Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Oct 1924, p. 31

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WI OCTOBER 17" 1924 N TH1S PAGE IS 18 W Alft'ICD-R011SII:ROLD GOODS 21 POa sAL&-.:.IIiKJ~:id..t.lriDova innetka Store !>r Rent , two small store -Elm St. Winnttk~· tracks. ' CLASSIFIED . ADVERTISEMENTS &dnrtlMmeata wtll be cbarcecl Olll7 GI n««l N ot~---caa.tae4 , to rMidenta of tlile diatrlot from B·anatoa to Glencoe lncluai't'e wboae namea ap.-.ar Ia tbe talaplaoae dlreoto~. or ·bo are recular ·aubaeriNN to eltbar WILKIIT'l'B LIPID. WINNmTKA TALK or G~NC9B, NIIW& WANTED-GOOD COOK. WHITE, WANTED TO BUY- s·ECOND HAND roR SALE-VICTROLA; tO RJDCORJ)jl In book a. · Perf. eonfL. Rea.onable. (u. nlture and other houaehold coocla. reference· required. 886 Bluff St., Tel. Wlnbetk& 'lhM. ULTNl-1te Hlcbeet price paid for same. Cr011t Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 164. ULTNI-lte }'urniture' Store, 1004-1 Emenoa St., FOR SAL&-GBNTLEKAW8 FUR WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR 'Evanaton, Ill Phone 181. overcoat; full length, el·e 18, Ut.... ' ULTNU-tte upstairs work. Tel. Glencoe 411 1044 Foreat Ave.. WllnMtte. TeL llnd reverse chargee. ULS-lte WUmette UU. ULTN1-1to · WIIEELER, ... U Elm Street Wiaaetka 142 pd oiling l.lst across om our is under gement. WHY PAY S'!'ORAOE ? MY CHINESE SHOPPE Lady will take good care of plano WANTED- COMPETENT WHITE Chaine. Necklacea, Table Llnena. for 1111e of same. No children. Tel. couple able to take eharge of home Manda1·ln Coata and SklrU. DIWll. lOU from 12:10-& p. m. for man and wife. Man muat be rect Importatlona. ltLI-ltp a4nrtlaemeDtll will be aocompetent chauffeur and gardener; ANTIQUES · cepte4 up to W"Deeda)' 11 o'cloek tor ware good cook. Steady employment Antique Farnlture ott Brlc-a-Brao P. WEISS ott CO. the WILIUIITT&. Llii:B or all three papera: Tburada't' lJ o'clock for tbe and good home to couple wllllnc to LOUISE B. P ANUSHKA WINNICTIU. ~ l'iidar 11 O"clock for tlae GLII:NCOII NBW& work. Address WUmette Life, SU. ·wiLMETTE JUNK DEALERS; BUY Phone 178 old clothes; papers, 60c per 100; Teleplloaea: . 1~- . ~11 or WINNII'J'JCA lttt·lttl. liLTNZ-tfc Wilmette 7%9 13th Street magaalnea, 70e per 100; metal. Tel. SOLICITOR WANTED-WHOLE OR Wll. 638. 19LTNI-tfc part time to eell hosiery house-toFOR ~W. THREE TON8 Or house along the North Shore. GuarREAL UTA'I'B bay. E. Haglund, Locuat and A·oea RJCAL ESTATE anteed salary to the right party. Rda., Wilmette. t1LI-ltp C· l(' :>:TRY HOME8ITE8 WITH ALL FOR SALE-NEW, I-FLAT, PRESSED Addreea Wilmette Llfe, ~~tTNll-ltc JI'INANCIAL T HE ADVANTAGES AND CONVENT~: NC ES OF THE CI'I'Y. ~~~c~o~~~~d~~~r~ :r~~e~!