Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Oct 1924, p. 29

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WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY OCTOBER 17 1924 ome Reception in Wilmette Follows an Evanston Service s w?rn by Miss narrtage to o. ra~ge blossoms held 1 m place and . valley lilies forr.ne3~1k The little flower tr ace McLaffert ~ a frock of pin~ md she carded a b~~~ Pses. The two b 'd ss Elizabeth Cutt/' esrothy yonkers r and , · . , wer.e . spec~1ve 1 y 111 pale green satm-back crepe d of honor Mrs S!dan ' · 1 ney , wore orchid. Their rere all trimmed . ostrich tips to rn 1~ ~s, and their bouq:e~s ~aron Ward roses and ·et peas. emony was performed me of the bride's par.and Mrs. Ph 506 Lake avenue ohn Herbert Edw~r~ (J Park. nding a few days at hey had offered them La_ke, ¥r. and Mrs. I hve in the apartventte, Rogers Park, T. LuKE'S church of Evanston, fo rmed the artistic background Saturday evening for the wedg ,c n ·ice read by _the ~ev_. 9eorge ig Stewart for M1ss V~rgtma Bull John William Newey of Evansat 8:30 o'clock. During the marriagc ceremony, U. R. Dickerson san" "At Dawning" and "0 Perfect Love.' At the conclusion of the service, a rece ption for 175 guests was held at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and ~[rs. Gordon Wood Bull, 524 :\l aplc avenue. Th e bride wore a gown of ivory 111 irr11 r crepe beaded with pearls and tril'llncd with ruffles of tulle. A band of tare held her veil to her head, and sweet peas and lilies-of-the11 hill' 1 allcy were combined in her bouquet. Hcr sister, Mrs. Wallace Behnke, her matron of honor, was attired in Hllo w brocaded chiffon. The brides;na icb were Mrs . Paul Newey, Mrs. U ua ll l' Clinton, Miss Margaret Hardin){. ~lrs. Edward George, Miss Ellen 1-: night and Miss Virginia Swan. Th re e of them were dressed in yellow chiffon over gold cloth and three were in orc hid chiffon over silver. Clusters of ~i iY e r Rowers were worn in their hair. and they carried arm bouquets of <>rchids, sweet peas and yellow es. The tlower girls, Barbara Jane Bull the hride's little sister, and Evelya{ :\l ac e. her cousin, wore frocks of tl O \I·ercd georgette and carried roses and - 11 cet peas in baskets. Pa ul ~cwey was his brother's best ~n a n . and ushering were Griswold Pr iCl'. Cloud \oVampler, Edward Camplo ell G.:org-e. Wallace Behnke, Hubert lame- . and John J. Parish. · ·c pon returning from their wedding trip, -:-.1 r. and Mrs. Newey will live at Reha Place; Evanston. Mrs. 1:\cwey graduated from Northwestern uniHr- ity in June, and is a member of the ~a P J 'a Kappa Gamma sorority. 1 lt·r Jltl, f· lltd, a graduate of 1918, beJou l!' ·' the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. -o:\lr~. Harry G. Phillips of 1100 Grove ~treet. £yanston, was recently elected pn.·,idt·nt of the North Shore Alumnae as-.ociation of the National Kinder.L! arten and Elementary college. At the alumnae luncheon held last Saturday at the North Shore hotel, Mrs. Philips outlined her plans for this year's activities for the association. Mrs. Phillips, formerly vice presi· dent of the Illinois Parent-Teacher association, is now president of the Central Council of Evan.,·nn's School clubs and chairman of the PreSchool committee. · -o-Those who heard Miss Edna Dean Baker tell stories over the Tribune Radio, station WGN, last week, will o, urely listen in this Saturday at "Skeezix time," 5 :30 to 6 o'clock when the National Kindergarten and Ele~entary college has the program a gam. ~I i5s Christine Heinig of Winnetka, a g_ra duat~ of the college, will tell stone' ass1stcd by Edith Johnson and Ekanor \Valters, students of the col· lege, who will sing some of the children's favorite songs. ~lr. Phyllis Eileene Barry, 'cellist. daugh· ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert B. Barry, 211 Maple Hill road, Glencoe, leaves October 18 for a concert tour of six weeks th~ough New York and New England. M1ss Barry gave a radio concert Octo· ·----------------· Benefit ctober 29, at the · and tickets are now the attractiYe society for the philanthropy rge, assisted by Mrs. ~- ]. Newton, chaireta) chairman; Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, rs. Charles Harrison dcock, Mrs. Edward oeschle and Mrs. ]. . Sidn~y Huguenin, who Wilmette Wednes&u to artment they hart aJcea s avenue. Dat\1\, RuMr. . and Mrs. 1'\\i""' orkmg on a ranch itl Julesburg. --o-- ~~P. Huguenin, 506 ~~~g their home with uk A£ Mrs. L. C. Pelott, 1132 Ashland ave-~ Mr. and Mrs. George Mathew nue, entertained 12 guests at lunchand bridge at the Orrington hotel Adams of New York, with their sons, con · Leland Breese and George Mathew, last Friday. --o-Jr., were the guests last week of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fisher of 1762 A . W. Gage at the home of Mrs. Helen Gage of Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Highland avenue are being congratuAdams is a sister of Mrs. A. W. Gage lated upon the birth of a daughter and Mrs. Josephine Olmsted, former at St. Francis hospital, October 11. -oresidents of \oVilmette. Mrs. Mary Scott of SJO Laurel aveOil'···'"-' -o-, . , _ Jlp. Ol'k., IH.,. C. D. p,·cHit, 1-M Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Gary of Wheaton nue who has been at the St. Francis ~ospita_l for two weeks is gradually are spending a fortnight with Mrs. -o-Gary's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. 