~t~ber 14 16. 1925 18 WILMETTE W .\NTF;D--MJ!Il('ELLA.XEOUS SITUATION WANTf~D-YOL'NG COL. \VIN . ETKA J<.. t;RNITURB STORE ANTIQUE FURNIT'CRE REPAIRI~G man rlPsireH houst>deaning, 1 or 2 huys and s~lls rugH, stoves, autos, and refinishing, upholstet·ing, mattlays a wet-'k. Bt>!'lt n·fs. Phone pianos, anything- uHeful. 1645 A.~h tresses renewed, cahint>t work. Fred Winn. 194~. 14T4TN3-ltc ~tr.-t>t. ~t'W stort>. 1;';00 Willow :{rl. Nitto, 1238 C ntral An·. Phone ""il. 19LT8-tfc 2430. 27L2-tfc HOUHE A:r\l> WINI>O\\" CLEANIXG: floor-waxing-; car1· furnaces. \ViL \\~ANTI·;o TO Bl'Y- LAHGE SIZE ~D P "\IN'I'ING AND DEl'ORATING 3428. 14LT2-tfc doll buggy. Tt'l. Kenil. 816-J. 19L3-1tc l:i-SITUA'I'ION WAN'I'I<!J)-I'.. Kli .\L.! n.>HTTIOX \YTD.-BY t.OOD ALLaround mai(l (whitt-') with family going· to Flori,la: refs. Addt·eHs Mancia ~trih, 4;;!f Long·wood An·., <Ht-neoe. l.iL3-1 tp SIT{.ATJ<)X or WTD. -C'HILD'H ~l"RS8 J!:O\'f'ruf·::-;~: t"apahlt>. B(·s( Xorth Shore n·f·· n·nc·t·s. Call nurst., Univ. 2S66-~l. HiLTX3-ltc \VTD. - HOPRE\VORK ot· <·}(·an i ug hy the:> da~·. Phone rniv. !i020. 15L3-ltp !'l'l't · .\'1'10~ " ...\ -"l'f:U- u .\ ~D ····~ll . \1,1<: ~ITl.ATIUX morn i IlKS .\ a. .: ~ITl.ATIC·X \VTD. - EXI'. ('«·L. ('()l'l'<'<·ok-maid, h(JU~wman and t-Xp . chautft · ur . Ht· fs. 1>n·x··l i04!~. 1 GLTX:{-1 tp 1··: .\XTI(.'l'ES - BEA17TIFl'L J·:xc:LrSH ~ . hivhhO\ . ' tl··sk, dli-'ITY 1\tahoJ.ptny With maplt nd ··hony illt··riot·. ,.,.,.Y rarP, hanl!s .me· a11tl tlifftot·,· nt. ~olid mahog-any <lrop-lf·af, l'f·JH·-lt·g tahl ··, maeh..- tilt-to11 ta\JII·. lwautil l:tl>i"r ' ful fltl\n·r (lt·si~u inlay: gold fr·am·· minor, 2Hx~s: small tal,lo·s. Tt·l..-phonP. <~lf'll('04· 1 U42. 1 i 1..1'~3-l t<' ,. , cement concrete sidewalks ftve (5) ~eet and four ( 4) inches wide shall be construc:-ted and laid on the south side of Clover Road from a point ftve hundred fifty ( 550) feet west of · the west line of Ridge Avenue to the east line of Gref'lev Avenue, except across the central t?:enty-two (22) feet of Melvin Avenue. and except where a walk is laid in front of the east fifty (50) ft ·t>t of King's Fields Subdivisio!l; ~lso on the north side of Clover Road fn>'·l the east lint> of Greeley Avenue :m to .. he west line of Ridge Avenue, exce .t across th~ centr·al twenty-two (22) C -Drive Cars for Rent Pai·uter and Decorator f~l · of :\[elvin Avenue; also on the ~ast T< ·t'Hl~G ('AR~. lti<': HEDA~~. I 'le Estilllate s giv e n upon applieation side of fTreele\· Avenue and on the Jlt'l' milt-. You pay for mileag·t·, ~· as west si(lt- and 'the east side of Melvin 14~2 \Yilmette A\' t'., \\·ilmette and t)il, ~u ad1litio11al hourly vr Avt'llUP across Clover Road, except l'hon e \Vil. 271>-: 29Lii2-13tc g·uat:antt>t> eha.rgt> on wePk-day!'l hetht> c.