Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 20

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20 WILMETTE LIFE October 9, 1925 Autu1nn Color Scheme Kenilworth Scout Wins "Eagle" Rank; Feature of Recent Kenilworth Wedding Second in Village THE HADDORff PLACE AMONG PIANOS Whether in the home, the conservatory, or on the concert stage, the HADDORFF piano is instantly recognized by those of discernment and experience as one of the highest grade pianos made, from the standpoints of performance, endurance and appearance. For demonstration call our display room 'S ~1iss Louise Durham . daughte r of, "Pq)" Farley received his Ea~le ~t' r. and · ~~ r:-.. Ho\\·ard Durham of badge at the last meeting of the Keml Kenilw ort h. and \\'a lter L. ~1 ead of worth Boy Scout troop held la st \Ved\Yi scon~in Rapid~, \\·e re married Sat- nesday at th e Community center. The urdaY aiternoon. October 3. at the rank -of Eagle Scout is the highest Keni.lworth Cnion church, Dr. Ozora S. honor which may be obtained in the DaYi s oi the Chicago Theological sem- Boy Scouts. Farley is the secon d inary, officiating. A ceremony at the scout in Kenilworth to achieve thi s residence of the bride's parents, 431 honor, the other being Frank \Vatt. Ahhott sfo rd road. follmYed the service. Officers of the troop who were elected :Mi ss EmilY Durham '"'·as her· sister's at this meeting w e re as follows : Carl maid of honor, and l\frs. John A. Cory Keith, senior at Ne'" Trier high sch ool, was matron of honor. Mi ss Ethel se nior patrol leader; Ben Richard s, ~IcC all of Kenosha, l\fi ss Anna : M ar- sc ribe; Haro·ld Keith, treasurer. The garct Clifford of Racine , 1fiss Emily follov.:ing scouts arc candidates for adPhelps Mead, sister of the bridegroom, ndss ion to the troop and arc working and 1fiss Helen \Vhite of \Vilmette, on their tenderfoot requirements: were the bride sh1a idtCharles Van de Vellde, Harry Richards, Stanton ~fea<l acted as hi s brother's Red Howe, Tom Saxton, Robert \Vil hr:-.t man. and th e u s her s were Arthur ~on, George Burghardt, George Scott, Durham of Kenilworth, brother of the Herbert Otten, Alfred Osgood. Claude bride: Richardson HanYood of Katick. Ha,milton and H.alph Ingersoll. 1f a~s .. \\"hit ney D Hobbs of Chicago, 1\frs. Peter Xordquist, forme r!~· ~fiss Gilbert K. Dickerman of Duluth, and John A. l'or_,. of Chicago . Little Ran - ViYian \Vitherbec. arrived ~~ ondav to dall Tlathawa\' o-f Kew York Cit,·. a Yi sit her mother, ~{ r s. Arthur Ha;·ne:-. nephe"· Qf th~' bride, ring hearer. of 315 Cumnor road, Kenilworth. ~~ r:-.. Autumn Hmn·rs adorned the church. I\ordquist ]i,·es ncar Cody, \\' yo. and th e bride ntost hl·rotnin~Jy gowned in ,,·hitc o..:;ttin an d :-. iln·r l ~;c~·. 1 ler I on~ train \\'it... litH:d with siln·r. The bridal attt'ndant" \\{'rt· attire d in I go\nh oi Yar., ·ing . . hadl', oi peach color g-corgctt1· and tlwir h;lf, \\t·n· oi hrO\\'n n ·lyet . The bride and L'r\HIIl'l h ;l\'t' ~ ~m<: ahroad. and upon r~· turning frolll their weddin~ trip. tlt v.