Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 30

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30 WIL~ETTE LIFE ,, October 9, 19.·Court, in the County Building, in t '1 1· City of Chicag-o, in said Cook Coun · : as the tim e and place for the heat·· :; on said application. All persons , . , ~ siring- may file objections in said ern ; ·t lH·fon· said <la.~· and may appear . , 11 tlw h1·aring and make their defens<' . D.\ TJ·~D. fktolH·r 2nd, 192G. . Ea.rl E. OrnPr John C. Baker F.:lnH'r D. Heck<'!' '\Tilford \V. lkl:, . r :l t. Clan·llC'<' g, J>ra,· , 1 l'aul A. Hoffntan · .John F. \\'i<'<11ilt 1:11:trtl of L11(';t] l!ltJII'O\'; ·rttt · ttt s tJt' 11 \ ' ilia~· · of \\'ilmdt· ·. \\.;tldt·n l'o:td, \\'innl'lka, Ill. ~ ~t>TI<'I ·: 1:--; lll·:ltl·:I:Y <;1\'1 ·:.'\ A!·.thtll' <' . 1-'. <;t·dg-t·, l!Oti Elm strt·l't, Jlt ' l"-"IIIS illt· · l't '!"lt ·d that II· all \\ llllll·tka, 111.: _.\ ('. \\'olt'f, 11~-1 (]n·t·nI l:ll<tl'd .· · tft, . l'l 't '-'idt·llt l.t· af avt · nu··. \\'ilrn..tU·, Ill.: H. Jl. l: lltt o 1 1 t'IJ!"It·1 ·s "r tht · \ ' ill't··t · s.l'l1t·ll. ~(Ill EJm Sll't·t·t, \\'inrlt ·tl.;n, 111.: , ~,,. \\'.illllt·ltt ·,. ill .lht: ('lltllll .\ of ('I;(~'· <-harlt"s J.:. llotzt·. 1~:!!1 llill stt·t·l't, \\.il- .tttd Statt· of lllllt«·ts. 11:1\itlt:, Pl'tlt·t·· ·d nH.'ttt·, Ill.:"'· .\1. Lt·\·y, , 111 l>rt·x .. 1 J tlt:tt _lht· <·· · ntral ··it:.ltt····tt tl'-l f· ··· t ,.,. s!IUan·. <'hi··a;..:o, Ill. : Thornas .r. Lyn<'h. tit·· ftrst alit· .\ not · tfl ~~r l.<tJ,, . . \\t ' lltl· · 1, r o u t ;\ · .·\ n n t · x , \\ · i n nl'l k a, 111. : 1:. \\ ·. ' ' l 1 · 11 d i 11 g f r nnt t It 1 · \\ t · ~ t I i ttt · " i· I.low, 111111 El111 stt ·1 · 1 ·t, \\' inn 1·tJ,a, Ill. : Tw..Jfth Str·t ·t· t to lilt· t ·ast lin· · ,,,. Aram K. :'llt·:-;tjiatt. ;,[J :\laitt sl!'vet, Tltir~····ttth Strt ···t. l11· itttpt ·n,·,.tJ J,, 'Yilmt·ttt·, Ill . t:.r:rdlng :tttd fl:t\'ing \\'itlt t'fllll ' l't · lt · an;l That lht· I\111·\\' Jt l 111 rtdltoldl'I'S, 1 tht·rwi:-;o·. illtfll'll\'ill~ tilt · S:tll l ··. tit: Ill' · Jllort_g-agt·t·s, and otht ·r· St ,·urit;\· holdvrs tllll:ttll't· loJ ' tht· s;tlll· l~t·itt~ "" til· · it t owning- or· holdint:. 