WILMETTE LIFE October 16, 1925 U S STATE DIFFER Iofficta tativ.es , of certain . villages met high Mrs. Walter Dodd Gives · ., ls of the ra1lroad, and at one Second Lecture Thursday meeting it was definitely stated by representatives of certain villages that · The second of a series of six ThursON RAIL RATE BOOST the increase would not be oppo ·ed if day morning lectures on citizenship · . C IllmOIS ommerce Commission Fails to Approve 20 Per Cent Increase Granted Roads ~tate INJURED IN FALL = Following the decision of the InterCommerce commi . sion this week granting the Chicago and North Westem railroad a 20 per cent increase in com1nutation rates for suburban t ra ftic within fllil{ois. the Illinois Commerce commission refused to approve the increase and announced that the hearing before the state bodv would proceed. The outcome of this- hearing is douhtiul, as it is reported that some of the Tllinois commissioners feel that if the. federal commi ·sion is allowed to ha,·c the say in this matter it will take away all the power of the Illinois commission over the railroads. There arc sc,·cral courses of action which may be taken, most of which will tie the rate increase problem into still further knots. The state commission may announce a decision for the same 20 per cent increase which the Interstate Commerce commission allowed, in \ hich eyent all complications will he smoothed out and the rate increase will go into effect No~· ember 23. \Vhat appears more t ikely ~s that the commission will grant an mcreasc of less than the 20 per cent asked by the railroad, thus putting before the latter the question of which order to obey. Charge Failure to Co- operate a guarantee of better service was g iven. As far as the north shore is concerned there seems to have been little further action in the matter. If put into effect; the rate increase will mean that 10 ride commutation tickets between \Vilmettc and Chicago will advance from $2.20, the present price, to $2.64; 25 ride tickets will advance from $4.73 ·to $5.68 and 60 ride tickets from $7.15 to $8.58. The decision of the Illinois Commerce comlllissiOll is CXJ>ectcd SOOil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f)y Mrs. Walter F. Dodd at the W o man's club under the auspices of the \Voman's ·club of \ Vilmette, the Wornan's Catholic club of Wilmette, the \Vilmette League of Women Voters and the Logan-Howard and Central Parent- Teacher associations, will be Mr. and l\frs. John Hes s of 1-t-t ~ , gi\·en Thursday at 10:30 o'clock. The Wilmette avenue hav(· returned i ro11 1 ;..;uhject will be, "Superlatives in a two weeks' trip to Sarasota, Fla. Legislation." Tickets are on sale at -othe door, or may be procured from the Fred S. Parker of 1224 Elmwood ave civics committees of the sponsors. nue left this week for Tampa, Fla. H. B. A rnold, 8 12 Oakwood avenw· was severe ly inj u red last Monda,: when he fell whi le ascending the ste 1; to a balcony in his new store at Indian H ill. A ccording to reports <-·' the accid ent he slipped and fell again ._l a post, fractu ring three ribs. He i , confined to his bed but will soon rl' cover, it was said. TALKS TO YOUNG P EOP LE Dr . . 0. L. Scherger of Armoui· lnstitute will speak before the Baptist Young People's 'nion met"ting at the \Vilmette Baptist church, Sunday evening, October lR J I is :-nbject will be, "Larger Life." All the young people of the village arL' curdialh· in vited to hear this adclrc:-.:-. 11rs. L. 11. 0\H'II oi 707 Linden an·nue has had as her gue:-.t for the pa:-t three weeks, ~~iss .\1 creed· :-. ~~ c~l anus of Dalla~. Texas . .\li:-.:- .\lc~lanus will be here for another week. · REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank at Wiltnette, Illinois, in the ~tate of Illinois, At the Close of Business on September 28th, 1925 RESOURCES I,uans ancl Discount. .......................... ~ 312.t>l/.