n \\'IL::\IETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1924 ZONING IDEA SPREADS FAST Twenty-five Cities in Illinois Are Zoned Appro:\imately 24.000.000 people. living in 2 I municipalitie (hrou~hout the l"nitt."d ~tate". arc enjoying the benefit. oi zonm . accord1n1Z to tatJ tic . compiled hy -the Division of Buildm and Hou in~ oi the Department ~i Commerce. The grcate ·t zonmg center i, in the territory of ~ew York ~tate' and northern ~t"\\' Jeney. haYing :\ew York ity ior its hub : other center:. are in Caliiornia, Oh io.. fa,~achu,etts . lllino1s and \\'1 con . in. Secretan· Hoover. in a recent . tatement , cha'racterized properly drawn zoning ordinances as "rea onable. neighborly agreement - a5 to the u · e of land." Thn diYide a citY into districts in which land and -:>tructures {Tiay be put; the heif!'ht and number oi ston<:s oi the buildm ·: and the areas oi the lots to he occupied by the bu ilding.. Their profe sed object i· to regulate the u,e of private real estate tor the purpo;,e oi promoting health. ~afet\·, morab and the g-eneral welfare ·oi the entire community. That the idea has made a ~ trong appeiil to the American people is shown b~· the rapid sprt>ad of zoning. On Jan uary I, 1923, there were only 129 zoned cities towns and village . The fir t comprehemh·e effort to zone was the pas age oi a zoning ordinance by ~ew York City in 1916: although Los Angele . Calif .. passed a 'Tse" ordinance in 1909, and Bo ton. :\[ass., regulated the height of building in 1904. Cities, towm and borough throughout the country generally are hawing more than a passing intere't in zoning. \\' here authority is granted, variou s municipalities are actiYely engaged in the solution of their zoning problems with enthusiastic zoning commi ssion~ and auxiliary committees at work. Even wh<'re state legi slation dces not authorize zoning, various public-spirited and progr<'s sive organizations are studying the local situation so that when zoning can he effected legally, much of the preliminary work will he finished. New Jersey leads in the number of zoned municipaliti<'s, having 66; New York ha . 41: California has 33; Illinois, 25: Massachusetts, 24: Ohio, 16; Wisconsin. U; Indiana, 5 :Michigan and Missouri, 4 each; Iowa and Rhode Island, 3 each; Florida, Michigan, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Virginia and \Vashington, 2 each; and Arkan sas, Colorado, onnecticut, Geor_llia. ~laryland . Nebraska, North Carolina. t\orth Dakota, outh Carolina, Tennessee, Utah and the Di~ trict of Columbia. one each. The complete list of zoned municipalities can he secured from the Division of Huilcling and Housing, Department of Commerce, \\'a . hin~ton. D. C. The Illinois list of 25 zoned cities i, as follows: Aurora Chicago Cicero Decatur De s Plaine-. Downers Gro\·e E\·anston Glencoe Glen Ellyn Highland Park Hin sda le Kenilworth La Grange Lake Bluff Lake Fore~t Maywood Oak Park Park Ridge River si de Rin' r Forest River,ide Rockford Western Springs \Vheaton Wilmette \\' innetka Emil ]. Dirks led the li t of ten builders in \Vilmett e thi week, as shown bv the building permits i sued at the \ 'ill age hall. ~{r . Dirks will build a two-s tory brick dwelling and one story brick garage at 215 Central avenue at an estimated cost of $40.000. Henry Guilmont will erect a twostan· brick dwelling at JJ5 Central avenue for $20.000: . \\'. Bickell, two-story bric k dw~Uing at 618 · Fifth street. :7.((1(): ~I r ·. E. L. Schultz. one and one- half ; tory. ~ingle fami~y dwelling. J73o \\'ilm<'tte a\·enue. $6.003; Joseph P. :\fuldhill. two room frame and stucco addition. 1117 :\,bland HC· nue. $2.000: R. \\'. Tan · ill. ira me garage 2 Lake avenue, B. F. Clark, frame garage. 316 Central ayenue. $.3.50: ]. 'chwall. frame garage. 1323 \\'ilmette avenue. $150. $40,000 Residence Leads Wilmette Permit Roster JLUNJ EXPECT BRISK BATTI r WITH BUTLER I lldi AUTO COLLISION were damaged in a collision Tuesda ' £ Automobiles driven by ~Irs. C. P . th is week at Eleventh street and F~r~t Dubbs, 1121 Greenwood . avenue, and j avenue.. . The occupants of the cars ts. .Mrs. \-incent Pace. IZ7 Lmden avenue, caped mJury. I s· : TOWN PLANNING REALTY PROBLEM New York Association Takes Up Issue A br is l< battle with Butler is ex- -'-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUHUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIUIIUUHIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI pected hy the lllini footballers who ; meet the Indianapolis collegians in ;; e the tadium next Saturday, October 11. Butler is always a hard nut to crack and Coach Zuppke expects to EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON YOUR PAINTING ha\·e a stiff workout. AND DECORATING CALL There will be an interesting duel i between Captain Hal Griggs of Butler i and Grange of Illinoi . Griggs is a wonderful athlete who would grace an\· ele\·en. He beat Illinois three yeir ago .and did a lot of damage last year when the Hoo iers had