Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Oct 1924, p. 20

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20 WIL:\IE'l'TE LJ Punting for distance. drop kicking. fo rward passing for distance, forward The \\'il me tt c Bapti!>t c.:hurch ,;ow :>assing for accur:~cy and r~nning ?O hao four young people's socictie~. Th e yards in complete football umform wtll ,·oung peop le's activ;tie~ ;n th~ par- he among the events of a football meet to b~ hl'ld at the Joseph Sears school · fp fJ R ish han· been de\"cloped throu~h the Frida\' D afternoon, November 7. This is llpoae 0 arts 0 ames . past 10 years. until. \\-ith the opening 1 Mann Collection ' of th e work this fall . thcr'· are found the first rr.eet of its kind to be held on For Your ·Drag Store Need· th e north shore. ;,, the church, four di stin ct youn g Robert Townley. d irector of physical 'H'O!>le\ org:111izations all operating 1111der the Yo ung People's department: education at the Joseph Sears school, :\orth ~ohore folk' who dote on gar- The grouo composed of those of col- has planned tt) have three distinct classes rknin!{ aud tn:a:.ure the tiue blooms le~{' ave is now known a s the Charter take part. The classes have been oi the doorrard. arc apJlriscd of an B. Y. P. l'., and is th e one from which grouped according to weight and inunus ual oppcr<un\y to become availed ~ h e others ha,·e been deve loped or clude the lightweights, 80 pounds and "i somerhin.,:' r:.r·c- in the realm of are being fostered now. This societv under; middleweights. 80-90 pounds; pt·CJ nies. has a membership of about 20 and is h ~a vyweights, over 90 pounds. These come from the ~a rd ens of under the lead ers hip of Kermit B. Ribbons will be awarded for first, secthe late Congre,sman James R. ~{ann , Beasley. ond and third place in each event and ii nationally known flori culturi st. who The High School B. Y. P. U. is the boy having the largest number of I ·las ted one oi the finest peony col- made up of young men and women points in each cla ss will be given a lt·ctions in th e L"nited States. ot high sc hool age and is sponsored bronze football charm. Congress man ;\[alllt passed away lJI· two memb ers of the Charter B. Y. Ia,, Fehruan· and hi s co lkc tion . con- P. t: .. who ha,·e -had years of experI aini ng pricele~~ varietie~. ha ~ heen ience in the co nduct of young peoremoved from his gardens in E. 73rd ple's work. This group ha s been re-tn·et, Chicago, to Crystal Lake, cently or~aniz ed with about 20 mem"here they arc placed in the care of ber,. a nd ha elected Hugh Campbell John Van ~tee n , a flower hohbyist, as its first president. These two sowho worked with Congressman :\fann, cieties mee t si multaneously at ~ :30 and wiiJ henceiorth devote hi~ t!lltire o'clock on Sunday afternoon s and at time to the cultivation and care of <tated inten·a ls during the week for t ~1e treasured possession. The collec- business and social activities. t iou will be maintained intact, in sofar, The Intermediate and Junior B. Y. a, the plant "arieties.. are concerned, P . U's. are now functioninll' for their hut division s from the various va- s ixth successive year and have been ritt ies are now being made available to feeding their trained memhershio into gardeners interested in peony culture. th~ societies of more advanced age. Congressman Mc.nn's collection rep- Mts s Mabelle Rennacker is the dir<:sents almost a lifetime of painstak- rector of the ~roup of junior age and ing study and un ce a >i ng effort to Miss Helene Phelps. the director of These two bring it to the point of approximate the intermediate group. perfection. He took pride in main- societies meet at 3 :30 o'clock for their dev~Hional service on Sunda.y, and taining a card index and loose- leaf :.ystem of records on e~·ery plant in dunne- the week to engage in their ;.orne 1,400 different varieties of other activities. It is not an unusual peonies. He became thoroughly fa- thing to have on a given Sunday he miliar with every variety that came tween 60 and 70 young people on Sununder his ousen·ation and developed day afternoon receivin~ expression at many priceless varieties. training in the Christian life at the Because of l}is wide acquaintance- Baptist church. ~ hip, among floriculturists in this <:ountry, as welt as among foreign diplomats at \\'a shington , he was giv- Kenilworth Griddera Trim en. many of the very rarest peonies in Wilmette EleYen by 38-0 ~xtstence. Among these were gifts The Kenilworth mtddleweight footfrom Japane se. French and English Religion rules mankind. ball team scored th«>ir first victory of notaules. Mr. Van Steen is a well known the year by downing a team from peony expert and regards it as a lov- Wilmette 38 to 0 at the Joseph Sears It is the backbone of our laws. ing- obligation to retain intact all the school grounds Monday afternoon. Both teams showed fine sportsmanv_arieties. of the recent prized posses~ ·on of Ius departed friend and associ- ship and displayed a brand of football play in¥ t!