Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Oct 1924, p. 26

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WILMETTE culties can be got rid .of by means used in the past. The north shore has. a hi~tory running hack into Indian tunes, THE WILIIICTTE LOCAL N'EWS iuto the days of the early exEetabllehed 1U8 t8!1UED FRIDAY b:Ji' EACH WEEK plorers. .-\ study of the comparative~\- rerent days round ahout LLOYD HOLJ..I!ITER, ll'IC. 1850- contributes to th~ underUU Central .Ave., Wllml!tte, Ill. standing 192-l pract1ce5. and 'l'llll······ ........... WU·ette 1.,. vrobl<!m s. of The account Ill a Q.M AYBAR WlL)fETTE LIF'E of the f>t~sh All communication muet be acfco'::- am home huilt in 1852 on a p1ece anled by the name and addreas o t e ~rlter. Article· for publication ehould of ground on the lake bounded reach tile editor by Wedneeday noon to bv " -hat are now Chestnut and lnaure appearance In current laeue. E-lmwood avenues and Tenth Reeolutlone ot condolence, carda ot uianke, obituary, poetry, notlcee ot en- ~ treet aud bought fo~ $1.?5 _an tertalnmente or other atralre where acre is not without tts slgmfia 11 admittance charlt'e wiiJ be made or a collection taken, will be charged at canee. It leads one to ~ompare tea-ular adYert·l eing ratee. land prire s and to c<?nstder t~e Entered at the poet omce at Wil- causes of the great mcreas~ m mette, Illlnole, ae mall matter of the It takes one ba~k mto aecond cJua, under the act · ot March values. I. l87t. ante-helium days, to the. tunes ,o f the :\I issouri Compronuse. The FRIDA\', OCTOBER 17. 1924 fact that this property was bought by Northwestern ~niv~r S eparole the G~ades. sit,· for $17,00) turns one s mmd Enforce the Traffic La'ltls. to · the founding and growth of /luild the ThrONgh Traffic Road. that great school. Widen the Business Thor01tglrfares The account mentioned above is merely typical. . . We shou~d like many more snmlar to th1s CAMPING OUT A history of the north \Vhat is Jimmy dreaming one. ;~ bout while his teacher is ex- shore written accurately, appreplaining the binomial theorem? ciatively, and interestingly would \Ve know. He is thinking of the be a real boon to all of us. fun he had up at camp. That ON SUNDAY EVENING ·"'istful smile hovering about his Jips means that he wishes he Of the many community enterwere there eight now. Gee r prises there is none more ambithat was some sj>ort ! tious and successful than the There is much -6f the savage Wilmette Sunday Evening club. in every normal man and b,oy. Not only does it have visions and \Ve know a dentist who recently plans of a prosperous future but can also lo.ok back at ~l,ent a fortnight up in the wildest it Canada. He told us with evident an accumulation of remarkable jc,y and pride of carrying a ninety achievements. Although its acpound pack through the under- tivities have been somewhat like hrush and being toppled over those of the Chicago Sunday \\'hile trying to balance on a Evening club, still it has had a He went on to life that causes it to stand apart l1ttge windfall. tell about the four-pound black from the Chicago club as a disba ss that he caught so easily. tinct organization. To read the :\ nd then of the guide who roll of the eminent men and C'(JOked elegant biscuits right out w.omen who have taken leading in the open. parts in the club's programs How boys love to go out would be like reading an abridgC'amping! Even the preparing to ed edition of Who's \Vho. Name go has s.omething heavenly about a famous living American, and it. Ordinary days are trans- you will probably find that he has fig-ured by the getting of the nec- heen a participating guest at es,ary parapher~alia-tents, hlan- . ome meeting Of the \Vilmette kl't--, camping shoes, knife, and ~und:n- E,·ening club. The nine ax . Books on camping arc read ,·ears ·of the life of thi. wonderful orgaujzation ha\'e been exo\'er and over again. traordina'r ily rich in accomplish'l'he day for starting is a red- ments. ktter day in his calendar. The This month the club entered its train crawls to its wonderful destination. He and his com- t<:'nth year. One need not be a panions pitch ~amp in , the very prophet to fore:see that this year 1nid~t a£ b...