1 Pt'l' <·vnt or more t~1. ·· ollkt· ,,f th·· \'JII;t~t· t'lt · J· ), or s:tid of total amount o( hnntls, lllortg·agt·s, \ t_ll;t~t·. :tnd said \'ill:t~t · lt<J\ it : ~ 'II·· nr otlH·r !"t'CUI'itit's ar·t· : <If tht ·rt· :u·, . Jdtt ·tl to tilt · ( ',.tllll ,\ <'ourt .. ,- <'nil!, I. I - :. I II011t.·, so :-;tat ... ) - .l'\ont·, ('11\1111~. Illinois, r .. ,. :til <lSSt ·:-:"l ! l· ' lll lit' -1. Th:.tt. tht· two parag'!'<tphs llt~ xt 111 .'.' <·l·st of !-;:tid ill1Pl'O\t · nt· ·Jtt. :ttTI·rtl \ I 1.1. \ C· 1-: 0 F \\ I I. '1 E T'l' E 111 ahovt ·, Rl\'Jng- thP nanH·s of tht· ownt·rs, 1 . -- t .o __ht · ~H · ti~s :111<1 <tS!"t ·ssttll · ttt t ht·t·,. !-;toekholders, and st·<·urit;\· holckrs. if 1 ~~ 11 h.t.' 111 g ht ··n m:ult · and l't·t ur ·tt· ·d 111 ~PI-:C ' I \L an;\·, <'Ontain not only tht.· list of stn<·k- , .ttd . < lltll't ( llllt'kl'l :\n. lti:·). til· tina! holdt·r~ and St ·t·urit.\· holdvrs as th 1, ,. I 1t," ll'lltt:. tht:rt·on will '" lt· · ltl ott tilt · . \ ( lt ·"' t : ' \\ iluu·ttt· appear' up~n thP htHd~s of tht· <·otnpan~· ~ -~·th da _ , . td <l<"toht · r . . \ . "· 1!·:.!.-·. :tt Ill I 'I i \ ' .1. Ta~ ]tJt ·. hut al~o 1n <':tSt ·:-; ,, h··rt· tht · sttl<:k- ~· ~'~"~'" : \ :\1., 1 ,'1' as :--""'1 tilt t·· ·; tft.·t· :ts \' i ll ; t ~· · ( 'J, rl,. I~ TilE .\1.\TTI·:I~ I>F Till ·: :-:1'1 ·:« 1.\1 . hol<lt·r· or s«.·t·urity h(lldt·r appt·ar·s upon .It·· ltUSIIlt·ss of tht· ('IIlii t "'"' l" ' l'tllit. 1.-:! - ltt · 1 .\:--;,...:1·::--;:-;_.\I E~T ·~f tit·· \'ill:u~· · .. r \\ 't l tht· ~>ooks of th·· cun 1pan;\· as trustet· . . \11 .llt'l'!-' 1 !lls tlt·sir·in~ t11a .' til· · td·j,. 1 .· and Ill any otht·r lidul'iary n·lation, th«.· lllttts Ill satd <'uut·t llt·fort · :-;aid d;t\· attd 1 I~ I~. t t '. t. Ill' t It t. l IIIJ I I'll\ I . Ill ' II t {I ,. ::\1: II " I \ fi.L .\(;t.; OJ.' \\ ' ILUE'l" l 't-: StJ·o·t· t ft·ottl tit.· "' .· t littt· of :-:h··ritl:t l · namt· of tlw ppr·son or 1·urp 111 ·at ion for j tna~ "PJlt·ar llll the ht ·<lri 11~ a ltd ·, 11 a ,,, . f.~fl:td til a Jittt· IIIII ' hlltldl't ·d ~ixt\ -ti\t whom sut'h tnr~tt·t· i:-; :tl'ting-, Is gi\·pn: lht·tr ·kft·llst·. 