Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Oct 1924, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1924 j ily painte~ b~ ~n artist whose : worth~, sttll Jt ts now possible~ 11 IJOrtr<nt-photograph.s made by 0 ha,t praphcrs of standmg who puf~ thc1r work mu~h.of the human hlllto and charactertsti':S of the sitt:r irJQ photograph of thts exceptional A enlarged perhaps, and tastefully ~d. may well be a most ornamtal!l. teature of the wall decorations ~tal room. In general, however th a il.r photographs are better' pie a~ the more intimate rooms of th:chd Ill -the bedrooms of those to who 0 are ~e<_tr. or the study, rather th t ~y the h\'lng room or hall where an tn ceive our guests. ' we rr. So. on So and So street." Such is corne to the conclusion that some of : usu':'IIY will be· space enough for. a the gist of numberless classified these tiber reed furnishings can he cha1se lounge and one or two cha1rs "ant ads run in the newspaper< of p;;cd in nt>;orly e\'t>ry room in the an.d a table. Don't forget that. fernlarre cities. proving tll.lt thou~and, o. I ousc, ::;nd tl1,· l'XJ.a' ns l' d:>c . n't 1110 .111~ 1cr.cs and plant stand~ _belong 10 the people want to he hy thun,ehcs 111 ut) to a gn~at sum aiter all. , sun room, as they do m. every room an apartment. hut don 't want the Charminr, fer Livintr Room . ~ ou han·, w you may p .a.n these of troub~e or c~p ense of ft:rn'<hin~ oneIn t~e l!vm){ ~o~m. practically fit er reed also. that 1s, unttl the \lay ch.ck holcb a , I'Crythlt · ~ c· n h· ol hner n ·ed . Then~ The cot;nfort of your b~~rooms can · much lar~er figure. It i~ ~aid hypo · ca n he a I ~:f.\' comfortalde davenport . . he matcrtally a~ded to. tl you place Easy to Acbteve Once the pie who make a pract:ce of furni,hin;::-1-~.u one cr t~1·o ~~mcha_ir~. one or two , a fi~er .rc~d chatr lounge or an e_xtra F. t St t · M d and llah to rent that they neHT haH .11 · 111" 11 · occa~ ona1 rhatr~ and even a I ;·rn· chatr Ill each of them. Sometimes Ira ar II a e hit of troniJic in rcnLng- thtlll for h: Iii 'n '! roo .ll t;~bll' and a desk. Th::' that desk which you ha\e so long deSystem is Employed Rat" arc !tnatcht·d up as sncn as th ·.r 1 tihcr rc ~ d nnt he stilined in a rich wa - · ~ired to haH in the privacy of your are ach·crtiscd. It is man·~ inl orn ' ho · ar·y fin'~h 1f one \\'Jnts it to he so. ow11 room may he had if again you den.«ture .to \\'<tnt a ho_ mc. hut he so:1e- '".d t!:e seat c·t-hioth. can he _of some- ~ ide on tiber reed. And if your chiltm:es ts pretty ttmtd about startmg dung not :oo e·llortnl. \\'tth these lr n are lucky cno1,1gh to have a playto acquire the worlclly goods, which go p ieces a rlel i·dH :'ul color scheme can :·com or nursery all their own. it can 'tno n1akin!! a home. and so takes a he worked out \\'hen the draperies. : e made extrernPiv attractive with lonl.f time before commencing his. in- rugs and wall co,·ering, arr chosrn. checriul pieces of ·fiber reed. quiry as to what inexpensive furnish~for<' power to tht· sun room when Continue in Uncongenial inl.!~ can ht· hac!. Wht' tl he does begin the li\'ing room ;~ done in iairly dar.k FRAMED PHOTOS 5 d· his shopping for the cherished home, tones. The tiht r reed pieces for the Portraits-if they are good portraits urroun 1ngs he and his tiancee, or his hride, or s un room can bt· a riot oi bright color, -a re as desirable today as they have wife of sen·ral years' standing. should the fiher itself ~tain~d and painted in ever been. They are beautiful as take a second look at the attractiYe any color you .,.,·ish . and the cushions works of art. and excellent as part By ESTHER HUSE fiber reed iurniture which has prob- made of a jolly cretonur or a striped of the furnishing of the horne . ·· FO I< H E~T: Furn isht·d kit l'l1cn - al,ly hcrn ~hown them. And if he material. Care shou ld be taken not Although few of us can afford to t ·ttt· 3Jl34'1111t'lll. Call at Xo. So and dor ~ a littlr fignring he can always to overcrowd the sun room. but there have portraits of members of our fam- EVERYONE WANTS TO OWN AHOME I ! I I k' rr'n4, I I f hlt MANY AFRAID OF COST \~hat would happen if the roclcin cha1r suddenly should be taken £ C th,. homes in America) rom \\'hat would happen it were ( . e\'er remove_d and unattainahle? or One Amencan writer boldly assert that we would hecome a nation { boarders-not an American ho 0 would be left. tilt .WHAT WOULD HAPPEN? if min with to 2, hour aids of fi war imp rlura Sl,\n I\ li ic ure in t n moi T1 sure tifu' mai feat of 1 his thai alit wilt and ura be pen occ be cor: its as

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