Braun Bros. Oil Co. Wilmette and Winnetka Seven North Wobosh Avenue E:.tob/Jahed 1a~a WILMETTE 290 WINNETKA 1565