Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 43

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~her 9, F 1.!:: Oct 11 .,e r 9, 1925 WILME T TE LIFE -43 un ch ·ight 1any cup spot l I t t h llllilllllllllllilllo ist Pr; 11 gs Out 400 Enthus aasttc P a rents; , I c~ l ~t: tl:·.ll~ .dJO. t,lt<1thn ot th~· Logan l-it: r School Lea de rs I I J\\l at d 1 <liL·tH- IL·<1rhn t~-.-,cJC 1 ation at- 1 tl'll< t< 1 the fir-..t lllttting oi the bodY 'j., 1 titan -tOO iather" and tnothn " htld at the I fo\\'ard :-.rltool Tuc cia,· at··~t )~non Stolp, Cl'ntral and tnnoon. The aitniH>'m progran; in0 1 ;1·. ·. 1 -.. rl1<.Jo l-, crmnled t he· Stc1lp au - t'lll!it-1_1 an arldn·_..,, J,y _r. It Harper, d ·:·· ::·1 '1'11nclay l'n·ning at the fir,t "IIP<:nntendtnt or -.rhool , in which he 11 1 ·1...: ot tht· l' an·nt-Tt'arltt·r a-..-,o - outltntd thv t·durational program ior c1 . Till· ttlll tthcr tar cxt-t'l'dl'd t·x - t~H· .-'~-;1r. ;u~d n tu-.ical nttnthn-, ln· \fr-,. ... ,, . . 11t tlw utrlct·r-, ol tltl' a -,-.. o - ( . _ 1·. lhrl11t~. 1.;3~ I !ighland ;~n·nuc . I" r<J'JIIl had the lH·-.t at\\1 1 11 h:td itt1ti1·ipattd an a ~ \IJ-. ... -lt·)n l . It '11 r! ;I I ll l ' Jl t ' r n ·n t ; II..! t ' :t 1 Ill' 11 H.'l' t j 11 g. (It' :.. ( Jl1ll' .!! I() \ i l l; 1g (']' "1 tJtl ltt ...,i.t , tt l a -. \\a , di . . J do~ , , · rl }? c;l tlt<· 23 Il l! ! ltn IJvitt t! pn·--vnt. ll l il!lf !l'lll ;tl !-!<ltltL·riiH! 1'\' t i Ill' IJ ;I ' IH · \ t' r 1Jt · j I 1I' t· 1J ~ ·1· I I I Ill lll l.t'lll l..,! \\ ;( o ht· t' d !1 \ J fll ' ;(-.-.. ll'iil 11111." I Ji lt' ;ll ld t't l!' t·,lt tllt' ll' \'.t' "t· '(' 1'\ \' d , , , ) ) I . ! I J! I ( ' !' ' I l 1 Cl. )' , 1II Ill . , . . ! d1 ·t' J.1 i t d illll't' tilt ' li lt'\' !I ll!. "I ·:w 't'l'l1 1t'tl 111 lit ' kt ·\ l d r1 : 1 HEART FAILURE VICTIM '1 ' It ()J intnt·-,t and th1· t :t! l. \\ !)il;\1 1 \ ll c,! hl .. l'l·. 1/tll \\ -alt tllt ·\ ~tll · t · rit1tvtlflvnt I l;1rpn .ttHI .!J d lr,rd. Jlll·- idc!ll r1i tlw 1 11 ""1 "\ t·ttll· . :1 d t·c· ,, r.t cI t' , l t·l l rk .1d \\It ik II '.".· ··i.i::...' 1·11 ;l· J. c,l),,- :1 1 I~T i ti l \', 1rth . . l'!'t· !--! ll'l' l'd \\ i I l I lll'd !'! '. ;q t·i i . . \ '. t t·1 1. . Ti ti- fir :.!.ttlll'r:: ·!! 11! t i, ,· 11 ,.,., \ \ . c (I i. t .... c ] ;I\ :t I . t ' iI I II )' 1 l\ t' Jll 'l' !l l :t \1 l ' d I .tl' j il l) Jt ·J,d :111 IJI 1JJ-!l ;dh· '\1 (' j), -, lil \'. .t t'l··li~' i ·· ! l ~> t'l':t.a!l h; td -' .1. . ,, ;. :111d '" . . a,. t IL 1t \': c· ;t · c· i , ., : l :trt c!:-. · :t-· ·l i- i·11ttit tl..! it r;tthn t1.i ld h. " j ,, ···t :t ;·, ,:cl,·:· t c. j 1111' \ ill.t :..! t' )c or 11 1'1 11 \ F ; ··: ;11 :.r:·:t:. :_r ,·:P ··1: \'. ill J;c t ... · · i 11 1d;t ' _ r · 11111 d i;1· · tl i i 1 ·.., t· 1!- \ c·:t ' '. ·,;r, 11 \\ .1. . ; t·, jdt.t -. i/, ·d ;1. . :ttl 1:1. ;ll .lll·tt :ll· ,·rl .:t!t r. Ill ··d II.\ 1'1,: . . jdt 1 1 1 . \lit I I I J " \ r ·-.... \' ·. 