Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 29

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October 9, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 29 - Are You Interested in bnoks of Fiction, Biograph).', Tra-ucl, rn Histnry? For lists"iC'rife to ESTH E.R GOV LD c/o }'Oltr local paper. that tile Vvorld War was caused by a dispute between the "Sultans" of the English and the Germans as to the relative merits of their mounts, a black and a white mule. ~I r. Coudenhove at one moment gives descriptions of the beauties of the country which bear out Mr. Carl . . I Akeley's prophecy that Africa is the cln_d :.uhtle~y n~t ea . Y to put mto words future playground of the world, then he ~~t. mu:-.t 1t:-.l'ir h~: r~ad._ ~~.has, a~ one turns to giving us science mixed up ~nt1_r h,:t:-. l'XJlr<.::-~cd 1t. an arrowy per- with humor. tectwn . ------------------ CITIES OF MANY MEN A wanderer's Memories of London, Paris. New York, and Chicago During Fifty Years. By H. C. CHATFIELD-TAYLOR of particular interest to Chicago.ans for it s portrayal of soc ial life and leaders of the period. IN DARKEST AFRICA "MY AFRtCAN NEIGHBOURS" By Hans Coudenhove. Little Brown & Co. \\'~.: THE BLACK MAGICIAN THE PROFESSOR GROWS OLD "THE PROFESSOR'S HOUSE" By Willa Cather. Alfred A. Knopf. enjoy ha\·ing \\'illialll lktl, c tell tt:-. o f ~ t r a 11 g c Iit t k i 11 ~ <: c ts a 11 d a 11 im a 1· Sensation? Oh, READ it! the first novel in three years who iin? tlH'ir bizarre liH\ \\·ithout hdp It h~h ))C'l'll -.aid oi \\'ilia Cather irom or rei~:n·nce to u:-. It i-., " ·ith the ~an1c 'ort of <:nj :>yl.11<.:11t that \\'l' can that :-.h<: ha n·n1arkccl that notl1ing read thi-., IHJok "~ly Airica11 :\cighwhich I! a happt'IH:cl to IHT '111CV -.,Ill' hour-.,". hy I I an~ Coud~:nhon·. wa..; 20 year:-o oi agl' ha . . 't'l'llH:d to Thl' author i:-. a lll<tll ,,·Jw \\Titl'~ \\ ith bC' matnial ior hvr art. I i t hi . . he true a great deal oi rhar11l oi ~t' k. " lw is 't ll 1 I · \\Til HT:-ed in art... both . ol. ·xtrt·IIJl'h· 1 1 wou ( per 1ap . . vxp a111 i.lc qua 1Jt\· · · l 111o< 1ern an d th~ 1 · anr1ent anc yet \\'1 10 1as LA TEST NOVEL 1 rcmotelh':-.~. of tr_,· ing to rcrapttll't' ":\n·l'r ~l"ell an airoplane. or a dirigible = · ::-.Oilll'thing, \\hirh i . . 'u ;qq.;· ·nt in her l l,alloon. ()r a 111otor-i>u:--. or a taxi<:rai>, \\Titing. 'j or a ll)()tor-IH)<tt. ~~r a \\ in:k:-.s appa~- 1 J ··. t()_, ... t 1ll' . . ton· '11· a , ;t .ll ..... or. a cluud .pll"tttr<.:. or thr pn·,l111 ".·\ I,r,~t ~ . . . by . . c1t·nt of a repu 1 >1 1r. or a portrait ol \\'Oillan " ho nt·\·t·r rt·all~, cxhtl'd, tln:-o I·:in~ tl'i 11 , 1 ,r a Bol:-he\·ik." \\-<.: arl' ju-.t I ~ A. S. M. HUTCHINSON . . u),tlc quality l()llncl lh Jll'rit·ct l'Xi'l'l'-. - bcgin11i!ll!' to think that happint:--:-. ~till The tH,\Tl that ,,·ill make hitn :-ion. in .