~~ ~~~~~~ 1'w=A~N~T~E~D--~W~H~I~T~E-C-0-:--U-P .. L-E-._M_A_N_T_O WE ARE IN THE MARKJCT li'OR w ,, are offering a very limit" numberg, owner. Tel. Wll. 883. do gardening and housework, womhlch-crade ftret mortsase· on Will .. r of choice tote within one block lLTNS-ltc an cooking and housework. Ref. mette Winnetka or Glen,.f transportation (steam) and adrequired. Tel. Glencoe 373. erty. · I have 1,400 varieties of .win i ng a very prominent Nortll FOR SALE-%80 ACRES NEAR LAKE Jf you have a mortgace matur4ng Forest on atate road; ftne for sub13LTNS-1tc :o;hnre golt club. These lots have a In the near future, It may be U1 f 1o n tage of 7& ft.; water, sewer, gas, dlvlalon. Tel. Wll. 3041. tLTNI-ttc ·· your interest to eonault Out' 81TliATION WANTED-MALE ··k..t rlc light, eldewalka, telephone the very rarest and finest HR. H. H. BRETTMAN, ,,. n ice and hard roads all lnatalled BUY 6 ACRES IN SUNSET RIDGE Mereantlle Truat ott Savini'· Bank. a ru l paid for. NO ASSESSMENTS. estates on Kota Road. Tel. Wll. 3041. SITUATION WANTED-AS CHAUFJackaon Blvd. and Clinton Street, collecfrom the Peonies, H1· r e Ia an opportunity tor you to lLTNJ-ttc feur; all around work. A-1 ref.; 1J Chicago, llllnola. own your homesite at a price within yrs. experience. Colored. Addreaa State 1140 ULI-ltc yo ur reach and at terms convenient. 2 FOR RI!INT-.110li8Jt:l Wilmette Life, 339. HLTN3-ltp tion of the late Congressman Sho uld you desire to build, we are - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WANTED-FULL PAID CO-OPERA· in position to eave you %0% of the Sf'l'UATION WANTED-CHAUFFEUR, tlve Society of AmerlcL Pay tt· caretaker or Janitor. Exp.; marc o~ t . Do not fall to take advantage James R. Mann. This cotshare. Mr. L. J . Mather, 8807 lo. ried; no children. Tel. Unlveralty of this offering. Phone us or call Union Ave.. Chlca~ro. T·l. Bncl·. S440-R. HLTNS-ltp at our otftce for full Information. ATTRACTIVE 7-RM. HOUSE; ALL 011l7 1\ftf'!' 7 P. lrt. ULTNI·ItP modern conveniences water heat. lection is being moved to SXPERIENCED HOUSEMAN WANTS Beau. landscaped grounds. Ideal lo:U L08T AND JI'OtiND <C<O>o .l or Z days a week. Firat class cation for trans., both to "L' ' and ref. Tel. Wlnn. 816. ULTI-ltc !til!· nitlge Ave. Tel. Wlt. · 3U Crystal Lake and a large steam. Will reduce regular monthly LOST - TORTOISE SHELL IUK 1LTN3-ltc rental conelderably, making price glaaat-a between village and lltb and Elmwood. Needed badly. If attractive to party wbo · wants to aa 81Tt1A'I'ION WANTED-FEMALE portion of them must be sold found, please Tel. Wll. 7lllj~LI-1tp ~~~e~n ~efhew~.!e:t~d llO~fortable 1'w __A_N_T_E_D ____W_A_S_H_I_N_G_s __T_O__ T_A_K_E Ratll-10 10 centa per UDe In all three _papen. <:ILUUil· .... Anr. .e of ft't'e worda to the line. No black taoe tJ'pe ueed. Ratea tor DW.l&J' t71HI on applleattoa. centll per llnlt In one paper. ·u··v· ·· W ANTJt:D--MIS(;BLLAJIII:Otll DlfUlline I« Jntflrtiom--Ciaula.. 