WILMETTE LIFE October 23, 1925 Seeming t.o Prove That. There St.ill Are Good Fairies TIH~ Rev. \V. E. ~1cCormack, new a· ssociate minister of the First Cong-regational church, · may or may not bclicYe in fairies. However, if he did, we would be the last to take exception to his views; particularly after what occurred Tuesday night of this week. To hcgin at the beginning of the story, Mr. McCormack went to Chicago Tuesday night to meet his sistl'r, Mrss Grace McCormack, at one of the railway terminals, she being enroute to his . apartn1ents at 912 · Greenleaf avenue, where ·she is now installed as official housekeeper. The plot thickens. In the absence of the new dominie, his apartments were stormed by w-o-m-e-n, scores of 'em. And upon his return, just imagine. There was the dining room table groaning under its burden of everything thinkable in the way of products of the garden, orchard and tea store. Enough there to start a grocery store. Thr \\'oman's Guild of the Congregational church was responsible for the generous contribution. Mrs. L. L. PetT_\', president of the guild, dirrded the imrasion. Solid tMahogany Gate-Leg Table At the Door of the North Shore (2 "Blocks W eat of Northwestern Station) 'I Clare C. Hosmer, architect, formerly of Wilmette, now of Sarasota, Fla .. is spending a few days as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. R. E . Adkins of 848 Park an·n ur . The drop leaf top (34x48 inches with leaves up) reduces to a width of 13 inches when leaves are down. All parts-stretchers and legs, as well-are of solid mahogany. Ros_~!}bers~ Evan ton D.1vis St . at the "L" EVERYTHING FOR HALLOWE'EN Our stationery section is a treasurehouse for things Hallowe'en. There are hundreds of specialties to boost your Hallowe'en affair~ to carnivals 0f fun. 'J I · I Hand Decorated, $27.00 We are showing this same table decorated in a hand painted floral design-one on either side- giving a touch of individuality to an a~eady attractive and useful piece of furniture. Crepe Paper Cut-Outs Place Cards · Invitations Gummed Seals Favors Talleys Napkins Black Cats Witches Pumpkins Lanterns Afasks Noise-Makers llats Crepe Aprons Windsor Chair, $5.95 A part of this same sketch is the paneled back, that is also braced, Windsor Chair with a saddle seat. It is constructed of Birch and is finished in Mahogany. .. THE BOGIE BOOK offers a multitude of enticing Hallowe'en decorative schemes and games. Let us as:;ist you in making ready! :open E'Yery Monday, Wednesday and Saturday E'Yening Until 10 o,Cloclt Stationery-Fi'rst Floor