1 t:·t · l \\'t ·:-;t 11!' tht· \\t·st lirtt · ut' ':-;lXII al~o that tht· satd l\\1· paragraphs l'On:-:aid nr~lina.n· · t· !11'1·\idt·:-: for tht· ,.,,) _ StJ·~ · ··t, ~~~ · JI<L\' ill~ tJt,. S:tlllt' \\'ill t jaJ!I Stat<'JIH·Ilt:-; t'l!liii'Heingalfiant's lt·t·ttll~l td S:tltl :tSSt'SSIIlt ·Jt( ill fi\· 1 · all · f~IJ l.;nowlt·dg(· :ttHl ht·lit·f as to tht· pual tttstallnwnts :tltd with :tt t nu:tl ilt - \\ilnu·Ht· ~IH't·i:.l \Nst·ssmt·nt :\u. 14"' ;tspltalti· · t ··· Jttt·ttl l\\o illl'!!l·s itt thi('), l ! o·ss, _:IIlii otltt ·l'\\'iso · illlJII'O\' ill~ th · <'Jn:ull1!-'tant't·s and ('onditions Ulld<'r lt·r· ·st tlt··n ·urt <tt tht · r:tlt· of !-' iX If;) IX Till ·~ :\f.\TTI·:t~ OJ·' TilE Sl'l·:< 1:\i... sant··. tn th· · \'ill:t;..:t· 11f \\'iltnl'lt· ·. l't~td , whreh :-;t(I(')\Jl<ddt·t·s and st·(·uril\· hol<l- /it · r· t't'lltttnt }lt'l' annuttt, <~s id· ·tl "" "\s:-;J·:ss:\JE~T of th·· \'ill:tgl' of \\-il - <'fltlttt .\ ·, lllinni:-;, \\'ilntl'!tt· Sp····ial .\ -.. t'I'S who do not a PJlt·a r u pnn t books l:t \\' . · of tht· C'Oil1Jl:ln;\· as tru~tt·< · s, hold stock f)ato·d. \\"illl1t ·tt ·. lllin·ds, lldob'('J ' llll ·tft· fill' tht> illlfli'O\'t'll1t·l1t O( ('ht·St- St'S!"Illt·lJt j)q('l-\;·f ~11 . 1;,7 ill tit·· ('llllll tttll .\\'t · llUt · attd <·t ·rt:tin otht ·r dt·· ty <'ourt of <'oiJk <·ount,· l!lil!ois and St·<·ut ·itit·s in a l'ap:tl'ity ntht·r· than ~'lh, . \ . 1>. l~t;!;, , S('l'iht·l.l :-;trt·t·ts and :t\'t· nut·s, by ('on:\t ~'~.'l<'E i::; ht · l't·h~· gi\·;.11 to all l"'r tlu.tt of a bona lid 1· o\\'llt·r: and this , l'l.l.\ltl.l·::-; ~ . 1 ·:\-.\~:-:. strul'tlttg 0\'1 · 1·, along, :tnd undo ·!' tht· sons tlltt·r·,.stt ·d that th;· l!oard 11 f J.. 11 . at1rant has no n·ason to ht·lit·n· that I t·r~on appoJntt· d "·' thl· I ·,·, ·sid,·nt of said \'ilia~·· h:t~ any <!tht·r per~on, association, <·r <'Orot lht· l:oanl ·11' l.lt(';tl llttpl'o\'l'- said st n·l'!s an<l a \' t'llllt'S within tht· ··al lntfll'()\'t·llJ··nts, Vil_ l:tg-·> att ornarn<·ntal t-l····tr·il' ht·r·t ·11·for ·t· lilt ·d in said I'IIUI't, itt sai· P~II·atw_n has any int~·J't·st dir·t·l't or· inn.tt·ttts of tht · Yill:t~t · of \\ ' iltttt·ltt·, 1 ~aid stt·t·t·l lq.~· httn;..: H;\· stt·llt, installt·d hv <":tll . ·, .a ··t·t ·tifi<·att· showing- th;· l'Os t drrt-et. nt tht· said sto('k, bonds Ill' oth<·r ( uok ('ounty, Illinois, t·· tlt<tkt· said o_f thl' tlllJit'OVt·Jnt·nt, tit·· amount as 1.s st·<:unt,tt·s than as so statt·d ~~~· him. 1 :tsst·s:-;ntt·nt. 1.:.!-:!t<- 1 ··xv<t\·ating, tn·nl'hing· and ]a,·iu··· I hlP in parkwa;\·!