16, 1925 = October 16. 1925 WILMETTE TO RETURN FOR VISIT Miss Elizabeth . ~f eyer, daughter of Mr. an.d Mrs. C. F. Meyer, formerly of Kemlworth, now of San Diego Cal. has been visiting ~~ i~s Gweddole~ Washington of Glencoe. Last week she ~ttend~d a w~dding of a college friend m lndtanapoh s, but will return this week-end for more visit among her nor.th shore friends. -(\- LIFE :ZJ Mr. and Mrs. Frank · Young, 333 Cumnor road, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cooke, 331 Cumnor road, motored to Diamond lake to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crooks who have a summer cottage there. -o:Urs. H. P . Harrison and her family, who have been spending the summer season at Leland, Mich., have returned to· their home at 307 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth. ' I I I I Announce Betrothal of Marion Mannerud at ;Recent Reception -~ I · .~ ~ I I - r ( ~ ~ l · 1fr. artd Mrs. John C. Mannerud of 811 Ridge avenue, Evanston, who were \.Vilmette residents of more than 16 years, have announced the engagement of 'their daughter, Marion Ethel Mannerud, to Alvin Gaylord BO\ve, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Bowe of St~ Paul, Minn. 'The announcement was made at a tea last Saturday. The .colors used were those of the Alpha Phi sorority and the Sigma Chi fra ternity. Miss ~lannerud was graduated from l\orthwestern univer ~i tv last June, where she . was a memh~r of Alpha Phi, and Mr. Howe was a member of Sigma Chi at the Cniversit\· of ~tinnesota. Tho:-,c a~~i:-.ting at the- tea . \\Trc ~lrs. Arthur C. Howe and .\f rs. Thomas \Volfe, ) r.. ~1 iss Virginia Copeland and ~~ i~" Eloi:--e :\nm of Evan!'lton, ~fis s Elain · · Burgt':-". oi Kenil\\'orth.· and ~1 i:-.-., ~~ arv Loui-,t ~clwidcnhclm of \\'ilmt·ttc . . ).:o date ha~ betn ~e t for the.: \\'edding. . ~ CLUBS MEET The Home and Garden club of Kenilworth met Wednesday with Miss Isabel Cline of 304 Cumnor road and from there went to the Glenview Forest Preserves for an autumn picnic . ' ~~i s. J~anette Cherry and James Cherry O! 422 Ahbottsford road, Kenilworth, will spend the week-end at the Cnin·r:-.ity of \ \ 'isconsin at the time of "Hotllecont ing". -oM iss Margaret Backus, 243 Cum nor ~oad, left Monday for a month's stay tn the East. She will be in New York City on business and will attend the football game at Annapolis. -o-oEd,vin Sheridan of Lincoln street, Mrs. Charles Howe, 240 Kenilworth Evanston, is. undergoing treatment at avenue, is entertaining her bridge club the Presbyterian hospital. for luncheon today. .. I . I ' New Skokie Valley Division will bring high,speed electrified transportation to one of Chicago's most attractiv.e home areas - - ( L I I I .\[ r. and ~~ r:-.. f\alph S. Cromann. l \\·ho li\'ed at 13}(, l'la·-,tnut an-mH· 1 until rc.'cently. l1an· mon·d to 213 ~ixth ., t n·et. \ \'i hn(·t tl' . Their <Ia ughtt·r . .\I j,:- 1 ('aroline (~rutn;tl t ll. ha l'l1tncd ht·r ... opiHIIII(Jft- yt·ar at 1\ r,rk ion! rollq.!c. .\I r". \ ·irtor ~ardwrn l 'll tntai11('d hl'r hridg<.