October 16, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 3 SAVE TWO BOYS FROM LAKE; THIRD DROWNS I ffEAR BISHOP SUNDAY Bishop Edwin H. Hu~hea to Address Wilmette Sunday Evening Club Gathering, October 18. , Bishop Edwin H. Hughe s, of the Methodist Episcopal church, Chicago area, who is a resident of \Vilmette, will be the speaker at the \Vilmette Sunday Evening club at t'tc Congrc{{ational church, October IR. The subiect of Bishop Hughes' talk · has not been announced. :Miss Glad\·s Swarthout of the Chicago Civic Opera comi>any will be the soloist. Bishop Hughes is one · of the best known preachers in the C nited States . He has been a leader in educational work for many years having been, prior to his elevation to the bishopric. president of Depauw unin·rsity at Greencastle, Ind., and a member of the Indiana state board of e.ducation. Hehas also been a trustee of the Carnegie Foundation and for a time was acting president of Boston university. Besides being one of the best known platform speakers in the country. Bishop Hughes has gained an em·iable reputation as an author. Some _of his best works are "Teaching Citizen ship." "The Bible and Life." "A BO\·'s Religion," and "Thanksgiving Ser;non:-;." · Bishop Hughes is certain to have a \·aluablc message for patrons of the Sunday Evening club, says \\'. Frank ?\fcClure, president of the club, and the community may regard itself as <>ingularly fortunate in securing him for this Sunday's program, since he is almo!'t ronstanth· in demand as a speaker and ~pends. hn1ch of his time in travel. Bishop and 1I"rs. HttghC's re side at 0-H Sheridan road. · Likes His Bouquet SUMMON PAREm TO INSPECT NEW TRIER Fathers and Mothers of Freshmen and Soohomore Students to Attend Classes October 23 Motorcycle Policeman George Schaefer Leads Heroic Rescue Crew in Sunday Tragedy Braving heavy waves and high winds in a frail and leaky ~ailboat and usi..Ut~ boards for paddles, ~Iotorcycle Policeman George Schaefer of \Vilmettc led three ·. other men tn a daring rescue o f . ·~·-Pil' ... ;y,· two boys clinging ., ~ I to an overturned · . ... 1 canoe in the lake 1 off K c n i I w o r t h earlv Sunda \" evening. A thi;d hoy, who attempted to s\\·tm to shore heGeorge Schaefer fore the rescuers arrived at the scene. was drowned. The others who aided in the rescue were I. A. Bennett, 185 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, wealthy Chicago business man, and \\ illiam ~almis and James ~lindly, of 1105 Lake avenue, \Vilmette. The bovs "·Ito were rescued were Edward Reder. }(, years old, 2335 Larrabee street ·and Jame~ :Minogue, 14 years old, 438 Belden avenue, both of Chicago. Their comrade, who died in the attempt to ""·im to ~hore, was Rirhard Brook~. 15 years old, 6()9 \\"rightwood avenue. Chicag-o. ' U ae Board a aa Oars It \\·as about S :30 o'clock Sunday evening when Bennett. \\·ho was sitting with his family in their house on the lakt.: front, heard erie~ for help from the lake. In the growing dusk the o\·erturncd craft \\ith the boys clinging to it could ju . t be distinguished. Bennett telephoned to the \Vilmette and Kenihvorth police and the first rc~ponse came \\hen ).f otorcycle Policeman Schaefer arri\·ed. He noticed an old sailboat lying on the beach and urged the ot-hers to help launch it. Csing board-., ior oars. Schaefer and his crew rowed out to where the bovs clung to the ranoe. almost ready -to release their holds from cold and exposure. \Vhen they had pulled one into the boat the \Yincl caught the sail, and drove the n.