Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1924, p. 30

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\VILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19· 1924 REALTY BOARDS Delaware real estate brokers have joined the column of state bodies. of real estate men who ~re at~emptmg to secure the passage tn the1r states of real estate hcense laws. Such laws, modeled on th :: Ma~Chesney ~ct Make Annual Canvass of En- drawn up by the Nattonal AssoCJatire Nation tion of Real Estate boards, are now in force in 18 states and one Canadian province. The New York Association of Real A survey to determine the trend of Estate boards has just gone on reresidential and business property rents cord as seeking amendments to the over the United States and to measure present license law which would propresent· market activity in re:-1 estate is vide for a separate real estafe license now being made by the Nat10nal Asso- bureau within the state tax commisciation of Real Estate boards. sion, which administers the New The investigation is the association~s York law. It asks for a board of fifth semi-annual survey of the condi- review to be composed of the deputy tion of' the real estate market. It will commissioner and two . real . estate eive a section-by-section and state-by- men, and. a full .st~ff of mvest1gators state pic;ture of building and real ~tate to exped1t~ ~dmm1str~tt?n. conditions as observed by constituent The llhno1s . A~soc1atton o~ R~al real estate boards in the 500 principal Estate boards m 1ts state leg1slattve cities of the United States and Canada. program for the coming session will ask fo.r amendments to stren~then ·Probe Houein1 Shorta1· The survey will give an actual meas- the present state real estate hcense law. ure of the extent or existence of a housWith legislative sessions to open in ing and building shortage on the basis .of in 34 states real estate lidemand. Estimates given out from pnv- January cense measures are now being adate and semi-public sources have recent- vocated by the Realty interests of 11 ly pictured the shortage on the one hand states and amendments to strengthen as no longer existent and on the other administration of existing laws are hand as amounting to perhaps four asked in ten states. billion dollars worth of construction. A pamphlet on the working of the The shortage found will be analyzed license law in Illinois, prepared by as to whether it is of single family Joseph K. Brittain, of Chicago, memdwellings, apartment houses or business ber of the Illinois State Real Estate buildings, and of what grade of build- committee and president of the Naing. Real estate board committees ap- tional Association of Real Estate Lipointed to answer the National Associa- cense Law officials, has just been istion's questionnaire will be asked to sued by the National Associotion of estimate what per cent of increase in Real Estate boar<ls. each type of building the market in Locates Reason His Realty their city would readily absorb. National building demand for 1925 Salesmanship Doean't Count will further be forecast by an inquiry into what type of property is now most Bob Peterso(l, real estate broker, of required. 1 Fresno, California, crossed wires the Check Loeal Situation ~ther day, so the National AssociaTh ·11 h k th f tron of Real Estate boards has heard, . ~ survey WI c .ec e na ~ona 1 with a dusky brother who was trying s!tuat10n and the var!ous local srtua- to sell real estate. bans as to the. ~ollowmg matters: "Have you a license?" asked Bob. 1. The conditiOn of the labor supply "Nossah I" in the building. ~rades. "Don't you know that you can't sell 2. The cond1t10n of the money supply real estate without a license?" on both first and second mortgages. "Boss," said the darky, "You sho' 3. The gross cost of money to finance said a mouf ful'. I knowed I couldn't real estate transactions. se ll it but I didn't know de reason" 4. The activity of the subdivision ' · movement. 