Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1925, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE October 16, 1925 RENTS WILMETTE HOME CHURCH NAMES PASTOR FOR ITS YOUNG PEOPLE rRev. W. E. McCormack Appointed Aaaociate Minister at First Congregational Church The Rev. \V. E. :McCormack, son of the Rev. W. R. McCormack of Springfield, Mo., has started his work as associate minister with Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd of the First Congregational church. He will be th'e ·m inister of the Junior congregation and have charge of all young people's activities. A graduate of the Missouri State Teachers' college, and with one year of post graduate work at Boston university, Mr. McCormack plans to complete his unh ·sity ,,·ork at northwest ern. He has been associate pastor of the Grace M. E. church at Springfield, Mo., the First ~1. E. church at Dallas, T 'e xas, and pastor of the Villa Height:-; M. E. church at Joplin. Mo. Has Rich Experience During the past year he \\'as asso ciated with Dr. Henrv 11. Arnold at Eliot Congregational ·church, Boston. where he was director of young peo ple's work, Boy Scout executive. and director of the Junior choirs. Aft<.'r Dr. Arnold's death last spring he became executive head of Eliot church and so endeared himself to the people that they were loath to release him to the \Vilmette church. Dr. Augustine Smith. director of mu sic at Boston uniVt·rsitv, sa\·s of ~1 r. :McCormack: "His \\·ork \\'ith me was excellent. He has a fine personalit\' and is really a most capable f clio,~·. and I know he was a gn·at success at Eliot." Others connl·cted \\'ith the work at Eliot church speak of his service there in the highest terms. During the past ~mmner ~~ r. ~~ cCormack accompanied his fathl'r on a trip to the Holy La'nds, and to Egypt where he visited Kitt'g Tut 's tomh and other interesting places. NEXT WEEK .I N WILMETTE (Recorded at the Chamber of Comn.l crcc office). Monday, October 19 () :30 p. m. Dinner. North Shore Real Estate Board at Lake Shore terrace. 7 :30 p. m. \Vilmcttc Chapter, Or der of Eastern St'ar, \Vilmettc Masonic hall. Advance Officers' night. Stated 1{ecting. Initiation. 8 p. m. Ouilmette Court, No. 848, Catholic Daughters of America, at St . . Joseph's parish. Tuesday, October 20 12:15 p. m. Luncheon, Wilmette Optimist cluh at Lake Shore terrace. 8 p. m. Vi1lage hoard meeting at Village hall. 8 p. m. Tuesdav Communitv Dance at \Voman's club. . . Wednesday, October 21 12:15 p. m. Luncheon \Vilml'ttc Rotary cluh at Ouilmettc Count n · cluh. · Thursday, October 22 7 :30 p. 111. \\'jlmette Lodge 1\o. <)31. A. F. & A. l\1. l\1 a sonic hall. 8 p. 111. A . T. She1~man lodge, .t\o. 892, I. 0. 0. F., Odd Felbw~. hall. Friday, Oc.tober 23 7 :30 p. m. \Vilmettc Chapter. 1{. _ ·\. l\1., ~1asonic hall. List of Newcomers Grows M t · II W k b W I! a n· j o i n e d t I! l' r a 11 k s T. A. Cizek, manager of the Atlantic and Pacific Tea company store on LinOne of the most successful as well den avenue near the terminal, has as the mo~t beautiful parties of the rented a home at 918 Oakwood aveseason was the formal opening oi the nue. He will move ·in shortly. Ouilmctte Countrv club Saturdav evening, October 10.' The ] a pan esc note \\'as prcdomincnt in the decoration of the clubhouse, ancl the ball room was unusual and gorgeous in the produced effect of a J apancse garden. A delici::>us ditl'ner \\'as served, and the music furnished by Cope Harvey was of the best. A large number of reservations atreach· have been made for the Harvest Hou;e dinner on Saturday, October 24. an occasion eagerly anticipated by a nJenJbers and their guests. Country Club Opens with · Japanese Garden Setting Prescriptions by Your Prescriptions Are Always Filled Ill pi tt ' I L 0 a t~ 1'w~t~~~~f llC\~efaJII~~s ~·v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ k daughter, Betty Jcan, returned to ~I adisou. \Vis., \ Vednesday, with Mr. Blodgett. who arrived in \Vi1mette Saturday. Mrs. Blodgett and her hal>y \\'ere visiting U r. and ~~ rs. \\'. r\. Tucker of 1214 Lake aYcnue for the past two \\'ecks. -ol\1 rs. Ralph 1\Ioody of 1235 Ashland aventte is entertaining her luncheon and I> ridge c luh today at her home 01_1 the occasion of the opening meeting ot the season. -o~1 r. and }.J rs. Thoma:-- II. \Vest of 1027 Central avenue entertained as their guests m·er last Saturdav and ~unday, 11 r. and ~I r~. S. }.f. A;nstutz ,>i \~alparaiso. ~t r~ . R. L. Blodgett and her hahy REGISTERED PHARMACIST at the . a F a c s a t RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY C. C. RENNECKAR Opposite St. Joseph School \1 .. q I Ridge and Lake Aves. Phone Wil. 316 Open Rhythmics Classes in the Howard Gymnasium The Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher association will conduct cla~ses in rhythmics, under the direction oi ~~is~ Mabel Katherine Pcar~e (~I iss Ah·s E. Bentley's Motor- : M ental Rhythmics) in the gymnasium of the Howard school. commencing Thursday of this week. under the following group arange111ent: Children of the Kindergarten, first and second grades begin at 3 ~15 o'clock; children of the third. fourth an~ fifth grades begin at 4 o'clock: c!1Jldren of the sixth, seventh and eighth grades begin at 5 o'clock. "The work aims at a balailced growth, bringing into muscular activities a quality of the spirit," it is said. "Through the technique of relaxation. freedom from phvsical and nen·mh inhibitions is obta~ned. This results in the natural use of the hodv as an instrument for an unselfcot~scious expression of each individual." There \yill be 10 lessons 1n the course. Mrs. A. C. Bolton has returned to her hof!le in New York after SJ,Jending a fortmght as the gm·q oi her ister Mrs. ]. P. Sheridan. ~35 Fore~t ave~ nue. -oMr. and Mrs. 0. \Villiam Lo\\'n· oi Evanston (Sara Huguenin) havl· 1noved into the new home they purcha-.ed at 1496 Asbury avenue. Hubbard \\"oods. o i \\ ·i lm e ttl' residents this Wl'l'k and :trl' no\\' oc cupying their new IHHile~. Till' R. B. ~I cCunes han· COilll' fron1 Kan:-.a-. Cit,., BOOKS RENTAL LIBRARY ~fo., to 121() Ashland avenue; · Ceorge Zcutsc he 1 is living on Ridge a H' n lll' ; Art httr Lizga, 102 \ Voodbine a \'l'tlltl': R. ]. Finnegan. 1742 Elm\\'ood aH·nue: Mrs. Certrude H.olmer, Ridge a\'elllte: E. L. George, 503 Centra] avenue: Cora B. \Vatt s. Clover street: Fred \Y. Anhalt, 1625 Spencer av<.·nue: J I. A. Wilmette's Book Store Stark. 109 Fourth stret: A. ] . Elias. 521 Sixth ~trcet; Thomas }.1 cDonald, 1155 \ Yiltnettc Avenu ; phone \\ iltnette 2566 1024 Chestnut an·nul·: r. R. Phillips, 3-l-l \Voodstock avenue; John \\·. Anderson, 1721 Lake a\·cn.uc: E. G. Sil·her, 1118 Lake avenue: F. A. l.in(kn Dranrh: ..Jli.J Fourth Street (with "The Powder Puff") Delano, 1330 Central avenue: \f. E. Baynes, 1738 \\.ilmette an·nue: l'harle..; Killen, 17-l() Highland a\'l·nue; Jo-..eph Dennison's Supplies Gifts and Novelties Daly, 1238 Ashland aYenue: Cl·rtru<le Roemer. 632 Prairie an·ntH': C. L. Anderson, 1135 Greenleaf an·mtt: : R. ~ullicksotl. 908 Green\\'OO<l areJJttl': ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Henry \\'. John:-.tone. 81-i Linden a venue. BALLARD'S ·( OPENS REPAIR SHOP Ross Skelton, resident of \\'ilmettl' for 12 years, has opened an auto111o- ; bile repair business at ·110 Prairie ave- I nue. ~f r. Skelton states that he hao.; I had 18 years' experience in the repair business, having worked at the \Vilmette l\lotor Sales, :Mandel Bros., the Court Garage, Evanston Auto companv and at Cadil1ac and Studehaker sen·ic.e stations. 1 -o1fiss Alice Blakeslee of the Limh.:n Crest apartments, entertained the bridge club of whtch she i. a member last Thursday evening. -<)- Mrs. D. Maxwell of 1414 Forest avenue, has 1frs. George H. ~1 ax well of Sonoma, Cal., visiting her. She expects to be here until October 22. Mrs. Thomas E. Lannen of 1021 Greenleaf avenue, \Yith her t\\·o daughters. ~f ary Catherine and Ruth, spent last week-end at Champaign, III., \\·here they attended the football game. -o11 r. and l\f rs. E. Paul Young, who made their home at 730 Washington avctHte, have moved to Larchmont, I\. Y. -o~1 r. and ~[ rs. Charles R. Erwin, 533 H.o:-.lyn road, Kenilworth, and their daughter, Miss Charlotte, returned last week after sp<'nding the smnme"r in l·:uropc -o'l~hc Crescent circle oi the Congregattona I church served the Fellowship dinner at the church \Vcdnesday evening. ~. ' (. ' ~ ' I ~~~~.._.____~~~~ ·~ . . .· ' ( 'h·aned, repaired and replated, made to .vok just like new. Don't wait until you entertain your g·uests to discover that your silverware ·i s not in a presentable condition. Bring it to us now. You will be surprised to set> all newness retur·ned and just for a very !-;mall fee. · SILVERWARE DOMINIC PAGLIARULO J ewelet f1 Optician 1 166 Wilmene Ave. Wilmette 1 o61 ~ I \I f ...1 ., ~'i I

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