I Fri<la \. 16. 1925 WILMETTE LIFE BE ·· .... FAIR To YouR DocToR P.OPUL:\R Ct)PYRIGHT B()()l ' S I 'JC SAVE-witlt SAFETY THIS \VEEI ' 3 f()l{ sz.oo Be fair to your physician. He is limited by natural laws t actions and reacti o ns and is n o t a performer of miracles. When you take your ills to him in their early stages you enable him to do more for you than when you go to him with similar troubles in an advanced stage. Don·r blame him if he can · r quickly head off or control a trouble which you have long known to exist. but which )~ ou have held from him un ri I you k ne\v that medical a tren tion was a necessn y. Y cu alwa ys make it safer for yourself and easier for your physicjan \Vhen you seek his advice as soon as trouble is known to exist. . 3t=~ DRUGSTORE Phones 28--29 p Two re.1spoonf uls of Pu retest E psom S.1lr dis olved in .1 glass of water and L.lken before breakbsr. me.1ns .1l most tmmediate relief . Safe beou'ie ir' s the best. You -..w r bcc.1u se it " onlv h.1lf l cent l do-.c. ~~~~~~~~~~ HEADQUARTERS FOR The Famous Radiola Super-Hetrodyne·2S NO ACID BATTERIES NO OUTSIDE WIRES NO GROUND I'istance, S'"'lectivity and Clarity Maxin1u1n ·Reception at M inin1utn Cost Equipped With The New R. C. A. Power Radiotron ORDER NOW FOR ·FUTURE DELIVERY Every Thing in Music and Radio . WILMETTE MU·SIC SHOP ORlAN .--\.. GALITZ 1179 Wilmette Ave. Open Every Evening Phone 3006