5. . The value and number of building permits issued during 1924 as compared with those issued during 1923. The survey will be issued about January 1. IN RENT SURVEY d San Antonio Aaka Realty Numeroua Cities to Several Statea in Fight Seek Improvement Bbod~ .d Folk to Visit that City ' J:'...L:Lt.. . ty L. from Coaat Su lVI era I . . -...... t 0 H ave Real Jcenaea 1'The San Antonio. Texas, Real Estate Ph1ladelph1a has been included . Provision in the state real est~t~ . cense law that would require subdlvlston promoters to put up a bond for the com letion of promised improvements ·'thl? a specified time is the proposed ~~~fe~:ard advanced for California by Ed . T K . er state real estate com·. w_m · els ' miSSIOner. d h' h the The. p~oposed ~men ement, ~~ the com!l'rsss10ner ":til recom~n be f · _ : ommg state le.glslature, Will ho ~n~ t~rest to su~rylders throughout t e da trona! Association of Real Ebdst~t~ .boards. Methods of control of su . IVISIOn evelopment throu~h pr~fesslonalw!tt.l¥1~ards and otherwise ,to msure so velopment of the new home .areas of cities will be an important t~IC before the r?u.nd tabl~ ?~ the Homebutlder~ ~nd SubdiVIders d1v1s1on of the association to be held at J?allas, Texas, January 13. The meeting 1s one of the seven ~ational round tables of real estate specialists which will open the annual meeting of the association to be held in Dalles, January !3-16, inclusive. 1 I J d ....:..-------------===~---------------..!...:.:.:_ board through its president, H. G. Thor~an, and its directors, formally invites all real estate operators of the United States and C~nada who attend the annual .meettng of the Nationa! Association of Real Estate boards at Dallas January 13 to 16, to visit San Anto~:o immediately fol·owing the adjournment of the convention. . A visit to the historic Alamo, bu11t as a Franciscan mission in 1722 and later a battle ground in the Texan struggle for independence frqm Mexico has been planned for the entertai~ment of the visitors. There will also be visits to the old Spanish missions the Mexican section, the great Unit~d States army camps and the flying fields located at San Antonio, and an inspection of the city's park development and its residential section. national circuit oi Own Your 111 expos.tions licensed by the N tioftal Assoc:ation of Real Estate ~ The. Philadelphia ~xposition, Under ausptces of the Philadelphia Real~ board. will be given May 9 1925 Oat t of .other expositions on th~ cir~t ~ Ch:cago, March 21; New York, Aar;._:, 18; and Buffalo, May 9. I"Q I . h . nsunng t e highest educational value of 9wn Your H?~e expositions thr~h national superviSIOn of plans and through possibility of circulaton ~~ ~ibits fr~m one exposition to the :; IS the ObJect of the license plan. Miss Jeanette McKellar, assi~tant n~tur~l field. secretary of the Campfire R! thf g1rls IS commg from Kansas City 1 spend Christmas with Mr. and Mr~ John Boddie of 1621 Forest aveput. THE THIRD THRILL "Next ~o possessing a new husband or a new baby," says Helen Rowland in a recent newspaper quip, "owning a home is the most wonderful and thrilling thing in the world." We wish you the Season's Greetings HIU. & WHEELER, Inc. REALTORS WILMETTE OFFICE 334 Linden Avenue 'l el . Wilmette 93 WINNETKA OFFICE 736 Elm Street Tel. Winnetka 142 A Smart The selection of the discriminating traveler to St. Paul- Minneapolis. Every innovation known in modem Pullman car construc· tion is embodied in The North Western Limited. Unusual innovations-added comforts. Con· venient, dependable, on-time schedule. I:JOp. a. L·. 1:11 ·· . . .. 7:t5 .... Ju. 7:41a. .. .. to · St.Paul Minneapolis FUR INSURANCE Plant Now Treea-Shraba-Perenniab This is the right time to plant and buy trees, shrubs and perennials. Prices are lower now than in the spring. Rent Control Lawa Checked by Real Eatate Agenciea A survey of all rent control leqislation passed in the United States during the last five years and of the effect of such legislation will be - ~de b:r the National A ssociation of Reaf Estate boards during the coming month. The survey will accumulate in the library of the association information on the extent of legislative attempts to regulate rent which it is believed has been nowhere else brought together. The association will assemble for study the texts of all laws for rent control now in effect or having been in effect within the past five years, the plan of organization of :au 'r'ent commissions or similar bodies