1 ================ »......, 1f oIHioSclhlaeifelr & l'l ' H E us you ease all covers pleted. ly and ing for WHITE COLONIAL HOUSE. d aphoar ds of California redwood, a rchitt>c tural design graceful and ph·asi ng, in a privet hedge. A real honw co nsisting of llv. rm. 19x28 "rth t ar~-:· · nreplace and 3 French """~~. OJJt·n ing on a gla.aed porch; d 111 r·o'" " 15xl6 with full length " I lid<"' ~. 2 bedrooms with connectIll!-! ""t h ; large guest room nnd h:tth . maid's rm., bath, back stairs; ft.:· t· lust-ts; eeml-encl. sleeping bal1 l '" und t> r 2-story Col. porch. Two· .... garagt>. Lot 100x160. See this """ IH!id value Sunday. $_ 35,000. 1----------...,-------1 · ZLTN3-~tc home; ftnlshed work and rough dry; also wet wal!lh. Wlll call for and l<'OR RENT-GLENCOE. SIX-ROOM deliver. 4111 Prairie Ave. Tel. Wll. furn. bungalow; large lot; reaa. 1361. 16LTN1-tfc )>rice. For long lease or winter mos. Call Sunday. 540 Jackson, SITUATION WANTED - CAPABLE corner of Greenwood. Tel. Glen. 728. woman de&lree position as boutte2LTN3-ltc keeper In motherless home or care of Invalid. Ref. Tel. Wll. S88. l<'OR RENT-FURN. HOUSE. APPLY 15LTN3-ltc . 909 Linden St .· Hubbard Woode. Tel. Wlnn. 2055. 2LTN3-ltc REFINED, RESPONSIBLE WOMAN who understands and enjO)' B chilJI'OR RENT-APARTMENTS ll dren Is available for evening engagements. Tel. \Vii. 16H from U :30 to 5 p. m . 15L3-ltp FOr!n~.ENb~~:a~~:~No4;,R~~tPA.f !~ at once. an teed. Every plant guarPrices range as LOST BLACK l"EMALE POLICE DOG answering to name of "Queen." Lib· eral reward If returned to 711 Lake Ave., Wll~ette. Tel. Wllis ~TNI-1tc 4 low as 50 cents per plant. Phone today F( lUND-PAIR OF TAN CHAM.OIB· ette gloves on Wilmette Ave. morn- ~~e o~m~:\n1C:t~ay ~~~ly ~!t~~~~: MRS. T. M. BROOKS Winnetka 206 19LTN21-1tp LOST - FEMALE, WIRE HAIRED J:o'ox tt-rrler. Call Unlv. ~!L\.Na-tto t:ON'l'RACTOR8 AND JOBBERS [E JE:o§ttwillb~<eallity<C<C>o Jus t lHI! t of Indian Hill statlno Tel. Wilmette 1868 I 'hon t'sA~~~n~~~2~J· aa:d RWI!;,, 1800 3LT3-ltc EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WOULD 1LTN3-1tc like work Tues. and Wed. Good FOR RENT-625-llTH ST. 4-ROOM ref. Tel. University 3HO-R. apartm e nt; steam heat : ln-a-dor 1:iLTN3-ltp bed In dining room. Janitor s e r v l c e . J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tel. Wilmette 2399. 3LTN2-tfc REFINED GIRL WANTS TO TAKE; FOR RENT-APARTMENTS AND OF~~~d 0:e ~:;~~~~~. b;.:re~::u~r2r6°a~··: S(' BSTANTIAL 9-ROOM BRICK IN ftce roome. G. F. Gonealvee. Tel. 15LTN3-ltc best n. '. location; 4 master bed'Winnetka 62. 3LTN43-tfc t·ooms ; large sleeping porch; 2 SITUATION WANTED- ENGLISH bathe ; san parlor. Large lot. Two- 4 FOB BENT--ROOMS nurse will care for children by day car garage with drive. Price $30,000. · or w ee k . Tel. Wll. 816-W. Mode m 8- roem stucco home In FOR RENT-LIGHT. CLEAN, WELL 15LTN3-ltc 1 1 WANTED - PLAIN SEWING AT :tnd sleeping porches; 2-<:ar carase: & N. w.: one to North Shore. 