\1 i. . . . Catlin\ latc-.,t IHiok."Th<.: t·.:-.i . . t.... on l'arth \\·ht:n he goe..., on to . . ;l\· S.?.OO at u/1 Hook.,·t'!lt·rs Profv . . -.or· . . ll<~tht · ." thl' t.xprt.·-.-.ion i. that ht· !Ja not ~kpt Jll a hcd 1.0!' 12 kno\\'11 to all .\mer:"·a. !TTL!·:. nJ~()\\-\' & CO. ~e...,, pvrit ,·t. ~Tar'. and ior 011t' pvriod of ii\·e year . . Boni & Liveright-New York .\Ji,:-- Ctthn II;t-. \\rittcn in tlJi, book did not . . it do\\n t ·> a llll·al \\ith anothn c oi tile innt·r lilt · oi a 1nan. a proi(·-.,:--or lnnnan l>t'!ng._ . . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...__ _~ . ,i'"'.: "lllil ll lllll l ! ,,,,,llll lllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllilllllill l l l ll. lll lllllr in a lllid\\t· . . tnn uni\·l'r,it\·. Codire\· But till'> J,()JatJun ha:-; gl\'cn ~lr. :-:.t. I't·tn· . . t·:-.tnior liiv IJa: been on~ l'oudenl)(ln· alllpl<- opportunity {ur a oi grl':tt vx.citt·J1ll'llt. a II:ti'l'Y lllarriage , . . tw; _ \· of tiit· 'tr aiiL!'e IH'igiJhour~_ whic_II t<~ a cktrtlllllg \\(JIIJ;tn. tiil· .l!'ro,,·ing up , l_Ie ila . . ril ·"l'IL l k t~· J_I, th or. thc1r oi t\\o cl.ulgiltt·r ..... ;~ IIHJrt· or k-.-., bitt<.:r · lulk\\a.' . . and 'liJlvr:--tltlolb, the1r rc. . trliL:l!k ;tL:ain . . t tht· !t~rt't'" oi r ~ 111111 ,.r" 111arkahk llHHlt -.t_\ " hirh lnakt.· . . thl'111 ci:di-.nJ in t!J,· uni,n . . it,·. th<.::--l' han· unalde to an-.\\vr a direct qu<.:-.,tion. 111;tclv Ill' tht· part c·i hi; liit: that thl' allo\\ ing tiit· llJo-.t -.tupendott..., llc\\·:-. to \' c'1 Id h; t , ·t· 11. r o llle o u t r :t 'u; t1 I·'· . r t.'lll in d i11 g o lll' o i the l~ut al!':tin~t thl·"t' :t.... a J·ka-.anth· 'tory "Tht·n· ain't no llt."'" except c ' ' I() n ·d a 11 cl n t: r p n ·. . t · 11 t 1, ;l r kg r ou 11 c i. , t II t: do g ·." d l' ad ... . ~t. l'ctt ·r ila' li' t·d a , i,·icl and ah . . orh- 1 I Ie hn11g-., cmt their 'tranl!'l' p . . yrhnin:..! liiv in t:J,· 11ld third tl 1<·r -.tuch· lo:..!y. tiivir -.hn·\\dnt· ........ in rlgard to \\l1ich II . , . -.!J;u: t· . . \\it~I. t\\o \\ir_,. and J~c·- ~0111~· _ th_in .l!~ ;~nd gullihili:y !11 nt_hl'r:-;. , cln·k,·d drv . . -., !unn ..... lhv-.t· art· thv allte-., .~ . . fill ln . . t.tlltt.' \\IIl'll 1nan~ bl'IH·\·L·d (Ji .\Ul!ll'ta. tllv "l'\\illl.! \\olllan. \\ll<.J -~ ot· c.upiv _'_ tilt· 'tud.' duri.nl.! tlw pruies. . () r ' till 11 () lll". l ll' r l' ~ t. l'v t l' r \\ r 0 t c IIi... I> r i 11 ian t \' , 'r k u n t ht· t ·; 1r ly ~ p a11 i . . h I adn·nturt·r, in .\1 nnira. ht·n· or in hi:'i hyS.P.B.Mais l>t·lon·d. ga:dt·n. ht' a_ncl 'l'on1 Outland A novel of English talkl'd far lllto tht· llll!'ht. country life .· 200 I 11 Ton1 ( >utbncl it i ... , C;tther ha-, B on cv lllor,· rn·;tt l'd a rha ra~.