28 \\' TLl\JF.TTE LIFE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 St. John·s Lutheran nartment on l\f'ln·l"l.·.· ~>' 2 : 31l P ~1 . a··<l d~~· J~a~ ~!·~~~~~· childr('n on Tues- Wilmette and Park avenues. Wilmette Herman W . Meyer, M. A. pastor The Church Service at 11 o'clock will o406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 also be a Christmas Jlervlce. The subChurch Telephone Slll lt>c t ot Dt·. Magill's s£>rmon will be '"J h£> Secr£>t Ot A Real Ch .. lstmas ." !II':RVICE!II followln~r program will he given 9 :30 A . M. Sunday school and Bible The hy the sp£>clal quartette and violinist. cliiSBeS. 9 :4ii A. M. First service and sermon. Ot gan Prelud£>: "Christmas in Sicily." ........ Yon 11 A. ~1. ~econd service and sermon. Anth£>m : t:hri·t··· Eve. "Sing We Xoel." (16th Century) 7 P . M. Song service Sunday school . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. Gaul mHl con grt'gatlon. Anthem: (.'hrlatmaa Da7 "In the Silence of the Xlght." .. 6 :30 A. M. Early Song and Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dickinson Ret·vlce. : 9 :45 A. M. Second service and ser· Otrertor~· "Le Dernier S:>mmell de Ia "iet·ge." mon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Masse net 11 A. ~f. Third service and sermon. Mlu Krlbben Rolil!t Mrs. Harry Witt. <'hm·useR : Junior choir. ' "The Infant Jesus." .......... Yon Rundny S<'hool chorus. ,Mrs. Plet·son and ~Irs . · 'wlndell Anthem: ME1t,'l'ING8 "Auore and Be Still" ...... Gounod Friday, Df'r't>mlJt-r 19. Junio·· League Organ Postlurle : "Hallelujah Chorus" (:llt;ssiah) ·' , ·. Parents' JJarty. Sunday, Dt-cember 21, Every-Member · ·· · · ··· ···· .......... , l:lan<Jcl <·ll.nvass 2-6 P. M,. The Quaru!i · · · Monday, Dt>cf'ml>e·· 22, at 8 P . M. Empress Piet·son, !:1011rano: Ethel Canva~s <'Ommltt.-e. Momlny, [Jt't'PmlJer 22 at 4 Children's !:lwindell. econtralto; Clarke B. Shipp, t£>nor: Chester Law1·ence, bass. t·lass eH. Bertha Kri bben, vlollniste: Erma E. All cJRSIIN< will bt' RUSJWndecl (J'Otn flounds, organist and dh·ector. J)enmiJt-t' 2G to .January 4. Rt . .John's wish!'~ to extend to one :1nd all who e<He to come a sincere r:r ConRregational Church The <'holr under th£> dlrt'ction of 'f ·. Noble ('1\ln . will sing Chrlstma!l '1\' f"l l' on SundAY mornlnlt at 10:45 ' rlnck nri'C'Pdlng the morning service r worshln. At 11 o'clock Dr. Llovd will pre'lt.'h a Christmas sermon on the t h£>me. "Lowly Throne!'!." and the following program of Christmas music wIll be rend£>red: flt·n !"n-"March of th e Three Kings" ·n· Gullmant . (The Star which gulrtes ! ht> KinA's Is represented by a sustained note.) Mr. Cain . Anthem-"0 Hoi\· Nl~ht " b}' Adam. Solo parts by Mr. Cain and Mr. Lagerqu·lst. Organ-"The Cradle Song," Grleg. Anthem - "Awake! Put on thy Strength," Dudley Buck . Duet-by Miss Comet· and Mrs. Cain. Ot gan-"Hallelujah Chorus." Handel There will be no Junior Congregation service Sunday morning. 'fh£> Ch ur·ch sch~l w·m 'meet. at the regular hour. Bring your little cl'llldren and leave · hem with Miss Anderson during · the hour of worship. · I I ~ ~----------------------~-------------------·-··-~ · I A Grud t\ristmu 00. C~FE. awaits you at the WILMETTE G<?lden-brown Turkey w1th Dressmg and Gravy! 0 boy I Sweet ~otatoes , Cranberry Sauce, Crrsp Celery. Luscious Pumpkin Pie or Hot Rich Mince Pie I Come to our Feast I Beat Coffee In Town WILME'ITE CAFE 1111 Wilmette A·e., ....-ite Viilaae Hall ~---------~~-----~----------------------------······· ·and com fort ancl pt'ace for all the wol'ld to shart- and never exhaust In tht' blel<Hf'd ChriRtmas m!'ssage: Fear Not. Fot· llehold, I Bring You Good TillinKR of UrPat Joy Which Shall Be To All l't'OIJlt·; For l'nto You Is Born Thill Day, In Tht> City Of David, A Savior, \Vhich If! C'hriRt, The Lord. The tru·!' Cht'iRtma!! spirit mu!'