'I'el. home. Tel. Wll. 3206 alter 5 p. m . ::~ce$1~;~~ .conditlon. Genuine value Wilmette 996-R. 4LTN3 - 2tc 16LTN3-ltc .\ttractlvt.· 5-room brick bungalow l<' OR RENT-PLEASANT FURNISHED COLORED LADY WISHES DAY 1\\'ar lak P and elevated. · H . w . heat room ; southern exposure; prlv. lavawork. Tel. Unlverslt)· 43M 8 -M. " ith oil burner, breakfast nook, tory. Convenient to trans . No othe r 15L3-ltp lat·.l!·' r ·oms . Two-car g"rage; fine room e rs. Business woman preferred. ,,.,.. 'r lo t. $17.000. Tel. Wll . 160!. 4LTN3-ltc HI 81Tl' ATION WANTED-MALE :l l" Lrr~tlt· n Ave. Phones \VIl. 68 and 444, AND FEMALE 1L3-ltc FOR RENT - VERY DESIRABLE ------::W:::I~N::'N~E=::T:-:KA:-:----__:_:,_,; ~~~~!ttot~ik~~i~~~!:; ~lr tsf; tlarge SITUATION WANTED- BY COLORED !\' (' W 6-rm .. will planned hse.; tile T el. Wlnn. 730. m 4L'rN~rt~ ~~~~~~ur,T~~~~g:~~ ~~~~~le~:~~~ ~~ hat h : l ot 7.>x150 ; oak trees. In beat FOR RENT- FURN. ROOM·, CEN· references. Tel. t.:nlv. 7416. ln!'a.t io n In n. e. Winnetka. Se e It 1 6LT N 3-lt :o-;u nd a ~-. Prlc t> $2G-,OOO. tral location. Also space In garage. Hi x nn . frame, newly decorated ; Busin e ss man pref e rred . T e l. Wll- SITUATION WANTED-GERMAN haths. Lot 50x187; large oaks and mette 41. 4LTN3-ltc couple ; gen. housework and work garde n. Bargain at $13,000. around garde n. Ref. Tel. Win ::>o uthea s t- vacant. Ux180 at $80 FOR RENT- LIGHT, COMFORTABLE n e tka 2149 . HILTNS-ltc Pt·r foot for quick sale. room : near trans. ; famil y of %; reu. K E . STULTS REALTY CO. 898 Elm St., Winnetka. Tel. Wlnn. Ju s t Wt>St of Indian Hill station 1404. 4LTN3-ltc 17' JI'OR 8ALE-H0t18BROLD GOODS Also Oak St. at R. R. P h ont·s Winn. 1226 and Win. 1800 FOR RENT- NICELY FURN. RM. FOR SALE-G 0 L D MADEL I 0 N suitable for 1 or 2 ; home privileges ; plate s and dish. C hinese Blue cov1 LTNS-ltc breakfast If d e sired ; r eas. Protei!e r ed ri ce bowls, lndlv. dishes, t e a i 2 6 11th St. WllJLMJE.TJI'J& llJMN one nicely furnlsbed room. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS Wed., Thura.. Frldaya. Understanda all machine& and mangles. Ref. Call evenings Unlv. 6789. l5LT3-ltc OFFER I WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sella ruga, etovee, autos, &~~~~:.· anything ueefut. l o~~N~tr~ HARRIS BROS. PRESTO-UP GA· rages. North Shore Rep. Ralph Watts. 172! Greenwood Blvd., Ev· anaton. Tel. University 1707. In· spectlon Invited. Cash or terma. Information gladly fa.trn~~t;'N 6 0-tfe 9 ~·======G::A;:Il:=D:;El'C::;:·N:::G====::::; Cheap tabor means cheap work, poorh· done. Have your tree· and sh··ubbery trimmed by experlenced men. Let me Inspect your trees and explain our method. WANTED TO BUY- SECOND HAND. Child' s slide and tel'ter board. Tel. Wilmette 1996. 19LTN3-ltp 28 JI'OR IALE-AliTOMOBILE8 ----------------FOR SALE - DETROIT ELECTRIC ~~:~~ an gc.