Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 23

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~ ' ·, 19 y October 9, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 23 The philanthropy department of the Woman's club of Wilmette is giving its annual card party Wednesday, October 28. at 2 o'clock. A committee of cnergic \\·omen is busy at work arrangi~g for tables of pivot bridge and five hundred. and se lling tickets for the affair which, eacit year, is a red letter day on Wil m ·tte's ~oc ial calendar for the openin~ winter seaso n. Following arc the name s of tho:-.e committee members from whom ticket s n1ay be obtained : ~[r :-.. l'. E. Tucker, chairman. and ~[(' :-, daml·..., Chari<.::-> A. Eldrid~e. C. P, B erg . .:\. P. Col\\'ell, E. Ander:-.on. \V. G. ~1 i tchcll. 1f a n·s ~f c Kinne,· onna Bo\\·l':-. , C. i>. E\·ans, G~: ~rge ;\·. Kibby, Fd\\'ard Lili enfie ld, Frank Koontl:. Halph T. Jiu if, J. ~fcl.<"od .Can1don. \I. C. I kcht. C. Frn·kman. I,e--ter \lvl·. _l;lltH:-, :\'. '\lacali-,ter. Car1 \\ ' iclncy. J. ~t;tckh<Jtbl'. ;t.t!Cl 1 ·:. II. Yonker-- . Wilmette Girl Achieves Charity Bridge is Perfect Marks at U. of I. Always Gala Event \Vinifred Adkins, 1112 Central 'aveWilmette, a student at the Uniin Village Society nue, versity of Illinois was one of the 76 students at the university who made a perfect grade in every course studied at the university last year. ~1ccording to an announcement made hv university officials thi s week. Out of th e nearly 10,000 students \\·ho attended the Urbana departments of the institution la st year, only 76 made this .perfect average . . A "perfect grade" is 3, or "A". The "B" gra de i.' 4, "C" i..., 3, "I)" is 2 and '·E", \\'hich i ~· fa i I u r e . 1. I ~1 r. and ~ f rs. C. 'I . I1 a \'l'" ha \'C ' ju st returned to their home <~t 519 Latircl <t\"(·nuc. i_rom a trip to Caliiornia. when· t~Jl·~· :·hJtcd in Lo~ Angl'k:-. and ~an " ra llCJ:-CO. 1 --------------- 1 ~ SOLID BUILDING That i~ \\'hat you " ·ant \\'hen you go 111 u. t .\iivr ;1 't·rit·.., ,,j ~· !;tnin;t'i()n l.<,ntl·-, t... : '.\ hi,·il t·tt<kd h:-t \\' l't·k tltt· chatnpi .. n , ~·irl-.' \tdk . ' !J ;,! I tt ·:tlll oi thl' jCJ-.l' jdl 1 ~l' ;tr" -,chor, J. Kl'nil\\<·rth. \\a-. an 11!1\lllt't'd . it -. Jll'J' -. tJ!lllt'l i- ;[-. i(lll<l\1,-. : t ' h:tr l<·tk llani iJt,,n, C:tj· tain. \fay Ll't tt. ,ln ;ttl ~llt'rritt. I.attrt·tta \\'hitv. Ftht ·! Name Players for School for Hockey Insuranee earn Full protection for the in .. ~ur<'rl i~ our fir=-t con innation. \\'e write policies only in compani~s of the hi~hc;;;t integrity into the cxpen . e of con:-.truction \\·ork a ncl of cou r~c you about ,,·hich thnc h a ,.e lum her e<L.t ht.: no que-,tion Compan~ \\ h., t:-CH.' \Tr. Thi" i-. perfl: Ctly true oi :\ . . k tb i.>r quota- I I I I \\ 'innl'tka Coal and Lumbt·r huilcling lumhn . tion :-.. J: ('Jk ll:trl:tn . \fa n!arl't l( ~·rr . \l arjnril' Thor . . t·n. Fun in· \\'il -.ntl. and .\1 ar~arl'l 1·:)-!gl'rt. Plt y-.ic:tl f>ir l'ctor n()L TCl\\' 11 ll ·' ()i tiH· St·ar-, -,ciH~tJI pr :thv<l th1 · ' . c ·r k of t h t ' g i r J..,. - -· - - - - '\1 r. and ~fr :-;. Jo~cph Jolm o.;on , 127 l'ra ;ril· an·nue, ha\'l· returned frc,m a j, ,,. da\-:-.' :-.Ll \ ' in ~lil\\'aukn·. \\'ltt·rt· tiH'y ,. i-~i ted ~fr. and ~lr o.;. Edward I i. l I WINNETKA COAL and LUMBER CO. 823 SPRUCE ST. WINNETKA J ohn:-.Oil. SlOSh m· Jordan Line Eight Playboy It was built for red-blooded Americans \vho never grow old. It dominated it's field- and of course \Vas imitated. No'v it is lighter- with more po,ver. A little smaller. Easier to park. A little more compact. Turn around on a dime. Easier to handle. Of course there's all the speed you care to use- the Playboy \vill al,vays have that. Finished in all colors that you'll like. A little lo,ver. A little racier. And an extra folding seat in the rear deck for that 'extra couple yott'll occasionally take along. FLOYD 'KOON, AUTO SALES . . . - 1160 Wiltn ette A venue Phone Wilmette 597

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