!t nn<l Its ROUI'Ce In this truth. ~~~th~~··~;~~ic1..~..~~ t~~~~e ~~ e~~~~g j~~ the homeR of such ns are In need this Christmnstlme. This plan was adoptNl I.Jy en"t',V Walllwr League society on tht> not·th shore from Edgewater to Monday, Lunch club, Central \.". :'\1. 'Ve wish all a Merry Christmas. Wnuk.,gan. C. A., Room "A," 19 S. La Salle stt·eet. 7:30 p. m. Christmas entertalmuont ])o not forgt>l that the canvassers of the Sunda~· school. will call at the holll£>!'1 o! all members Two plays, "The Christmas . Ca;·ol" of Rt. John's next Sunday afternoon anrl the "ChriRtmas Guest " will he he>tW!'Pn 2 ancl 6 o'clock. All members g·iven. '1 he flrBt by members of t hi" :ue t'l'qUt>Sll'!l to ht>lp the canvas!! by val'iou" departments of th~ Sun·la\· remaining at home until thev have school, and th,· seconc.l by the Interh e11 callt>cl on. · mediate league. Ever·~·one Is welcom£> to e>njov tlw All Suncl:ly school teaeh!'t'S and of- <rJi.it or Christmas With us. · fleet'!! will met>t at St. John's in ot·der to mnkt- th!' nnal pn·parations Cot· the Tuesday, 3-5 p, m . The Gil· I !:lee ut ..; Christmas t'Ve St't·vi<'t' early next we>t>k. wiu llln.: tt \ h&t!:l ma8 pat·ty. It is llt'Ct'ssary that evt'rY teacher and officer he th f' t't' Sunday. Wednesda~·. There will be II() .UI<lWeek service on a<·count of the Com· f'HIU!ii'I'MAS EVE. munlty Christmas tree. " 'l'dbt'Mdny I~" ~'·· Dtot>.. 24. At 7 P. :u . Conwnient Plan of Payments: All chlldt·en of the Sunday school The Januar~· All-Day meeting of tht! mu1:1t repor·t at the church rooms at Ladles' We wDI gladly arrance for a BruMAid will be held December 30 {i :4fi. wfek to be delivered for a small 1. Cat·ol: l't·alse God the Lord, sung f~n~~~;:u'l'(· h . Fifth division will Bl!r\'e by the chlldt·en In the Hunday initial peyment, the balance in equal Hchool room. Watch-Night senrices will be hdd monthly amounts to euit your coo'2. Processional.: Come hither, ye In this church the evening or Decem~ Aak abuut our plaa. faithful chil<lt·en. 31. Our choir will open the !l~t· The Bt'nt>rlictus. responsive read- l.ler vices with a Christmas-New Yea1· Can· Ing. tata, "The Stor)· of Bethlehem' ' b' Prayt'r. l>anlel l'rotheeroe. · 3. Congregation and Children: Let Us All With Gladsome Voice. -4. Recitation: The Early Prophel'ies of the Christ, Genesis to Psalms. The services at St. Augustine's next Let The Earth Now Sunday will be Holy Communion at .· -5. Children: Praise The Lord. !! A. M., church schools at 9:45 and ·. G. Recitation: The Later Prophe· Connrmatlon service at 11 A. M. cles of Christ, Isaiah to Malachi. ·7. Children: Come Hither, Ye ChilRt. Rev. Sheldon M. Griswold D D dren. Sutrragan Bishop of Chicago. w11l visit The Annunciation St. Augustine's next Sunday morning. .;8. Recitation: and the Magnificat. LU:ke 1,26-55. December 21, to administer the Sacrt>d Beginners and Primary Children: rite of Connrmatlon. A large class As Each Happy Christmas. of boys and girls and adults who have JO. Recitation: The Savior's Birth. been In preparation for some time will Luke 2, 1-7. be presented to the bishop at that 11. Beginners and Primary Children: time. Atter the rite of Connrmatlon Little Children, Can You Tell. the bishop will addrees those who have ··· 12. Recitation: The Angels and the been conftrmed and the congregation Shepherds. Luke 2, 8-14. In general. 