\· \\il l 111akt · their 1 h lllll' in \\ 'i...,rntt...,in Hapid ..... \\ "j.., I at HORNER PIANO CO.. Established 1 90 7 1521 Sherman Ave. at Grove St. "Horner~s Corner~~ 1 '"'h Open Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday Evenings Greenleaf 464 1 ,,.a. . \1 i~s Haze I Fra:-.cr. o-lS :\ h hott :-.ford I road. Kcnil\\'orJI_t. had a hou't' part\· l<tst wct·k -e nd lor th e Pi B<'ta Phi I' cltaptn and it... pll'dgc:-. ;It the ~ttntnH-r hnmc ni lll'r Parl'nts at \lcl-ft·nry. lll. I ~I j...,, Tne:-.a l:arktl" . .?-L~ l'umnor road a.nd .\li:-. . . ~fary L<;u isl' H ;11~lan. ·UO ~lll'rtd;tn road. arC' P1 Beta Ph1 pledges I ;· t X c·rt hwC' stern uniYer. ity. I 1 -()- \1 r. and ~f r~. Fred L. \\·orkman. 22.2 Leice . ter road. Kenil" orth. ;wd ~lr . and ~rr~. ~lerritt TI. D\.'ment oi 33i Ahhott s:ord road. kit Frida,· 1o motor to South Bend. Tn(l., to. he gue:-.ts at the c~n111tn· rluh on·r tltl' \\-eek -e nd . · -0- Ht·len TaYlor, ~10 Cumnor road K_e nilworth. mot o.re(l \\·it h ~f r. ~nd ~f r~: l·rank Gcro uld as far a. Indtanapolt" ]a . . t Friday. where !->he !->pent the \\'l' t:k cnd with ~Ir. and ~Ir:-. . . \nd rl'w· ~f. Taylor. ~Ji . . -. I From Basement to Roof(The First of a series of advertisements ) Gilbcrt Os~ood. 4.?3 1·:...,:-.~.·x road I Kenilworth , a;Hl J ohn ~furray of Cum~ nor road, left Satunia~· for Prince.tnn. l Robert 0-;gond i.... at I.ahe Forest academy t hi . . year. -0- -o- HERE on the North Shore is the home of a remarkSee us before your plans are drawn up. We may be able to make a saving in your costs. Howa rd llolhrnnk (lf Springfield. Ill.. ""a" a gue:-.t thi:-. " ed;: at the homl' of her rou~i·n. ~lr ..... loln1 llcnham oi }(IS Kenil\\'orth an nu;· . -oI ~fr :-.. 1. :\. Culhnt.;on (li ~leln~'-t': an·ntH· .. l,t·nih,·t·rth. \\;t:-. h<ht\.'...,, at luncheon Tm·. . da ,. for lwr lwu--v !.! tH: . . t. ~I r .... Kelly. . . -(l- ~rr ~. able service for builders, unusually complete in its scope and noteworthy for the splendid character of its cooperation. It's a big story in itself. We'll tell you a little each week about one of the phases of Hubbard Woods Service to builders large and small, a service that truly covers everything "from basement to roof." and \I r". Carl Keith. 310 \\.a rwirk road. Tolm Keith and ~ f i s s o rn e l.i a 1( l' i t 1~, r e t u r 11l' d t o K l' n i !worth \\"ednl · :--da~ · irom n it.: L:tkc. \\·i, -0- ~1 r. HUBBARD WOODS LUMBER & COAL COMPANY Yards-Hubbard Woods Phones Winnetka 451--452 ASSOCIATE YARDS Evanston Lumber' Co., 2738 W. Railroad Ave., Evanston. University 7700. Wilmette 289 Niles-Edgebrook Lumber Co. · Deerfield Lumber Co., Deerfield 2 ·~frs. ~hl'rn\an Hrn\\'n an<l ~rr~ . H . A. Ka~ten are gi,·ing a luncheon and },ridge Friday at tht home of :Mr .. Kasten, .?20 Poplar :-.treet. \\'intH:tk<J.. -0- 0gden Cook of the Kenil\\' ,)rth 11111 is in Omaha. ~th .. this \\TI.'k at the American Legion conYention. -oM . and ~f rs. J oscph Joyce, 531 E~ sex road, Kenilworth, entertained at dinner Saturday night.

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