1 ; . ( 1"'- ; 11 , , ' ! il d j.., \' lliit!t-d t{J ;tlllt 11 IIIII I 't · t ,ri :t. I l J.. i · ,· 1·t <, t 1·!.1 \ l':t< t ' . ,, IJ,.,, " , I 11 · : 1 · L ~l l ·-: IJ l .1 :-... I. 1: ( )1'.·. ;i l () i ,..;_!( J . · .. l" Jit't ' i;tl l\ , ,j tlll · ~·ll l " : tl itt. d l. :d._ \ ; 1 \ \ · :1 tit ' . " "' ' · :1n· :1· tu ;tlh ,~.:, · t : Jt t :..· "'~i-. . ,;· ·· t h ird ,,j l!.t -;urtnt: 1t. I i :1 :·J w r t..: ;t' 1· :1 !--! !- ;q d: i r 1! 1 i..: l1 r \ { t t i , Jr!" t l...!t'.tl ll in tl ,t· ' l I" ~~,J . . o~ d1 · .t J.J, 1 t11 r 1 ·1 I·J'vr.t Hil l ir,ottt ·: 1 ·t11- . lit · j"i11td \lr. \lul :"rd i11 · ....., jilL': .l!r:tt_ifi t·:tti<Jll u\·('r tilt· '!·lt-t t ·· 1r1 1 (J\It 1>1 Jl.tl't'llt .. :1 tht· fir-. !'. \. lllt't' itll.', \ fJII I!lll'lltillL': l '\It l·j;t!J..Jtt' Llt'l!l- 11111.tiJL'r · ui t-;, ht·r-. ;; I · ' < HOLD GREAT MEETING Logan-Howard Mothers Cenir;tl Laur e l P . T . ~ . Gatheri ng E~joy P. T. A_. Session 1 .. OVERCOATS lnexpenaive But Not Cheap As Low As Fur Coats- $35 and Up M y low overhead expense will save you 25 ~/o on your next su it or overcoat. Relined- Repaired- R em odeled JOHN T. ROSBERG 830 Park Avenue Phone Wit. 2590 I 1 ', HOLLAND BULBS Darwin Tulips·. H y acinths. Narcissus , P erennials Crocus and Madonna Lilies of Exceptionally Fine Quality E\'crgreen Trees a nd Well Fertilized I f '. j I BLACK DIRT Hubert Ridge Rd .. 2 Ho22~nan, Florist blocks sou th of Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 9 39-M A Stepchild NObody Loves l' llllldnn "( Jrphan .-\nnie" as il: ,,·t·rv. ( )i rottr"t'. \'Ott can usuallv lttanal!'\2 '-Otlle\\'a\· t<i l1cat vour hou ;e "itlt rc·al-hut . the Rth ~\·onder of 1ht ,,.<1rld i..; ho,,· it rl'ally gets d(lll<.' . \\·t'·,.l. talked to :-.otne\\·herc in the llt iL.:hl~orho(ld (li i ,OOO home P\\·ner-... " \\'lw tt·nd . . \ <·ur iurnacc an\ \\·av ?" 1~.1 . . ,t],,·ay ... 1-lL'l·n one of ou~ quesi·l11' . l:ut \\'L·\·c llL'\'L'r made any t!' it·t c} ... h) a-.king it. !':ttl ' ···· , -..imp!~ h:t\l' to admit that ii thn 'rt· v;trninl': tnough to supJ~~·: · t tht· tllllli< rn iamily. thl:i r time'.; 'l"' \alu;tldt· tn ;~ut in at -..toking a tur: t:tcv. \nd aitn muthcr ha-.. rt.·ad an ad'.l t ti-..vnlt·nt iur Ptllld'-.. 1\nl l. . "rvanb "~' I 1 ·rd.ttt 1'Ia ,. !~1,,... . . ht· ~-vrt a in h · j , ;;1 ll!> ll11t(Hj ·~~ 111i~ \\itlJ ...,hO\'l'l ().)' ('ll:tl J,ill . 1: ·,d..,t' it1'\ ltl ' l 't'IJli'Jh'l' \11 di-,1lJi:--. r !1 t' .1 J, . . t·l t d i d 1 .1 11 i ;111 _ , ·111·-'" maid : ·: :1~ i~t:.... -t,.kt r. \nd :t' !t ltl:..! ;1 . . Itiii\J,all. irt' . . Lttilll':. .. i1 d l · l ·.t-.till!.... ,IJ' t' in \11\!:tlt' tlH·n··, l ' · ~ · ~·i"'t' littk u-v ·n ruuntin!..! on ]), !p irc1tll tlt·· yll\l;ltiul tllt· m 1H·r-. 11i th, );tmih. Tlt .tt k:t\ ;., Lt· ,i:t· Ji t"r: 11··1 to "l't·ak 11· IJ: . . p:1) l'hn·k 1!1 :tltlllt' t':lll ;l (l·t,rd !1· Ill' liJ,vral 1Jl1Jlfkrl ll!l h ' l l ·.tc t'i llj t'fo:tl-hl' ,·,.