Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Oct 1924, p. 19

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1924 19 tk' October, )ursua11t AMATEUR DRAMA NO MERE HOBBY ;he 451.11 386.31 62.53 280.91 69.62 330.01 308.00 865.08 34.35 ~78.80 00.00 ~00.00 44.80 5.07 .60 p8.eo Jl0.33 at the items report t78.80 ier. lie. the United Lutheran church to be VISITINC PASTOR ast Rev. M. F. Troxel of Den~er, Colo., held next week at the Edgewater Brotherhood what it is today, to at _..;..;;;.Beach hotel. Chk 1go. least consider their efforts and join will preach at the Wilm ette English in the continuation of their ideas of Lutheran church Sunday morning. bonded fraternity." October 19, at the 11 o'clock services. On Thursday evening, October 30 He is a d eleg at .: to the ~c.:n·cnti on of the .\ . T . Sherman lodp-f' No. 892, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Hold Two Suapec:b In ce!ebr.:tte th e 25th ~nniversary of Barrett Home Burglary Genuine F ucination, De- ~ill. 1ts mst1tUt1on. Ther e w11l be an open Two colored men, apprehended by . clare· this Player mt:etinp-, with the Wilmette Rebekah lodge No. 610, participating. All Odd Chicago police while in the act of Fellows, Ancient Odd Fellows Re- carting a truckload of household bekahs, their friends. and any' who goods, are held at detective head"(all it a hobby, i£ you like, but to may be interested, are invited to at- quarters in connection with the ranme lure of amateur t~eat~icals, is tend. An unusually fine program is sacking on Monday evening of the · st a~ strong as the fascmahon any- being arranged, and prominent state Paul Barrett home at 801 Greenwood avenue. The burglary occurred while ~~e f1nds in a particular hobby," says officers are expected to be present. the Barretts were visiting in Cincin'll iss Jlet ty Schwartz, who is t.o have "To our friends, we wish to illusan tmport- trcHe the principles of Odd Fellowship nati. ant role in on a limited scale, prescribed by Acting Chief of Police Brautigam the North human abilities and the pecuniary re- ,was summoned to the Barrett home Shore Play- sources we have, each of which is a Tuesday morning when neighbors disers forth - mutual improvement and mutual aid covered that the doors of the resicoming pro- association. Brautigam was And further to extend dence were open . duction, our opt"rations and increase our att- greeted by the scene of a thoroughly \\' il~tm's Bread is known to 'The Wren.' \· ant~t ges and usefulness together," ransacked household. all th e north shore for its "We have a writ~s a member of the local organArticles including silverware, fine fre~hnes s and gO<>dness. good ex- ization. draperies and expensive wearing ap· People who buy here know ample of "There are many men of this vit- parel, were found in the confiscated this in the 'age." he continues, "whose fathers truck and it is believed the loot inthey receive nothing but radio hobby were Odd Fellows years ago, and who cluded Barrett household effects. The fresh ly made and tasty -something would be proud to have their sons family was expected home today. hread. Not only our bread, that keeps ioin the order and receive the benefits 1 h t pan after pan of our the devotee derived therefrom. We owe it to " ·onde rful biscuits and up night after night, at all hours. to get a station that some more fortunate cookies, they're just what (Oflieial Pahlieation) irirud, with probably a higher priced yon and your guests will radio set, has been bragging about Charter No. 11821 enjoy. getting. Reeen-e Diatrict No. 7 "To me there is a greater fascina Report of Coacliti- of tho tion in rehearsals than there is in prohahly any hobby ever had. It is a con.;t ructive hobby, if you please. 1 know that when I am rehearsing AT ior -.ome performance, I am really doing- >omething instructive; I am doing something that is not only giving mv-.df a certain amount of pride and in the State of Illinois, at the close of plea,urc, but I know that if I am business on October 10, 1924. 1ettcr - p~rfec t in my part and in my acting-. I am going to share this deRESOURCES li~ht ('qua l\y with others. "It ;, trne that rehearsing means Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances Carl C. Renneckar a lot oi hard work, but whoever beof other banks, and foreign Opposite St. Joseph's · Church ranH: proticient in their hobbies withor drafts bills of exchange r· ul "·'IH' rHiing a good deal of effort? Plaoae sold with indorsement of Folk, 11 ho have not the same interest~ SJI this bank (except those at ht';lrt cannot appreciate the seemshown in b and c) ..·..... $293,202.30 in~ t Hor t of spending night after night n·hearsing the same lines, learnTotal loans ...·.......... $293,202.30 ing to place particular stress on a 152.91 ce rtain ges ture or pose. However, it Overdrafts, unsecured . . . . . . i, n:al ly an effort if you are thorough- All other United States Government securities ( includly imb ued with the spirit of the thing. ing premium, if any) . . . . 161,350.00 I frel, and others like me feel that Other bonds, stocks, securithis effort is productive of good reties, etc.................. 374,599.94 ~ults. "] ust as earnestly as we put our Banking House . . . 