-utral twenty-two (22) feet twec~n 7 a . m. and 7 p . m . All otht·r thPrt>of. atHl uthPI'Wise improving said times :30(· }lt'l' h11u1· i:-: chargee\ tn sidewalk:-: in tlw Village of Wilmette, addition to mil ... ag-e. ~pt>1·ial t·att>s ('ook ('ounty, r linois, the ordinance for tlw :-:tun ... heing on file in the office for mon· than t4 hours. of tlw Yillagf' Clerk of said Village, Let the a nfl sa icl ';illagt> having applied to tht> Count,· "ourt of Cook County, IH01fAS DECORATING CO. lllinoi~. foi· an a!'lsessment of the cost · t · t · d of said improvement. according to ;-,~;~ Lilll'Oin A\·e., \\.illtlt'tka estuna e your m enor an exbent.-fits. and assessment therefor havl'ho111· \\.inn. lfi~. 241L "l~:{-1t'terior painting. Phones Univ. ing- lleen madt> and returned to said c(iUI'l (Docket Xo. 168), the final hearPaig-e 6-39 $250 6237 and Wit. 2378. 29L49-tfc ing· tht>rPoll will be held on the 26th H.K-\K Fell~ Qlyr<'K ~ALl·: <la,· nf 4)C'tolkr, A. D. 1925, at 10 \ ' EHY hold 4 Jwoplt- . At'l't>Sori-..:-: _ o'clock. A. ~l , or as soon th~reafter will nwdt. ,·on1l. Lill)o.. Elmwoo·l :i:: KEXXELS as tlw llusi llt'Ss of the court Will per1 : uoll l·:,·anstotJ. .\sk for :\lr·. Barh··t· mit. _.\ \ 20LTX:~-tp All pt>t·sous rlt>~iring may file. objecFt ~~~ ~ALE-PEOTGHEJo~[) I OLICE tions ill sa ill Court before sa1d day ,---,-,-t--~-.A-I-.L-·:-.-,_-A_K_._L_A_:--.:-.-)_ _T_(_H_ _ .-}{-T_X_·_c puppit-s, <h·scendants of Xot·es. Rea~y ancl may appt>ar on the hearing and 1 1 4 .. ar. ~:itl. 1:-,; l'rait·it· An·., \\·ilmett... fot· llt-W homt:'S ;Sunday. Bargatn makt- tht-it· <lc:-fense. 2'1I·T".' "-Ill1 pril'I·S. lfWfl :\lichigan Ave .· \\.. il_ u,· ···. ,, Ol'flt'nanct> provides for the col' · ·"v <>?LT"·3 it ~. -----~~~~--nwttt·. Tl:'l .· \Vil. 1 flS4. ,)_ "" - c lt:·ction uf saifl as!'lessment in five an---·- --- l!Ual instailnwnt:- and with annual in::1 FOR ~.\Lf;-lll!'t'I·~I.I~.\Xf~Ol . !' F« IH ~.\LE-PEJ>[(;}{EEH P.OSTO); tt·t't·st thert·on at the rate of six (6) 1 · tPITit>l' pup: al~o wateh <lOJ!:. 132<;.; nt>r t·t>nturn pt>l' annum, as provided by 1~ .,.. '-'AI · 1 ··· - (1'10 I'~RL~'·'·r 'I~ 1 ;-r ' 4 ",, '· ' 1· ' , ... r··"·" .~ ·· 1 \\'ilnwttt- AVt'., T t' 1· \\"1 I · ""0 ·· laW. 1 Tre~-'!", Sht·ulJ!;, En·rgrt>t>lls. H.··:t_ I. 32LT~3-lte Dat..-d. \\.ilmt>ttt>, Illinois, October bc-tr~ain. Ht·t·ausl' nwYin~ out of Yil th A . P. l~2a. 9 lag··. .J uhu c )strow!"k~ ·. Latlll:-:t·ap~· . j CHARLES N. EVANS, ..· LIFE HOUSEHOLD SERVICE ..A.. P. Hills ··.. ---........................... 9 I Ft"t ~ALE - Fl':\IEfl 0.