Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 24

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21 WILMETTE LIFE October 9, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE IS~l' RU I" UIDAY · 01:<"" J<.JACH W~J<~K Community Drama is made of plans for the coming eason by dramatic J,J,0\' 0 . HOLLIS'I'I<~R. INC. organizations, \vho \vill during the winter 1 :?~2 Ct·ntral AVt'., \Vilmette, Ill. present to the men1bership of their groups 'l'«"lt· t·hon«" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U'ilmette lD:!O Until We Find a Title a carefully selected series of play:-.. It is . =::J !'il ' IISC HIP'I'IO~ I"HIC'J·~ . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 A YI~Ail one the significant features of the present n,· ( ' nrrit·r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 2ri«" n month day, this devotion to the dran1a on the part A PRAYER 11,- 'll:til . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 u Yt>ar l":ttWrN nr(· clt·H,·t·rt·d by th.- (~lt-neot" ""'"'M of atnateurs. And it is one of the a venues To Melpomene, Muse of Tragic Poetry .\"'·t·nt·,-. .\11 NUbNt·rit·flou orc1t-rH Hhould l·t" ~.-le by which _th~ American people are a rri\·ing t·hont·tl to (olt'n<·ot" . ltf e!pomcne! ,11 rlpomclte! at that broader culture which is a recog'!'rail Hot ill).' lraqir !oc!.·s inward 111c! All <'Oilllllllnications lllUI'l; ·Jc accompa·I~ied hy the nized need of the nation. n_an11: and addrPss of tlw writer. Articles fot· puhflacll /m(·ny coil. each lil·istcd braid llc:ttJon ::hould J't·ach tht· Nlitor hy \Vedn esday The pt·l)gTam comn1 it tee of surh a 11 Is nf tlzc snwl~c nf {Ja/1/,·s made. nnnn to Jllsllr<· appt·at·ane<> in curr<>nt issue. organization can·ics heayy respon...;ihilitic: They arr CM1tj>ound,·d from the m oil ~{t· snlutions of <·ondol('llC'<', card~'; of th:tnh:s, tolntuat· _ , .. pot·tn· . llotit'('!'; of <>nt<>rtainm011ts or \\'it h so 111 ttrh in the drama that is destruc()f <<'011/tJI · yo!.·NI li!.·r htasls ,'o toil. t·th, .,. <tffair::- wiHT;· an admittan(·(> chai·g-p will IH· t in. ' o i good ta~ tc. ra thcr than de~ igncd tn Tlu'y arc an11nint,.! ,,·ith the tears madt· or a collt·t·l ion taken, will be C'harg·(·<l at 1 ( g·u l<tr a<l\'l'l't ising rn t<>s. io~tcr it. the member~ ()i the contmittce ()f orj>ltans ,,·ui!in . 't throu.nlt sad '\'1' ·11 .1'. Ye . -;tcd \\'ith authority to rhou~c what ~hall Jf c/r()}}/, ·1/,' -' .1fl'lrnm,·11,' .' he presented have no-easy task. l\fnch must Slt ,r!.·,· nnt tlt y suT/,·n loc!.·s at m,· .' he read and mttrh rejerkd in the pr()ce .. ..; \ ·,, 11 111 n' 111 _\' hn11n nf f!c , rW1lf s luml'trs ro h. oi ~electing a li~t of four nr IJl(Jre n!ay~ to They Like It! (,' ,,to tl ht~rf ,, ·r . . oir1 .1 (;, · / th, ·,· 11 f,o fl.' he perfonncd. -n \HI"~, . ,. l · J),(·; .' ~ C f n: m t h · letters w" have ~-,._ There is a rcgretahle di"JHl:-'iti"n in Cl'r tain circle. of artistic cncleayor t() rnnitt'"~e rcnul teg,lldlllg our ne\\· magaz111e WE ARE HONORED realism with art. A thing 1nay he entire!:· form, as \\' e II a~ i r o 111 the nun H.T o u ~ remark:-; Yt·-.-..ir ~ lot· nigt·lO\\', nffirial polkl' dog ; IJHl lll'\\ and indi~pntably true, and. till contain nothv-.t nH·mht:r <ri the \\' illllt'ftc polir(' inn·c. !t)nk tinw that ha,·c r<':u:lwd tt:-., \\T knu\\' that the nff iron! hi-.. ardnntt:-. ni!..!htly dutit· . . :tnd l" tikd nn ing that contributes to the intellectual or chang-e i...- a markl'<) itnpn,\·ement. 11 ... in our nfilrt · th<' other night moral hettcnnent of thosr \\'ho :-.cc <1r hear 0 n c o f n t1 r c c , tTl' "JH ,11 <1e n t :- ; . a 11 e x c c tt t i \· · the story. One need not be prudish not to fnl· \\a-. JWt at all . . ,n·lkd up () \ l·r hi<. llt'\\' ioh he. ,,·a-. itbt a-; <lcmocrJtic a" t·\t ·r . \\' a"ked him of lltllt.