~£!~~tatTo ~;al ba~~:~::~ !~J:··fac~~fy.ro1~.;~~~ncoan'r,~~~~~ t~ac~ 0 batte1·les on t- )' r. old. Price tnclud · InK rectifter. 5aOO. T e l. Glencoe 473. 2 3 2 0LTN · tc FOH. SALE- LATE 1923 CHEVROLET sport trg. ca1·, fully equipped ; 5 tire s . 4 n t> w ; JCOOd m ec h . cond. Cash or terms. 728 11th St .. Wilmette. Tel. Wll. 603. !OLT.:-I'S-ltc ~~~ !.~.,:o~1P c~~~!~l~n iw'!,e~!rw P:'i~~~ Robert G. Tree Expert B 0 l' mger We al so do surtrlcal work, spraying, fertilising, plantlnl!f. Let us rearrange your abrubbery [~~· b~~t%e~~ec!~enue Phone Wll. 3163 0 28LN3 - ltc L!;::;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;::;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~~~~:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~ ..1 HO\Jtrll!lHOLD SBRVI<:& Used Cars- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Wlllya - Knlght and Overland DealeJ·a Evanston 140 . 20LTN24 - tfc · NO RTH f'!HORE HOUSECLEANING l:le ··vl t·e <" Ieana wall paper and paint ·k : al so furnitur e polishing, ftoor wo 1 w11.xlng, window waahlng, calclmlntng nncl walls starched; furnace~ c l ean t> d and also odd jobs of al k inds. !!;d. T . Handy. Tel. Wit. 1647. ('all 7· A. 1\1. or 6- s ;T . M _. ·to 27 u 6 2 · I:>: THE MOST CONVENIENT NORTHtant. Tel. Gle ncoe 976. 4LTN3-ltc j~;~ ab~~ t~~~~~ ~\!~~~·d hoior-:;:;:~ t>as t s ec tion of Wilmette w e have SUNNY ROOM F OR RENT, 1507 plates , watt> r pitcher, oblong living an e ig ht - room stucco house which NICE Wash. Ave. Gentl e m e n pre f e rred. room table, mahogany c hina cabin e t . is in s plendid condition. It Is situ Tel. WI I. 969-R. 4L1-tfc Tel. Wlnn. 117. 17LTN3-ltc a t ed on a wooded lot 50x170, to~e th t> r with a one-car garage. The FOR RENT-ATTRACTIVE AND FOR SALE- IVORY BEDROOM FURa ll ey Is paved . This home haa the comfortable front rooms. East ald t> nlture: 1 b ed, box spring and matee ntral hall arrangement ; there le near all transportation. Tel. Wlltress; one drt>ss e r ; rock t> r and s e w a la rge porch ; hot water heat. At mette 1940. 4LTN3-ltc ~~~. ~~rd -22 5flrs~19 ct;~~e a~o~~'!.ton. $22,000 this Is In a class .by Itself. FOR .RENT-8UITE OF TWO ROOMS. 17 LTS - 1tc . Near transportation. T el. ~LinTnN . 31_210tlp . " f OR S,ALE- DARK OAK BOOKC ASE Tel. Wilm ett e 22 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'~~~ a nd roc k e r ; mah . rock e r with Ieath- FOlt SALE- RADIO; SUPER-HETER RING 1L3-ltc t1 FOR RENT-GARAGES t>r c u s hion ; s~veral straight oak 3e T11TO and vases. 411 odyne of t- XcE' ptlonal ex celle n ce. OSC'AR UEIS PIANO STUDIOS. 1100 c hairs; pictures F OR RENT- SPACE IN NEW GALaurel Ave., \Vllm e ttt-. Te l. Wll . 493 . (;uaranteed coast to coast r ece ption central Ave., Wilmette. Pup\la ae~"Tf"lfeil .rage : concrete ftoor. water, light. 