\K, 7 l'IEC"E, din in~ rm . s .. t, $2~.: :! pet·. O\' ···stufft·(l mohair· parlot· s..t, $~.0; 2 Cir4·assian tln· ~st · r~. $1:0 t-a<·h: GO-in<'h \'OUth ho ·<l, $4: l'll:lil'!:', $1.;',0: Pte'. ('all <ilt·n . 4ti~. . 17LTX3-lt<' ··r ~:11 ' t·nt·r . J·:x}wr~t in n·rnodo·ling t1u .,-_ lwds, 14~, Asbut·y, Huilhard \\'oud::-: . To·l. \\·inndka ;-,4fi-.J. \ 11.1 ·.\Ca·; Of' K·~-'IL\\ . Oil 'I'H 'H'I ' It ' l·~ Of' !0' .\l,f~ I o·· ltf~ .\1. t<;~'l' .\'1' ..~. J'uhli<' uotice ts hert·IJy g;J\'t>ll that ordinance was duly passt·d by the I (·al <H!U<It·iulll fish fr.,tn ~lt·xil'o) with l \'illage of Kenilworth, Cook "ounty, \ a tim·J~· plant .. ~!. gocHI :,.:iz··d aquat·i- i Illinois, on the fifth day of Octobet·. FOH. KALE - :\IAH., 1'.\ltTLY l"l'HOLIIIli, :SUI . Tlws4· tl::-:h ar· · 4·a~ily IJt· ... d. \ A. V. 192;";, provhliug· for tht- ~ale of !' t·t<:( ·1 .\ 1, ..\ ~!'ESS:\IEXT ~OTil'f~ :-;tt-n·<l <'hair, $10: mah. li,·in~ nn . tat:n·<tl indoor SJIUI'l r.... wintt'l'. :!Ill real ..:state located. known, dPSCribed I hlt·. $1 (I : rt-t·ll sf't te··. upholstt·rt·fl in Fifth :-\t., \\'iltndtt·. :!1L:~-:~~v 1 aud hounded as follOW!": Stu·t·latl \\·atrrant · .Xo.l57 4·r~·t<·nn ... $1~.: gas sto\'4', *111. :-.to g~·~;innin~ at the mo~t northerly 1 _ __ F i f t h S t . · .·\ pt. .I - 1. T ~>I. W i l. :! tl':! . Fe ·H ~ALE 1: IU:t·:~ CLAPDOARD l'orner of the southeasterly _tw nty- 1 :\'C ·TH ' E: Puhlic notictl is hereby 1 71.:~-l t(' C'hil'kf'n-hous·· about :.x~ ft. aml 6 ft. 1 ti\'1..' (2;";) fet>t ?f L5>t !WO <2) tn _Block I P:i\· 1· 11 ,that the County Court of Cook high: in g·ood C"ondition; n't'Y r ·as. 1 :sixtet>n' <16) 111 Kemlwor:th. be1~1g a <'ount,·. tllitwis, has rendered judg.\XTJ(..!l'E:-\. IIIUII' LI·:.\F · TAIH .. E~. l'hon,· \\.iim .. ttt- i!i:i-~1. 21LTX:{-ltp ; subdivi~ion of parts oL fracttonal mt>nt ·rnr a s}H'<'ial assessment upon ('0\'Prh·'s. !"<IJll}llt-I'S, ( 'UT'I'il'l' & J\·t>~. st'ction:s twent~·-two (22)! twent~·- ru·operty ht>rwfited hy the following imnl<i g·lass, ··art~- .\m t·t·. furniture, olrl Fc, 1{:-\.-\ Ll·> - ~1.\ x·~ H A X ll~U:\1 E t )\':-:t>Vt>ll t27). and twenty-etg·ht (28), JH'OV~"ment: That the roadway of Maple print!; a !"J>+· <'ial t y, :'\0~ \\.a!;hing·ton ··t-eoat. altnost nt ·\\' , ~iZ4· 40, t·t->ason- I a)l in Townsh~p fort~~-two. (42) ~tn·t>t fnHn the wt>st lint> of Sheridan ~t . , Ev:wstun. 1 il.TX:!-Hc ai 1Je: al!-'4) hu 1114 . 1w 1· 11 wth'nt waYitt!.!. 1 :--.:orth, _Ha.nge. th_1rtc·en ( l:H! bast of Road to a line lti:i feet west of the outtit. $:,_ott. \\'i11n. :.!~:.1. ~lLT:\':{-lt(' I the Thu·d P!·mctpal l\1t>ndtan, _run- west litH' of ~ixth ~tre t and the roadFOI~ ~ALE -- I{Cil'XII, Fl'::\11-:P 0.\K, ning· thence m a northf'asterl~· _d1rec- wa,·s of intenH'Cting streets and alleys tiO-in('h diniug tahlo·, )o.. fl. ··Xt4·ll::-:ioll: FoH ~.