Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Oct 1924, p. 15

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WILMETTE LI FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 1924 ~Y. October JO, at l·l) [he ~ivies and Phi~ Drnrn1ttee of the w·n· s club is holding ~~ ~rs. Jam es Porter I rn1nute report of th Is of the Woman's 1 t a.gue for Peace , a~d m \Vashin gton. of the aftemoon Will '-ddam . who ,e subject toward a Constructive ing Thursday ~ Winnetka 0r4 --- AND THERE ·ON STAGE AND By Thespian STAGE "THE POTTERS" (;n·at Norlhcm Theatre The !'otters are in town. Of cou.rse rher h.t 1e been ~ere for. som~ t1me in m·l'. ,paper prmt. F1rst m the Trihune· and more. rec~ntly a part of tht H··rald Exammer s Sunday fea10 11· we have them on the stage th·· Grea t Northern after manv ~ 1rn--rt!l months in New York. It i~ok - ,, if they would be fully as ·lll'L'· .. iu l here. . . . Th·· ··· i-. nothmg deep or mtncate 1 alc<n:' · r~ Potters. They are people 1,, 11 .... " " ' and I know. And many i:nlt- irl'Y arc just y~m and me. J . r :\1 hoy. who wntes the Pottt!r hi·_,,,, . knows folk s. He takes a perfn·t!l · >r mal grou~J and pictures. th~m in ria i · l' ICryday hfe. The famrly mc'ud<- · J>a" who tries hard but seems 1 ,',.,~, eel get ahead, "Ma" who does l;l.r lc<'-1 l·ut wishes she had some of tlw tl·in~ s her neighbor possesses. "Bill." "lro picks on hi s sis ter and , a ll the wise sayi ngs, and ;l'" who is craZ.\' about mediums nd i- in loYe with "Red' ' the football ~ureau to Annual Meeting t u~:"t;; 1 '? meeting of thr Chicago Bureau of Occupations d Saturday, October 18 West Adam Str~ m the morning. g. committee report the at10ns: ident, Miss Helen Nor. rs .. Grace D. Howell; ~attons committe, Mrs. ~ k. Long Island, resi. There are many spectacular scenes including a fight between armored knights. It looks as if several thou- , sand people were required for this · one scene. There are many thrills and spills and much realistic action. Costumes, settings and direction deserve much praise. A small fortune must have been spent on these things. Miss Davies is said to wear some seventeen costumes during the action, one of which, heavily laden with gems, i's reported to have cost the management over two thousand dollars. In the cast are a number of well known people including Lynn Harding, Holbrook Blinn and Ralph Graves. One of the best bits is han dled nicely by johnny Dooley. "Yolanda" is a smooth running, interesting picture and one of the best of the historical films . Miss Davies seems to be better than in some of her other attempts and taken altogt·ther the picture warrant s a . visit. if you like the costume stones of olden times. 1 1 '----------------.1 1. turned out to watch me bal l on the shores e bay shore had bee.·· to Lake Maggiore, lantern~. old harges, scenes 111 Bebe Dan. ure for Paramount " which comes t~ ry week, starting ent p.m. He· di1 Hies his comedy into twelve ·rnt·-. through which run s a thread ... \'!" That thread is rea!ly a f.ew d:11, oi rYeryday Potter hfe. ) ou lat;uh ancl cry with in, ~i s oil H'nture-. \ O U hope wrth 1fa Ill her amhition- ." and you live at least one Jm.: affair oye r again as you watch tht· 1.o1· artcl l!irl. :Mr. McEvoy has c\r:unaiizrd real people and there is no pac\cl inl.!. or paint to cloud the issue. Ilona lei ~~ e~k as "Pa" is perhaps the ",, .· n;.rnr;rl artor seen in this vicinitl j,y a Jon!.[ time. One looks in vain ,, ;.. -nn>v l·xag-geration or current -:ac<< ". k in his work. He alone is \ll'; 1111rt h a visit. There are others ,, I·" ln·lp make this a most pleasant < '"te·r·.ti nmc nt . Eleanor Gordon makes r' urlr .,j her part as "Ma" while Mary l" erroll i· a beautiful and delightful "\l.tm il·.' ' Edwin Walter does a nice hit ni acting as Mr. Rankin and D11uda~ Hunter is "Red" in every ,1 ca:·ta:n. ,"Pa:: II II. Noted Teachera Hall of Temple ~tte, Sunday, Speakers: the Past aud es Mason Remey; Conference on Religions Within ~ mpire" (held in Mountford Mills art W. French ; Spiritual Teachn Times," Jenabe ··Thl' Potters" should be seen bec;,n-t· it i> different, because it's true tn liil· a ncl because Donald Meek and hi., helper' make it a real pleasant eJ\tf' rtainmcnt. Cart Theatre The program calls this a "vivid play of the primitive" and includes the fol lnw ing statement: Neighboring Theaters '· Tn writing this play, no conscious tll .. rt has been made to create or eliminate sensationalism. It is an attempt to portray the struggle for EVANSTON development