· flub Tuncl;n· at ltt11rhl'OI1 in her tw,,· lnmg a lo\\. i 11 ·I .ake Fon·--t. ~f r~. ~ a 11 h or 11 i . . ;1 :· (l r llll' r K (·11 i h \ o rt h n· ., idcnt. -o~ . The :\ r t a 11 d Lit t ' rat u r l' d <:I' art m <: 11 t oi 'l'h ).:l'ighhor ... met ior the fir t time·'fhur-,day II)Orning at the home oi ~I r:-.. I larry \ 'i,:-eril1g, 257 Kenil\\'orth rt \ '('lllll'. -- () - 1 F t · I I 1 ( ~I r. and ~I r-,. (_~~~rle~ road. -0- · I \\.are. 325 Ah - j OURTEEN thousand inhabitants for every square mile of its areathat is the average density of population in Chicago. Compare this with Kansas City, which houses only 5,593 people per square mile; or with New Orleans, which has a population of 2,175· per square mile; or .with Los Angeles, where there is an average of only 1,563 inhabitants to each square mile. Such comparisons rnake <;>ne realize the great need for new, spacious suburban communities within easy commuting distance of Chicagocommunities accessible to the city, yet removed from its bustle and con· gestion. The new Skokie Valley Division of the North Shore Line, now under construction, will help to fill this great need. Early in 1926, this new Division will be completed. Then will be available a fast, frequent, electri~d transporta· tion service direct from Libertyville and Mundelein, in the Lake .County Countryside, to the loop district of Chic;ago. Already, the North Shore Line serves these attractive towns; any North Shore Line ticket agent will tell you how to get there. But service will be faster - and direct-without-change -when the new high-speed Division is completed. This beautiful, rolling, wooded home section already possesses city conveni· ences- electricity, gas, water, stores and schools. Now comes the final and most importan~ of all necessities high-speed transportation! homl' .\I on <Ia ,. a i t<:r a ~en·ra l motor trip through the.: Ea:-.t. hc1tt--iord Kc.:nih,·o rth. arri\'ed I \H'C b,. 1 I ~ I i,.,., 1 ll' k n C r a n t · o i ). I i 11nt a poI i ., . a : ~mit h r o I It- g t ' i r it 11 d o i the ~I i :- "t·" Emilit· and Doroth\· Fornn1a11 oi Krnih\'f1rth. ,,;h thcit: gul' ... t ior a it\da~· :-. la~t \\·t·ek . ·- o - Fril'nd-, oi ~I r. and ).1 r" . \\"arrt·n lr .. iormcr! ·; IJi Kt·tJihn>rth h-an· tl;eir I·:,·alht :;n apartll1l'nt atHi lllOH' hack to Dct roi t. Pt·a:-t·. ~~ r. and ~~ r:;. Carl Keith. 310 \\.arwick roa<l. are ~pendit1g tht· \\'l' l'k at -~- LAKE MICHIGAN their home at Big Lake . They expert to rl'turn to Kl'nih\'(>rth ).fonday. . -0- ~lr:--. F. C. _le\\l'tt oi till' E\·a tbtnn hot<:l :-pent thi~ \\l'tk-end in Indianapolis a~ tht.' gtll·--t oi .\1 r. and ),Jr--. :\ndrtw ~f. Taylor. HALF DAY RD. '(~ L T 5HERIDAN DEERFIELD RD. ~ CLAVEY RD . "I- and 11 r-,. ).t ark \\ ·. l'r~·:-;ap .. ~3tJ 1·.:-. ~<:x road. han· rt:turnt·d to Kt·nil - I "' rth a iter ~P<.'t1<li11g t ht· \\ eek-end 1n Cincinnati. ' . ).f r. -0- DUNDEE RD. · i 1l '1- WILLOW RD. GLENVIEW I I ' c i t~ -0- Gl'orge Ket'1111 oi. the Orrington hotl'l former ly oi Krnih,·orth. Jc(t ).f otHia\ for a three \\'l'l'k:-' :--ta\· in \\·a~hinl.!tOt; , D. . . SIMPSON ST.~ DEMPSTER ST~ \o OAKTON ST. ; J tt' ..__~ ~~ r. and ~~ r~. Hallett Cole art· now sett led' in th eir apa rtmct~ t. on l UllL'\YaY terrac.e in Rogers ~ark. ~~ r. Cok \\';{:; a restdent . of Kcntlworth. -0- 201 Kenilworth avenue. was- h~stc . s' at lunchcon and bridge \Vcdnc sday oi la:-t week. ~f rs. \\'·arncr Can' I ewis -0- I . High-Speed Service The Scenic . -o- I Route Edwin Stafford returned to his home at 936 . Sheridan road la st Saturda\· after a week of motoring through ~fichigan and northern Indiana. ' -oMrs. Alice P. Root of Norwalk, Ohio, spe nt a few davs this week a s the guest of Mr. and Mrs . Clarence E. DraYer of 1034 Elmwood avenue. - CHICAGO LOOP Chicago North Shore and . Milwaukee Railroad Co. The high-speed electri~d railroad