-;, an'd the rlt· <·t~san· lllllatt·d by th«· l!oard of Lo<"al Il11 :>.· 1 hat tht · a\'t·t·a~~· nun 1h 1· 1 o( I · ,.,11Hluits and 111anhol<·s; b;\· installing. pro,··:nH·nts r .. quirl'd to pa~· th<· a('<'I'UCO J>H·s of .~'al'~ is!-;Ut · of this puldi .. ation 1 \ ILL .\C~E 01·' WILlll·:'l"J 'g 1 lhl' .n~·<·t·ssary sul,-sUtlions, group 1ng· tnter·t·st on bonds and \'ouchers sold or· d·:-trJhUtt·d. throug-h tht· mails 1 t ra.nsl ot·ntt.·r·s, tltn··· ('OildU('lor cahl , in and that th<·r·<· is a dt·fici<·n 1.,· ~·r otht·n~·t:-;t·, to paid subsl'l'illt·rs dur01 <"onduit, from point of supply to point $~. L41.~!1: and also thnt said imp.rovt· Ing t lw ~~ x IIH.m t h s prt·<:··tli ng- tlw da tP ~·f dist~·ihution, and oth1·r·wi~ improvnH·nt ha~ lH·I ·n complt·tl·d in suhstantia ~llt't' in I sho\\:n ahO\'t· 1~ . ('fhis information is \\ nrrnut, ( 'uun t " . ( 'uurt, 1 j 1:1.;..:· s:ud ,._t ,··:l'ts an<l av<'nues in the <·o~,f~H·mrty to th«' t·pquir·t.·mt·nts of th, n·qu1red fr<1111 <lail~· puhli<'ations onlv) ~o. 474CiS · lllagp of \Vllm ettt·, <'ook C'ountv II- <n·tg· t.nal on1inan<·t· tht·r<·for, and h;t~ ,. LLI >Y n 11< >LLISTEH. .. X· ITI<"E: linois, \\.ilnwtt<· Siweial Assesst~wnt appltt·cl. to sai1l court to consiclPt' an· ' (~Jgnatur·(· of t·ditor, puhlisht·r. husigi,···n that is lt··t·t·h,· l>o(·l,t·t Xo. 1-t:-;, in tht· ..,ountv Court d:·.t<·J.'mt.lll' or llot the · llt· ss ntana;..:-t·r, or o\\ llt·l' ) < 'tllll ' t 111' < 'ooi-: uf < ook County, Illinois. · ~ ··\t< d 1.n s.ud «·ertill('at«.· a 1·., tru 1· · and ~w:·!'ll to artd subs<"rillt·d hl'for· 1· llH· <'ounty, lllinois, n·ndt·rt·d judgX()1_'[('J·; is }WJ'(·IJy givt·n to all J> <'r- that t·nurt has fixPd :\Ion<I,·L,.' tl1t 111 " 11 t f o I' a ::; I H 'l' i a I thrs. 2.{r·<1 day of St ·ptt·JI11Jt'r, 1 !12:1. 'I s 1 f ' 1 11t l .s.·t·ssnll·nt upon sons Jlrtt·n·st<·d that th<' J;oard of Local ·: 1 <ay o OctoiH'J', .A. D. l!l:!:i,.:tt )I t (Seal) . <"JL\:-;. 1·~ . H<)TZK 0 IH·nl'fit<·d II;\· th ... followinglmpron·nwnts, of said Villag1·, has ··lt><·k A .. :\I., or ali soon tht·l't·aft··t _pt·opt·r·t.'· 1 1 ( .