Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1925, p. 31

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October 16, 1925 WI.LMETTE LIFE 31 GOODNEWS for ~rospec~ive Rug r Buyers ;t<AAhian)3ros. Dear Xcighl>or: . COOD ne,,·~ i:-. in store FOR Yon. J u~ t rccen tly 1 ~lade a :-.pccial . \ R 1\. \X( ~E~IEXT \\'ITII the :\tncrican Carpet ~a. () F Ch ~ragu (the large . t . JOgBERS in the c Juntry. L'XI>ER thi·~ I The ~C\\" Trier gr·i~l men bowed to Thornton, Saturday. after a close battle which ended in a 7. ! () score. The fir'it point~-; ,,·ere n'lade in the second quarter by the :\e\\' Trier quarterback. Jcnks, " ·ho intercept'ed a pass intended for a Thornton end, and ran ,·ards ior a touchdown. He pick~d hi:-. openings cle\'erly . a::nd wa s :-.ucce s ~iul in side-stepping the Thornto~.,who made a desperate effort to st~~m . 1\ew Trier failed to kick the goal. · Xcw Tri~r kick~d ofi to Thornton who retun)ed the ball on a punt. 1\e,,· Trier puntt.·d to Thornton and the hall \\·as played up to the thirty_ yard line. At this point Lauer went in for B'u rrows at full and \Veld took Tenk's place a:-. quarter. Lauer failed to re-~ port to the referee and !\.e"· Trier was penalized 15 yards. On the next play a Thornton hack carried the hall around right end to a touchdown. A place kick put the Yisitors ahead where they stayed throughout the game. The :-.econd hal i was marked by long gains and fine stiff-arming by Lauer and scycral con:,istantly neat tackles hy ).fay, ~cw Tticr's right end. Hulbert wa . . put out in the second quarter hy a sprained knee. hut was able to play again in the third period. Paletti ,,·ho had not pla.n.'d in a game ior the last two \H'ek:-, on account of an injury, :-.tarted t lw third quarter in Lauer's 1 place. and made -,e\'eral long gains: j hO\\Tn·r. hL· wa:-- n t allowed to fini:,h I the game and Lauer returned in time to n1ake three successive forward p~bses. The fir:-t \\'a:; it~complete. The :-.t~conc.l wa.., nahbec.l ln· Tenks :for a ten Yard gain. and the tf1ird went to Bro\~· n \\·ho made fiiteen yards on it. Thornton Wins 7-6 Grid Tussfe ·with New Trier Huski,es r,s Radio Receiving Setjs In cotnparin<r variou:-; receiving ~ets you \\·ill find one that seen1:-- tu ~tand out like a cotnet in the sky, but after a flash it':' g-unc. Then again you'll find a set that is nutch like the :-;tars. not flashy but clear night after night. arrangement , Xu great industry-1~0 great bu:iness enterprise, but I ,EOI ,LE of \\.ihnctte may Two Fine Evanston Homes Sold by Krenn and Dato Tht ~ale of t\\·o of the finest homes in E,·anston has ju:-,t heen reported. One i:-. the large brick residence located at 715 Sheridan road, · ~,·hich was formerh· the home of Mrs. Lillian E. Raytiwnd. This property is well knO\\'n as being- one oi the finest homes with riparian right~ in Evanston. The sale price was ~110.000 .. The other property is the home of A. G. Ste\\·art. \\·hich is located at 800 Sheridan road. This home has heen sold to A. A.' Frank for $52.500. The real e:-.tate broker in hoth deals was Arthur E. Baldwin of Krenn and Dato. that has in its time "Comets and The Star or the Comet? Sta~s." \Yhich for you- I J'L'RCI.L\SE chiile 0r plain RL'C~ at a . avi·h g of 25% BY pre. cnting my card. THE STAR OR THE COMET? F.-\D.\ R.\DlU has \\'on leadership by pioneer \Vork; fair dealing: sheer tnerit: engineering skill and a standard of reception. by \\'hich more and tnore all radio reception is being judged. ~tabilitY ha:-; tnarked the fundatnentl principles and practices ~ f eyefy branch of the oro·anization responsible fur the F.\D.\ R.\DIO . . \pproval and recognition by the general pulil ic i :' demon:-; tra -cl in the retnarkahle increase of carh· fall sak:-; o\·cr prcYiuns years . Til ERE you 'viii find the L:\R\,EST a orttnent -of· Rl.\,S in Chicago to choose · FR0:\I. ~ry card ts all that is XECESS.-\RY and "·ill be G I\ ·Ex to you upon request. DOX'T hesitate. XO oblig-ations. SUMMONED BY t>EATH l\f rs. James 1\f. lVI urray. mother of 1\I.rs. Alfred J. Ruby, 237 Greenleaf a Yenue. passed a way Septemb~r 28 at her home in Scranton. Pa., after a brief illness. ).{ r~. ).f urra ,. was i9 . years of age. · ~I RUG CLEANING \\.E ·arc Pioneers M. Portenhauser I , After you have made comparisons . you will want to hitch your wagon to a FADA (star) for wonderful enjoyment of a permanent nature. OF 'Rug Cleaners IX \Vilmette. Painting Decorating Estimates givel! without obligation \ \'TTO Cleans ·yo.lTR R u gs? B'ros. 1145 Greenleaf Ave. Phone 1200 P h one Wi ln1ette 2 764 1030 Greenleaf Ave. Bob's Radio Shop R. F. JEWETT 1141 Greenleaf Ave. hone 3573 WILMETTE

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