set up to adjust terms of rentals. and any court decisions made on the subject of rent control. It will also bring together the experience of the various cities and states wher:e such legislation has been experimented with. The investigation will be undertaken through the member boards of the association in 505 cjties. Protects against every kind of loss and damage except that resulting from wear, at a cost of $2.00 per $100.00 value of · your furs. We will give you this protc:ction today. You may have a claim tonight. ..c:. M'zz · ,, St.Pul Ju. 1:3Sa. ... .. I:Sia. a. b. 1:41p. .. "l:tlp.a. 6 Other Trains tmtl tit. TIIIDln Ouu: I'M,_, Jai111 b·t···n Clt/(GII Obae"atioa aleepi·· o.r, oompertmeat dnwi···room ead eneiOMd aeotioa al~p Nn, buj(et·olub·Jouap Nr Ud (,... reaU.W., oMir o.r. i_. ~y-.... 10:23 ..... N-d A-a.. 10:00 II· 111. Z:OJ a. a n. ..,.. ...a-t ,.,... ,.,.,.,.,. Oore, B....,er I Smith Phone Wilmette 1751 1177 WILMETTE AVENUE Opp. Village Hall John Ostrowsky 1487 Aal.ry A·eaae H....a...niWoocle Phone Winnetka Sfi.J ........ Bzoellent table d'bote dituaer, witla the MUOa'e delioaciee, eweita you ia the dia· iaC ..,... ready to Hrve befon tbe tnia ,_,..,.,....,_.. rr' _,.,,. "We Insure Anything" B. B. On·, Tieket Atnt Wilmette, Ill. Telepb-t Christmas! We Believe Ia Saata Claaa! Valuable Homea Head Liat Of Permits at Kenilworth Recent buildin~r permits issued by the Village of Kenilworth indicate that that community is popular with those who are building high grade homes. A permit was issued to James M. Bond to build a $20,000 brick residence on Abington road. Another was issued to William H. Wildes for a stucco residence to cost $35,000 at Woodstock and Warwick road. James R. Starr has received a permit to erect a briek home on Ralei~h road to cost $22,500 and Dorothy H. Stockton is to build a residence costing $22,000, on Abington road. Becau-se he calls out the very best In every Father and Mother,because he lifts us out of a work-a-day world and once more we look thro_ ugh Rose colored glasses. Christmas, Home and ?ofother, are there any more such wonderful words? They open In the mind's eye visions which, to all of us, are sacred. We .B elieve Ia Saata Claa·l 0Dservative Mortgages Give your chlld.ren a permanent home to which they can look back, some definite place around which memories (which mean ~, m~~h) cling, -the home where they spent childhood's happy' hours, the cen"ll!r of the universe, from where ·every adventure started out,-whether It is a l(l!)dest little bungalow or a ·· mansion. We have thdm both. 60 day· from now honte · «e'ek~t8";ft\l lll6k Tn 'fain for &.bese. Seven._.,room brick home, water ~ on a lot 64:1:157-,17,000. Unlqu& 8 room colonial on a $20,00'9·~1ot, 3 baths, water beat, ll-car garage, near schools and transportatlon-$36,000. Easy term·. and Gold Bonds We loan our own money on improved property, safe-guarding our loans in every way possible. Buy from the party who has put his own money out on the loan first. fu Beinsen Wilmette 421 Fourth St. Wilmette !760 551 Ceater St.. Wimaetka, P ..... WiaiMtka ZM Evanston Hiarhland Park 1611 Sherman Av.510 Central Av. Unlv. 8908 High. Pk. 408 * KroU.IDe~ Chicago 1 W. Madleon State U65 FOR l>r ga FOR fu Former New Trier Grad l·tructa at Columbia Graeme Canninc, former New Trier Hieh school student and graduate of Northwestern university, is enga~ted in teaching a branch of science in Columbia university where he received his master's degree last summer. During his school days on th~ north shore l.fr. Canning conducted many a campaian over the Skokie and adjacerrt country in pursuit of reptiles, hornet!, birds and beetles, evidently with much pleasure and profit. After leaving Northwestern he took up special work at Columbia. His home was in Winnetla. Mr. and Yrs. Fred Buckman Mr. and Mrs. Miles McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Briaht are entertaining 300 yuests at the Sovereip hotel all PI ~ 1>~ 35 YEARS EXPE'RIENCE without extra charge to you - PJ H FOF 8t l>C Vi and A. J. WOODCOCK 1511 SHERMAN AVE. PH0 NE Jaou~3. ~~. . . . . .. -. . . . . ..___._~~--~~~~-------.-.-.-.~~ 13 0 4 ·l WILMETTE Uniwenit~ Zli-Ropn Park

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