\Ty <·<nnmis:-:ion t ·XJJir,·s :\hr 11 0 ~tt}fl'o\· ·nH·nt: P<'lling- and · «·xt··ttding· ht ·r·do(nn· lilt·tl in sai«l ('ourt, in said :ts. th,. hus1111·~s of tlw ..,ourt will Jl(·r l !1:.!7.) . ' . ' :-:t:\'t·Jitl·t·nth Stn·t·t from tilt· south linP t'HUst·, a. <'c·t·tifkatt· showing the co::>t at tht> rnolll of :-:aid ('ounl\ <"ourt 11 1 , . .\\'t·llut· to thl' ltnr·th lint· of of .th<' llllprO\'t·nl(·nt, the amount ':' .tht· l:uilllillg·, in thP. ('itv 11 1 \ILL \C~E ()"" \\ -II.UE'I"I'E I: :' ·· an,<l frntn tlw south (·!-;trmal<'d by tlw l!oard of Loeal Im- C.htl'ago, tn >:aid Cook C'ounty, :ts. t h· · 1 1111 .. of.St;\:·ntt·t·nth Stn·et as now dt·dirt·quirt·<l to pay the acan«.l plaet· fot· tht> ht·at·ittgsaid 011 ~I'E( I \1. .\~~Jt;~~liEVI' 'O'I'H'E t.o \Vii- ('rUillg' llltl'l'l'Ht Oil an<l VOUL'hAll PI.'I'HOHS <il'sir·ing 11la\\y ·nu, '\II let 0not ~~11 lint ~)( \VllJn ettt· j <·r·s, an<l that tlwrc is a deficiency of ftlt· OhJt·<:ttnns in said <·ourt h('for:· 'ilhtJ{t· of "ihtu·ttt·-~IH'C.'htl · ' t · < strt.·.ut t<l 1 $"'1 · 1 ,1 · 1. · · s·ti<1 <l't\· · uH 1 nun· app(·:tr· 011 th<· h« ··u·sixt\·-six <I'll) f ' ' t1t en f 0 Hal(} . · ' ~· · 1"1 ·' ·'s?· -· an< so t 1 1at satd llllprovt-1" · .· IUt·n t 'u, 1 CiS iifl\:-s·,.;.vn ;~7) t~·. r a. <l.tstance or illH·nt ha~ h(·en compl\.'t('d in substantial i!lg- an<l, mak«· th~·ir dt·ft·nsP. ' 1 li111: of Dt·an's A; t ~ .sout~l of tht·.;;outh ('<~~ 1 :~H'Illlt;\· t~ the n·quirenwnts of the .J)ATED, Octol.H·r· 2nd, 192:>. :\UTI('~·: lS HI·:HJ·:I!Y t;l\·1-:.\' to all of \\'ilml'lt<' c~~~tt~ll, ,:r:t t~e ~ lllagt' ~lllgt.nal Ol'dll}<111CE' th<>refor, and ' baH Earl K Onwr· p··n;ons llltt·rt·St··<l that tlw l'n·si<lent Statt· of llli'nois as· wi/l <-o~k, fa;;rl ·;PPllP«1. to ~<u<l court to consider and .John C. l:akt.·r aiJd !:oard of Tru:-;t····s nf tht · \ .i llage app<·ar from th;, c ·r·titi I mote u Y < ~·tt·rnlr.n<· whether or not the facts I~~lnwr D . Becker of "'ilnwt t~ ·. in tht> <'ou11t.\· u[ ('ook, judg·m(·nt on tile in m\· (~lli~~~>~~h~~l~ ~rf' ~~-~tt<l. '·'\ ~aid. ccrtifkate are true; and \Yilford \V . DeB ran l and Stat., of Illinois havi11g ord('rNl 8 wan·ant for· the collt·<.;tion or' . 'h .e court has fixed Monda~·. the lar·en ·e E. Drnyer , that a <:onn<·<·t<·d systt·m of Portland Sl·ssmt·nt is in the h'liHls of l'tthce ~s- 1;: 1 , \ ayk ofA October, A. D. 1925, at l'aul A. Hoffman 1 <.