2 WIL:\IETTE LIFE. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 17. 192-l These a ppliance s will includ~ a n:teat chopper. egg heater, coff~e mtll , gr~nd ing. polishing and buffin~ machmes and for comfort. an electnc fan. \\'iring with suitable outl.ets. should 1lso he proYided for a \'entJlatmg fan :;et in the wall. Thi fan not only .;en·es to keep the kitchen free from cooking odors hut can be used for ,·entilating the who.le ~ous~. by the imple proce ss of s w1tchmg tt on af~er ::>pening upstairs windows an_ d clos111g doors and window s down sta1rs. he carefully pasted on their baclt. ground. and then s hellacked, to Prt. sen·e them for wear. not necessarily entai led. a "conveni- 1 oi. the most ~es_irable _oi kitchen apence outlet' sho uld be arranged for pbances .. ~s 1t IS a fa1r!r !arge ap:n p:-oximity to the reirigerator. Out_- plian~e. 1t 1s ".'ell to a ssl)!l_l 1t to some let provi~ion ior the~e major appl1- defi mte locatton, com·e111ent to hot. ances shou ld he provided. e,·en though water supply, w~ere . unnecessar) thfir immediate u se may not ~cern ~te ps . '"!'ay he avo1ded trom p~ntry feasible. or dmmg roon.~. A duple~ c~mln the case oi the man\' smaller ve_niencc outlet. . abou~ waist h.'gh r ·h . h h 1 'e I ' C;lll'C d:lil\' Will ~erve adnurably tor the dish a I>P la~':e . · .\' IC · >c · · · washer the second receptacle of the nece::.Sitle~ Ill the modern home . t 1 le I .I . ·a 'Jable ior a plate henefit· to he derived fr c m their u se out et Je lng a\ 1 . . k are in 110 :.rna 11 part dnJendent upon \\a rmer or an electnc _hrele"s coo er. the pro\·i-ion· mad e ior them . that For the lectrae lr~n upon the presence of pronerlv .\ s :cond dup l ! "conYenlence out>la ced "con\·enience outlets." These iet," also w:1i st high. will prove u~e kitchen aid- can frequently be em- iul for other electrical appliat1ces m p loyc d concurrently and t~ere sh? uld eluding the electric iron. Thi s latt~r be a ~urlicient number ot locations electrical aid may properly belong ll1 where the appliances can be used to the laundry, but it h as become so gena\·oid unnece~ary delay, and to. ex- cralh· indispensab le that an additional vedite kitchen work by pro,·iding the one ·is found i:r every well-equipped utmost Aexibilit1· in operation. kitchen. The I alance oi kitchen ap:\s the portal;le appliances can he pliances are electric _motor dri,·en co nnected to any "coll\·enience out- a_nd the outlets for tl~~·r accommodalet ," it i· neces,ary to have a clear tlon should be plentrll:l. as the ~ridea of what appliance> will prove rangement of . the k~t cla:n-partl~:By S. E. DEVENISH k11chen tunllture-\\' lll The kitchen, being the "orkroom of most useiul in the kitchen . To many. ularly the th<" house, require s every aid and the electric dishwa s her rank s a s one prove the don' inatill'.{ considtration. iacility afforded by el ec tric ~en·ic e . For which reason, particular attention s hould be gi\·en to kitchen wirin!{ and careful thought expended in planning the facilitie> for the rno t effecti\'e use of the scn·ice. Thi> orrc room, the kitchen. j, e~ sc ntially a place where practical and utilitarian considerations are , or hould he. of . prime importance. It , hould IH· made, abo1·e all ebe. a room in which the work can he carried on with least possible effort. ~ince kitchen work is mo re or le s ,.. , - tematized and localized. it i' im JIC·rtant. therefore , to ha\·e the kitchen li;.: ht'o located at exactly th e right 11oinh. Every corner oi the room ,!Jou ld he illuminated. U' ually from One or two prope rly placed ceiling lig 1 tl~ . · In addition, there should he a lrght o1·er the !