Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1925, p. 39

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October 16, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 39 e tte 3 Dr. and Mrs. Lester E. Mee and their two ~ons of \Vilmette, and Miss Allene ThtehofT of Hubbard .\Voods were' among the out of town gue ts \\·ho attended the recent wedding of 11 iss Helen Francc·s Shults of Catesburg III., and Dr. F. L. 1f cGrath of \Vilmette, son of Dr. and Mrs. \V. \V. 1fcGrath of Savanna.' The ceremony wa~ performe~l at the home of the bride's pa.rent.', ~1 r. and !\1 r.. S. E. Shults of Galesburg, amidst a setting oi ha ~ k<:t~ oi orchid and yellow chry:-.anthemums and butterfly ~cs. Wilmette Physician and Bride Leave on l_m_z_·t_h_t_h_e_B_o_w_le_r._'S_I .... Eastein Motor Trip Last week's howling in the B u siness ~fen's Bowling league witnessed a break in the tie for leadership when the Hess Motor Sen· ice five stepped away from :Mac's Lunch, topping t he league with eight won and one lost. The Mac's dropped their second game of the season, now boasting seven wins to t\\·o dekat s. 0. \\'. Schmidt jumped into thL· high indi,·idual avL"rage lt·ad with a mark of 185-2. Bus s lJ dell's high game of 228 pin . is unshaken from the previous week. In thr Goodwin \Vomen's league the Cood \\"in Beauty a~grega tion t'i enjoying a romp with nine won and no deieats . ft:- indi,·idual players abo rank high in thr averages, with ).frs. :\ nna M a v of the New TriL:r Cbn fectioncrs a~ the only outsider to horn int() thl' fir-.t liH· high ranking ho\dn" . Kay Am h)( r leads this prorL·-.s ion \\"ith 130-:i. ~I ildrecl Carlson ha-. high a\·erage for three games with 149 pins. and high single game with 170. I.t·n Jr; ut· l.u :-~ t P t· t. .\ , .· 1 . \~!! · \(\ ., .i 7" I" 4 .~.:-.. ; 7 !I .· . I-t I :. . 44 I 7~.11 More Than Ordinary Comfort ·' I I ' ... 1 'l'ht: bride "ore a gown of magnolia pink chiffon, fashioned with long steen: ~ and an irregular circular tlounce, and elahoratch· embroidered with sih·cr thread:-. She tarried orchids, Yallev lilic -. . and lnttterfh· ro-.c-. arrang<.:<l ii1 a shO\n·r h:.>uqu~t \\it h ~ilver ribbon. lier only attl.:ndant, Betty Gale Thot.1p-;on, the little tlo\\"l'r girl, "a~ llu s iut·NH .ll t> n 's dressed in a daintr frock of !J)uc \\"un georgette over pink- crepe de chine, . ' l ' t·nJu II· ·SS .:\1 olOl' S~·l'Vit't· . )-, and carried a small houqul't oi ro-.es .:\1 :t <"' s L u n <" h and lilies of the YallcL 1-'lo\·d Koon Autos .. :.i Dr. and ~fr . ).lc(~rath arl' on an ~(·h.ult;r. and ~or<l ... I .:\h-:'\ant· ·~"'s Stor· · ... ·I extended motor trip to ~ L'\\' York \\' i lntl't l·· Stat · and other astern ritiL·~. and upon rl'l~anl.;. ...... ... .... 3 turning, th<.:y \Yill rl'-.idv at thv ( >r - I T. ·rht!ll Hrotlwrs .... 3 Sn id· · r-< "a;r..-1 I >rug·s. 2 rington hotel in E\·an::-.ton. T he 8 - 88 Sedan $ 2350 Freight and tax extra 'il' I t. · Leave on Wedding Trip · l to Northern Wisconsin ) r Saturda\· < ktuhn 10. \\·a-. the wedding d~y oi ~1 j-.,.., Lorainl' Thnmp:,on. 11 cr 111 a rriagc tu 1\oln·rt \·an Kirk took placl' i:1 the l'\"l'lling at the \\'ilmettc Bapti't church, thl' Re\". Francis Stilh:r ofticiating. Folio\\ ing the CL"remony, a rl'cL:ption h<.:ld at th<.: residence of ).fr. and ).! r:-.. Philip 1 lugucnin of SOo Lake avenue. ~ l r s. B. 1I. ~ h l' rm a 11 of EYait:-.ton \\·as 111atron oi honur and Gordon Van Kirk \\·a-; the be...t man. l ·pon returning irom their \\l'dding trip in northern \ \'i:-.consin, ).I r. and ~Irs. Van Kirk. both \\'ilm<.'ttl' rL"-.idents, \viii makl· thl'ir home 111 EYanston. t; .. ,.,., 7·~~· ti .3:{:~ 7 .