in a country which "The Signal Tower," which will he steadily 1ll'fil's the encroaching civil- at the New Evanston theater for three in! ·n rr. It is the reaction of an ever day s beginning Monday. October 20, ~h.,tillL.: 'u n which breeds inevitable has a series of scenes of a fast mo\·rnt-a rot which penetrates not only ing train which bring scintillatin~t the 'cgetation and inanimate objects. thrills. . hut the minds and hearts of the white Long before he began screemng men who attempt to conquer it." "The Signal Tower," Director ClarThe sta tement is probabl)' correct. ence L. Brown made a thorough study "\\!rite Cargo" is a story of thin~rs of the mechanic s of railroad operhappl·ning to white men on the Af- ation. When actual work was begun, rr ca n west coast . The fir st act deals he took the company into the forest " tt h m~ntal reactions, showing the region of north~rn California, along hn·a \..clown and how it arrives. It the line of a ra1lroad that cover.ed a \ i1 idly pictures the irritability. loss particularly crooked and mountamous of ·l· lf control, lonesomeness and the stretch of right-of-way. "Dvnamite Smith" will bring Charles otlwr things that occur. Th l' seco nd act di sc us ses the sex Ray · to the New Evan.ston Thursday. ~ul·it·ct as it applies to the white Fridav and Saturday 111 the story of n·;11 r and the half-breed negro wanton. a young- newspa p~r reporter who TIH· third act shows what happens kne\\' life as it ex1sted between the 11hen the white man marries the cover~ of books until his first assignnt·'-!ro woman. ment dragged him into the maelstrom Tl ll'rr is considerable action in the of life. He learned of hatred and sn:on <l act which calls for much ap- ,·engeance, o~ fear and courage, of plau,e. nut the play as a whole de- love and pass10n. . In this picture Charles Ray comes prl'" l'd me. It is filled with much t oarse swearing and the dialogue back to the American screen after a teeming the relationship between long absence. The movie patrons who the nel!ro \\ Oman and the white man is hardly elevating, if sensational. To you it may appear differently a ~ it ha> to the many thousands who Yicwed it in New York. I merely !li' c you my own personal reactio~ for what they may be worth and th1s Mon., Tue·., and Wed. in the face of some quite complimentan· thin(ls said <)Dout the play by VIRGINIA VALLI Chicago critics. · · · That the play i well written, has ROCKLIFFE FELLOWES con~idcrahle power and enlists the services of several ~a~ble actor! is not incorrect. l"r·deric"k Roland. for in ~tance, is re pon~it,le · for a!t' fine a ch aracter portrayal as one will see in many a day. He is by all odds the hit of the cast. "White Cargo· will hold your intere st and yotr may like it. To me Thur., Fri., and Sat. ts one of the thin(ls I could easily get al ong without seeing. "WHITE CARGO" "STORl' WITHOUT A NAME" McVickers Thratrr The much-heralded Paramount picture "The Story Without a Name," mad'e from Arthur Stringer's ra<lio adYcnture-romance, recently featured as a Prize-Title story in Photoplay ~I agazinr, was at Me Vickers Theatre HOYBURN last week. Erne!:.t Lubitsch 's production of Agnes Ayres and Ant.onio Moreno ·'Three Women." which comes to the are featured in the pnnctpal roles. Hoyburn theater for three days . com~[oreno has the role of a young mencing ~lon<iay. October 20, IS the sc ientist and inventor who has been story of one man and three women, ~:xpcrimenting in se~ret for the U .. S. made unique by a mother-daughter government. The prcture opens w1th combination in the trio. May Mcthe first test of his invention, and Avov. in the role of the charming with it the "death ray" makes its daughter. is more alluring- than ever. wotion picture debut. Pauline Frederick does excellent work Here's a feature that has had pages in her portrayal of a mother defeate.d of publicity in the papers of the n~ in love by hl·r own daughter. Mane tion of late brought to the screen 111 Prevost as tlw third rival for the love as timely a production as we'ye seen of the une man, is charmingly con in many a day. And the novelty of Yincing. Lew Cody is the much the picture does not end here by any !'ought after man. 1lary Carr, Pierre means. The radio, too. plays a p~o Gendron and \Villard Loui s arc also minent part in the production, wh1ch in the cast. i.s a fa st- moving melodrama-a de Rin-Tin-Tin . the wonder dog of the luxe thriller in other ..vords. screen. is loved by thousa nds of pe<?"The Storv Without a Name" was