Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1925, p. 35

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· October 16, 1925 WILMETTE OPENS PIANO STUDIO Miss Edith Ray Young has opened her piano studio in her home, 630 Park avenue, Wilmette. At various intervals Miss Young's pupils hav~ broadcast programs over Chicago radio stations, and this season they will give · programs over the new Baldwin station, WGES. LI F E J5. DISCUSS SCHOOL WORK Ne w Trie r Parent-Teacher Association Announces P'rogram for Present School Year. Parents of N~w '1 rier high school studetits who are members of the Parent-Teacher association will take a more active part in the school affairs this fall than ever before. it was sa id by school authorities. The schedule for future meetings has been announced as follows: November 6- Parent s of all student s in .attendance of their children's classes. going through the entire day's -program on a shortened periQd basis. January 23 - Parent s and teachers of Juniors and Seniors. . April 16- Parent s of all .New Trier student . There i also a plan fo'r a special meeting for mothers, sponsored by the Girl's club, .and one for fathers which the Hi- Y will sponsor. At the meeting on October 16, Seniors and Juniors \\'ill he host s to the · parents of the freshmen and sophomore :~ . Phones Wilmette 2600..01, 721 Main St. Wilmet~e, Ill. M iss ~arie Koepke. 414 \Vashington avenue, entertained 20 girls at a party at h('r home Saturday afternoon, October 3. -o~1 r. and ~[ rs. Edward Zipf, 925 Lake avenue, left last Wednesday on a trip to California. -o- Motors Serviee, lne. .Everything for the Autotnobile \Ye d not think there ts a stock of \YIXTER FROKTS or R ..-\DIATOR COVERS this . ide of Chicago . 1~· You \\'ant protection for your radiator I" ·. ( . ·-... this \\·inter ,: 1'· .f ') ,· ,. I ~ "The idea is to make our meetings as worthwhile as possible. kce(>ing the entertainment feature s down to the minimum and emphasizing the nece ssity of practical and under: tanding ~ Otl.tact s between the home and the sc hool," says Principal Frederick E . Clerk. The officer:- af the association for the current year arc as follows : President, ~Ir. J. K. Farley, Jr .. of Kenilworth; vicc -pn.·-- ident, ~lr :-.. john Olmsted of 1 ftthhard \\'ood s; ~ec rctary , ~[r s. S. II. ~~ oon· · of \ \'ilmette; se nior ~hair man, ~~ r s. G. L. Emrich, of \Villlll't tc: junior chairman, 11rs. W. J. ~1 c:\lkn oi Clenroe: sophomore chairman. ~~ r:-. l·:. A. Anderson oi \Yinnctka . ~~ r:-.. Robert ~toddard of 524 Lake a\·enue i:-. entertaining members of the I'aughtcr of the King of St. Augustinc\ Epi ... copal church at a 1 o'clock luncheon at her home today. -0- ORDER XO\\. and \\·e \Yill haYe it for you are sure to follow if the atmosphere inside is dry, hot and irrita ting. T ha t is why we have more colds in winter than in summer. The Humidiatorwill fill your home wi t h a soft, moist air and beautifyyour radiators as well. You should know about this; we'll be glad to tell you, just use the coupon. · E vanston Oii-0 -Matic Co. Thomas H. Sidley 517 Dempster St. Univ. 9335 111 a day. COLDS J. C. Slo,wn A. B. Van Deusen NUNN.-BUSH .\ PROl>L.CT that, enJOY~ the honorable di~tinction of haYing a goud reputation t}aturally attracts the adrnira- Ilannah. 25(> \\'ood tock avenue. K c n~h,· orth, and ~Ii ss ~[argaret Keith. 310 \\'a rwick road. arc attending ~c hool at th~ Art in stitute this winter. ~li :-.- ~tan· ~:~.!!!!2!.2,!.2.!J ;' ti(lll of di~critninating tnen. The lufty ideal:' of the Xl.:\X- B C~H era ftsmen are fa~hioned into the~e ~upcr-tine ~hocs-:;;hue~ of character. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1 First Church of Christ, Scientist ---------- ~ Ten~ :;~M;~~~Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES-II A. M. Wednesday Testimontal Meeti.ng-8 P. 11. Sunday School Exercises 9:45 .A. M. ~ ~ Subject of the Lesson Sermon : October 18th-"Doctrine of Atonement" READING ROOM· 1163 WILMETTE. AVE. HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6:00 P. M . \Vedne day 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. Satur-:lay 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Bible and Works ot Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be ·r ead, borrowed or purchased. The = ~ The Public is cordially invited to attend the Church Services and visit the Reading Room ~ ..........ltltlllltltlllltltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltiiiiiHIUa' Your clothes washed free if you nng Ui · Electrioal Repairing Radio Sets and Suppliet Eveready " B" Battel1es Music Master Loud Speakers Base Plugs Installed Fi ne Line of Liahtiq Fixtures . ,. VacuumEledrid EA!i ·- WASHER ~ . Taylor's Bootery · We do good Repairing Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings 605 MAIN STREET PHONE 385 Adams Electric Sltop Fourth Street PboDe Wilmette 1040

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