Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Oct 1924, p. 21

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1924 OPEN CAMPAIGN .HER£ FOR HOPE DIOIPSON from page 17) did ate ior the office ~f state's attorne'· c11 idly at the mstan<;e . of the Be.ttc r Government Assoc1at10n of Chicag-o and Cook county, of which Thoma, E. D. Bradley, formerly a ch·ic lc3 der in Wilmette, is president. In ;olKiting aid in electing Mr. Thomp< on to office the association sets iorth the accompanying statement to the people: Show Court Recorda ··c our ts records show Criminal cases fi ll"d : In 19.?tl. (Hoyne, State Attorney) 37,501 Jn 1 9.?1. (Crowe, State Attorney) 53,381 In 1022. 66,765 In J <e3. 73;1.97 In ltJ.?~. (at rate for 9 months) 81,792 "In 1921 there were 190 Murders· in ll).?2 there were 228; in 1923 ther~ w ere 270, and in the first half of 1924 tht·n· \\'ere 175, at the rate of 350 for the :· ear. "In 1921 there were 6723 defendants in ·tlw . Criminal Court; in 1922 there Wl't<· U44; in 19?3 there were only 2.774. a lthough cnme had vastly incrc:hr d. and the expense of running th e :-; tates Attorney's offce had almo·t doubled. "In 1923, only 1034 criminals were pun i,h cd in H1e Criminal Court, notwith standilig the fact that 1080 plead ! ring the past three years, less half the criminals charged with itlonie, have been indicted. "I.e" than half of those indicted han· hcen brought to trial. " l.l"' than half of those tried have het> n punished. One in Ten Puni·hecl "Lr,s than one in ten has been puni, hcd. "The whole machinery of justice is cak ing down. "ln ,·icw oi the above facts, the Retter Gon:rnment Association, has induced 1\r. Hope Thompson to ben nw a 11 Independent candidate for t.JI<" \ rrorn cy of Cook County. " Ht· /Ja, !Je,·rr held public office, is a "t>lit ician, and has no political tL 'ont inued ease which they carry to all parts of th~ <;ounty. Such places manufacture cdtm!nals, and ~end them out to lives ?f vtce and . cnme. They are infin!tely more dangerous to the communIty than all the thieves in the state "The state's attorney has full po · , as chief law officer of the count;,et~ cl<?se up .these breeding places of cn~e. The grand jury witt indict the , ~~1lty parties if the state's attorney. wtll present the evidence. One word from him, and the sheriff would close up all such vice resorts within three d~ys, and keep them closed. It he d1d not, the state's attorney could have him indicted for malfeasance i ffice. n 350 GUESTS A 'IT.1"1;11; rrn fOR BISHOP Fft I~ JU&LLr.l ° ~vea. Place· Reapon·ibilit,. "The responsibility for these vice resorts rests squarely on the state's attorney and no one else. If such places run, it is because he does not want them closed. The law makes it his duty and give~ him the power to prevent and pun1sh such flagrant violation of law. Closing such places by means of injunction and abatemetU helps some ;-it causes the vice lords the annoyance of moving across the street. The quick and sure way to stop these vice and crime factories is to send the vice lords to the penitentiary. This is the last thing the present state's attorney wants to do." -Three hundred .and fifty guests were served at a rousmg farewe!l banquet tendered the Rt. Rev .. Francts. Clement Kelley, newly appom.ted B1shop of 9klahoma .Fnday evenmg of last week m t~e. <frrmgton ~otel, Evanston. T~e festivities w~re 111 char~e of Outlmette Counctl of the Kmghts of Columb1;1s and were attended by r_nany p~omment churchmen of th~ Chtcago diOcese of the Roman Cathohc church: The banquet was not only the largest ever sponsored by the local Knights of Columbus unit, but one of the most impressive affairs ever witnessed at the Orrington. Prominent among the speakers were Rev. Dr. Thomas Shannon, formerly pastor of St. Francis Xavier church, of which Bishop Kelley had been pastor for the past seven years; Rev. John Seidenberg of Loyola university and a former assistant in the Wilmette Parish; Rev. Dr. Hugh P. Smythe, pastor of St . Mary's church, Evanston, and an intimate acquaintance of Bishop Kelley, and Rev. Dr. 1 Borady of Berwyn, and newly appointed pastor of St. Francis Xavier church, who witl preach his inaugural sermon in Wilmette on Sunday, Octthe at length of the new field of service he was about to entCf'. In the presence of a cardinal, two bishops. a large gathering of priests and a throng that packed St. Joseph's cathedral, the Rt. Rev. Francis Clement Kelley, was enthroned on Thursday of this week as the second Catholic bishop of Oklahoma. Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago installed Bishop Kelley. A.S. Van SELLER OF GOOD FOOD CENTRAL AVE·. AND 12TH ST. EXTRA SPECIAL PRICE SALE October 17th tO 25th Buy now and Save Money. The production of canned Fruita and Veaetablea wu badly hurt thia year by weather conditiona. The jobber's price on many items ia now Zl to 25o/o more than the price of our present atock. · Thia ia not juat a cleag.e to aell but a reality. .PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES No. 2 can. Extra standard. The present wholesale price on this item is now $1.50 Dozen, $1.60. Can .................... . MONSOON . TOMATOES. Large No. 3 can. Very fancy quality. Doz. $2.75. Can }4c Fifth Dodd Lecture At obB~s~~P Kelley responded to Woman's Club October 23 many felicitations and spoke 23c. "The Voter's part in the Federal Goverl)ment" will be the subject of the fifth citizenship lecture to be given at the Wilmette Woman's club by Mrs. Walter F. Dodd, Thuriday morning, October 23. All women of the village are invited and urged to take advantage of this opportunity to become better acquainted with the operation of their national government. The sixth and final class session of the series conducted by Mrs. Dodd will be in the nature of a demonstration Hold Muonic Servicea in marking the ballot. Every woman For Joseph I. Lannina in the vitlage not absolutely sure Joseph I. Lanning, 46 years old, who about the correct procedure in marking a ballot is urged to be present at passed away early this week, was given a Masonic funeral under the that time. Mrs. Dodd's lecture series is given auspices of Covenant lodge, No. 526. under auspices of the civics and legis- A. F. &. A. M., Tuesday, October 12. Mr. Lanning is survived by his andJ JIJOih. lation committee of the Wilmette widow, Irene Lanning, and two chil"l le ha s just the qualities needed Woman's club. dren, Daniel and Julia Grace, of 411 in a State's Attorney. It was announced at the lecture this "\\'e earnestly solicit your aid in Thursday that the women of the 14th Laurel avenue. The Lannings haYe lived in Wil<' it'rting him to that office. voting precinct had issued a challenge Retter Government Association to the women in other precincts in the mette for 10 years. Before his death, Mr. Lanning was engaged in the ofvillage to get out a 100 percent o i Chicago and Cook County. fice equipment business in Chicago.' Thomas E. D. Bradley, women's vote on November 4. He was past master of t11e Covenant President.'" 1~ r. Thompson has been conducting Mrs. Morton L. Paterson and her lodge, No. 526. a v1gorou. campaign in every section son, James, now of Evanston, accomoi the county. So fearless, in fact, panied by her daughter and son-inJoseph H. Horn of 1044 Forest aveha \ ' t' been his disclosures of ineffici- law, Mr. and Mrs. William W. White. nue, is slowly recovering at the Chiand dereliction in th~ states at- are lea-ving to day to motor to Cham- cago' hospital from a very serious oper~-n"' ""'s office. as to provoke indig- paign for the game which dedicates ation. nt denunciation from the present in- the new stadium of the University of WE ARE FOR A 100% VOTE. urnbent, who ha& raised the custom- Illinois. Mr. Paterson will join them W'ILMETTE OPTIMIST Cl. UB. ary politician's cry of libel and slan- Saturday. -Adv. ~ler. uttering_ threats of damage suits tor the ob,·tous purpose of "closing up" any who would dare to attack hi~ administration. Make F earle.. Attack The Yirile character of Mr. Thompcampaign attack is hinted in the of (ilent'oe, Jlllnola ' ng hrid extract from an adanaeuneea a , , lw iort' a mass meeting in La ra n .