Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1925, p. 26

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,. :.~-- wiLMETTE . ;.LiFE ' October 16, '1925 BUILD Great tagea 'of Off Seaaon Conatruction Maj. ·F. }. Franklin, formerly of E. of Homea and Storea P. !\1aynard and ,conlpany, north shore realty firm, has becom~ associated _Possibilities o_f .g_reatly exte~d~ng with James F. Turnbull, one of the wm.ter con tructwn 1n home btllldmg leading real estate brokers at Gulfas well as in the builcHng of sky- port, ~1iss. scrapers is being brought out in ownGulfport offers unusual opportunities your-home .shows and in similar ex- for the ,inYestor, builder or business ' positions in a number of cities. Real in an, Mr. Franklin reports. There ·is estate boards through the National As- room for business enterprises of various sociation of Real Estate boards hav _·pes, he says, including a cafeteria . . had p~rt in the study instituted by public garage, and amusement par.k. the Umted State. Department of om- Gulfport also needs builders who can merce for aiding in distributing build- duplicate the vpes of homes so charac. ing actiYities oYer 12 months of tcristic of the- north shore, he emphathe year _and so Tessening the cost of sizes. con:truct10n. a cost gn·atly affected h~· the tradition·_llt.r _sea sonal character Hearing on Water Supply : ot the construction mdu try. · An exposition to the public of the ProJects Set for Oct. 27 adYantages oi building one\ home lh· oni<:r of the fllinoi~ ComnH.' tTe during the s lack ,,·inter period. \\·hen l' o n-llnission consolidated hearing of bonuses are not. and a . ho\\'ing oi the petition of convenience and ncct:ssity nr_actical po:':--il>ility C1i \\·inter building of the Greater · Chicago Lake \Vater \\'Jth mod<.;rn con~trurt ion met hods . company, Thomas J. D Jan's 22nd was · recently held in Pit bhu rgh 1n street tunneling scheme. and the M unic~n_n~ction \\·ith a Jlome lleautiiul ex- cipal \Vater company, the hankers' plan po:--ltton . to furnish the suburbs \\·ith filtered .·\rd1itl'rh. rontr:tt·tors and material lake ,,·ater at high prcs~urc. \\·as conmen in Pitt:--hurgh united in pointing tinucd from October 13 to October 27. out the ach·antagt·:-- to the prospcctiYe The commission gaH· a s its rea~on homl· l_>uildn ni undntaking his \\·o rk ior the postponement an < . >,·er-crO\\·<led at a ttllll' "hen labor ,,·ill he plenti - docket. 1 iul. contral't(lr.., irel' of 1he prc s~ urc · · other j~>h-.. :tnd arrhitl·r~s. in a po:--i-,1 Isabel Molter Appears in twn to ,1.!'1\T cl<>-.t· -.,upcrvt:--lon tq the Q " ·ork . , ong ec1ta cto er 25 Tlwrl' wne ISO booths in the· exf-.,abd Richardson ~loiter, \\Til PO~tt1on. ~hO\\ ing en·ry kind oi ma - kno\\·n Yocali~t. \\·ho-.,<:' re~idvn . .:e i-; tcnal that goe.., into thC' tnaki1.1g oi a :tt 325 Central an·nut·. \\ ' iltnette. ,,·j)) h omc . . :\ II a Io 11 g t_ h l' I inc i n h rIll a t ion a p p l' a r i n a son g r c r i t a I ~ un d a~· a it e r \\·_as 1.!'1\'l'll rt' l!.ardl_m~ tl:t· po ... ..,i hilit il's no :)n. October 23. at 3 :30 o'clock, at ol each matenal IPr wmter building, the Prine('-.~ theatre. under the di~nd_ ~he l'Conomy _that results for the I rl'rtion of Bertha Ott. 1In lnisband. mdtndu;tl \\'ho ~l·t.r.e ... ~ upon a slack 1 Harold .\1 olter, ,,·ill play the accom- NOW- ADVICE I North Shore ·Man Joins · Expoaitiona Point Out AdvanGulfport Re&Jty Firm I · Frederick ·E. Lewis Resident North Shote Funeral Director Mr. Frederick E. Lewist assisted ·by Mrs. F. E . .Lewist residing in Wilmette, will direct funerals in a manner to meet the most exacting requirements. They have had twentyone years pf successful professional service in this field. Personally recommended by Mr. Chas. A. Stevens and Mr. M. R. Leahy of Chicago. They come to the North _ Shore ready to render the most careful, courteoust conscientious setvice. All calls will be persona.lly-attended to by Mr. Lewis, who is the only funeral director residing in New ..rrier Township. I oJ ·1 Very Latest in Modern Limousine Equipment MR. FREDERICK E. LEWIS assisted by S R . I b MRS. F. E. LEWIS Phone Wilmette 3552 1120 Central Ave. n~onth !11~ 0\\'11 rath.n_ 'l a p ·· :tk 111ontlt lor 1 panillll' for the for four group::; of l>tllld11 1, l!·:tn \'ll!t'rpri:--e. -.,lJe ha~l1ts ~l'kcted her program. song._ :...::;J!~~~~~~~~;;~;;~;;~~~;;;;~;::;:==;:;~~~~~;;~;;;;~I WILMET'TE The new RARDINGE Tbt Hardinge burns any oil from 24 guviry fuel oil to kero,ene. Ar 1 o o below outside it will heat your home ro an even temperature of 70 o . Users have saved as high as 33 1-3t;" on a year's fuel bill. The temperature is c~ trollrJ by a rhrrmosrat. which makes the Hardinge tntirely automatic. OIL BURNER , You want economy of first cost and economy of operation. The new Hardinge asmrrs both. And rhere is no noise. no smoke. no socr. You'll find enthusiastic Hardinge owners . everywhere. There's a Hardinge in sot.:e . North Shore home nor far from where you live. Ask us about it. OW -a new model Hardinge Oil Burner that brings the . advantages of Hardinge efficiency, economy, simplicity and safety within the reach of- every borne owner! All the unexcelled features that have made Hardinge leadership - at a price that will make oil burner history! This new Hardinge model has been designed to render tht most efficient results in every type of home. Frorn bunga]o\v to skyscraper--1-!ARDINGE! All. Models of the N HARDING£ ·oiL. BURNER Approved by the Underwriters Laboratories as stan_ d ard for fu l oil use. . Telephone t:niversity 2132 OIL BURNER and· REFRIGERATlNG (9 508 DAVIS STREET

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