ple the world Ol'l'r by rea so n of. hr~ adapted to the sc reen by ,Victor Irvin. work in "Where the North BeglllS, It includes in the support1ng cast such and more recently in "Find Your well known names as Tyrone Power, 1!an," which will he the f<'ature film Dagmar Godowsky, M~urice Costello. at the Hoyhurn theater for three days Loui s Wolheim. lvan Lmow and Jack starting Thursday . Bohn : Irvin Willat directed. At location at Klamath Falls, OreHere's some thing out of. the usual p-on. where the extcrior_s fo~ t~}~ prorun of pictures and somethmg out of duction were made, Rm -Trn- I m enthe ordinary in that the patrons at gaged in an encounter with ~n age~lcVickers are bein~ giYen an op- old enemv. lt was a porcupme-not portunity to su~gest t1tles and a name at all carried away by the fact that for the productron. 1 Photop!ay Maga- the dog was a highsalaried motion zine is giving away $5,000 m cas~ as picture sta r. After ·the battle. the prizes for the best names and t1tles. memhcrs of the company, including This picture with Miltoa Silla, Eaicl 1une Marlowe, who plays' the leadmg feminine role, used pliers to pluck Bennett and a large su~j)Ortin.r cast. Coming to tlae HoWGrd the quills that the porcupine shower- is a tale of romance and piratical ed into Rin-Tin-Tin. adventure on the high seas in the days when gentlemen buccaneers scoured HOWARD the Spanish main in se~rch of booty Jackie Coogan, David Belasco a'nd and love. Willard Mack,-three names to conJUre with when sp,eaking o~ things theatrical. Each one of th1s noted Radi.o Corporation's famous triumvirate had a hand in shaping 2 tube set Jackie's recent Metro-Goldwyn picture. Mr. Mack created the storr "Little complete with Tubes, BatRobinson Crusoe" for Jackte, which teries and Head Phones will be seen at the Howard theater Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, October 19, 20 and Zl. After Mr. Mack saw the production he decided to write Clear tone Crystal Set with another piece for Jackie. Pair Head Phones In New York David Belasco was $5.00 waiting for Mr. Mack to start reAnything hearsals of "The Dove., but when Mr. Mack wrote Mr. Bela co that he wanted to complete another story for recommend s as being good, Jackie, Mr. Belasco was willing to iaaOOtl delay the rehearsal of the sta~e play. 1516 Sherman Avenue Regarded, by virtue of its .o riginEvanston, Illinois ality and magnitude, as even a better entertainment than the author's "ScarPhone University 1500 Open evenings until 10 o'clock. amouche," Rafael Sabatani's "The Sea Hawk" as picturized by Frank Lloyd, Everything guaranteed to be right or money refunded have enjoyed Ray's characterizati<;>ns comes to the Howard for four days of the happy , wholesome Amerc1an commencing Wednesday. hoy, will enjoy "Dynamite Smith". RADIOLA III $30.00 WILUAMS NEWELL & RETCH IN HOWARD ADElPHI Every Day-I:U to 11:11 Contlnuou N. W. ,.L" Statio· at How..,. Sunday, Monday, Tueaday October lt-Z0-21 M1.ttnee· Saturday·, Sundays, Holiday· 7174 North Clarll St. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday October lt-ZO-Zl RUDOLPH VALENTINO JACKIE COOGAN in "Monsieur Beaucaire" W edneaday and Tburaday October Z2-Z3 'Little Robinson Crusoe' Wed., Thur., Fri,. Sat. October Z2-Z3-Z4-ZS BEVERLY BAYNE JOHN ROCHE MILTON SILLS ENID BENNETT WALLACE BEERY and "The Tenth Woman" Fr"day and Saturday October Z4-ZS "In Hollywood" with 3,000 other playen iD POTASH and "THE SEA HAWK" PERLMU'ITER The North Shore's Molt R.preeentative Tbeaten Expert Designers Of Spec. t acles And Eyeglasses We have received a large stock of rebuilt machines. All standard makes. $37.50 and up A number of used Corona and Remington Portables$20.00 to $30.00 All machines purchased from us are guaranteed. Corona, Remington and Underwood Agents. l ~-= HA TTSTROM & SANDERS Scientific & Manufacturin1 Optician· 70Z Church Street Phone Univeraity 1848 EVANSTON Oppo·ite Orrinrton Hotti Open Tbun. &: Sat. E··· till 8 P. M. ~UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIUIIIIIJIIIII\IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIUII!lllllllllllllllllllll 01andJtat'·s 1 c.f'Ounluira- S9uA,.O· . '· S:.VANSTON New .Ev·anston Wha.t·Yer Mon., Tuea., and Wed. tu CircuJJUtaracu MARIE PREVOST LEW CODY and 'The MAY McAVOY "3 WOMEN" Ernat Lubit.cb Production - Tbur., Fri., and Sat. . Signal Tower" CHARLES RAY RIN-TIN-TIN The Wonder Do1 "Dynamite Smith" COMEDY WEEKLY "FIND YOUR MAN" LLOYD HAMILTON "KILLING TIME"

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