~,. on October 14. ca11ed by the FREE LEcnJRE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE \\ 'o mcu·, \ 'oters league of that communitv: by "Tht 'O· called major crimes, such as A. HERVEY-BATHURST, C.S.B. murder. _rape and robbery, shock the rommumty and aroJ!§e public sentiOf London, England mt·nt: hut there are some minor Member of the Boa.rd of Lectureship of The Mothet· Church, The rr imt" which are really more dangerFlnt Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, 1\laua.ehusetts. ou, to society. In a recent public statement. the Juvenile Protective Ia Ma·o1il~ Hall. Coraer of Veraon aad Huel Aveauea. <aeaeoe as> ociation says that the vice lords SUNDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER lt, ltz4 han· established themselves in Cook t'O tmty. outside of Chicago, under apAt 3:30 o'clock pa rent protection, and are carrying on The Public Is Cordlall~· lnYited to Attend an orgy of vice and gambling. Here arc lured girls and young men by the hundreds. The\· are debased in mor.th and infected with loathsome dis- SUNBEAM FANCY SWEET CORN A great bargain in first quality corn. The jobber's price on this item today is $2.15. Doz. $2.15. Can ...................... . FLAMBEAU PEAS. Wisconsin Early variety. Doz. $2.1S. Can ............. . STRINGLESS BEANS Imported Italian. The very finest quality of tender, stringless beans. Doz. $3.00. Can 25C 18c 18c 29C 39C 24c DIVERNON APRICOTS Large No. 2~ can. Fancy, tender fruit. Heavy syrup. Doz. $3.10. Can . . . . . . . . ')· Sc C. PLYMOUTH ROCK YELLOW CLING PEACHES Large No. 2,0 can. Splendid quality. Doz. $3.45. Can ..................... . MONS()()~ HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE I Large No. feet sikes. 20 can. Hea,·y syrup. PerDoz. $4.50. Can . . . . . . . . . . . . PLYMOUTH ROCK RED PITTED CHERRIES No. 2 can. For pies. Doz. $2.85. Can ...................... . OCEAN CLIFF JAPANESE CRAB MEAT No. 0 can. Can ...................... . Lb. . ............ . SUGAR. Cane granulated. Not beet granulated. First Church of Christ, Scientist SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 28c Lb ........................ ·........... . 30c LAMB PATTIES Lb ................................... . 30c FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER STEAK l,b ................................... . Lb .................................... . BONELESS BRISKET CORNED BEEF Sic 42c 22e ---C-~· SHORT RIBS OF BEEF Lb ................................... . COFFEE. My own blend. There seems to be 'no end to the raise in price of coffee. I have just been advised of another raise on this coffee. Lb. . ...... ·....· ......... . IOc 45C ANTONINI OLIVE OIL You know that it is the finest. This price is made on the stock I have on hand only. The price is going way up. % gal. . . . . $} · 49 Phone -~IIL. ZGOO 721 Main St. VI LJV\ETTE ILL. A~~!c~~~~d.Fa~~~ .~~~~~~~i~.l ... _~?~~ .~~~~. 30c FI~ .. ~~~.· .. ~>·.r~.i~~·...~~~~~. ~. ~~~~~~~ ... 37C RI1~~.E~~E~. ~~:s~~~- ~·e·e·d·e~.. ~~ . ~~e.~-. . 14c INC. REPUBLIC JAM. Pure fruit and sugar only. Any kind. Doz. $3.50. Jar . . . . . . SUNBEAM JELLY. Pure. AB kinds. 10 oz. tumbler. Doz. $3.50. Ea. Rlf~~~:~~ .~~~~~~~~ .~~~~~......... 35c s~~~~~~t~~Eia~h ~~~~~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28c s~~~~~tt~~v~~~~. ~~~~~~. . . . . . . . . . . 38c . 30C 30C MOTORS SEME Everyth1n-~ CRYSTAL WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP 100 bars in box, $4.95. 10 bars . . . . . . . . . . . For The Aufomnhde 1\. 6.Van D2usen J.C. SLown · 50C KI~:s .~~~ ~~~.~ .~~~.~~~ ~~~. . . . . . . . 1Oc IV~!~~~~ SI.25 CHIPSO 25c 2 sAi!~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~ .~~~.~ .... Sl.IO bar. 10 bars ............ Procter & Gamble's Soap Chips. lb. pkg.

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