-.::ual ability and keen di:-.crimination, like the prurient nor over-nice to di~appro\T in r ;1 ~ i at <: m v 11 t r c t! a r d i11 g 11t · n i Ill\' ... i' 11 at in 11 i11 1he salacious. Un fort una teh· de ien ~e ran ha . rated our new ~t_\ le "a g-rl·at iinpro,·e\\'ilmdtc. .-\ncl Tc1r "aY~: a 1ways b c fun n d for t h c un ·wort h y i n t h c "Ynu read :thottt all tho-.r ~;tirk-up~;, murdrr <> :1nd ment." a "fine l<l(lking magazine ." f fe Slltl1S · ~ucl1 in ('IJicat!o. \V<'ll. all T ran -.;t~· i.., that tho"l' modern drama in the assertion that the situp his appreciation \\'hen he call~ it "neat, -.o -c;tlled hold h:td crook ... ktd t~~ · -.t not lllrlnkn· uations that arc of que. tionahlc character con\·enient. good lo()kin.~·." \\'ith tilt' 1. :\\\' hnt· in \\'ilnJl·ltt · "~' 1'11 i't·r,()nalh are "true to life." But there i~ much that makl' it do~!:,!"llJH·d hnt for ·~ · 111 ~ .. Another \\'riter ~a\·:-.: "YCJttr Ill'\\' paplT ~~ i...- true ·t() ]iff' that is n t edifying. Tlte te--t . \nd l(ll' ,:t,rll'd a-. ii hv d id 11 ' nH· ;tl1 m :t\·lw ~ a winner. So attractive that T 1eo·Iected nt\· o i t h c \\'()rt hi ness of the modern i 11 all the \\.cJ(thl·\· do -.:t\· a-. h(n\· t' \t 'l'\' dCJL: h:t" l1i-.. cl :t' h llllt it JH';t)'-.. likt· J(ll' Bigt·lrl\\ h.t ' hi . . ll ;l!ht -.. w or k - to read i t ." . \ n d s t i II a not IH . : "T h ~· fcJrtJJ: of literar·.· art is not \\'hethcr the new make-u1> is a great i lllprl)n.· tnen t. ·· given specimen i~ true to life. hut whether "T HE PAINTED LADY" Others \\Titc oi the tlnl' luokino· ro\·<.·t· it pre:--enb a phase of l'ife which it i;; useful h · ( 'j', 1 a hut tertl:v cru-.hed r 111 .1 ri ' p.t \- ~ · mt·n 1 I t 1e. exce11ent grade <d. paper, the enjoyn1ent to con:--ider. There is no reason \\'ln· an f !atf,·ss llrlicorttr. clenved fron1 ~eeing and reading this new f!ttt'd Til,·t tlt,· oan/, ·n.:; audil·nre, or a reader, should \\'i~h to ht' in {f'ftt'llt't' \'OH h~7't' il'tllltf, · r, d . depart~tre in conltllllllity lll'Wspaper:'. the company of people depicted on the Thtr,· \'Olt Tic·. quiz·,·rin,r~. ]'rinted page \\'ho would arc,u ... c di...,g-n...,t .\II m all may we not jttstlv fed a real I f> it, ·t;IIS. taint,·d f'ic'lur,· , J ·'Ill· \\Tre they present in the fll·...,h. p:ide .in what everybody rega;ds as a g-cntune nnprovetnent? \\ "e desire to live up Cn·a t moral Iec.sons are taught hy t h l' rca I Tllo n{ltll ha<'t' 1 _ ,,.,,,, !l/h,·r s. 1 to our reputation of being a "progressive / ,rint,:d, flriSrl/lt"'· />if,·ous th;I/1/ S. arti~t \\'ith \\'Ords, tnost el()quent -,ermnn"' ' I >,·sti.,·,·d. rltsto;l~·d 11 t' n,·,ntt \'. newspaper hu...-ine~s.'" \\ ·e desire to live up on the text. "The wages of sin are death." }',·t ,, .t'arino _,uf,t!,· lntt·,· and lru ,· to the splendid reputation ui our con~tituent lt i~ unfnrtunateh· true that this is a bit nr lht· oln;.;,,{.l' f/flrdt'IIS nf God. communities. of l fol~ \\'rit that escape~ the attention of rr·h,'l/ ( ,· lllll fl r/1/;, tit,· ,. (, '!llldt'l'r'd --~-~~-- --many oi the producers oi the day':-. litrra-r. \Hnr ,n· ture. ~in i:-. a fa\'oritc en<~ugh ~uhjcct. and Keep Well Hurry Un Girls! There's Only A Few Of Us Left! the emotional nature of the . inner is dis. \rcordin~ t11 a rt·<·< ·Pt -..ton· 1,,. Tlw Dnwag<'r in o keep well, l.'\'l'ry tniddle aged man sected minutely. nut there i:-. nothing -..aid lft·r - amin· ·r. tilt· \'\ '!'\. \\·nnl ~~ ~~rh<"lt~r i-.. hrrom ought to do gymnasium work. He oi the wage~. The ston· ends where the itt~ ah-.olt·tl· in . t ht· - ~~·,ircl!J of 'hir~~o sori<'t)·. should do it regularly, one or tnore titnes ll"-':-.