~r, 7 .,.,., ':,!:-, Th1· fi\·· · higlu·st ranki11g- bowl··rs in t h1· l··ag ue arc 0. \V. Schm i1lt, of thl' ~tat<· Hanl,. tt·:un - H:.i-2; .:'\i<'k ~~ ill· · r . of Hess ~lutors - Hl: Ed \\~est oJ' ll··ss :\ I otors--177 -2; Bn· Fit·l(l, of H t·ss :\lntors- l'jii-4: Hi<-k Johnson, of ~chultz and !'\(·rd-174-3. Ilt·ss !\lotors h ol<l hig-h t . a 111 a,.,. r:t;..:_ , . fur thret· ganws, with 9211 2-~. as wvll as high singlt· gam··. with !I:J7. lligh indi\"idual as ·rage for thn ·e g-anu·s wt·llt to Carl Schwall, with 1:" . J:us:-; l'tll"il has high single ganw, with :!:.!' . ( ~ oodnin ' s Mr. Fine Car Connoisseuryou, of course, have admired the Auburn 8 -Eighty-Eight from a distance - but ---- have · you acquainted yourself with some of the otheL important fe atures of its art ? Only after you have driven the 8-Eighty -Eight will you feel the thrill of its eager power as it takes you from the strolling speed of traffic to the merry gait of the open road. And o~ly then will you know the comforts of this finely appointed car. Come into our showrooms - take out one of these carstest it the way you will- if the car does not sell itself we won,t ask . you to buy. ,,.,h . Tt·nru ' \' onae n'H l.t·ugu t· '\"o n l.ul"t P <· t. .\ ' . 11 Uoodwin's Beauty ............ fl 'l'rit·r Couiec, t1onery .......... ~ The Hanna Slwp .... ti ~~ · ,_v Shop l,tiiiO ti:{7 ~4~ BONDURANT MOTOR SALES 1027 Davis Street :~ 3 . 667 .titi7 -t . 7 l.'nique 1fr. and ~lr-... J o!Jn C. Carpl·ntn. -+22 \Vood . tock avl'llttl·, kit Frida\· for a week's tri·-. to Ithaca, 1\e\\" Yo~·k Cit\· and \ Va::-.hington, D. C . · ' · l -f Mrs. C. C. I.e\·, )1,()] 1-Jnl\\ood ;t ,·rdn·d c·arlson has high intli\'idual an· t·nue, is entertain~ng her card club this a_g~ for three g-ames, with 14!1, and cn.'n i ng. hig·h sing·le game averagt·, with 1711. -o- S h 0 lJ . . . . . . . , . · · · 3 tl . 3 :~ :{ 4 2 II 'rlll.. l"'ecile Sl1op ... 2 7 . ~:!:! 41:! Jle~s ::\[otor St.·rYice. 1 ~ .111 ·103 Tlw fh· · high ranking· bHwh·rs in tht· l· ·ag-ue an·: Kay Am blt-r, of (.;ootlwin':,; I:~.>auty Sh.op-130-5; ::\larie Conr:td. Goodwin's Beauty :-;hotJ- 129-ti; llt · kn Leis, Goodwin's [h·auty Sh~tp 1:.!:-.; ::\Trs . .Anna. l\lay, ~ew 'l'rit~ r Conf, ·c liotH·ry - 1 :!7 -3; HelenP L··is, . t ;ootl- 1 win's Ut·auty Shop-124-7. High t(:am average for thn·t· gamt ·s is held llv Goodwin's l~eaut\· ~hop, with tii'G; ·Goodwin's also lwt"d singk g-anw high avt:rag·.:, with 7:~7: ::\lil- Style Tel. Greenleaf 104 6 Evanston --- I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUBURN 4 HATS- COATS· DRESSES SPECIAL SALE of \\·1 : :\RE :\0 \ \' SHO\YC\G BROCADED CHEN I LLE G OWNST.:\TEST 'RE.-\TIOXS FRO~I PA R IS \Yhen vou want to ee the latest-See US -UNIQUE STYLE SHOP J I::H ( ' t·n1rul .\ ,·('. " ' llmette 2403 SWEATERS at Manufacturers Price \Talues up to $15.00 Now Selling for Millions Lost Annually ::\foths cau se this lus:-.. \ Ye adYise t hat you h ave your \Ve sun1n1er clothing cleaned before putti n g th en1 a w ay. $5.50 and $7.50 ,,·i ll clean and pack then1 for you in th e prope r tnanner so that the\· \\'til be in excellent conditio n nex t yea r. This Sale Ends Saturday Oct. 24th CECILE SHOP 1139 Central Ave. Phone 2580 ' Cl~~~n~~iant in New Trie r 1215 W aahinaton Avenue KBll.USS Wii~:~:;~s CLEANING & DYEING ~ 3400 Gree n leaf 700 Wilmette, lllinoia

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