17LTN3-ltc e ve n while Chicago sta.llons ar~ In ce ptt'd In all grade-s of advance'i!"$ 1'1llli:tl ll ll .U:. 71 8 Greenleaf Ave. Tel. WI I. 986-R. full blast. Fine musical ton e. Bet m e nt . Call Mon .. Thurs., 2 :30-6 :SO; .\ HEAL HOME, T LARGE. LIGHT, 6L3-ltp ~<~tth ~~~;-t~~L!v~~th V~,CA~~?~ ~~ r~~~l ~~~~f:.'· ~~~.nwtru!~~. com · W ed .. Sat., 4 :30-ti:SO. 30LTNS·lte lMlccCG 1Ull~I& & '\\1\1flJL'i\ATfr:'l ~IR~ ESSEX TOURING 192Z, 4-CLYlNDER. l>e rfect condition, good paint and ANTlQl' E Jo'URNITU RE REPAIRING tire s, peppy motor. Tel. U nlve ralt)· and 1e flnlshlng. Vpholatery . Mat· 3760-J. 20LTN3-ltp tre&Bt'!'l r e ne w ed . Cabinet work. Fred :-<ltto. 12SS Central Ave .· Wll_ F_o_a __ s_ .'-_L_E__M_I_!!Ic_._E_L_L_A_N_E_o_u_s__ mett··· Tel. Wit. 2430. Z7L2-tfc 2_ 1__ EXPEltT HOUSE CLEANING ; WINFOR SALE- HUDSON SEAL .FUR dow was hing ; ftoor waxing; fu-rni~~:~k s~~~ ~~e ::eo~~~~;~s:s ~ 50°~~ ~~~~ turt> polishing ; odd painting and cal36 s atin, $10 ; one trimm ed In blac k c lmlulng jobs. T el. WlnniTI~~ 4 G-ttc baby lamb fur, $12 .5 0 ; on e blac k $22.~~~ c;~~: t$~r;me~ne wl!~ey be :~~ ZH PIANO TUNING l>leated apron skirt, $22. 50 ; two EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR· email black satin hate, $1.00 eac h . tng ; old pianos made new. L. W. · ~~~~~ ~~2.enwood Ave., Wll2l~~eN3~~~ Foste r . Tel. Wlnn. 609·~·8LTN44-tfc ai ry rml!.; well constructed bee.; GARAGE FOR RENT- 914 ···ce ntly r E' modHed and painted. !~~~e~alloJneprtr~!~ ~~~~icc:p~.d e~~~~ Avenue, Wilmette.. Tel. ~~~~o~'tlt~:t~!P2o~~~d buy WANTED-EXPERIENCED GARDENF () R RENT OR SALE- 91 5 LAKE er ; tull time work; In Glencoe. Must Ave.: 9- rm . residence; I batha ; h. have good r e ferences. Write statw . h ea t : Harding oll burn e r ; 2-car lng e xp. and wages to W . T . · Whltg-aragE>: lot 57x213. Entire bouse In man, 540 Washington St., G encoe. llt-r t ec t condition, interior very at11LTN3-ltc trac tive. WHI clve long lease at WANTED BOY FOR WORK IN ! 2 0 0 a month. Bale prtce reduced to ·,2 6,500. Apply Klae K:lnc, 1126 shop and errands. Must be over 16. Ce!' t r al Ave. Wllm~tte. Tel Wll. Lloyd Hollister, Inc.. lUI Central 2 1" · ' lLTNI-ltc Ave. l1L3-ltp t% HELP WANTED-r8MALB F<~,.J~E'nc~A~~H~~r. o~t~~e ~!~~ 1 0 11 ~t.Jk~·~:t~ _tt_ _ _ n_E_L_P_w_A_N_ . TE __ »-__ .. _A_L_E ____ F~~as~A~~~!!A!!;d C'~~~~Eo~e ~~~~~ ;~~ b-:fU~Inwbr~~n t'ifn'f:: ;0~ k b~f~ 1 netka 1404. 17LTN3-ltc w~~d·.o17tp FOREST 2 a c ltasiselscsalthraencohrdastc ' p~ilc'e. neTaerll. Y Wnlenw _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2_t_L_s_ -_1--tp · ,. · f Women to Hear ReVJeWa 0 Recently Publiahed · Boob IF<O~ UNT E XCELLENT LOCATION FOR RES- WANTED-MAID FOR GEN. WORK; ruga. Tel. Winn. 1964. 17LTN~-1te FOmRanBtAelLcE-locf'kR, Eh'aNnCdHcarS,OedLiaDnd ~~~ taurant or oth'r bulln·aa· Addren d ook must have g od refer Wilmette Lire. 143. 