>ink, one o1·er the rang(' and another light so located a-. to illuminate the kitchen cahinet or principal working- tahlc or bench. The,c lights, in fixed positions. ~ hould l·t· fitted with s uitable diffu s ing glass" arc and controlled hy conYenient ly lc.cated wall switches. Cupboard lighb ,..hould not he o\·e rlooked and ·hou ld <tch ·i;;ahlv he controlled hv contact :- \\ itchc.;. in the ira me oi ihe doorOil the hinge side. \\'hile the well - lig-hted kitl· hen i, ,·onduci\·c to dispatch and efficiencY in kitchen work, the man\· electrical (lt.·,·ice-. now a\'ailahle for. lightening tht.· work must be considert'd and pr o\' i·ion s made for their use. These \ary from the electric range. refrigt·r:ttor and dishwasher. to the k itchen aid and small electrical appliances. CITE ELECI'RIC KITCHEN AIDS LIGHTING ESSENTIAL = FIGURED WOOD POPULAR From the very earliest days of fu.r. niture making among the ancitnt Egyptians. through the Middle ages to the present time, figured wood f~ iumiture ha s found favor. · Ample Light Outlets Should Be Provided and Conveniently Placed, Advice i~. I Use for Pictures in Unexpected Comers In this day of imaginati\'e furnishing of homes. and wide -sp read good taste in the acce ssories of the house , a most channing u se of pictures is in ;;ome of the little unexpected corners of the house. The interest and beauty of pictur~s has placed u pon them many tas ks 111 making attractiYe those corners and accessories. For in stance. color reproduction ,; an: mounted on fire sc reen,: tht'Y are placed in the frame oi the clock . below, the face: they :::cc:-:1 bm:)- ~ hade -; and the tops of ornamental tahle -hoxes; they suddenly hrighten a spot at the hack of some s heli. or a niche in a cabinet. A.nd they ha\'e e1·en heen known to he mounted on the panels of doors and of wooden window s hutters. Reproduction thus mounted ~houhl Plant Now This. is the right time to plant and buy trees, shrubs and perennials. Prices lower now than in spring. Han· nJt'll i Enable Work Done With Leut Effort these 11 rememh one of the "fl is noth that i' stead tl ing aha wall. a Electricity in the Kitchen John Ostrowsky 1-487 Asbury Avenue Hubbard Woods Phone Winnetka 541-J Per hap; lrecau ' irom l1 I'll \t'll Ji'.L' I) i1 1 I I WHEN YOU WANT EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON YOUR AND DECORATING CALL PAI NTING THE NORm SHORE CO-OPERATIVE PAINTERS AND DECORATORS 556 CENTER STREET, WINNETKA Pbonea Winnetka 1186 or 1762 and you are sure to ge t QUALITY and DU RABILITY at lower cost because it is th e CO-OPE RATIVE SYST E M . Electric Ranre Come· Firat The electric range is a permanent in .. tallation, requiring a special wir ing- , so it is not apt to be overlooked. The electric refrigerator i> likewist' an apparatus of a permanent character and while a special circuit is Cheerful, Sanitary, ConveDieDt and Fully Equipped 186,000 Miles a Second! T VERY tele· phone added to E our system during the past eight years has required aft in· er than the amount represtmted by our investment fot· each telephone th en in service. This condi· tion will ap) ly to each telephone added /Or many years in the future if prestmt /lrlee lewis hold. -- ~··-··~ H#H.,J, Atgll· You can better your home b y having u s cl e an and repai r y ou r Or ie ntal Ru gs a nd C a rp e t s, or ® HIS is the, speed of the spoken word over a telephone line. Between two ticks of your watch your voice could be hurled nearly twice around the earth. Bell Telephone engtneers have developed methods of using ·the electric current in the small quantitio() ut=t!ded to carry the voice impulses over immense distances. These methods are at the service of the American public who use t~e lo!lg distance lines, probably With httle thought of the patient work of inventors and researches of scientists behind their perfect performance. bu y ing of us high est grad e R u g s a nd Carp e t s at ch e ap er than down -town p r tc es. by Aram K. Mestjian NORTH SHORE'S LEADING RUG CLEANERS Phones: Wilmette 1949 Evanston 5050 511 Main St. Wilmette, III. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy Uniwrsal Service