Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1925, p. 30

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30 ' W I L M E T T E · L I'F·E October 16, 1925 ( \~ · h t h e p Oets WIt . s._ _ _ _ _ _ _..__..__ _ _ __. (Till' n·idcuiug of artain streets in TVilmrlfl' lza-;·iup b{'('ll daidcd upon, near/_, fnw·-scM'l' trl'rs. uow in autumn foli· age a11d .wml' of tlzl'm amoug the largest llfld fi11est thl' 7·illapr f'ossrssrs. must be cut-dmc11 this ';(·inter.) I II MORATURI S LUTAMUS The tiers rise upward toward the sky, The multitude full-gathered wait , tip - toe, ·· Toward the west,. and shadows fall He would not ha've it so. Where dew had freshed the dawn When echoed early manhood's call But stainless, h~ld his .westward way ,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,. The upward path upon. To meet the setting sun, · He climbed a steep and rugged road, And saw, beyond his mortal day, (A tribute by Edwin Morley Stafford) His feet the first to tread Another day begun; Some paths that, rough, defied his load His life was· like a day that brings, And, tired, down his burden cast But onward still he led. With morning, nooq and night, To rest at evening time, In peaceful, dreamless slumber fa:-t, The shine and, shower, the bird that Kor turned the silent call to heed, sings .. That speaks to mortal man, A day complete, sublime. The dawn and fading light, Born in himself and tempts as need Note: l\lr. Fisher, who passed away The hopeful, dewy, songful time · To bless his living span l'<'C<'ntlv at his hom (' in \Vinnetka, With promises to fill, \Vith case the price .of honor paid, was pi·ominently identified with ac\ Vhen midday marks the upward climb I The world might never know, tivities in the \Vilmette Parish MethAnd starts the sunset hill. But case with honor's right betrayed odist Episcopal c hu'rc~ . 1ra S. F:iSher I A. mounting picture. rO\Y on · brilliant row, It is an ancient Roman holiday. :\ hu~h- the :\ clashing as And capth·cs fields Surge forth - grated gates clang back, of swords on shields, from the world's wide their hodie . to the rark. Attachments Included with Around the oval wall they pass, D,efiant,, trembling, eager for the 1h tow Of dice by f.ate---:or freedom or death blow; · The people's face is stony bras~. They halt hdore great Ceasar's throneThe man thnt\ held a god ·- the bruteThe~· kneel. they rise, they shout as one. "0 C'ea . . ar. hail. D~·i ng. we :-alnte ~·on." The y<'ar:- are many, the league s arc wide. :\ .J.and UtHlreamed in Cea:-;ar\ tim<'. YC't still another monarch in his pride And captives w;J.iting death sublime. This monarch's name ts Progres :-;, Gro\\·th: No wanton cruelty by him decreed, It is the stern necessitv of Youth That cries, .. I larger freedom need." And gathered vic.t ims all surene. Unkno"·ing and without appeal: No happy chance may . intervene; They die to serve the common weal. They do not strike the hrazzen arm, They do not kneel- 'tis not their wa,·. Th~y . tand erect in front of God to pray Kor tremblin7 cringe to any harm. \Vhy wear out your strength when this wonderful household helper is a t your service ? szf!_ Down Balance Monthly ~ith Se~ee .Statemment .· · Yet, moved hy sharp hut silent power, They've rohed themselves in gold, In purple hright- in scarlet bold, To ready for their fateful hour. At last they know- and yet they are mute, The monarch calls for speed with . afety too, They bow, they fall, they render kingly due, · "0 Ceasar, hail. Dying ,,.e salute." (Copyrig-ht, 1!12f. by Ramu(·l n. GrO\' ('S) TH E SUNDAY CLUB . To the \Vilmette Sunda~ Evening club, Sunday evening I chanced to go; And sure enough the house was full. And, so was the overflow. 't" FREE $8.50 Set Famous "High -Vacuum " Attach~ents I And- in addition, we will gi:ve you ·FREE a full and complete set of famous "high-Vacuum" attachments. Let the Eureka help you with your Fall housework. Use the _ E .u reka on all your c.arpets and rugs, on mattresses, upholstered furniture, draperies and hangings. Why t as k you r physical strength when the Eureka will work for you? ·Take Acf.'Vantage of this Unusual Olfn Free Home Demonstration . ' A treat quite rare we truly . had, We heart :Miss Swarthout sing: And then it did our souls some good T u hear · the old hymns !'ing. \\\. · then heard Edgar Guest, So dear to u.-· one and all: He, who make . us feel that life h what we make it, after all. He makes 11~ laugh aloud with him And, . oftly with him w<'ep: He shows us brights and depths of life. And why we pure mv t keep. .1 A wonderful philo~ophy He giYes for life's ron~h road. Shows us our burden lighten.:; \Vhcn we hare another's load. And many another treat there is In store for us, they say: If to the Sunday Evening club, \Ve, our contributions pay. - A delaide L. Koenen. Federal and Royal Cleaners also on Display PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILJ.;INOIS , · Wilmette 2899 Jno. . S. Rees~an, District Ma. nager 1141 Centr~l Ave., Wilmette

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