1mprovmg. r\ystrom , 714 Central avenue. Last Fer _..,..._._... . . . . . wa.Jf· .A~iss Millie Bauer is one of a party week Mr. and Mrs. Nystrom motored er Reew-- WU·ette lfW through Wisconsin. They spent Sat- takmg a motor coach trip to Elgin. They are leaving Saturday afternoon urday and Sunday with their daugh· Hean 41ally , _ · · te . . . p, . . . . . . . · y ............. ter, Jane, who is a freshman at the and returning Sunday night. -o-Pniversity of \oVisconsin. Mrs. Marshall Davies of 153 Rob-oA rummage sale will take place sart place, Kenilworth, is visiting her Thursday and Friday, October 23 and mother, Mrs. 0 . M. Bilharz of KanRead tlae Want-Ada 24, at the Economy shop on Green- ,;as City, Missouri. Phyllia Eil-·· Barry leaf avenue, near the Wilmette ave· - Photo by Gibson, Sykes and Fowler nue ~tation of the North Shore electric road. The sale will be given by the ber 5, from WGN, accompanied by her North End circle of the Wilmette father at the piano. On her return she Congregational church. will appear in concerts and on radio pro-o-grams. Announcement is made of the birth ~ of a son Henry Foreman Jr., to Mr. Wilmett., Ill. na Wil·ett· AYe. Charles Culbertson, who was the and Mrs. Henry Foreman of the T-th St. and Central AYe, Hours: guest of his grandmother, Mrs. J. C. North Shore hotel, October 9, at the Daily (except Wednesday and Servic·s: Gapen of 919 Elmwood avenue, this Evanston hospital. S"turday) 9 A. M. to S :30 P. M. Sunday at 11 A. M. spring prior to his leaving for Shang-o-Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Wednesday: 9 A. M. to 1:45 P. M. hai as manager of the Eastman Kodak Other villagers who are going to the i\aturdav: 9 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. company. is being held in seclusion homecoming festivities at the Univerat 8 P.M. The Bible and W'onta by Kar7 Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. outside the city with several other sity of Illinois, are 1\lr. and Mrs. Baker Eddy and all other auUaorSubject of the Lesson Sermon tzed Christian Sclenoe Literature American citizens during the present Thomas E. Thompson of 1311 AshChinese warfare. They are protected land avenue. Oct. It, "Doctrine of Atonemeat" ~hi..C:e read, borrowed or pur· by V. S. .Marines. it is said, but no -o-word has been received directly from Mr. and Mrs. C. ]. Zipprich of 623 The Public ia coNially ia-rited to att_. the Claurch S.,..,icea . . . them for over six weeks as no com- Forest avenue spent a few days last -riait tlae Readin· R-m. municatious are allowed to pass the week in Monona, Iowa, where they horders. motored to visit relativ-es. 1 -oMrs. NathanirJF. Webb of HibAll Wellesley alnJUnae of Chicago hard road will entertain the Fellowand'the north shore, are invited to be -the guests at the tea Mrs. William ship club this Saturday, at dinner at Sherman Hay of Winnetka is giving .her home on Hibbard road. Only at the Woman's Athletic club Satur--oday afternoon, October 18, in cele1\Irs. James T. Edwards of 1003 ForTwenty Minute.. bration of All Wellesley Day. est avenue gave an informal dinner Assisting Mrs. Hay during tbe re- at her home on Saturday. by Motor ception hours, from 3 until 5 o'clock, will be Mrs. Irwin Rew, Mrs. Hubert from Howard, Mrs. Ralph Brown, Mrs. Bruce MacLeish, Mrs. William E. Clarke and Mrs. Frank M. Kingsley. the North Shore Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Edwards of li20 Elmwood avenue have returned from a 6,500 mile motor trip to the west. They started out the last of July for Yellowstone l-ark where they camped for five days. With Portland as their destination, they followed the old Orer.on trail made by early settlers. They journeyed to San Francisco, and b;.ck over the desert route. arriving in \Vilmette Saturday. -<>'cordon and Robert White, son of Mrs. James White of 931 Chestnut avenue, will be among those attending homecoming and the attendant game with Michigan at the Uuiversity of Illinois. Gordon White and his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. John White of