<111 might well begin. Tt "\ ' I'll)-.. that thnt· will hl' 110 "Stllllt' narhrlor<." 1 a week. l\loreo\·er, it sho tid be \\·ork laid dl thi-. . . ,·:t-.(111 -.imt·h· ht·call . . <' tll<·n· ar<'n't ( ' 110\l!>h ·· ... onw l,a,·lwltlr-." kit to l!i\c' (lllr. out on the hasis~>f a thoruugh ph~·sical xOctober 13 Stir·k ia-.t J,m·-. ~ Th<'· t·11tir(' m;tlt· portion of a m ina tion hy an expert. thi ... hn1· t · rlitt~rial oflirt· ;tn· . . till font lftO-..c· and JH~T concert of .the sea~on hy tl.lc Sym~Iany tnen in middk liie and later do haltn-irtT ~ Thl· ract· r,i ':Jr<· frt ·t ll'lcht'lor.: ph<~n.\· Player .' of Chicago in Xe\\· Trier nothing that can hL· ca !led phys ira I \·ul t u rc. lllu-.t Jl()t pt·ri-..h ir()m thi-. t·arth ~ aud.i torinnt next Tuesday l'\'Cning. Ort<>hcr Except for Sunday:; one day is tnuch like Yes. And Some of Them Are Teachin~ Scl-ool! another. The. e nwn arc engaged in sed- ' 13. Tlw " ·i . . c-crackim! cnlumni-.t 1111 th(' Xe,,·c;-fnc;rct J) () n ' t fa i 1 t () 1,(· p r c :-; (· n t ti \' c or t c n 111 i n tlt l' -., en ta ry occupations. They sit n1ost of the ri-.('-. t(l n·mark that ;tll college graduate.: arc not ahead oi time, :-;o that YOU will he well da ,.. The,· walk irotn one rootn to an-.t·llin~ hnnd-:-- r11ll(' oi thl'm arc di!!!!in~ ditcht"· ~ettlcd in \'ottr ~cat and rc~1dy to enjov fullv ot l1lT. hut- c,t herw i se their nHt. cles get no 1;t ' iIll!' 11r irk..., (, r run 11 i 11 ~ h tllllt 1r r o 1t1 m n . : . n·al L'xercisc. t h l' open i 1; g c h <lfd \\' h ir h the ore hest ra will EVANSTON HEARS OF THIS AND THAT! deliver in y·e~ponsc tn the llrst graceful mu· In e\·en· cotnnnm it,. there arc gy n1() t1 r c (\ lnilln r (· r (' i \' <' d m (· 11 t i c1n i n J o h n Q.'.;; f\·tions of Director Da. ch'. baton. nas ium ~ in~ \\'hie h Ints in.ess and profe sional illhton Hl'\'tl<' thi.; \\'n·k. That'.; all right John. wr The north shore is fortunate in having men ma ,. do corrective and constructive don't rar·· " ·hat ,·ou ..,a,· about us ju-.t so long a.; ~urh "Jllenrlicl tnttsic broug-ht to it~ verv cxcrctstng. ~Iuscle:-; of trunk and limb can ,.011 m<·nt ;on n.:. \f or!t'-.t j-, <111r tl1ing- \\"(' arc· <'\'l·n·· thin~- t·J...t· DPT ~ d< '< ,r~ and "·ill show its gratitude to the there be moderate 1y and prol1 tahly used unprime promoters of these concerts hy proder intelligent :-.UplT\·i~ion. Bowling and SPORT DOPE \·iding a capacity audience. '-'Wimming are excellent all-runnel exercises, .'l'l'i!lg ;,~ hn\\' (·\·erYhnd\". <loin' it. \\'e'rc gnin to and in addition are enjoyabl.c spo. b. dna littlv (lithe Hughie .Fnllertnn 'it uff. \\~e 11irk: 1f. a tnan is to \\'ard off \\'ith any degree Skokie Extension \\"a:--hinl.!ton to \\'in tlw \\'orld\ -;erie'. of succe. s phy ical loss oi tone h~ will find The huil_ding- of tl)e Skokie extension of .. . Thr Cnhs to land 111 last place. it best to join others in fonn. of play the north shore line has brought suddenly ( 'h iralrn to \\'in the "Big Ten" top honors, adapted to his needs and limitations. The The Cub to win-ntH' g-amr in the City sene-. to public notice localities and country :-.ure~ t way to rid oneself of persistent ache. perhap~. ~tretche~ heretofore con1paratively little is to work the offending muscles and joints. ~ew Trier to heat Evanston High. kno\\'n. \\' hat was, only a fe\v years ago, Demt>-.e\· to heat \\"ill-; if IH' l'\·er fight:-. him in 'fhe principal requi-.,itr for happy living a wilclerne~s. will soon be a string of thrivthat n~-decisio11 boxing hout over in Indiana. 1~ healthful living. ing village . whrrl' they don't allow pnze fights. -T. R. C'. bv A NNOUNCEMENT of THIS AND THAT J T F 4

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