A CoJJl1JlU1zity of Ho1nes ·Mid plrasures and palaces tho· I may roam. Be it ecer so humblthne 's no place like home --------------H: Mrmhrr' of rhr Wllmrne Chamber of Com m ~rce. pondering the question of how be t to portra\· our communnv at the lllinots Products Exposition. conceived the happ\' idea of de ptcring a t\·ptcal suburban home . Promprh·. FrJnk GJthercoal. builder of ~ omes. turned to the task wirh the resulr picrured above. M vron H . West. of Wilmeue . ci£\' planner and landscape rxprn . pro,·ided the lawnc;. trees . gardens and shruhbfry. What a \'ision of happiness ( Frida)', October 16, 1925 FIVE CENTS ].