{)~ ( )\'erdrafts, unsecured ........................ . 3-to .-+') Cnitcd States Government securitie~ ......... . 212. I f >2. ~( 1 Other Bonds, Stocks, Securities, Etc. ......... . -Hl/./3/.1() 12,(),),) __:;~ Banking I-I o use, Fur nit u r c and Fixture~ . . . . . . Lawful Reserve \\'i th Federal Hcse r ve !I an k .... -+ 2 '()()() .(' ~ Cash in vault and an1ount due from :\atioJJall>allk..., /KU/(J _IO Checks on Other Banks · ..... ' .................. . -t. 123 .1JX Other Assets ................................ . 1I.2( lO .-~ 1 Total Resources .................. . ..... S l.UX2.1 ~I ./I 1 In the con trovcrsy between the state and federal commissions the latter charg-es that the state body failed to co-operate in a joint hearing which 1\'as suggested. No reply to this statement has been made by the Illinois bodY. Iri the petition for the rate increase the 1'\orth \Vcstern road claimed that it was losing large sums of monev vcarly in the suhurba 11 service. r{hc advance was merely to cover part of the annual deficit, it was said, and the railroad would still lose more than $600.000 yearly on it commutation business. H.ailroad officials maintai11ed that the incn·ase wa. necessary to keep up the standard of service which had been giYen in the past. \\'hen the petition was first filed })\the road there was a storm of protest from north shore communities as well as those to the west of Chicago which arc served by the North Western. A body known as the Suburban Citizens' connnit!ce was formed to fight the pr~ poscd mcrea ·e, and flath· took ih stand against st:'-'1 action~ . Commuters Want Service I ~et your r~d1ncnt be your badg~ of ability. It \vill qualify you for the free-for-all \Yithout a handicap. Being a nearly g-ood dresser is a tnistake; it takes very little n1ore tin1e and tnoney t be re~ogn izcd as one c~f the elect. Let :\I cNatnce assist you. LIABILITIES Capital Stock ................................. Surplus Fund ....................... . l ' ndi vided Profits ........ . H.cscrvcd for Taxe~. it~t~;~~t· ·~t·l: .............. . .. ' ' .............. . Cer~i~ed Checks outstanding .............. ... . Indt:t~dual Deposit · ................... . .... . . . ~ertthcates of Depo it ....................... . ~tat~ ·. County, or other' :\I un icipa I Dcpo~ i h . . . . . . Ccrtthcatcs of Deposits .................. . .... . (~ther ~l:in1~ Deposits ......................... . 1 ~>st~~ ~a vtngs Depostts ...................... . Ltahll 1t tcs other than those a hoYc ~tat ed ..... . s 50.0UU.O l 25.0. )( J.( )() 17.135.02 -+.UJC).JK 2/>-lq .()( ) -t.)(l..f<J3.~~ -l\1/.;,«J~ 2 3.(}()() ,()() 1. 50().()() McNAMEE'S STORE FOR MEN Phone Wilmette 2655 -t/1.2UU>3 5HCJ 53 1.-t(JK-t~ Korth shore communitic , for the most part, seemed slightly more open !? the arguments of the railroad. l h~r.c were several meetings held in Chtcago last winter at which represcn- Total Liabilities · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ........ ~ 1.0R2.1 ~ 1./< I Sta tc of Illinois l County of Cook) ss. HARTSUCH'S FRENCH .SALAD DRESSING. " The Heart of Any Salad" If you never liked French Dressing before, you will like this Dressing . . 1, F. A. Andre\v, Cashier of the Fir~t ~atiuna1 l~ank ui \\'iltnette · s · \'·e a r t 1 . ' Ill ·' do solet111l I Y 1 at t 1 1c a 1 >u \' e s t a t c m c n !. t · tru ~ to the best of tny kno\\'ledge and belief. F. :\ . .\~DRE \\'. Cashier. Not so Oily, Peppy, but not too sharp. Guaranteed to suit your taste or money refunded. Now on sale in Wilmette at VAL QUINLAN CO. 115 3 Wilmette Ave. Made by HART SUCH 71 3 I No. Clark St. Chicago, Ill. 19~~.b ·cribed and sworn tu befo_re me this l Oth day of October. (Seal) ERl\EST C. C.-\ZEL. Notary Public Correct 1\ ttest: Stoddard Appe l, Director~.