Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE washed October 9, 1925 Jo~ "Non-Drinker" Fined l)ark-Skinned for Being Intoxicated l)ane,· Latest Cop T heod o r e K insch, 418 E ugene s tre e t , was fin e d $50 an.d cos t s b y on Wilmette Force Chicago, Po lice Magis tra t e D . M. M tckey Mon - r our clothe· free if you rins us "TraYeling a beat may be pretty hard day of t h is wee k , on a ch arge of on the two feet of the average police- driving a mot o r car whi le intoxicated. man." ~ ays Joe BigclO\Y, nC\Ye st mem- Kin sch wa arrested on Ridge avenue ber of the \ Vilmettc police dep a rtment, Saturday evening by Motorcycle Po"but it will onlY he hali a s hard on me. liceman ] ohn DeGroot, when t h e -latter It will be my ·aim. while a member of n oticcd him steering from one side of t he department , to do my duty a s I the road to the other. Two partially see it and to obeY the conunand s of mv full bottle s of liquor and a nmnbcr of superior officer s.; , · ~' llli)t\· one s were found in Kin s ch's 1frs. Kin sch Thu s quoth Patro lman ] oc Bige low car, ·th e polic e a sse rt. shorth· · after he \Ya s inducted into the i'n form ed ~1 agi strate Mickey that h e r police. department hy Chief Brautigam hu !-> hand hadn't .tak e n a drink in 18· , ·c ar s. late la s t week. ] oc is the dark. hand - _ some officer \\'ith the large car s and the bright new star whom you m ay have HOLD CLERK - CARRIER EXAM noticed \\'and c ring about the Yillage Receipt of appli cati o n s for the p 0!-> ilate at night and early in the morning, tion oi cl e rk -carrier at th e \\' ilm c tt c in fact at all time s. pos t offi cc will cl os e :!\o ve mb e r 11. it "lie is a 'hound' f~r puni shment.' ' ,,·as ann o un ced hv the Cnited ~ t a t e:> !'l ay s Chief Brautigam aft e r a ss igning ~ ivil ~ c rvic e coimlll s tOn th i-. \\·ec k. the n e\\· officer to th e 'do~· watch , th e 'l'hl' ex a minati o n \\·ill he h eld a t the the middle \Yatch and part of the day po !-> t o ffice. watch. lie \\·ant s to w o rk like a d og Mrs. Thorpe Ednnmd s and h e r two so \Ye ' ll let him.' ' little children , of \Vau sa u, \\'i ..,., arc Two Joes Inseparable Joe' s regular traveling partner i:- an- visiting at the home of 1frs. EdmutH.I 's other Toe. who s e other name is grandmother, ~ir s. A . ~f. Dingee . of Schmid t-. Long since, the newe st re- ~26 Lake avenue. --oc ru it attac h ed him self to Patrolman ~fr. and ~1r:-. 'Jvde lfa,·-. o i 51 <) Sc hmid t . He appears at the s tation as regular ly as nightfall and accom- La urc I aven uc. ha,;e ret m:nt·d i ro m pa n i<.' s his friLIHI, rain or. shine, warm their s ojourn 111 C'aliiornia . \\·ea t her or cold, u ntil Schmidt com p lete s hi s shift. The Dane, for that'. Joe's c l as ~ ifica ti on, then repairs to the Bigelow res idence for his brief quota o f sleep . L a t er in the day he pays a v isit to headquarters. repor t s to Chief B r au t igam. returns home for dinner, and, . hort ly before midnight reappear s for the night's trave l ~. He has patrolcd every post in the vi llage and I is conceded to he the he s t informed 1 ca n ine on community go ss ip and hap pen ings . Joe\ pay is one "honL'" a day, he sid es frequent and r:ch g leani ng s from various cooks on the heats. Oh. Yes. he li k e:- the kitchens. \ VELL d ecorated . Dog Has His Day cntrancQ s p e lf s 1t \\·a:- a proud day fo r Toe when welcome. Paint t hty made him a po li cema n . ·for it ha!-> >'OUr doo r \\'a v to wdcnme h een his greate:-t ambition for the past ' he Spring!. imc. \\-c t\YO Year:- to he come a member of the will cheerf utl y estimate loca t' force . \ Vhen the ceremonies \\·ere wh at t he pa int wi lt cost conduc t ed and Chief Brautigam to ld him t o report at 9 o'c lock, Joe ~cam ,·on on any job and per<'d home to show his llL' \\' -.tar to Peter Pai .1 \\·ill tl'll you E. E. Bi_ geiO\\', 82() Park an' nue. \\·ith l10w to apply it. w h om he stavs. Pai11t's the fo t' of tr 11 dt'After he re(·eivNl the congratulatio tb tll\'. oi ~ ~ r . and · ~ f rs. Bigrlo\Y he ron:-ented )a;·c .t ht surfa~ · ~, t o an inten·iew \Yith a repre-.entativc IIi \\ .11. \I ETrt·: Lt FJ·:. ":\11 I han· to :-a\·," :-aid l oe. <~:-> he preparl'd to rl'tirc (or a :-h :).rt nap. "i:that 1 l' (lthidn it quitl' an honor to he tlw fir ... t official polire dog of \ \ ' i) met tt·. It ·i.. ...aid t hn t en·ry dog ha -. it . . <b .' :tn cl thi -. i-. n· identl~· mine ." Electrical Repairing Radio· Sets and Supplies Eveready "8" Battertes Music Master Loud Sl)eaken Base Plugs Installed Fine Line of Lighting Fixtures Adams Electric Shop Fourth Street Phone Wilmette I 040 BOOKS RENTAL LIBRARY BALLARD'S Wilmette's Book Store Dennison's Supplies Gifts and Novelties ----------------~~~--------- DDD6E , B ROTHERS COACH In buying Dodge Brothers Coach, you may rest assured of this: Nowhere can you purchase greater dependability, greater freedom from annoyance, and more substantial and durable beauty at a smaller cost-permile. The Coach not only accommodates five adults in comfort- it carries them in comfort Dodge Brothers low swung body lines. long, underslung springs and balloon tires assure the owner a degreeoftravel ease which you would call exceptional tn any type of car at any price. $ 1 o 3 5 f . o. b . D1troit- 'A h t $ 1 1 2 5 delivered C. M. McDONALD 1019 Davis St. University 224 Evanston ~ I r. a nd .\1 r . . . I larn· Cumberland had a-. tht·ir ~tll' 't' la-.t ~,· l' e k the former' s hrothtr. John Cullllwrland of Oak land. Cal.. and hi . . -. i . . tl'r. ~Irs. Emma Corde s. of Cak-.hurg . Ill. NO COMMISSION CHARGE Phone :-> h 1 IF OUR SERVICE IS NOT SATISFACTORY-TRY IT 1304 Wilmette A. J. WOODCOCK 35 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ·

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