·at is far .advanced for boys. ate. . It is the cornerstone of our faith in one ~Ir s. T. M. Bro9ks, who resides at The Kentlworth team is looking forward to more games with teams of another, without which there could be no Chrr:ry and Walnut streets, WinnetIn the line-uo ka. ts the north shore representative their own weight. business, no social stability. !or the sales department of the peony against Wilmette, the Kenilworth team included "Butch" Keith William tarm, Springer. William Sc:hm~s Ja Hicks. Jark Howe, Alfred Osgood But too many folks today take this as a Fleur de Lis, Newest Dou~las Smith, Marshall, Dorranc~ Nvp;~rd. Carleton Schroeder, Bentl<'v matter of course, just as they do the air. the Art Shop, ()pens Doors McCloud. Geore-e Saxton. Frank The Fleur-<k- Li s. a uniqur noveltv Phelps. Ben Richards. George Scott, sunlight, \Vater, grains, fruit and all the other :111d favor shop. was opened thi s week and " Mac" Mcintosh . 111 the Lindeu -C rest buildinK. Fifth things tl!at sustain mind and body. ~ lrtet and Linden a\'enue, by two Mr. and Mrs. R. W . Jordon of 1012 north shore girl~. ~!arion Kawin and Greenwood avenue will move into the Jane Hamburger. Linden-Crest the end of the week. 'rhey fail to gi,·e the church of God credit The shop ha s a ,·ariety of artistic. w·~ ... R E FOR A IOO'f,. VO'l'E. u.s~ful and durable gifts on display . \\'IL1U~TTE OPTUII ST ('J.U B . for making our community, this country. the l.1 1ldren's b~ok s. candlestick>-. lamps - Adv. w1th beautiful shad es, petit - point world. a safe place in which to lh·e. to Io,·e, hooklet ~. doll s and marionette s, laces. hand-decorated calendars and bric-a- FAMED PEONIES PLACED ON SALE BAPTIST YOUNG 'PEOPLE ORGANIZE FOUR GROUPS Kenilworth School Will Have Firat Football Meet CET NE W SCHOOL PIANO Tht! Kenilworth board of education has authorized the purchase of a Meissner piano for use in the primary grades OPEN NEW D E NTAL OFF&r... · and the kindergarten of the Sears Dr. W . W . Hawkins and ~ "'-Q school This piano is much smaller th~n tri~e H .a wkins, dentists. have rs. Bta. the average instrument and can easrly offict:s m th~ Ro~khold buildi?n~ ~oved from room to room. It can ~· mg a surte wrtn Dr. D. W. \a~ I Col{ -- Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones Wilmette 400-401 Wilmette and Central A Yea. Are YOU Giving the Church its Just Due? nrac 1'0t ~Ill' t81JH: lUlU ,},., ., 0 .. r . ,.. , - Itt· seeu. Mi ss Hamburger, a' former ~t udent a.t the Academy of Fine Arts . FALL AND WINTER SUITS to work. ·s prepanng some pecial sketches to he displayed. Miss Kawin a former 1\orthwestem uni\·ersity student. lends hc:r talents to arranging of ~ hop de lark :\! i,s Kawin and . :Mi ss Hamburger dt.·c rdcd upon openmg this establishment rather than continue to devote their time to art work. "Our fathers are not backing us in thi s venture,': they emphasized, "we are doing thh., our'e lves." COATS AND DRESSES are now on display. Come in and see the latest vogues for the coming seasons. Remembe,-YOU Need the Church ; the Church Needa YOU Unique Style Shop 1126 CENTRAL AVE. . Ph. Wil. Z4ll IS YOUR BATH-ROOM WELL EQUIPPED? What'a miuing in your bath-room? Did you buy that to\\'el-holder that you needed so much? We'd he glad to show you ho,~· g·ood-looking. durable. and thoroughlv santtary our bathroom fixtures are. · \\"e can fit out your sen·ice-room · with e\·erything you nled. \\'e only ask you to gi\'e us a trial. DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: Wi'mette F.n,lish Lutheran' Oaurch 703 Greenleaf Ave . St. John'1 LutheriD Cu.rcla Wilmette and Park A "es. Rrv. William Guise Rrv. Herman W. Meyer The Fant Methodist Charda Lake and Wilmette Aves. The Wabaette Baptist C.urcla Forest and Wilmette Aves Rev. Gilbert Stansell Rev. Francis C. Stiller · John Millen "lilt'· Hardware, Millen Ha· It" ..._. vr~~.ette 3010-3061 1219-21 Wl.ette An. St. A.,astiae,I E.,iscopal (]aareJa ll40 Wilmette Ave. Ret·. Hubert Carleton Fnt Colllftlalioaal C.urcla Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Stephen A . Lloyd The Fnt Presl.,teriu O.arch Ninth and Greenleaf Rev. George P. Magill

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