·(:'nH·nt concrett· sidPw:tl ks ti n· (;)) dt·J'sigrw<l. 0 . c oc · ' · n- . · ~L. or as soon there. . .John F. Wiedlin f('t>t and four (4) in<"ht·~ widt· !-;hall l>e Said stwcial asses~ment is le\'l.ed to .tftel. as the busmess of the court will Ho,u <1 of Loc,Ll Improvements of tht · JH' rrmt, at the room of said County Village of Wilmette. 1ln(· of Ridge Avenue to the east line <atF:ss o·., .\l"(a· s'l' ::..:. 101::. Of the \\Tilmettt> Life puhlishNl WC't'kd' CTn·f·ley Avenut", except across the ly at 'Vilnwtte. Ill.. fot· Oct. 1. l!12f>. 't ·ntral twent,·-two (22) feet of :\iel~tatt· of Illinois 1 \'in An·nue, and exct>pt ·wh re a walk ounty of Cook 1 s~. is laid in front of the east fift~· (:iOJ lh·fore na·, a Xotan· J·'ulic in and ft t·t of King·'s F'iC'lds Sullclivision: for the ~tat<· ancl <·ount\· afort·said, per- :Liso on thP north si<le of lovPr Road sonall;\· appt>an·d Lloy1l Hollistl'r, who ~·,om tlw t->ast lint' of Gree1 ,. Avenue ha,·ing- lwen dul~· s""orn according to to tlw w<·st li1w of lU<lgAvt->ntlt·, ··x- , law. <lt·posPs and says that h(' is the ·pt a<·t·oss tlw C(·ntntl twl'nt\· -two <22) l~u:-;ittt·:-; ,-, :\lan:l).~t·r· of \\"ilnH· ttt· l,ift> ft·t·t of .:\lt>lvin Av<·nu<·: also <)n tlw <·ast and that tlw following· i~ tco tltt· IJt·st si<lr· of f;rt·<·lt·\· .\ \'t·nut> and 011 tht· Pf hi~ knowlt ·dgt· and ltt·lil'l' , a trut· Wt·:-;t sidt· and 'tht- < ·ast sidt~ of ~lt·lvin statt·tnt · llt of tht · O\\'JH·r~hip, m:tnag-e- .\\' t·nut · :\('t 'Oss ('Jon·!' ltoad, t·x<.·· ·pt lltt · nt <and if a d:til;\· papt·r, tl1· · ('iJ't'U- tlw <'t·ttlral twt·nt~·-two (22) fvf't I l:ttinn). t ' l\'., Pf tht· :tfor·t·said puhlic:t - th· ·rt ···f. and otho·r·wis 1 · itnpro\'i11g· said tion fttl' tlw <latt· shown in lht· aht~\'t" "idt·\\':tlks in th· · \'illag-t· of \\'iltllt'tlt ·. caption . n ·quirt·d h;\· th<· .·\<·t of .\11- : ·,·ok <' < lltllt .\·, Jllitttds , tht · ut ·din ;tJt('t ' gust :!1 , 1:tl:!, t·mbodit·d in St ·< · ti <l!t 11:1. f'ot· th· · ~<llllt· l~t ·i J\C: 1111 tilt· in tltt · olfi{·, . l't·:-;t : tl L · t~\· s. _and _ 1-t<·_gulatinJts, pt i!ll··d 1·f tht · _\'ill,:.t ?~~ · <'lt·t ·J .; <_1l' s aid \_' ill : t~t · .' 1 1111 th: · lt'\t' l!"t' ·11 tills ful ' IIJ, to \\' Jt: :ttltl s :ttt! ,tfLt .