Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1924, p. 29

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. WILMETTE . LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 2P --------·····......, . I YuiLIE1f'lllQ)JE. JFIE.STnwnrniES 1f'(Q) JFIEA1'UJU. SUJNJD)Av -·(Q)IB3SJmWANd'S Baptist Church cia! Chrlatma.a Bel'vlcea will be ~X\t. the Ba·ptlat church on Sunday he 11 ' ,,.<" lock In the morning, and at ~t 'clol' k In the afternoon. The morn~ 0 5 ,. n ·lce will open promptly at 11 with a group of carola sung th·; vested choir which will al11o tribut4' several other numbers, aa1 C?\ed h,. artiste, · In the courae of the ~·:ur or' worship. There will be a Christn1 as sermon to the children, and brit·C addreaa by the pastor, on the ~h e m··· "J oining t~ Wise 'Men." Th <" ~ o'clock aervlce. will be In chan;·· or the Sunday IIChool, and will b~ enri c-hed by numbera by the choir. The <I ·· J)alrtmental proceaalona.l, and The gifts, spec ial lighting etrecta. which a··e to be distributed to needy tamili ··s and the frlendleaa lnmatea or the u a k Forest Infirmary, will be gatherPd at this aervlce. Th~ :; o'clock Vesper service will take the place of all the Youn.g l"l!ople's meetings which are oroh·arll;r held o n Sunday afternoon. il Christmu Dm.r l Old Pa Sauer and the Red Chriatmu Candle Old P a S auer emerged from his little house, which was more like a hermit's cave and looked out The · 1 · re w~s a c_nsp odor. of frost and frozen thmgs m the a 1 r Peo le h · alon th . · 5 'd ~k urrymg dg e s~owy ! ewa s made a 1 ou crunchmg no1se. d Automobiles h d deco ra ted wt'th )'ttl 1 . e :e wreat s an holly flew past, wh1skmg up snow and I . ~lden-brown Turkey essang and Gravy! 0 weet ~otatoes, Cranuce, Crtsp Celery. ou at the WILMETTE 1s Pumpkin Pie or Hot 1ce Pie I Come to our dirt. Almost every window had its large old chest stood in one cor~er of hotly wreath. Gay tinseled Christmas the room; on the. chest were ptled a trees and lighted dt h t few pans, some d1rty clothes and an can es 5 one ou old gun. Pa Sauer removed all these from many. Do":n the narro~ street things carefully, opened the chest and the t~lt churchTshplre ~tood out m gray took out a thick red candle burned prommence. e ch1mes were play- down almost to the end This he lit ing "Adeste Fideles." I · · · .. . . . . and placed m the wmdow. Its warm c;hnstrr:~s. <:;hr.lstmas-yes, th1s IS 1 · glow shone brightly in his wrinkled Chnstmas. The teeble old man shut old face "Christmas 1 And may the .door again · Inside there was 1 pratse · be · t o G o d I"- M ar1on · R . R eanothmg to suggest the Yuletide. There 1 gan. was only the usual dismalness. A (C.. 1924, weatern Newapaper Union.) I I I EIGHTH GRADE ClaU Volley baU has been played by tbe girls of the eighth grade room· of the Byron C. Stolp school for the past few weeks and is arousing much eathusiasm in the children. Three teamt. one from each eighth grade room. played off a· schedule of games for tbe championship of the .school, whiell was won by Miss Caswell's room. ~ r- ~E vm... HaJJ PubHe Servle L J Open 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.ra. --------------···~ tore Ods sunday Evening Club-Con~rr~"atlon al ch·u·ch at 7:30 o'clock. Concert by the l'hiiharmonlc quartet. ·istmas-Our tine is ;t for every member on .\tonday an automobile pllgrlmto the Oak Foreat Intlrmary will made by a large number of the ruemhers of the Sunday school, who, while at the Institution, will bring cheer by their aonga as well as by their gifts. 111ag·· be The Mid-week meeting of the church. it falls on Chr.fatmas Eve, ·will omitted on Wednesday. The Wilmette Baptlat church welconH·s to its services, any who dealre to worship God and work for the establi shment of His Kingdom. The pastor, Rev. Francis C. Stiller, stands ready to asaiat any who may call upon him. to the utmost of hla abilitY. He mar be reached either on the residence phont·, Wilmette 1675, or at the Church, Wilmette 2235. - $1~ BalanceMontlal7 arm.acy reh Set of Attachments g;,e the gift of more leis~ English Lutheran Greenleaf and Seventh William Guise, pa.ator l-lt'rvices for December 21"Th e Fellowship of Christ" will be th ~ Ad\·ent mesaage for next Sunday. Thi !