Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Oct 1925, p. 6

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6 WILMETTE Winnetka-11rs. L. Sherman Aldrich, chairman; 1vfrs. \Varret1 Agry, Mrs. H. H. Barnum, Mrs. Robert Brown, Mrs. \Villiam 0. Coleman, :M rs. Frederick Dickin s on, Miss Olive Grover, Mrs. Robert Hammond , Mrs. Davie s Lazear, Mr s. Ward Pearl, :M rs. Samuel Smart, Mrs. A. H. Barber, Mrs. Laird Bell, Mrs. Frederick E. Clerk, Mrs. Gilbert Crowder, 11rs. Lloyd Faxon. Miss Griffith, Mis s Hazel Hart \\'ell, 1f r ~. Dudle. r Palmer, ~1 rs. Louis Sherman, Mrs. Richard \Val s h. Gh.· ncoe - ~frs. Harn· C. Hollo\\'av chairman: ~frs. Arthu1: . Brintnall, ~[r·s: \\ 'illiam D. Kirk, ~f r.. Andre\\' ~far Leish, ~I i s~ D'Arcy Orde, 1·1 rs. George Pope, ~frs. \Villiam Sutherland, ~Ir s. 11 rnry P. \\' illiams, ~lr s. l'iri · l'ar:-.on. ~lr:-.. Jo:-.eph ~1agnu s, ~Ir s. Bntce ).[ac Leis h. · ~~ rs. ~1 <trkham Ordc. ~f r s. ( ~ or d p 11 t{ a 111 .., t ' y . ~ l r :-- . .I a Ill e :-. ~ i111 p :-,o n . .\1 r:-. . Ih, ight Orcutt. LIFE October 9, 1925 THEATRE GUILD SEEKS GREATER MEMBERSHW Launches Intensive Drive Looking Toward Addition of 300 New Members ALL OVER AMERICA! Tomorrow Is National Candy Day Celebrate it by visiting the only Candy an1 Ice Cream Store of its kind in Wiltnette. Here you will find candies of all descriptions. Pop Corn and Ice Crearrt. And, the original Car-amel Taffy Apple. Hallowe'en Candy and Favors. Also Light Luncheons. You'll Like Them. - \\'i th the rdurn of Alexander Dean, general director, t.hc North Shore Theat rc t~uilcl has commenced the membership driYe for ih fiith season of presenting thl' best in a111ateur theatric a ls to ib patr )11:-. along the north shore. Due to the 100 per cen t appro,·al ,,·on by Ja~t year\ productions. the ofiicers oi the ltuild are expecting ;1 clo:-.nl member:-;hip tn many oi the comn1u n i t i e s t h i s :-.e a :-. o 11 · T h i s w i II 11 H: :t 11 t h a t none others than tho se h :>lding :-. t·a :-.on me m b c r :-.11 ips '" i 11 h c a bIt· to "e l' the I pla~·s dttl' to a caparit~· li-..t 111 each suburb . Ul ers e. g ree earn Appr .ximately 300 l~C'·'· IIH' Il.lhe~·.., ran Plans Active Season h adm1ttcd to the (,udd tl11:-. · tall to ,, · ,. . _ . rea ch a total of 3,500 attendancl' for I ht· :\l".'. l .ner (.)rdl'r ot the Budd each pia~. :\:-; the auditoriunh onh· cr:-., organJzatll·dl ot ~ ott~lg llll'l.l -..ponpermit a udien Cl'S totallin g· 3.700 pn:-.on.:-1 :-.u rcd l~y th(' ).fa-,ontr_ 1ratt.'rnlt~·. e.nthi :-. will mean practira.ll y a capacity g;t~l'~l 111 rt·hcar:-.ab ot dvgr~n at 1ts 111 :'. l'tlllg attendance ior th e s<'ason. ~I ~mday,. < >rtohn , ?· a.t the Follo\Ying i-.. the li :-. t oi conlmittcc..·:-. \\ tnnl'tka ~la-,ol1~t:. tctnyk . I Ill' (kgrce iu the Yariott:-. :\l'\\ Trier tO\\Il:-. work- tc;~m l"\:Jll'Ch t? gin· ltlll ~lc.:grn· \\urk ing under the gennal chairman:-.hip oi hetore the \·an o u s. ~fa :- cJlltr lod .::v-.. oi }.lr:-.. T .