2,778.87 he~t efforts into rehearsals, just so Furniture and fix· tures .... .. .... . . 10,589.10 13,367.97 surely will our reward be in the end. The fact that N. S. P . productions Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank . . . . . . . . · . . . 45,615.92 have gone over big, that the audience ~s been keyed up to the highesf Cash in vault and amount due from National banks .. ... 144,485.15 . tch of interest, is ample com pen sat ron for every effort we have put Checks on other banks in the forth." same city or town as reporting bank (other than Miss Schwartz, whose home is at Item 12) .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. 3,476.11 187 Ridge avenue, Winnetka, is perhaps best known among local play- Miscellaneous cash items . . . This car is now driven by a great 548.89 jl;oers for her exceltent work in "The Other assets, if any · . . . . . . . 7,751.90 Romantic Age" with the Campus · many people who never before owned, Players at Northwestern university Total ...................$1,044,551.00 and never intended to own a closed last season. She is a student at ~orthwestern university. LIABILITIES ODD FELLOWS ARRANGE Sn.VER JUBILEE MEET th~m. who helped to make lri _____ Tasty Fresh Bread Fnt National 8auk at Wilmette YOUR PERSCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED THE RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY DDD6E BROTHERS TYPE--B SEDAN car. Chicago Bank Employes Capital stock paid in ........ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund . . . . . . . · . . . . . 10,000.00 Play Northwestern Links Undivided profits .. $ 29,063.72 E mployes of the Citizens State a Reserved for interest and taxes Bank of Chicago held their annual accrued . . . . . . . . . 3,826.65 golf tournament at the Northwestern ~otf links Monday. After the rounds b Reserved for de3,115.00 preciation .. .. .. of golf were played, the winners of which received prizes. a dinner was c Less current expenses, interest, se rved under the direction of Mrs. and taxes paid . . 7,811.15 28,194.22 Churchiii. The club professional Certified checks outsupe rvised the golf matches. outstanding . . . . . . . . ..... .. 1,817.20 Charles F. Speed and Harry M. Total of items 21, Bachman, who directed the building 22, 23, 24, and 25 1,817.20 of the club house and course, are having the grounds constantly im- Individual deposits subject to check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503,035.52 proved so that north shore golfers ~ay enjoy a good game of golf on the Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other ltnks. than for money borrowed) 4,948.71 Preparations are also being made t? have the club house in full opera- State, county or other municipal deposits secured by tton when the course is opened next pledge of assets of this ~pring. The first floor will be of rein40,000.00 bank or surety bond forced concrete. The center part of 66.00 the club house will be two stories Dividends unpaid . . . . . . . . . . Total of demand with large wings on the sides, deposits (other a roof garden on each wing. than bank deposits) subject to Wilmette Secures Early Reserve, Itoms 'l:l, 28, 29, 30, Northbound Train Stop 26, and 31 ........ $ 548,050.23 A morning train that will accomo- Certificates of deposit (other date Wilmette patrons bound for busithan money borrowed) . . . 900.00 nes~; activity in Milwaukee and inter- Other time deposits . . . . . . . . 403,147.78 mediate Wisconsin cities, has been Postal savings deposits 563.88 added to the schedule of the Chicago Total of time deand North Western railroad. posits subject to The Milwaukee train will leave Reserve, Items Chica~o at 7 A. M. arriving in \Vil 32, 33, 34, and mette at 7 :28 A. M., Waukegan at 35 ............. $404,611.66 8:05. A. M., Kenosha at 8:28 A. M ., Liabilities other than those Racme at 8:43 A. M., and 'Milwaukee above stated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,877.78 at 9:25 A. M The train will also accommodate early morning arrivals in Wilmette stores and shops, since it will make stop.s at Clybourne and Ravenswood stations. h"This additional train is placed on t e ~chedule to accommodate a greatly !ncreased north business," said St.atlon Agent Orner this week. "It ~tU get the passengers to Milwaukee 111 plenty of time for morniniJ business transactions t,ttere. It will be , however, to secure suffi. Patronage to warrant retention thts stop for Wilmette." Total .. ........... ...... $1,044,551.09 State of Illinois, ) ss. County of Cook. ) · I, F. A. Andrew, Cashier of the above· named bank do solemnly swear that the above s~tement is tr ·e to the best of my knowledge and beliet . F. A. ANDREW, Cash1er. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of October 1924. ERNEST C. CAZEL, It is driven daily over roads that heretofore were considered too rough and too heavy for anythmg except the sturdiest open cars. As a matter of fact, the Type-B Sedan is as sturdy as an open car, and was built by Dodge Brothers for the same identical kind of service. C. M. McDONALD Dodge BTOI. Motor VeAicla 1019 Davis Street Tel. University 224 EVANSTON · Notary P·blic. CoRRtCT-A TTIST: DIRECTORS RoBIRT STODDARD J. AaTuca H. HoWARD M. APPII.

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