\ LE 1 ; .\ ~ H..-\!'\1: 1-:. 1 ;<H)[) 1~A 1-tt ion along the north w··sterl): ltnc ~f to 'the outt'r lint> or lines, as the case ti t:hait·s with l··alht · r l-lt·ats: huff,·t g-aiH, ;1;1tl . uu. l:al· .' · bugg-y, ~ood 1-nn- 1 said southt>asterly twt·nty-tivt> (2.l) ma\ ht· ot: lolaid :\laplt> Street, excepttab\4 · : also ~·ompl,·t4· printin~ outnt. dition, $1o . un . :nt '\ \' .. odlawn a\·t> .l ft't't of said Lot hvo (2) extended. to ing· a('l'~)ss the tracks of the 'hicago, a point wher~: said northwest~:rly lu;e Xorth ~hort> & :\lilwattkee Railway and 1'··1. \\'il. t:-.u; . lil:r~:;-t~,· 1 .1111114 , 1 ; 1,. 11. :::c~-J~ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 nf !-;aid :-outheasterly twt>nty-fi\·e (2i.1) t·XCt>J>I a<·t·o~=-- thf' bridge over the FOH ~ALE- 1'.-\HLOI{ 111-:ATI·:H "FAY- Fill{ :-\.\I.E .·\T .\ IL\HC:.\1~: ,J()HXf,...t of said Lot two !2) .. xtended Xorth ~hor~ Channel of the Sanitary ·11·it· ·" t:H ~ ... 4;",:!, l:tl'f..{·· sizt·. :S4·lf- ~ son 11101 ., 1-e, ~'~· ·. ;{;W Ahilutsforcl 1! 4t.. 1 interset'ts the shore 11114' of Lake Distril-t nf ('hieago, be improved by f····d··r, nil'k!t·-platt·d, in 1H·st condiK· · nilwut·th : T 4·I. K.-ttil. :.!:!:i7. il ~1i<'hig· an: the1~ee. alon_g- the shore pa\· iiH~· the lolanw wi,th asphaltic cement tiun . l'hf·n·· \\·tlmHtf' 73~-~1. 2lLT~:$-IlJ' litlf' of La!<t.' :\~tch1ga11 lJl .a s~uth- two (2) iHcht.·s in thickness, and _other1; t.:{-1 t<' _ ··a~tt>l'lY tllrect!On t~ a pomt "\\here wist> improYing the same, all 1n t~e ·1 tlw ~outhf'a.sterlr llne t-x.tt"mled ~f \.illagt> of "·ilm~ttt>. Cook County, Ilh:::: 1 Lot s1x t6) 111 sa1d Bloc~ stxtt·en (lti) nois. a~ will mort> fully appear· from Fl ~H !"A.LE- -- LEA \'IXt: TO\\' X Tl'E~ intt rsects the short> llnt> of Lake the <'··t·tith·d eopy of the judgment on tla~· : <·oueh, furniture, extra. <'hairs, H A\' E $ 1,:-,uo ( 'A~H Tu I X\.1-::-\T I:\' : ~Iiehigan: thence :-ou~hwt>:-:terl~- alon~ tile in m ,. offi<'t-: that' the warrant f<?r paint HI buff4·t. tn i:-:t·ellallt·ous pit·c(·s. said soutlwastt>rly _ltllt· ...-xtt:ndt"d to tlw eollt:cuc.111 qf !'IU('h asses.sment 1s a good 1:-:t nwt·tJ!:ag· · on Xol'th ~htJt"·· Phont- K"nil. :!!-1~~1. 1 iLTX~~-l k honlt-. Tt·lt·phont· \\'illtt. 2:HH. tlw northeasterly lme ot sa1d Block in the hancls of . the undt>rs1gned. ---~-----~--...,....,.. 2 _2_1_ .J""T"":--.:_ ·_ :{ _ - _J_ tt ,.. · , sixteen (16); thene~ i11 a northwest~aid Slh'l'ial assessment is levied to FIIH ~ALE- :\1AH. 4-I'O!"TEI{ DO{·f~. ~I ,·ly dir<'etion along· tlw nurthPastt-t·ly be paW in tt>n a.nnual installments; lwd with tint- box springs and hair J.H!"I' A-'IJ f'Ot ' XD lin.