925 October 9, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE .. Select Cast for First New· Trier Dramatic Event Tryouts for the first play of the vc.:ar to he presented by the Dramatic club of 1\ C\\' Trier high school ·;;ere held on \\. edne sday and Thursday of last week. The date of thi s first production ha s been announced as :\ovclllher 1-l hut the name of the play ..is being kept a sec ret. The ca s t ha s been :,e lected and include s th e following: Don 1 l cG ill, Bob Engli~h. John Iliff, C o rdon H.oger:-.. Don Sherman, Bob Kenyon. David H.um :-,(·y, Gail Fouth\\T II. \ \ ' arren Sic hold, \ ·irgin ia Jl<.Ligllt, Laura Lubke, Helen Gate, Adelia Barrl>ll , Emilie Durham, ~Iar tha Katz , Janc A~hman, Theodore Pern·. Steve 1Ian\ od, Dan Snrdackcr, i·:d Baumann, Albert Bell. · Jack Booth . \\'illiam JluglH':"', \\' hitficld Cook. J a ·k Leach. Frank Gilchri . t, Emnton s De B erard. Rollin Simonds. Drake Older, Conner \ \ ' eh:-. ter, Karl Yo -..t, and Freel \\·aidner. 1\t·lll'ar ~ab ,,·i ll ht· held in t\\'0 c;ecti o tt-.., o ne (ti ,,·lJirh \Yi ll rehear "· three tinH ·.., ;t \\lTk ;tnd tll l' ot lwr t\\-l time s. Tlll· prodttrt i()tJ i-. ttndvr thv din·ction CJl .\ti-.-.. L)j;t;tJ,ttlJ ~t;ttl\\' ()O d. "\ljltrvi -.ot oi d rattta tir -. at tht· ~cllool. When You Step . on Her -She Moves AND WE DON'T MEAN MAYBE · ' SIX 1 CHRYSLER POUR Teachers' Club Hears Lew Sarett, the Poet l 1rr1t . l.1·\\ ~-tt·tt !tl th·· .·,,r h\\c·-.1t·rn 1. 'ni\t·r..,it~ · ~~ hc"d 11t ~· · vt·rlt. ~:t\v a kcturt· rc rit.tl at a ltl!Ttin:..! c1i tht· \\' i!t nt·tt<" Tvac ht r..,· rlul. Thur-.(l.t _ , :tit t·rnoc·tt !·i thi-. \\t'l'k at the 1: _\ t'11t 1 ~l·· lp "rhc"'l. Il l' rv:td "t'\t·r;tl oi lti-- \ "~~'lll' ],dorc :1 Ltr~..:t· and t · Jtltu-.i;t-. it· ;t·tdi vnrc ·. . \ tl c· tlt':\t tllt dinL: ni tlit · rlttl·. cl l ·c· hvld ( lt t!d·t·r .211. \f j,._ F--tl'llt .\bhc r. --ttj·t ·t \i . . c·r (li 11111'-ic· in th1· \\' il lll('ttc· -..c· ]!l,!d -- . \\ill tt·ll oi ltn trip ·tltroad l:t--t -..unJnll·r. Thvrl' \\·ill ;tJ..,q J,t. :t tllU--ic;tl prc t ~!';ltll. .\ jc·int 11lt'l'1int!.' t1t thl' '1\·:tt·lt,·r-.· rluh :111d tht· l·l·ntr:t l- l.,ttl'.t I l';tr' ·tt T v:tt 'ht·r :t'"'·t :.di!·tl i-- pi;ttltll·d j,,r :t latvr d;ttt· . EVANSTON MOTOR SALES 1017 DAVIS STREET . EVANSTON = PHONE UNIV. 2277 After November 1st- 1840 Ridge Avenue - -- . - - ---- - - - - - - - -- ··· · - - - - ' - - ·· · - - - - - OFFER REWARD FOR KILLER T h · l 'It i c ·1:..!" T t tl·t · r r ul',-- i-- I 11-.. 1t t ttl.' i-. cd'it · r i n~ a · rt·\\;trd ol .~l,IIIHl i"r tlH· arrl·--t :tnd rc·tl\ it"ti!ltl oi th · pvr-.()11 n·-..pun-- ilt!v ior tht· (k;ttlt oi :\J i..,., l·:nt ma .\ . l:a t·c·n. a nur-.l· · (,tJ the :-tafT oi tiH' orL!,':tnil'atiun. \\h (l \\' ;t-. kilkcl 1:1-.t Frida_,. night at Dolton, Ill. COAL STRIKE why worry about it? Has all of the advantages of the best anthracite coal and not one of the disadvantages Watch Your .Eyes , Many women, by r.~glect or im~ proper care, allow their EYES to become lusterless, dull and unattractive. EYES cleansed daily with Murine ~hould assume new lights and loveliness. This harmless, time~ tested lotion is most refre~hing and benericial. Write Murine Company, Dept. 00, ChtcagJ, for free b~ok on Eye Beauty. IT GIVES MORE HEAT AT LESS COST WITH FEWER ASHES AND NO SMOKE Phone Your Fuel Dealer Today! Central Coal & Material Co. ·E vanston-5200 Edinger & Sons Wilmette-641 Kutten Bros. Wilmette-I I Meyer Coal & Material Co. Wilmette 17 33-17 34 . I ·------0