·:-;cuers some distance from the stricken craft, which sremed about read\· to ~ink. Finallv thev managed to. tear the ~ail from the mast and then paddle hack just in time to rlrag the remaining hoy .aboard before his strength gave out. Aided by Houaeholder The ho,·s were taken to the Bennett lwme \\·h.ere they were given first aid treatment. H. C. Hinzpeter, ~12 Sheridan road, provided complrte outfits of clothes for the boy . and they were taken to the \\'ilmette police station where their parenb called for them later in the evening. They told the police that they had entered a boathouse by . forcing the door with . a heavy chisel, looking for shotgu·n s, when the canoe was discovered. Thev decided to take the craft and padd-le south to Chicago. but when they had gone a little way Brooks, who was the only one \Vho knew how to handle the craft, · or how to swim, attempted to ~tand up and walk from one end to the other, thus tipping it over. The Evanston coa~t guard station searched for Brooks' body for several days but it has not yet been found. The lad was said to have sunk when about 75 feet from the shore. 1 , ' Men's Class to Hold Special Bible Study \\.illiam Taylor, owner of the booten· at 605 ~fa in street, recently opened to. the public, · received a distinct though not unpleasant shock last Saturda \" morning when some 15 fellow men1bers of the \\.ilmette Rotary club invaded the new establishment escorting a huge basket bouquet of chrysanthclnums, autumn foliage and good luck smiles. Bill. as he is affectionate]\· de~ignated hy the . Rotarians, lost l~i-., tongue to the j)r0verbial cat, but rvgaincd speech \Vcdncsday noon at the H.otarv luncheon long enough to tell how n{uch he liked the flowers and appn·ciated the fin(' spirit the gift betokenecl. Beginning ~unday morning, <}ctoher 18. at 10 o clock. at the \\ dmette Parish 1f rthodist .church. Prof. \\". D. Schermerhorn \\·111 pre~ent a ne\\· course of 10 studies to hi~ ~fen\.. eta""· The general theme of the studies is "The Teaching of J estt-..." and the specific subjects are: "] e,sus the Teachrr": "Th(' K inL;dom of Heaven": "The l<kal 'iti;ren oi the Kingdom"; "The Life \vit h CodSonship-Fellowship": "The Liie with ~fen-Brotherhood Tu:-tice": "Forgiveness and Lo,·e·": "Divcwt~ e": "Povertv and \Vealth": "Dc,·otion to the Kingdom": "Thing!' to C'onw ." Every man in the communit~· i-. invited to enjoy these -.,tudic-.. and participate in the discu~:-;ion:-.. it i-.. announced. A bea~1tiful pro ... pect th ha-.. been prepared by Dr. Schermerhorn and a copy will be given to each man in the group. Mutual Helpfulness Is Congregati01tal Subject fior Sennon ~I utual Ilclpfuln(!SS will be the t h<:lllt.: of Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd's ..,n1uon at the First Congregational churrh Supday morning, October 18. "Facing the needs of the world toria, .. it i:-; increa singly evident that no il-H.Ii\·idual can meet them. There must J,e co-operation-the coming together <li individuals. not to sink their indiYidualit\· but to add it to others that, \\·or king harmoniou:-ly, there may hy a functioning whole," reads a comnwnt on the !"Crmon. "This i . true in the industrial \\·orld, hence the labor organizations; in the publicity \\·oriel. hence the Associated Press reports, and it must also be true in a world of moral and religious encka\·or of which the church, whatever it . . brand and name. is the center. ··simeon Stvlitc::. lived for 30 years ~~top a pillar- 12 feet high and only iour feet square at the top. Some ~tunt \Ye will admit; but it does not appear that he helped his fellow-men much ))\· his ·uperior po -ition. Frobablv he. did not know the tr.uth of a -..ay.ing that we regard as axiomatic that ·xo man liveth unto himself.' If hl' had known that relation hips recll..!llized bring not only obligations but :d-..o blessings he might have been re111 ·mhered for ~omething "·orth while." A meeting of the New Trier High school Parent-Teacher . association, scheduled for October 16, has been postnoned to October 23. due to a conflict in dates. The meeting of October 23 is for oarents of freshmen and sophomore students. They · will be invited to ~t tend the class se. sion s that day, whtch are scheduled to hegin at 2 o'clock and continue to 8:30, and to be followed hy a general meeting in the Assemhly hall. In a letter relating to the Octoher 23 meeting, directed .to the parents by Superintendent Frederick E. Clerk \\'rites in part: Need Parents' Help ;,The program for this ye~r's w~rk at New Trier' High school w11l he Illcomplete without your p:esence at this school, October 23 dunng most of the