~ of said J?lo<:k sixtt't·n ~ lti) to the tiH' amount of tlw first installment i~ mat trt·~s; in !"}Jlt'llltitl <'OII<lition. $ii0 . -------------------pntnt of he~nnnmg· . . $2 :i64.:i!· a1Hl the amount of each of To>l. 1\'iun..tka 2fiU. 1-;'LTX:~-lte l.u~T - ~::\IALL 1:I.A1'K .-\XI· .\\.HlTI·: 1 That sa_i_cl property is nut ll_etn_g· u.se~ th~ rt>m;tining- in~tallm~nts is $2,069.03. dog 1 f,·m:tl··>. ::-:ll'a~ · ··cl cl .. t. ··: tl<tll1·' 1 hy tht· \ tllag·e ot· tht> puhlH. ' 111 an~ All in:,;tallnH·nts l>ear 1nterest at the I·'CIH ~ALE l·J·J{]<:HT ~1.\11 . 1'1.\X') Tnp~y: l·lln:-:tlal. · li(·t·tt::o:t· on harnt·,.;:-;. 'I mann~··· ot· for any. put·post> whatso- rah' of six (ll) pt'r ct>nt. per annum; and h··lll'h: al:-:o infant's wh·t<> l'hou·· \\'il. 1~41. :!41.:~-ltp t>Yt>r: that sealt>tl htds or proposals the fir!'!t · installment is due and pay· · nan~t·l t,,.,). Tt·l. \\.inn. 1.-.:-,s. will h~ receivE.·d by tlw _l'rt·~~dt'nt and abl 4 · on tht> 2nd day of January, A. D. 1 it.:l-1 tp LO~T- .\LL 1:1. .\( 'K ~A PilLE HOR~E: I:oard of 'l'rustees. of saHl \ 11lage for 1!.l2t), atul thf' second insta~lment one with satldlt-. Ht-ward . Tt·l. Hogt-r:,; tlw pur<'hase of. satd J?l'Operty for cash , .Cc·ar thert>after. and ont" mst~llment 1-'0H ~ALE Til ltt-:1-:-(.H.AHTI-:){ ~fZF. l'ark 4!Hi:L :!4LT3-l~p at or lwfort> etght o clock P. _ M. on annuaH~- tht>reaftt>r until all mstall\'iuliu, sp),.uditl tollt·; buffet: liht·ar~· :\londay, the 9th _day of No_vemb~r. nwn ts art> dut> and payable. tahl1·; :! ··ug-s. T ... t. \\.il. ~O:iH. \ . D. U12:i. Ruch h1<h; must be m wntAll 1wrson:- intt"rested art' hereby 26 GARDENING 1 i LT X;{- l h' ing· and signt.'d by tlw biclder and may notified to call and pay the amount h..- filed with ~It·. James C. :\lUJ-ray, asse~sed at tht> collector's office, in the FUH. ~ALE - (iL.r\~S A~D CHI-X.\ :\IAH. \.illage Presi<~ent. or :\~r. ~·uv~ J. Tay- v'illagt· Hall, \Yilmette, Illinois, within t·a bi n.-t. 1 !"t dass (.'otulition. Phon.-. \or, Village Clerk. ~a1<1 1 res1dent and thiro· clays from the date hereof. ~ Winn. I :~ao. 1 iLT~~-lte r:oat·d of Trustees will thereupon open Dat 1·(1 this t:-1 th d~n· of October, A. D. Tt't·t·:-> rt·lliU\'f'd })\and consider said 1 id~ at tl~t> ~egular 1 !\2:-:. · ( 'ontJ·a('t or tim~· Fe ·H ~.\LE -- \\~AL~l'T (."HIXA CAI1mel'ting to be held at the h .en1lworth ED~lOND H. KERR, :-\llt·uhht·ry. JH·t·t·nnial~. ··t' in..t: \\'t·IH·t· t~pt·iKht !lia no. :\ssemblv Hall in sairl Village at S 1 1 Village Collector. (Hell. :~n. o'doch: 1">. M. on the !lth <ht ,. of NovemL-3-lto 17LTX3-ltc ht·r, A. D. 1925, and said VillaKe hereby Fo!'IHt·t·Jy HI"!':O: ancl Flint rt>st·rvt>s the right to rejeet any or all FOH ~AI.E -- i t·JI<:CE~ \\'JCKt-;l{ Fl.it14 l!t \\'ilntt·tlt> An·. 