1LS-ltc ~~~ea. c ~au family; go~ wag~ FOR SALi:-DINIMG ROOK TABLE derfully made; ·ood Umeflece~~·r· Tel. Wlnn. 111-W. ULTN3-ttc ::'a~h:r c:~~~'Bte~~~nuo~a~el. ~~r. Tel. Wll. 491. 1LT - to FOR SALE OR RENT-6 AND 8-RK. houses; new; blc Iota; cloae to trana., WANTED - DRESSMAKER TO DO 1745. 17LTNS-ltc FOR SALE - AIREDALE PUPPIES lake, golt courae; UO,OOO to U1,000. ftn.e mendln« and altering; only ftrat eligible for reglatratlon. Rea.aonAlao Iota for 1ale UO a ft. Owner. ····· per day. .... A . Reacan. County Line Rd. J blka. weat of Gre·n Bay Rd. Tel. Hlshland PIL wumette 103. 17LTN3-ltc 898-Y-1. 1LTNU-tfc NTED-RBLIABLE WHI GIRL FOR SALE-AIREDALE TBRRIJt:R. .I Wt h k I. I fa II I'OR ~MAH. DINING ROOM mos. old, coocl atock. 1111 IClmwoocl FOR BALE-10 .A.CRBB, COR. WIN· ; Ave., Wilmette. Tel. netka and Kota Road· 't'ery ftne. Wooded. Tel. Wll IOfi. 1LTNI-tfc WllWNIE1I'KA Three books of recent publication brass bed, satin ftnlsh. box aprlnga ; re t . plate glass mirror. T e l. Wlnn . will be reviewed at the Wilmette 1330· also mah . case . All r easonabl e. T e l. 2lLT3-ltc \Voman'. club meeting Frid:Jy mor.nWinne tka 1330. 17llr3-ltc FOR SALE _ FULL DRESS SUIT, in,:l. October 24, at lO . o'clock. .M I~S FOR SALE-MAQ. DAVENPORT large else, UO; beave r ecarf, $6; Winifred Bright will dtscuss Jentzas table. Tel. Glencoe 1002. blac k caracul cape, $16 ; aet or left "Sunlight and Song;.. Mrs. Ralph LTNa-ltc handed golt clubs, $6. Tel. W'll- Potter will take up Smith's "Josslyn" 17 ---------~:--~~-:::-~:-::-= m e tte 120 1. .2lLTNS-1tc and Mrs. Carl Widney will revtew F OR SALE- RELIABLE GAS RANGE FOR SALE- SEVER A L LARGE Robinson 's "Humanizing of Know$~~th T~~~~~~~.n~9%~ven ; g~~~T~~~;[~ aquariums eultable for tropical ftah. ledge." Fleh given with each aquarium. .210 The hook review meeting<~ of the FOR SALE-CONOVER BABY GRAND Fifth St., WJlmette. 211LS·3tc Woman's club will be held on the last with bench ; A- 1 cond. Low price . o LE-TUSKA RADIO SET 3 Frt'day mornt'ng of each month. The 17 LT,a-ltc F t~be 8 WANTED-EXPERIENCED' WlflTE Tel. Wlnn. 2193 · . otre'rE'd , A3 circuit. Cost ·150 · girl for ~reneral housework ; small ' T·l 17 5 next meeting will take place Novem1 famlly. Tel. Kennwortru~~~~-ltc F~~mp~A~~~~~; 5 ~~!it ?'r-fe~t:i 1--f_o_r_q_u_lc_k_·_·_e _a_t_$_6o_.__e_2_tw_L_~_·.N_s_-_t_t_~ I ber 28. FOLLOW OLD MASTERS The best work of the old mastert is the bas eof the work heinK executed bv the modem. AmerkM fur!niture designers . ' They do not servilely COPY every detail of those fine old they utilize the main charadn·tkll and at the same time iln,.rt to ~~~ss61 ~t 1~i!T~~~~~ F~'!tnel~A!;~;hrn~A~~!~~'; ~~~~ , ;~~~y.{ TelhlQ~~:~; piece~ ioe b_. ~~~!.e:~~~~;aewr!t. requ~i~~l{~ ~~~~ T~ :,~~~~'f:ss~o ~~~~~~~~1~~ I Wl~11J:Na-ttc th!t~n~w~ ind:!id!~ty. dl . . tm press

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