Illi556 CENTER STREET, WINNETKA nois tied until Zuppke played his ace, Grange. Phones Winnetka 1188 or 176Z Pat Page dream s of anol.her victon· oHr the lllini and his men will and you are sure to get QUALITY and DURABILITY he ·keyed up for the combat. Illinois, low~r cost because it is the CO-OPERATIVE SYSTEM. facing the ~lichigan te st a week later. must husband its strength and all this ,._ltlllllllllliUJnmrmmmmltlrummmuuunmmunumuuuuuumnmnnuunnuunnnmunnunnnmmuuunlllrnmuunurnllltiiiJIIIImu will make conditions pretty even. The Hoosiers are coming with a band and a mob of rooters and fans from Terre Haute. Logansport, Greencastle, and many other Indiana towns will make the trip. Dick Hall, the Illinois giant tackle. is a former Butler player. He i a native of Logansport and this gi\·es the Hoosier state another interest in the game. There are no reserved seats for the Butler game and with a seat assured for nery fan, the Illini expect to see motorists dusting all the roads which lead to the stadium. Order early while a!sorlment is complete. There were still tickets a\·ailable for the :\fichigan game the first of the week but they were going fast and it wa nident that fans who hankered after seeing the October 18 battle would have to hustle. ; I WHEN YOU WANT THE NORTH SHORE CO-OPERATIVE PAINTERS AND DECORATORS atj~ .: I'll I HOLLAND .Ill ~ I \\1 .til ill ,),1·<' ht· :l ll l Tlws \\ ilh hPllH ('till\" ·- - ·- - · a · · · · Plant Now Trees-Shrubs-Perennials Thi~ is the right time to plant and buy tree~ , shrubs and perennials. Prices are lo"·er now than 111 the ~pring. t PEONIES in tl OJH·ll ('Ollll Cl Best varieties in strong clumps. PERENNIALS PHLOX and IRIS in Vigorous, Field-Grown plants. New and choice sorts. It is planting time now. Send to-day for our Catalogue. Phone Deerfield 2 1 Woodland Knoll - the - Indian Hill of Tomorrow .Heavily Wooded Acre and Half Acre Homesites Overlooking the North Shore Golf Club Properly Restricted $28.00 to $38.00 per foot Including Improvements Readings and Music T oday's Club Program As one of a community of carefully selected residents in the midst of a group of attractive home , you are ure to enjov living in \\'oodland Knoll. · The fir~t meeting of the fine ans department of the "'oman's Catholic club of Wilmette is being held thi, afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. \\'endelin P. Seng, 401 Lake avenue. ReadiJlgs and music have been planned for the a!ternoon', program, which will he gwen ~Y ~[ rs . L. \V. Crush, .:\Irs. F. ] . O~lnc?. ~Irs. Jack Hughes and Miss Munel eng. New Zealand Interested in U. S. Realty Methods New Zealand may be on the other side oi the earth, but modern communication is making the earth a smaller place every day in regard to exchange of business methods. A New Zealand firm has ju t applied to the National Association of Real Estate boards to be admitted to the circulating library of advertising which is being organizecl by the Association's Homebuilders ami Subdividers divi ion. Ronald S. Badger, of the Canterbury Land Agents' association, Christchurch, New Zealand, is the trans-oceanic appli~ cant desirous of learning the ways of th~ r~al estate operator in America. Ask Us About This Home It's in \Vinnetka, has 6 rooms- Women Voters to Have Firat Monthly Meeting The Winnetka League of \Vomen Voter will hold its first regular monthly me ting October 13, at Community Hou e. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'colck. Mis E th~r Dunshee, a well known Chicago lawy~r, will speak on the campaign i sue of the coming November 4 el~tion, and Mrs. Walter F. Dodd will give her fir t lesson in citizenship. All women of Winn~tka and Kenilworth who are interested in the work of the League are invited to attend this meeting. 3 ht'd rooms. Hot water heat with oil burner. Garage. Large lot, 85 foot front. Good location. Dandy home for small family and the price right. $15,000 and term. :\ a home site it is ideally located, overlooking the broad expanse of well kept greens and fairways of the North Shore Golf Club, backing up to the forest preserve which serves as a permanent playground! . Large lots from 1~5 to 230 feet in depth, each having- a frontage of lob teet or more, all beautifully wooded with proper restrictions to insure de. irahle improvements. This property is an excellent investment inasmuch as it is in the direct line of the path of the North Shore line. This "·ill prO\·ide excellent tran -portation. You are sure of a rapid increase in value. , This property is located on \Vagner Road. between Lake Avenue and Glen Y~ew Road, three miles west of Ridge Road, \Vilmette, and mile east of \\ aukegan Road, Glen View. Dri,-e out Saturday or St1nclay afternoon and see for yourself. lit ol Ul ~ ll ill ' \'ou t ,O n n t t 1 WE WILL BE THERE HIU. 1: WHFI.LER, lac. 731 Elm St. W iaaetka 14Z 334 L iadea AYe. W ilmette t3 Clore Budinger & Smith Phone Wilmette 1750 Exclusive Agents Opposite Village Hall 1177 Wilmette Avenue