< >; ~ rmon baaed on I John 1 :1-4 will help YO\l to prepare for Christmas. Bible School at 9:45. There wiJJ be a short rehearsal of the pageant artl'f the study hour. Let us make next Sunolay another banner day! Th (' Christmas program will be rendert·(\ T~esday evening, December !3 at i o'clock. Parents and friends at·e iJwit .. d to be present. Th ~ choir will meet Friday evening. -an Electric Iron What could be more welc:ome than an extra hour of leisure every ironing day? Yo·r cltoice of $100 FREE! Full Line of s,.hHrtt. sm.p~a. u..rw.-..1 III1Ul Dfwn · _. -and More Suggestions Gas Ranges on Display Small 'Pay1M11t '.Down 9Jal4nce ~Monthly *84~ Tht· second anniversary of the dedlca.tion of our bungalow chapel will occur January 4. New members will be r .. ceived at that time. early service wlll be held In the r)lurch on Christmas Day at 6 o'clock ' the morning. An ·s~ . . . . _ .ao·tllly ...... ....--.-... Gas Ranges just auited to your needs are ~in11 ~splayed f~ your convenient Inspection in our 1tore.. You wtU be anterested an tbe many styles shown-with or without oven heat reeufator. Tbe tfme and temperature method eolvea cooldq problema. WHY NOT A NEW GAS RANGE FOR MOTHER? BUSINESS LEAGUE BOWLING SCORES WEEK OF DECEMBER II · Games Have a good cup of coffee quickly. Aluminum Percolators $790 ulowaa · . . - 2 3 The Printing Studio Totals .................. 936 868 945 vs. Clore, Budinger and Smith Totals .................. 641 631 798 Dannemark Totals ·...····.·...··.·· 684 651 654 vs. Lloyd Hollister, Inc. Totals ..............··.. 684 651 654 .4- Piece Coffee Service $422 Now &~~ Monthl1 Tbia pill ia a real con- *11\50 1GriUaulowu v-- forbobbedhair,mar- :C~::io::~~~~ ~300 Curling Irons ~, .~ ~} l( .... Electric percolator, beautiful loving cup design, six cups; serving tray,sugar and cream· er. A handsome bridal gift. The Federal Electric Washer Only The entire family will enjoy $2~ &laDce m.ollthly with eervkc lltatemellt K of C. Totals -· ..·...·......... 818 821 856 vs. t\elson Laundry Totals -········· ... , .... 788 i'20 840 Schultz and Nord Totals .······.·....·...· 781 839 728 vs. Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Totals ..·.···........... 766 821 827 Radiantfire Only $122 Balance Waftlle irons- round, square, mel oblolli shapes. Aa low a1 - monthly with service 1tatement 1,.,114lUnt PRE£ 011 fint fUwr "- NewestmodeL All metal construction. $1000 Double-walled tub and other features. Ld llr~ 862 876 vs. Coal and Material Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716 794 768 First National · Bank Totals .................. 783 735 779 vs. TDoctors · otals .................. 695 665 653 ,u, 10"' .,..r~~m~Jfh. Stw· ....m.,. Fetkrtll Lamps Make Goodwin's Bird League WEEK OF DECEMBER I 1 2 3 Games Meadow Larks .. Totals -489 -478 -493 Orioles ...·.···. ~T~tals 554 579 546 Bob-O-Links ···· Totals 513 584 577 vs. ........ Totals 445 -493 5Cll Ideal Gifts We Guarantee No. 30-Bunplow Seriel Finished in black enamel ~th ~rail trimmings. Height. 20~ m.; widtb, 23 in.; depth, 8H. in. l'or fireplace . openings from 20 an. to 30 in. wide. · AHandvTableTap the Appliance. 10 Radiantl, $36 We Sell Hubbell Triplex Table Tap IUPcud to three appliuceL - plieseurnnt thnJuahooe $J98 Pusuc OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS JNO. S. REESMAN, Dietrict lip. til Claucll Street &VANSTON SERVICE CoMPANY · 1141 c...tNl A.,._ Tel. Wilaette I.e ........ Totals 536 576 568 vs. Owls ·.··. Totals 588 689 584 u...... WL . . 502 490 vs. ····· Totals 719 678 615

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