Kenilworth, will be the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boggs. Marguerite Casey, daughter of Mr 1 and Mrs. Francis j. Casey 347 Centrai avenue, entertained 20 tittle friends at a party given at her home Saturday October 11. · r---------------iliiiiiit Danger Sipal The short days of Fan aNI Winter are before us. Fol1cs compelled to be indoors mor~ during the next six months seek relaxation in books or the movies; take up studies fleslected during the summer months, or do other close work. ~nd most of this by artificial hght. Naturally some eyes will rebel at this addea burden and will send out sil{tlals calling for help. o-·t fail to ..... tlaeee aipala, or better still, have your eyes examined before nature warns you of "Danger Ahead" and save yourself unnecessary suffering. 14 Y ""' of St~ects·f.Z PfWIK· Mr. and Mrs. -;;:er Dennis of 102 1 1 Elmwood avenue, and their daughter Ruth, are_ among those attending th~ homecommg game at Champai~rn, between Illinois and Michigan. -o-Bernard J. Hens of 623 Prairie ave· nue, recently suffered an accident which fractured his wrist. The break is mending rapidly. -oMr. and Mrs. Oliver Pringle of La Grange have announced the birth of a daughter, Jean Bates, October 5 at the Hinsdale hospital. ' -o-- -o-- Dr. 0. H. Bench A.-. I 1177 Wdmette AYe. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Christian Science Reading Room ouats of 616 Lake ave· in Connecticut for the Mr. Mouat returned , and Mrs. Mouat ex· ck in the village some -o- entley of 804 Elmwood turned from a trip rn Illinois. At Chamnd~d the wedding of Dobbins and Albert ark, which took place and Mrs. W. A. Tucker, 1214 John H . Mahan is home from Ann Lake avenue, left Thursday for Madi- Arbor to spend the week-end with ~ on, \Visconsin, to spend the week-end h~s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. with their son, A. B. Tucker and their Mahan of 718 Elmwood avenue. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Blodgett. They will leave for Spider lake Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bond for a week. ~lr. and Mrs. J, S. Crossley announce the birth of twin daughters at the Evanston hospital October 12. While Mrs. Crossley's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue are away this winter, the Crossley~ wtll occupy their home at 631 \\'ash· ington avenue. -()- -o- An interesting musical evening was given at the Oscar Deis studios, 1200 Central .avenue, on Tuesday, when five of his students intreprcted concertos of Mozart and Beethoven, and solo num· her~ of Bach, Gluck, Brahms, Chopin, Tschaikowsky and MacDowell. REO ~ The Reo Line Sedan · $1875 · 198$ 2135 Sttah 6- Chiclun Djnners ~UNCfiiON SIII.VI.O AT. NOON,_ Buaineu District Brouahua · -o- ~nr. Business Men's Lunch Seventy-6ve Centa -o- Ynt Aid for Doctors T-6 Special TOIII'ina Reo .. 1S95 Wllla . . . . . . nltandard Touriq Reo-1335 REO EVANSTON CO. 1111 Chicaao Ave.. Evaa.toa Phone Univeraity 11M Get away from business by taking time off at noon for a run out into the country. Samuel Edgar Erwin, twood avenue are re· ations upon the birth mber 16. Mrs. Erwin iss Mary Rickson of ~ olvin of 709 Elmwood B tea at her home, ~as one of the serie g1ven by memben. 0 n church. Twenty The E. L. Scheidenhelms of 704 Lake avenue and Charles N. Roberts f 1014 Lake avenue will attend the opening of the Stadium and the homecoming at Champaign, this week. -()- Mrs. Harry Coffman of . Peoria, and 1~iss Sue Schearer of LaFayette, Indtana. are the house guests this week. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vl. Baldwin o f 1015 Wilmette avenue. --oA concert to benefit the children's summer camp of the Alpha Gamma Delt~ sorority will be given Tuesday w£u.s. wucar evenmg, October Zl, at 8:15 o'clock at. Orchestra hall. Ossip Gabrilo- 1113 Chica1o A··· Wttscb, pianist, and Anna Burmeister, soprano, will furnish the program. ~rs. Orval Simpson of 832 Tower road · Peoria ~financial chairman. ~~The Store for Children" co.. INC. Custom Made Dresses We have just received some very exclusive patterns in imported materials which we have made up in the newest Models for Autumn and Winter, noticeable for the originality and exclusiveness of their design. liary of the Infant II meet Monday af· at Z :30 o'clock, at E. ]. Clampitt, 1029 ESTABLISHED 1854 Coats, Frocks, Hats and Shoes C. H. JORDAN Bt COMPANY FUiiEIAL DIIECTOIS FOR 69 YEARS CarrOll Ridgway, Inc. Evanston ~ helm, who graduWellesley, and who r in Europe, ar· . f>a,;. Sm·t, EtHJnaton, Ill. Plaon· N. Miclaiptt Af1!· P of lOll Fore5t relatives in Gran<! Uni,.nity 449 Plaona Randolplt 1US..lU'1 619 DAVIS STREET University 3511 1160 WILMETTE AVE. WUmette311 wnmette

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