WILMETTE Linne Woods .Forest Preserves and Northwestern Public golf course. 2. Station site is at Glenview roa~. adjoining Evanston, near H.arms Woods and Memorial Woods Forest Preserves. Four golf courses are close' by. 3. Station site is at Willow road, adjoining Winnetka, an extremely beautiful road lined with stately Lombardy poplars. A public recreation ground is near by. 4. Station site at Dundee road, adjoining Glencoe, near Shabbona Woods Forest Preserve and two golf courses. Dundee r:oad is a new cement highway connecting with Waukegan road. S. Station site is at Clavey road, Highland Park. This section is famous for its woods and winding roads and picturesque ridges. Turnbull Tract Forest Preserve and ·Glencoe public golf course are close by. A mile and a half due east is Ravinia Park, where summer opera is held. 6. Station site is at Deerfield road, Highland Park, known as a garden spot of beauty and famed for its attractive winding roadways. Highland Park . municipal golf course is close by. 7. Station site is at Half Day roa~; adjoining Highlan~ ~ark, a new c<;>ncrete highway. Thts ptcturesque sectiOn of the ridge offers every variety of landscape-rolling and fiat, wooded ~nd prairie. It is noted for its beautiful vistas. 8. Station site is at Old Elm road, adjacent to Highland Park, rich in historic associations. On the Old Elm gol'f course stands the historic old elm tree from which the club derives its name. Another golf course is located neatbv. Old Elm road leads directly into Fort Sheridan. 9. Station site is at Doerpath avenne in beautiful Lake Forest, a section famed for its magnificent estates. Lake Forest is the home of Lake Fore. t universitY, Lake Forest Academy and Sacred -Heart Academy. LIFE October 16, 1925 North Shore Line Designates Sites for New, Valley Route Stopa; Plan Big Prize Conteat Official announcement of the definite locations for the njne stations on the new Skokie Valley route of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad was made this week by the company in conjunction with announcement that $1,000 will be paid for the most appropriate names to designate the nine new stations. In making known the official station locations and conditions for the stationnaming contest, the North Shore line reports excellent progress in construction of the Skokie Valley route, which is scheduled to go into operation in the early spring of next year. Its completion will give high speed electric transportation between Chicago and the Skokie Valley, as well as through service to Mundelein and Libertyvitle, and will also reduce the present running time between Chicago, \Vaukegan, Zion, Kenosha, Racine and :Milwaukee. Nine cash awards of $100 each will be made for the names selected for the nine stations. In addition, an extra the contestant suggesting the name judged to be the best of all those submitted. A committee of five prominent persons not connected with the North Shore line will serve as judges in selecting the winning names. Definite location s for the Skokie Valley route stations were se lected by North Shore line officials after long consideration of many poss ible sites, it wa s sa id. Their se lection s were made with. a view to in su ring the greatest posstble convt:n ience and sa ti s i action for north shore suburbanites. The official site~. ,,·ith the nundn·r~ 1)\· \Yhich they are to ht· designated i~1 submitting names in the conte~t. are: ·.1. Station site is at ."impson ~treet, ~ties Cent('r, near Hanns \\'oocb and For Wotnen with Slender Heels ) Pool & Piper's· Comfortable Footwear for W ~en Insurf ample trud. while the. special de~ign_ed lasts and patterns prevent bulging at sades and shppang at heels. ,. Because They Are Two widths narrower in heelTwo widths narrower over instep-Two widths wider across ball of footThan Other Makes. In Tan or Black, Kid or ·R uuia Lt~tthtr Sizes 4 1~ to 1 o. W idtha AAA to D. PmL & PIPE~ ·I N C· CHILDrlEN·s SHOE SPECIALISTS 1 6o8 Chicago Avenue, at Davis St. Evanston, Illinois CHRYSLER SE ·RVICE t I, I Regardless of all the wonderful things the sales, man says, THE BEST OF CARS NEED ATTENTION Our J..; c·z~· Buildi11q at 1840 Ridyc .-l<·cmtc. lntilt to rcHdcr just suc/1 SCr7.'rcr 1s rapidly 11carhzg co111f/ction. I The kind of service station where your wife or children are given the . . satne courteous protnpt attentton. at all titnes .. IS O UR AIM. . f ( Father. Time's Ally Eye strain is a pal of Father Time-deepening your face with wrinkles, giving you headaches and handicapping you in your See us and have your work. faulty vision corrected. ~5 Evanston Motor Sales · W. D. Reagan. Mgr. 1017 Davis St. Phone Univ. 2277 ~ , .· SIX years of successful practice D~. 0 . H. 'BERSCH Optometr,at Wilmette 1177 Wilmette Avenue For Appolat·eat P·oae WU. 2188 ·CHRYSLER FOUR