\\.illianl:-. ~lac\· : tl.t.t·. nort.h s hore 111 tht· nt·ar tuture. \\'iimettc-- ~lr s. ]{~)hl'J't Sto~ldard. \ 1. ~ 1 h \\Ill he, llladl' to thc \\. ~ltnc.:tte. l chairman: \lr :--. 1~ . D. Burtner . .\Irs. \;Jnnt·tka. (,ll:nroe a_nd IIIghland A. F . . Corel b. ~I r-... B. F. Lv\\·i:-.. 1r.. I ark lodge;"~ and t.IIc I·.Yan:-.ton Cmn -. · }.frs. H. :\. ~tunth, ~lr s. (.onion \\.i l- mandn.\·. ! he Butlder . ; al-..o. arc pn·son, Mrs ] . A. Burrill. ~fr:-;. L. S. panng ior the fir-..t danrt· ot till' nv\\· 01 Gates. ~[rs . J layl' :-. }.l cKin tH.'Y, ~Iiss "l'a ~" _ __L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ · - - - - - - - - - Lttc\' Tolhttr:-. t. · Kcnil\\' o rtlt - ~fr:-.. llarrY 1 ·:. \VL·ese, Auto Repairing chairman; ~1 r:-;. J. T. i~a ck u s. ~1 rs. :Mark Cresap, . 11 rs. D. H. . DeCamp, Guaranteed Work 1\f rs . Craig B. Ketcham. M is:-. Loui:-.e Reasonable Rates Robinson. ~Irs. Harold Ticleman, 1f L. H. A. Brassert, :Mrs. Burt Cro\Ye, 1Irs. Ross Skelton F.f!\\'in Hedrick. ~1r:-;. Clyde P. Ro s , 4 I o Prairie Ave. Wilmette 3 5 s 5 Mtss Marion Spach. '. / B "ld D T ----------------a The Village·Chocolate Shop In the Village Theatre Lobby. s2SO ~o Ellctricity- ~n (~a-.. ~o SUPERIOR The Oil Burner Sensation \\ 'atn- .\o ~l otor s2SO .\o Fan .\o ~(Ji-..c Xo t ·arh?n· ~mnkl· . Soo.t . nr :\ -..he-.. - Xo \1 acltinn~ - .\otlting to Cl't Out oi Ordn Perfect \ 'a porizati ··· - 100 Pncl'nt l'omhtt:-.tion .\-, ~fuel! or .t-.. Little I ll'at a-.. You \\ 'an t at .\ny Timl' .\h :--olutel .\ · ~aic -Cann<'t lnjurl' Yuur ll.vating ~y-..tl · tn - TrlHlhk and t: urn:-. L(l\\' Co--t Fuel \Yith out \\·a-,tl' 1: uu l l>r< ,ot NOT A GRAVITY TYPE OIL BURNER! ln thl' ~L ' PI ·: I~l()J~ . oil i-.. rondurtcd through thv ivcd pipt' t(l thv hurnn \\hnv Cotnplete Installation with 250--Gallon Tank Ready to Operate Only it~-.. tlwrou .L:h ly \aporii'L'd ;tnd ~ltlt<illlatically mix;·d \\ith a1r: iorming a pl·ri ert coml ,tJ-..tibk ga-, J,dorc burning ignition . The ~CPLl\1()1{ ~:-. thl' uil httrnn ~ott \\'a 11 t. I\ i g h t 11 o \\' \\ e a r L' r us 11 c.: d to t It c I i 111 it 111 m a k in g i 11 .., Lt ;] at io 1J--. L>I an· .' () u r ordn "ithout delay. $250 OUR GUARANTEE :\II part~ o1 1he ~l" PJ·: RIOR are guaranteed for three Y\.·ar:,. In reality tht· S l. P 1-: 1\1 0 I~ :-. h n ttl d I a~ t a 1if e t i rn e. \ Y e i urt hn guarantee that the Superior Oil Burner \\'ill adequately heat your lwnH.· under all \\Tather condition::;, pro\'iding your boiler or iurnace capacity h . . \ ti ,-e tninute dcn1onstratiun \Yill con\'lncc yon that c\·cry objectionable feature is cli1ninated 111 the Sul?ER10l{. MAIL US THIS COUPON: I sufficient, OJ' \\T will rdund yo·1r money. : I ~---------------------------------£ Sl PERIOR OIL BURXEJ\ ~.\LES t·o. 1 lLW Greenleaf St., \Vilmette <:(·ntletnen: Tel. \\' il. 3652 Superior Oil Burner Sales Co. Wilmette 3652 1139 Greenleaf Ave. \\·ithout oblig-ation send m · full partieulars n .. ga.1·~1ing tlw HUI-'ERIOH. OIL lHI HNEI-t. If a. <ll·a.l r, dwek Xamt· h~r<> 0 WILMETTE ~--------------------------------~

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