6 WILMETTE LIFE October 23, 1925 An abandoned taxicab, belonging to the Yellow Cab company of Chicago, was found parked, with the engine running, on Wilmette avenue near Park avenue shortly after midnight last Saturday night by Patrolman Herman Vance. The policeman noticed the cab standing there for some time, ·but because the engine was running did not at first think it unusual. The machine was finally brought to the police station, however, and the . cab company notified. It was then learned that the driver of the cab, John Kane 3035 Walnut avenue, Chicago, had been held up near Niles Center and robbed of $9 and his cab and chauffeur's cap not long before. Police reasoned that the bandit had driven the cab to Wilmette and left it to catch a train back to Chicago, thus e I ud ing pursuit by the Chic a go or highway police. Transfer Carnival For Steal Funds, Car Children to Gymnasium From Cab Driver; On account of the unfavorable experienced recently, the A bandon Machine weather children's carnival to be staged by the Evanston Playwriting class, Saturday, October 24, will be held at the Patten gymnasium rather than on the grounds of the Burnham estate in Evanston as was originally planned. The program at the carnival will include a play by Afice C. D. Riley and a puppet show operated by Alexander Dean of the North Shore Theatre guild. There will be all kinds of refreshments on sale and a big time is promised the little ones. The play, "The Poet's Well"· was directed by Miss Alice And;ews of Evanston. Wilmette women protninent in the direction of the carnival are Mrs. Charles Norman, Mrs. Carl Hugo, Mrs. John Hill and Mrs. J. A. Burrill. The proceeds of the carnival will be used to provide a director for the playwriting class. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a A. s. VanDeusen ' to eli ~c Seller of Good ·Food Central Ave. and· 12th Street Phone Grocery.. 510-511-512-513 Meat 514 · Cl 01 llt Special Sale, Oct. 23rd to 31st 6lc 25c · th h~ m th (.' :r. , r~ ,, s T< 0 L New Trier Students Hear Kentucky Mountain Boys Two boys from the Caney Creek settlement in Kentucky spoke before students of New Trier High school last Monday mOrning and explained to what uses the car-load of clothing, books ana furniture which was sent to the settlement last winter by the students had been put. The boys from the . settlement thanked their friends at New Trier and told of the work being carried on in the little mountain mission, established a few years ago when north shore people became interested in the mountaineers . . Mrs. Charles H. Mohr entertained 12 guests at a luncheon and bridge Tuesday at her ~ome, 101 Sixth street, for Mrs. L. H . ..Lindman of Los Angeles, who is visiting in Chicago. NEW FLOORS LAID AND SURFACED · OLD FLOORS RESURFACED TO LOOK LIKE NEW. g () 'I It d li ll \'I a h a P. E. Downing HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. Phone H. P. 566 Box 423 (.' (.' h A. S. Van Deusen SELLER OF GOOD MEAT Central Avenue and 12th Street Phones: 51Q-511-512-513-514 Jones' Dairy Farm Sausage, always fresh. Oysters, Extra Select, received daily. Fresh Long Island Ducks. 7 Special Monday, Od. 26th Fresh Spare Ribst lb. . . 2f)C ll Special T~esday, Oct. 27th Native Pot Roast of Nelli. s~~~~ ~r.a~~ 9c Special Wed'day~ Od. 28th Fresh Ground· Hamburger steak, ~~~f......... 25c Special Thursday, Oct. 29th Miller ~ Harts Hams, lb. . ..... . 25c whole or one-half . . . 34 · C Special Friday, Od. 30th Lake Trout, lb. . . . . . . . Strictly. Fresh Caught 38c Special Saturday, Oct. 31st Spring Chickenst lb. ·Fresh Dressed 34C ·