~t· h :t\' lllg :tpldtt ·d 11 1 1 I. I h:.tt tht· n · ·ntt ·s and addr·t·sst ·s .. r I t h1 · <'"ttttt .' · t'ptll· t 11f <'11<·k <·.,tlltt . '. ~ht· pllhJ _ t sht·l', t·ditnr, lll:tlla g ittg· t ·ditlll', JJ.Jittoi~ . fll.l' ;111 ilSSt ' S!"Illt ' lll of lht · (' tJSf .111d hU~lllt·SS IH:tll:tgt ·l ' S :tl't· : of S;t )(f IIIIJII'II\' t·Ji!t ' llt. ;Lt'I ' OI'tlitt g (t> , 1:u hl.~sl~t·r. 1.1::;~·.11 !Iollist t ' l', It tv . , . ~ .\ l '·,.·tt· ·ti t s, <tllll as:-;t ·ssJn··tt t t IH · I' I' f<~r h:t ~· t..otpot.lttt~ll), 1--2 <t~ ntral .·\ n·., \\J!- 111~· lllt ·ll lltadt · <tl td r· · tlll ' llt·d to s<ttd nwtt· ·. Ill.; l·:ditor. ~r·win \\'. \\'t·bt·r, j ( ""tlt' t t l>ovkt·t ~~ ·. ]fiX), tht· Jin :tl h l· <tl '~.:!ti . l':trk A\'t·.. \\.ilnlt·ft· ·. Illinois: itt ~ tht·l ' t 1111 \\' ill l11 · ho ·ld 1111 tli· · ::t i !lt l:~lstnt· ~s :\L~l.ta;..:· t·r·, Llo,,·d llcollistt·, ·, :-.l:l Jd:t .\· 11J' <> l' tob, ·r . . \ . 1>. l!t:!;,, at 111 I lilt' ::-ot . , \\ tnnt:tka .· J t t·lnt·k . . \ . :\I . ot· a:-; S<Jcoll th· · l't '< tft, ·r :!. That thl' (1\\' llt ·rs :tr· ·: (t:in· a~ th .. hu:-;int·:-;s uf tilt · t·co tll't ,, ill pt ·r· n:unt ·s and addr·t·s:-;Ps . (1f ittdi,· idual lltit . .\Jl )11'1'!-'0llS dt ·sit·it tt:, 111:1\ tilt · ol·.i· , .. 11\\'llt·J'S. Ul' if a t'OI ' fllll':ttioll , .~i\' t · its ll:tlllt' <llld tho· 11:\lll\' S :tll<f :ttlrf: ·t·SS t· S 11f ti··IIS ill :-;:tid l'(llll l llt·ft,j ., . :-: :t i d rf:t\ sttll'khllldt ·rs tl\\'tting or ltnl·1itt..t:. I Pt'l ' :tttd lila .\ appt ·at· 011 th· · ltt · :trit t ~ : 111 ; 1 ··· ·lit nr JllOI't· of lht· tnt<tl :tllJOllttt 11f 11t : tk· · tho ·ir dt·f· · n:-;t ·. sto\'k . ) :-: :tid !ll'tlin:ttll't' fll'll\ ' id· ·s for til· · ,·,,J Llo\d Ilollist1 ·1' Jnc . , (A <'·q·porn.- lo ·t·lilltt ,,f !"<tid :ts:-:t ·sstnt · ttl ill li\·, . :tlltiun),' 1:!:!:! l't ·ntra'l .\\'t ·.. \\ ' ilnJ t· tt, ·, fll. 111 :tl lttst:ti1t1tt · ttts a11d ,,· ith :tlltttt : tl irt I ... Jo~· d Jfp]Ji~t\'1', ~Ia l'illt · strt· t· f. \\'ill- ltl't"-'( tht ·J't ·Otl <tt lilt· l':t!t · or .-;i~ IIi) lit · 11.;; 1 · I II. : E. It L: 1 d d . :! I n -t II :t 1T i so 11 1 1· r 1 · 1· 11 t u '" p t · r a tilt tlln . a :-: p r 1 , " 1]t. t1 J. ·' :\\'t·IIU· ·. E\·an:-;tfln, Ill.: ltoht·t't ll. l:t\\ . 1-todt·nho·r·g·, ti;l;, ~ - L(WI\\\' 11111] :t\' t·llllt · l>:tl· ·tl, \\ ' il!tlt ·llt · , IIIIJt 1 .J ,._. ll o· t 11 J,, <'hit-a;..:o , 111.: l>a\· id Xt·lsott . ~:!1 l·:lnt: :ttll . \ . 