<>-vau . Tlwn J(,J1ow the dul} will again provide for da~ ~ that are genuinely g-old- \\' i.lul.ett.Q ~uL ~" oo>oot.er eon.- 1 _ . _ _ _ , l ' ll daYs. Such fredom from t:umities a series of programs of home ·restraints! Old clothes great pleasure and profit. and \\'ho cares how dirty you SUPPORT THEM nrc? Besides, you can go in ~ wimming twice a day. No On the afternoon .of November chance to get dirty. There never 3rd. George Dasch and his \\'ere such comfortable beds and Symphony Players will give their such delicious food. Royal days first Children's Concert of the those were, full to the brim with 1924-25 sea on. pleasures that were delicious to This opening concert and those the Yery last drop. following are intended especially fo r children. Of course adults are perfectly welcome, but it is THE PAST .\ILorbed in the present ancl the expected that the greater part of future, we forget the past. Do- t be audience ~,· ill be made up .of children , especially school chiling- in the present and planning dren_ for the future fill our minds to Children take to music as the exclusion of ·memories of the pa t. We lose si_ght ,o f the fact naturally, as quickly, as complete .. that present activities had their h·. a · a duck takes to water. heginnings in earlier times: that l'n!ipoiled. children love the best Therefore thev should t(lday follows ye'sterday. \\'c do music . not care enough· for history. hear much of the kind of music Their The sayings "Let bygones be that they really love. hyg-one ," the "dead past," and elders ought to provide them other. like them are taken too :ll>ttndant opportunity for hearliterallv. The truth i that a dis- ing the world's great composicriminating study of history tions. The children will then throws a flood of light 011 pres- not only he getting what they ent-day problems. We a\' "dis- really want but what they will criminating," because history also be storing up for future use ' must be read not for its own sake and enjoyment, material of genuBlessed is the child hut for its hearing on the work ine Yalue . of today and tomorrow. If read '"· ho frequently hears the best for any other purpo e it is mere- music and nothing but the best t: IU~ic. hecau e when he is ly a pastime .or a dissipation. A . tudy of the past will re- grown-up he will have a welltilled storehouse of the best veal "'any crises like the pre'ient nmsical memories. · cri e . Answers to modern perIf you want your children to plexi~ questions can be found in the chronicles of Greece and grow up into worthy men and Rome. Profitable parallel may women. feed them on the best. be drllwn between present and See to it that they hear the best pa t . ituations. Allowing for music. Buy tickets for the Chilc r · fairly ~in clift r e in dren's Concerts. Buy them tofrom Mr . Ho1uer conditiOn, many mOdem difti- dar Wmnetka 2090. WILMETtE. LIFE <Formerly The Lake Shore Newa) Ji:at&bllehed 1912 with which Ia combined Have You Found Out Yet how much to your advantage a Special Purpose Savings Account would work out? It will pay the taxes for you. buy a new car, provide for the youngster's education, or fund your vacation for · you. All you have to do is to decide how much you want, when you want it, and what you want it for. Ask us about this won~erful new way of making dreams come true! ··vour /lome BdnJI·· Ill I Ill ! LULIAS BROTHERS 1135 CENTRAL AVE. 635 MAIN STREET EAT PLENTY OF THE BEST FRUITS AND VEGETABLES E\'(~ry authority will tell ·you that you ought to eat plenty of the best fruits and \'egetables. So buy these fine natural products at stores where you can always be sure of getting none but the best. ON SATURDAY YOU CAN &35 .... Street Ph one·t·· (114 llll .GET SOME 11135 Ceatral AYe. WONDERFUL BARGAINS (1M AT OUR TWO BIG STORES P~onea1 ::. I .

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