· t er through rentano's-Chicago tllt· l'~ l"> oi otlln:--. TIJi, ho\ \\·ith hi-, 1 unu-.ual background and hi·.., Yigorou~ 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -·- - fll~i .L:il~;tl ntind ga\'t· _to ~t. l\·ter. out ide 1~-----------------· ot lll~ 0\\11 rn·atr\·c \\'or!--. thl' onh· SINCLAIR LEWIS $2.00 thin,l! in hi . . liiv \\hich \\'1:-- t·ntirel;·: ARROWSMITH ahcl\e tht· cnJil~nonplan·. - t·xartly .·~~ ··one oi the hc..;t n(wcl..; en: r N a great measure the appearance and he h;u) drvalllt·d 111 IIJ-. ho\ hood that ltfl' , writ ten Ill :\ nlt'rica. ·- H . 1.. would hv . ()utbnd\ c!t-atl; in thl' \\-ar i:-atmosphere of rich exclusiveness which ~[ enc ken. F a tt .- . . a . . . ., u r a 11 c t' t h a t t II i . . o Ill' t II i n g i n , a liil'tillJ(· oi tl1ing-., :--l!;tll ht: kt·pt im· i ~)- 1 Harcourt. Brare & Co . \'t'\\. York pervades the most beautiful homes and estates Ia tl'. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on the north shore is due to the air of privacy \\·,. 't'l' thl' Proit·:--,or iir.:--t \\·hen all -effected by the fence surrounding them. t IIi:-- i-., un·r. But in ret ro:-- pert \H' Ii\'e I ~t aga_in \\it!~ him. ~luring th~-.,e yva~·s 111 \\ h1riJ he 1:-- karmng that h1..; ze:-.t m The American Wire Fence Company has Ji,·ing and hi~ ,·outh ha\·e ~onwho\\' installed many miles of permanently beautiful : -. 1i pped i ro111 IIi 111 ~ :\ t t II e 1110111 t'll t \\'hen h e i are " ~. 11 d a r c l' p t-s t 11 a t fact w c and protective chain.-link fence in this local, h-an· hilll. ity. Our factory at Libertyville is splendidly It is dfectin· \\Titing. \\·ith a ">trcngth ~::~:·~li:,g a ~i~rj~lcr By R. T. M. SCOTT Author of "Secret Service At all bookstores, lllus. $5.00 HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN CO. :d:::t:::s ; I i""""'"""';~;';"";'~~;;·;;;~""""'""""l ~~P~r~ic~e~$~2-~~~U~TI~O~N~'S~N~c\~v~Y~o~r~k~ ~ ~ IF ~~~~;~b~;~ES ~ il ONE i SHERWOOD ANDERSON'S DARK LAUGHTER ~ ~ II INCREASING I I= 1 1 Ec 11p s e 1 Good Homes Deserve Fence Protection i I ----= -----_--- ALWAYS FIRST \\ 'hen ~- ~lll want to ..;ce Ia tl'::-. t 1n .\1 ilady':-- ,,·ean ng pare I. con1e to the the ap- I ·unique Style ShoP 1126 Central Ave., Wilmette \\·c arc 110\\' ~hO\Ying .t he late st modes m Dr' :scs, Coats, Felt and \ ·clour Hats. F you etnploy this undertaking establishment yqu are certain to receive a pa insta ktng-. con~cientious ~ crYtce, and \·ou ,\·ill feel quite satisfied that }·on made arrangetnents w'ith u~ to look after the atTair. ' ~quipped to furnish and erect fence home w ~th advantages in both cost for your and im- mediate service. Phone or write to either our factory or our Chicago office. Ward & Buchholz Funeral Directors Lady Assistant American Wire Fence Coffipany 7 South Dearborn Street, Chicago Phone Central 7801 Factory: Libertyville, Ill. .. . 1_9_1_2_C_h.ic_:_:_~_v_~_t~_e_~_m_b_t_t~-~-:~_c_~T-n-iv_.,.600~ . I

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