1>. 1!1:!.-·. wood :t\··ttU· ·. \\"illll~'llt·, Ill.: F. 1.... ('11.\ltLI·::-: .'\. 1·:\·. \.'\:-: . l;att·lll:lll, 7·::;, :\li('hi~..:· an :1\'t·ltlll', \\' il- 1 l't·l ·~· ·llt :tppcoilllt ·d !1 .\ ti t ·· l'r ·o·si 1J,. 11t llll'llt ·, 111.: <:ust:tf ~t·fst~tt. ~1!1 I·:Jm .. ,. tilt · 1:11:trtl ,,,. f.,, 1 ·;tl ltllJII'II\.t·str't·t·l. \\"innl'!lct. Ill.: 1·:. (' . \\' t· isso · tt ttl1 ' 1tls oi til· · \'ill : r~t , , ,. \\' ilnH·tf· ·. llt'l't.:'. !lli:i l·:lttl stt·· ··· t. \\'in'tlt·tka. <'co1,f.; l'utlltl.\, lllllt·" "· to· llt:tJ.;, . s< tid · Ill.: H. ll. Ifill. \Ill \\';tldt·ll J'(J:td. <tSSt ·SSIIJt·llt. 1.:!-:!tt · \\'inn..tka, Ill.: l·'r:tJtl.; .·\ . \\'ils(IJI, Ill~ <'o · ttt:al :t\' t'llllt·, \\'ilnwllt ·. Ill: l:t·n \ 11.1. \fa·: HI-' \\ II.HI·:'I' TE 1'. h:i1 ·ft · t·, 1::n1 .\ shltl'\' a\·t · ttllt· \\'in11\'lka, Ill.: Harry L~·nn, 1111' Gag· ~·PI·:c I \I. stt·t·t'l, \\'intlt ·tka, Ill.: \\ 't·t·stt·d .:\lotor ('u . , ;,t;2 Lin<·<·ln aY··nut·. \\'i.nnt·tka . 1 illn,.. .. ·t· ut' \\'I 111 : : Elmt·J' 1·: . ..\dams, ~7:{ <>a!.; str·t'l'l . · rut·ftt·-~IH·t·iul \sst·~~\\ tllllt·tl-:a, Ill.: l·~arl L. \\'t·insto<'l\ uu·nt ,u. HUt S'l'ATEJIE~T 01<., THE 0\VNERSHIP. ··onstructed and laid on the south side b<· paid in one payment, and the M .,X .\.(.iE~II<~:\'1', ( ' JR( ' l T J.A'l'ION, I<~T('., ·f Clover Road from a point. five hun- amount thereof is Twelve Thousand REQ,UI<~STED tn· THl<~ :\('1' ·0·., ('0~- lred fift~· (550) feet west of the west nne Hundred Forty Do 1 1 a r s, ($12,140.00). All persons interested are hert-bv notith·d to call and pay the amoun't asst>ssed at the ollector's <>tflc(', in the \'illagp Hall, Wilmette, Illihois. I>ate<l th iR 5th day of Octo bet·, A. D. 1 !J2 ;;, I<;D:\fOND H. KE':RH, Colle(· tor. J...-2-ltc 11.1. . \(~E OF 1\.E~II.WOIC'I ' H :. O'I ' I('E Of<' ~ . \I.E 01·' HE.\ I. E~'l ' . \'1 ' 1 ·:. Ll -..: :\C)') II E ti;~o :t ! , ... I h;. ,,,.o, c:t- th\'.u~}<~~rtttn,otit·t· ha~ I ~aHl .'~·ht·th<> J:. fa<'t~ L:~kt· ~" . ' ' \~ldition ~~·~\~~·~<!. ~~~) s~;~l~t·ttl~·r's ~(];tition pt·o~·t·nu·_nts a~ ~nit, hond~ ~lnw. dJltlll('a~l011: Co~nty ol , 1 t\ tH Ll-2tc

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