Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1925, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LI F E October 16. 1925 St. Augustine' s Episcopal Octohc:-r 1 S, is the:> day set .. part by tlw Pniv<' r1'al C"hureh to ho~or tlh' nam<> of ~1. Lukf', the:> Eva.ngc:-ltst, 1 n<l i1' known in tht> church ag St. Lul(t·'::; l>aY. Th<'t·e will lw Holy Sommunion at· S A . .M .. ('hun·h schools and Hildt· C'la1':i'f'!-' at !1 : 4:i. nnd Hol~· C"ommuninn witl1 addt't·ss at 11 o'clock. Thur. da~· . 0C"tolwr 22, will bf' h E> lcl tlw . n·g-ular ;dl-day me-eting of th e w om l' n of ~ t. Aug·us ti tw · s i n t h C' Iu b Hous p with light lunch<·o n at noon. Tlw wonwn an· all busily at work in tht· (;uild and n t>Nl the help of t'Vt·t·y woman in the parish. ~un<la~· . Offers Interpretation , Course at Music School \ Vatter Spry, the well known pianist and instructor, will conduct an Interpretation branch in the \Vinnetka branch of the Columbia School of Music \Vednesday afternoon beginning November 4. This class j.s for the bene fit of advanced players who need to enlarge their repertoire and benefit by the stimulating influence of contact with artist pupils. Those not wishing to enroll as playing memhers, will have the privilege of entering as listeners, it is explained. Mr. Spry has hecn very successful in conducting these Interpretation ~a sses which are patterned after those conducted by his teacher,. Prof. Theodon: Leschetizky in Vienna. \Vatter T. Mead of 1040 Forest a,·e- SEE IT!' HEAR IT! . The Famous RADIO LA Super-het. 25 Chu1:ch ma~· bP(·n r ce-i ved that thE> on the way so that we have it St't up and in use Vt'I'Y sho1·t1y. oq.~· an i!:-1 ~~xpeet to "~ord ha!'; A mC'P.t of Rt. Augusti n«>'R Acolytes' Gu·ild was hC'lcl in the Club House last :\Iouday night in eharge of Robert Smith. l't·N:i(lent of thl· Guild. Tht' 1 'ionC'ers of Ht . Augustin e's, un1 · · \' ' 1 .. D C der th<.· l c:-ad(·rHhip of C:;trl J. Schu- nue, ,.... 10 ts 111 vas ungton, . ., on macher, <.-njoyed a hike to the lake last business, spent the past week-end at Satunlay a.ft<·rnoon and a practice his home. foothall ganw. They will meet t o - l . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. morrow afternoon in th Parish House at 2 o'clock when those intending to join for· tlw prdsent sNtson should be prc~wnt to r('g·iHtcr thei1· names. The Business of the No·Outside Ground or Antenna Wires Experience has demonstrated that . the Radiola 25 meets every demand of the broadcast listener. Distance-getting capabilities, volume. and distortionless reproduction. One dial control, easy to separate stations and increased selectivity. Hear it at The- new assembly rooms for Guilds, classes, comm itte es, and the like, which ar·e being built at tlw rear of tht· pn·st>n t Parish Hom.;e an· rapidly nearing completion, as WGll as the new Racristy which the Altar Guild w-ill take possession of in a week or so. Wi~mette Decorating CD. .. will be continued by the tvvo sons of Mr. ,,~. A. Hoffn1an under Management. LEAGUE TEA IN GLENVIEW This afternoon women of Glenview who are m<·mbers of the \Vilmette League of \Vomen Voters will give a precinct tea for those it1terested in this organization and the work it is doing to give women knowledge in a non-partisan way of legi slation and the necessity of each citizen getting out to vote. Mrs. John N. Vander \" ries of Winnetka will give an . informal talk to the assembled group. Glenview residents are showing great enthusiasm and are joining the league rapidly. N e\\r Wilmette Decorating Company Interior and Exterior Decorating Tel. Wit. 2093 1701 WM. G. BEYRER Electric and Radio Shop-We Ser Jice All Sets Walnut Ave. 1122 Central Ave. Phone 81 ARAM K. MESTJIAN An expert Rug Cleaner and Repairer should be the only one to take care of your beautiful ORIENTAL RUGS. Mr. Mestjian is a native expert whose Workmanship has made a "hit" with the North Shore Rug owners. A Phone Call Is All That Is Necessary I ARAM K. MESTJIAN The North Shore's Lea:ding Rug Cleaner· 'f 511 MAIN ST. PHONE 1949

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