Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Oct 1925, p. 10

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16 . WILMETTE LIFE O ct ober 16, 1° _:~ ·-- Rosenberg's Mrs. Alf red J. Ruby, who is n<?w Methodist Church residing at 237 Greenleaf ayenue. c.:.hatrI r. Stansell will begin . his fifth . year man of the social committee ot the as minister of the "\Vilmette Parish l\Iethoclist church next Sunday morn- Junior Auxiliary of the Infant \~·c) ing. The subject of his message wi~l fare societ\· of Chicago. cntcrtatned be "Life at Its Best." Everyone IS some of tlic member~ at sc\Ying at heartily in\·ited. her home Tuesday afternoon. Th1· Sunday Sch ool has installed, under the able leaders h ip of F. A. Hoop(·r, sl·<.·n·tary, the Kardex System of recot·cls. The school i:;; doing its best '"' ork.' En·ry child, not enroll ed in a Hunday school, is invited to come to the ~ession at 9:30 and registtir. The Intermt>diat~ l eague All Intet·mNliatf' boys and girls meet at th~ parish house' Sunday aft rnoon at ;, o'clock. :\Ti~s l\fargaret Belote, l eader. Subject, "Village Life in Palestine." Thl· Ep\vot·th league-All the young folks of hig·h o;;chool ag and other young fo l ks interested in League ~re invited to attend. Leader, James Remhold. A good meeting in store for all. Tht· bo,·s of Tt·oops 3 and 6 meet at tne chUJ ch every ~'londay evening for t h e following prograJU: A:-;!-i'mbly-7 :30-Dugler Stoker. Rt·ct 'ation-7 ::H)-Joe MillH (assistant scoutmaster). A!-isem hly-7 :riri-Bug·let·. Instruction - ~ :00Ci..-ks ~lt · t·it Hadgt· (required) (T. H. 'Y<'st, instructor) .-\stt·onomy .Merit Baclgc (optional) ( \ Villarcl Osburn, [nst r uctor) ~ig· na l ing in a ll branches (Otto C l epp, assistant scoutmastPr) Tt·tHlerfoot, 1st an<l 2nd Classt·s <Joe .:\tiller, Frank Millington, assistant scoutmast ~ rs) As::wmhly - ~ :4:i - JJuglt·r. Cal istlwnics- :s :46-:\lrs. :\Iattson and Joe ~filler. I nspirational Service- 8:51 Dr. Stallsl'll (('haplain to troops). Flag-< ath- · :ii~ . I )i~missal - !1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-, Home Made~ Candies For B~tter I' M r . an d 11rs. J oseph F oe rster. idents of Ken il worth, w ho r ented he Anderson home at 411 Lake a .,· ' I<: \\'hich they have been occupyin g 0\·er t\\"o years, expect to move int l 't: ne,,· house they arc bui lding in f\ , i! \\'Ort h ~ometimr in January. - I -a8l ~ b.· ~.. . .1~ Ou ( C olorf ul Favo rs and Novelties add zest to ~-~ . the Au t umn Party . 1 66 3 Hallowe'en Candies Orr in gton · Ave., Libra~y Pla z a H otel · Univ. 597 0 d Pho n e d The Evanston Branch of SPAULDING & T ... II ~ Co., Jewelers '(' Sheridan , Clothes For Boys .. , :t T ~ $15 These are the suits with the vest and the two trousers that boys take a fancy to and will have nothing else. Regular boy$' suits for regular boys. I "I I ft r. tl II Th · Uctouer meeting of the Yo u ng \ Voman's ~ l issionarv S('eiety wi ll bt.· a p t ·og-n·:->~ive <linn<.·t:, TU!·sday, UctoiH·t· 20 . A n·ry intt·t·esting sp aker will prt:>sen t Chapt<.·r 2 of our study book . Al l llH·m h ers art> ut·g· <.~d to meet at 6 o'clock at tht' home of l\'Liss Adelaid~· Jon<.·~. ln.:!O Central avenue. The \Vilmette Girl Scouts, Troops 1, 2, 3, and 4, m ·eet every Tuesday at 4 p.m. d. f." ..'" ( Some Are W eather. . proof So fine are some of 'these suits made that even the rain can hardly get through. Think how warm these will be for the cold days. They are English cut just like dad' s clothes. Boys' Blouses 88c A notable selling of blouses offering a remarkably large selection. Such fine blouses as Satin Stripe Madras, Striped Percales, Oxford Cloths and the like. Like all the better grade blouses they are well tailored with double yokes, French Cuffs and have one pocket. Assemb l y-Pledge Ca l l. I nstruction pf'riod . T(·ndt·rfoot tt·st- instruelor, Ca.th- 1 erine Ha l l. Second C l ass test -- illstrudot· I ~1 Ut'il·l Denon·r. ' First ( "lass test- instructor, Laura Endres. / Specia l talk -~Iiss Jt>ssic Akt·St(·l'. ~ing- condueted by Autlaide Jones. Uir l Sco u ts Circle. l'ourt of Honor. ~ li s~ J (·ssito Akestt·t·, IH"I·sidt·Jl t of th~ · Li11coln l'arl< Archery ~·lub, will visit tht.· lllt't·ting and exhibit ht·t· bow atH1 arrow <t!Hl talk to tht· girls. ,, , . I I I I Allegiance- Holl Only a Step from Your Home And you can enter into the atmosphere of Paris and London. For the Evanston Branch of Spaulding & Co., on OrringtonnearChurch Street has selected for Spaulding North Shore patrons the choicest and most appropriate merchandise. sernct· of Prayl'r and 1'raist·, l vondu<:t··d by lht· ministl'l' t·\·en· \\'e<.l iH'Hday t-Yt.-ning, at ~ o'clo<"l<. i~ full of value to t'\'t:' t'Y on(· who attl·tHl~. I ht· ~---------------------. I1 II For Hallowe'en Every specialty to fit in with almost any Hallowe' en occasion. Crepe paper, Aprons, Napkins; P u m p k i n s, Witches, Noise-Makers and any number of other things. Let us assist you in making a splendid success of your Hall owe' en affair. Firat Floor NORTH SHOBE BOOTEBY 529 Davis Street at Chicago Avenue In the North ·I I I I I May we haYe the pleasure of serYing you? You will enjoy stopping in andseeing the delightfully original productions in 9orham ~ilYerware, [Jewelry, CJhina, 9lass, !eeather and DVoYelties that one always expects ~from Spaulding's." An abundance ot parking space - the same courteous attention you would receive in our Chicago establishment. · Shore Hotel Bldg. The Store SPAULDING&CO. Goldsmiths ~ Sil'Yersmiths ~jewelers o/ Good Shoes II . 1636 Orrington A venue near Church Street Evanston . Michi1an Avenue at Van Buren Street,CHICAGO 23 Rue de Ia Pabt Paria France

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