'l't·l. \\.il. 2;".ti7 hid!"; or proposals. nitun·: \'.-l·y t·.-asonahle. Phont· \\·inn. Pt·t·sioent and Board of Trm;;tces of \fll. 1 iLTN3-lte the Village of Kt'nilworth, Cook HOl'Sf~HOJ,D SER,.ICE Count~·. Illinois. Fl IH ~ALE-- ~tAIL J>lNIX<;-ROO:\I ::; A ~imple wedding for the immediate By J mes C . ~lurray, ~t·t, g·c.wl 1'111111, $411. families and a few intimate friends l'I'E'Sid('n t. 'J't>l. \\.il. ~69-~L 17L3tfc :::================~ took place at the home of Mrs. Howard Attei"t: l'li n~ J. 'l'aylor. ~Kn"·noN ~r·;WING MACHINE CO. F( )}{ SA LJ-: - ( ~c H\liH~ATIOX ]. Sloan. 812 Elmwood avenue. \Ved COOK \'illage CI ... rl,. sto\·t·. Tt-l. \\'il. 1431. Itepa.iring· all makes at your home. 17L3-ltc L-2-Hc nesdaY evening, October 14. when her \\·ork g-u:u·. $1.00 up. Quicl( sercousiti, ~[iss Helen Palmer. was viet·. l-tt>fs. ~in~·t·r drop-head, $25. I"' W .\ !\'I'F;D-H OlT Sf.;HOLD (iOODS , .ILLAGE OF \\'JLJIET'l'E married to Francis ~IcKenna of ChiPortahlf' $30. Free demonstration. Phone Albanv 3724. 3567 Armitage cago, the Rev. George P. ·M agill. offi\\'.\KTEII To Bl Y-SECOND HAND A,., .. , C'hicag·o. ~···~('I.-\I4 ASSESSJU~~·t· ~O'l'ICK ciating. The bride's sister. Mrs. 27LTN2-5tp fu1·niturt· autl otht-r household goods. \ ' llh·Ke- of Wllme-tte--Spe-clat .-\MIIIt-·N- Harol<i \\.a lker of ~filwaukee and H iKhf'l';t }JJ'i('P paid for sanw. Crost Furnitu1· ... :--itore, 1004-G Emt>rson St., ment No. t6S Stewart Keahler of Chicago were the I<:,·an:-;tCJII, Ill. J'hont' 1~~XOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE~ to all onh· attendants. The bridal gown Old floors made like new. lSLTX3-tfe pe1·sons interested that the President ,,·as of \vhite georgette with appliqued Moder·n mt>thod·S. and Board of Trustees of the Village flowers of white panne velvel, and h~r ~orth Rhore Floor Resurfacers K l<'f<;Ll.r-!\'K\\T AND l SED FURNI-1 C. A. J.Jindstrom ot \Vilmette, in the County of Cook, veil was of tulle. The matron of honor tut'P bought and sold. 1644 1\lapl~ 1 and Stat~ of Illinois, having ordered . . . k 'ff Pho1w \\~il nwtte 1723 AYI" .. l·:ntnstou. l'hont- l'nh·. 1fl3. 11 on. 2 i I. T X:~- 1 t <' that a conneC'tE'cl system of T'ortlanrl was attired 111 p111 · c 1 18LTN3-tfe IH :-\ .\ - :-\\\'11}{1 --------------------1 Fe LE 1-T:\ I <Trtc ll'f L~ ~ 21LTX:1-lte I - -- . l't·t·son ap{wintt>d by the President of tlw Hoard of Local Improvelllt:llls of tlw Village of " .. ilmette, ('ook t'ounty, Illinois, to make said a::-:~essment. L2-2tc 'HI -------------------- 1 -------------------- 1 -------------------- 1 I - . 'free 1\inHnino· John 1-Iess Simple Wedding Affair of W edneaday Evening I