school session. The parents of Freshmen and Sophomores are urged to visit the school during the entire sesiosn or as much of it as possibl~, especially the late afternoon and evening classes. "\Ve particularly \vant the p~rents of our younger students to viSit !he classes where students are ~t udymg or reciting and to eat supper with .them at our cafeteria. vYe have put m an extra supply of out~ regular student lunch assortment. ) ou can get anything from a sandwich to a complete meal. Your son or daughter will supply you with a pr?gram car~ and members of the ]un1or class wtll escort vou to the cla. srooms. "Tl~is is an important occasion for vou and for the school. Unless you ha\·e been in a large high school sometime during the past 10 years you arc going to receive a surprise. "Don't L.t it to be pre ent, O~tober 23 . \Y c need you and your chtld needs both of us." ---------------- Lay Temple Cornerstone Here Saturday, Oct. 31 Saturday, ctober 31. h~s been set as the date for the laymg of t~e corner stone in the \\ ilmct~e ~fa~ontc temple now under constructiOn .at 10~0 Central avenue. The cercmomes wtll take place during the afternoon of that day. \Vhile definite arrangements for. tl~e event have not been cm_nplet~d, 1t _IS known that the ceremomes wtll _be m charge of the Grand lodge ot . the state. In addition to the v~no':ls branches of the :M asonic fratermty m the village, it is ex_pected. that the cornerstone laying ntes w1ll be attended by representatives of n_1~ny lodges in neighboring ~ommu111~1es, as \\'ell as by committees trom. va~10u Wilmette civic and social orgamzatwns. Engineers, Architects to. Attend Dinner Tomorrow Various engineers, contractors. and architects will as emble at the Ouil mette Country club Saturday en:- ning, October 17, at a dinner arrangt·d h~· Trustees \V. \V. Deberard, Clarence E. Drayer and Paul E. Hoffman of the Village board. The meeting is under the auspices of the Civic committee of the club. Th~ tru.stees will give_ :-.h:lrt talks on engmeermg. p~oblems 111 the village and the affatr 1s expected to provide an Opportunity for the YariOtl:' professional men of the village to hC'come. better acqua!nted. Any .architect. contrac~or, or: engme~r who IS a newcomer m Wtlmette IS reque ted to send his address to Trustee Dra~·er. 1034 Wilmette avenue, or , to call him bv hone and make reservations for the ·. p dmner. HOLD REALTY DINNER The North Shore Real Estate board will hold its regular . monthlv dinner . t th L k Sh.or 'fer an d mee t mg a e a e ~ race, Chestnut avenue and Sheridan road, Monday evening, October 19. Foresee Popular Season for Community Dances The Tuesday Community dance s \\'ere formally resumed Tuesd~y ev~ ning of this \veek a! tl:e \\oman ~ club \vith an enthustasttc group ot villagers on hand to start the season off in good stvle. These dances arc held every Tuesday evening . and are open to all residents of the v1llage. Officers of the Community Dance organization for the current _.:.ea:-on are: George E. · \\'est. cha11:-man: \;\J"alter Gore ~fitchell, vicr-prc:-.1dent: George ~1. Hubbard, ~ecretary . and treasurer. The Executive c_::m1m1ttee is comprised of R. T. Hoskmg. Earl D. Lyon, ]. \V. Robinson. A. B. Sweet and the three officers. ~ I s· f Rob Opera Inger 0 _ Valuable Gowns, Je,vels \fj.,..., Te"sie I. Christian, . . r· GYM CLASS MEETS The women'~ gymnasium class 4\.t the Howard school will hold :ts meeting on Wednesday evening, October 21, next week, instead of Tuesday evening. The meeting was postponed because of the joint Parent- Teacher as. , ociation meeting to be held at t!·e · Byron Stolp school Tuesday evening. ·· n .' n ttt.:, \\ Ilm?tte. opera so~r~no, ost Qown:-; \~ alued at more _than $_,uoo when 1" u -..til tease . . were stolen fr?m her motor car \\"111ch \\· a~ parked m front oi the .-\uditor.i um theatre, in Chicago, 1 a:-t week. :\1 i~- Cl:ri ·tian was formerlv "·ith the Chi cago Civic Opera com,:any. She was on her .way from . her home to St. Joseph, ).l1ch. The robd h S tl Cl k llH'ry was .reporte . to t e · ou 1 ar =-trect poltce, 515 Maple 1