~ ,n't l'·t'" Jtl l' t:. . ··~· t"t iIll! . reb I I ;Ill d l' i g IJ t IJ ,l! r d r Jt. 111r 1tiJ 't·Jn·d rt·in·-..ltntl'llh ,-(lll""illl': tltt· l · ·- '.tilt att d :111 :1\'.:1rd \\:t-.. gi\t 'l1 111 '· ('lara l!rtl\\!1 · . . tiith L':r.uk rl;t ..... '· ' , o~,· itt~ tlw brl':t·-,t rl'Jl!'l'...,l'lltati ,,l1 ,, · ·. t't·nt-. at tlH· g.tthL·rinl!'. ' · -.· .t ... :tl1!l!l\lnn·d .tt lJ,. 't· ..... it~n that ." ·. l:tt tinl' \\.t·t'klll··..., dancinl! lt1 lw l!i\t'tl ;1 tl~t· \\ -llll:,lll·, '. II' dt I .tll'Jil\ , . . , til tht· l' T. _\,, \' 'ri iwl':ill Frid ;l\. ( k ,,]" · Jr, , .t· ' t . \ ' I '1111J r I II _ \ t'!1!1h' right down W .;tl iurn;1n· i , ,, ,t . . t<·Jirhild the house. :-: 1) 1 111 i .t ~" :-0111<.' \\·hat ar<Jtl11d ' ; j · I , . ' I ' . . I :thl,·r c1! ~·:t 111tt1i.t :, , j,j ltll!' n \ I r .., . I IL·ltr ' · C r i ... \' 11 J d 11 i t I. v ('n · .. t ;ql ,tJtllt-l·nh. I j ' ; i· i j ' ·111'l l get ~ ·titl! l ·" t ' " y()ttr 1111 ,,j -..:tti . . h<.·n· il ,.1111 ,,;111 t11 tht· lll<Hk 111 elf llll' ' , ! ' " "' " " ! ' ll t 1t t'. Y(lu cannot hire men t o do what Ui l-0- \l a tic does for yott. So any home owner who "puts up" with coal dol':-. :--.o n o w onlY hecau:-;e h t: \\·ants to. Thi s mod e rn method. prun'd for nearly se Yen years, is :t\·a ila1,Je to e ,·en· hom e owner with any ty p e oi goocl h ea ting plant. _ \ :-tc1ragl' tank ior oil is installed. \'C~ur 11il deakr keeps it filled. The oil j..., dra\\·n in autnmatica lh· from thi:--. tank into thL· Oil-0-~Ia.tic. Your Oil-0 - \l atic i:-. connected t o the front of your present iurnace or hoikr. :\o part g<Jl'S inside. It :- . up plic:--. oil as fuel in place of coa l so nrlntlize<l as to produce an intense. p ur e tlame. Hotter than a great bed o i hot coals. Tn vour Ji,· in~- room j, a thermo:-.tat ron.ncctcd ,~·i th th e Oil- - ).[a tic do\\'n stair ·. This automatica lly tart:::. and stop, the l>urnl'·· a the !'(10111 tl'm pera tttrl' 'arie..;. ~imply -..l't t h l' in d i rat or at t h l' t e 111 Jll' rat u rL· you l' 11 joy· a 11 d i (\r g-l't you 1t an: a h L' at in g plant. I~' l'l' y thing <· J, t · i , do Ill' aut om at i c a I l y. ()iJ-0-\Iatir will he ,-o ur choiCL' ii ,·ott \\ant L'Yerything that :-.cienre ;tn<l thL· largest oil burner 1 <lanuiac turl'r ran gi\'C~ you. \\ 'ritt. phOill'. ur r:tll inr :t lihrar~ cdition l i our iatL" t hook ()11 Oil ll l'att·d Hum\·-, and . . uggt·-..t it~th for nwrc pka-.ant ttSt' oi ~-~~ ur ha--t·nwnt -.p;tt'L'. ~end ior it today. ! :· l' I ' \ ( It 1 Lu, ' c 111 r 111l' 11 ..; \ :t !'Ill ~· ( )\ 1 :t 1 ,I ~.a r~·l IH'rv. -.. urv that t h l' \ \\ iII 1)l' Tl' rt ], - ~t ' ·11'11 g"l' t ,-Jcd :tlld that g·<H><l ~<.T\· icl' uut ··· _·c,ur purrha~e~. OILOMXWC ____,HEATING ......_ N<'irl i.~·carablcs for .1fcn Evanston oa. o . Matic Company McNAMEE'S STORE FOR MEN Phone Wilmette 2645 Thomas H. Sidley 517 Detnpster Street University 9335

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