13. Congregation and Chlldre 11: Hark, The Herald Angels Sing. In the presence of one of the largest ~~~~:.a~.o~6-t~he Shepherd's Joy. congregations ot the year a number of tnfants, boya, girls and adults wet·e ;-, Carol: Silent Night, Holy Night. baptised laat Sunday morning at a ·;~6. Recitation: Jesus, The Consola- public baptismal service. · There have tion of Iarael. Luke 2, 25-32. been many more baptised alreadv this 17. Children: Joy To The World. year at St. Augustine's than an); yea·· The Wise M'en'IJ since the church started. Another class 18. Recitation: Journey and Pu-rpose. Matthew will be baptised on Sunday, December :!, 1-Z. ·u. Children: We Three Kings or 21!, after the regular aervlce. Orient Are. Resignations of Mr. G. W. Springer The Wise Men's 1\nd . %0. Recitation: Mr. George J. Phllllos as wamens Quest. Matthew 2, 3-6. · have been re'CelvQd and accepted by Children: 0 Little Town of Beth· the vestry. Their successors will be lehem. elected at the annual meeting In · u Recitation: The Wise Men's January. Worship. Matthew 2, · 7-11. 23. Congregation and Children: Aa The servlcea . next week at St With Gladness Men of Old. Auguatlne's will be aa follows: Conl~e Prayer and Benediction. ftrmatlon Sunday, December 21. St. Nunc Dlmlttla. Hoi)· Distribution of gifts for the chll· Thomaa' Day, Decem~er 2%. Communion at 8 A. lltl. Chrlatma11 Eve., dren. December 24. 11:30 P. M. Midnight service with Holy Communion at 12. Chrlstm..-s Day, December 25. Holy In two separate and dlatlnct ways Communion at 8 A. lltl. and U ,.\. M. the aplrit or Chrlatmaa ls to be beau- ~t. Stephen's Da-y, Friday, December Ufully an4 etreettve'IY pr·:ten.eet. ne -'l.. Holy Communion at 8 A.. M. St. the Evan~ellaL'· Day, Saturday, ·rat in the ll&t\. or a very unique John December 27. Holy Communion at li M. Sunday after Christmas, Decemlt"!~~\a:'!,~.~k.at~~r.o?.:in ~~~~~~!~~ A. tb~ different pr·riods In history when ber %8, Jloly Inn.ocents' Day . Children's ~e people were ""arching tor the light Chdatmaa aervlce- At 11 A!. M. -.At -the cit' real truth; then comes the discov- conclusion of the Children's part of ery and the el'lect of the same In that the service, at 11:45, there will be Holy day as well as ln the world of the fl~';.munlon for the regular congregapreaent day. Tbla wHl be prest~nted ln three eplaodea with aeveral scene11 Very large attendances of boys and ln each epll!ode. The atace setting and the coatumea have been arranced ao girls were delltrbted at the two ahowmga of the Children's movies yesteru to vividly aet torth facta and conditione during the aeveral periods of day with Jackie Coogan In "Daddy." history being llluatrate·. The second The picture was provided by Mr. and presentation Ia a Cllrlatl&n play con- ~::nu"::·ter G. Wood, 707 Waahln·ti4n traattng the condltlona existing In the · · 1111"4cll RoldP home on the boulevard and the home g There will be no showings of the on the back street. An Invalid cblld po.ueaaln&' the real Cbrlatmaa aplrlt In ChUdren'a movies on Christmas Day tbe home ot wealth transforms her or on New Year's Day. The plclure to be shown January 8 will be 'The ~orne Into a place of trood cheer wh.m OPEN abe elltertalna tor ChrJfltm~ dinner Call ot the Wild," given by Mrs. s. B \1M poor tamlly from tbe back atreet. Roberta, tit Gre*ory ann~te. cornlni plcturel!! to be shown are "Benjamin 'l'lle play Ia enUtled, "The Birds' Keturn," "Hold Your Cllrlatmu Carol," and will alao be pre· lt ranklln'a Breath," "The Hoosier Schoolmaster" ~Mnted with appropriate at&«e aettln ..a ' and coatume. Tbla play will be given "Hia Majesty" and others. Tuesday evenln&', December II at 8 There wnl be no apecla,l Children's e'clock, Both tbe play and the pac' eat~t will be &'lven In our JHlW Sunday service on Wednesday afternobb, De-~ cember U. Tbla hu been chan·eJ 8ollool auditorium. -..eh department In tbe Sunday this year to Holy lanocenta' Day, Bunday, December 28, a~ 11 o'clock. _..ool will bave appropriate aervlcea 1171 Wilmette A··ae . . .d&Y rnornln&' at t:lt o'clock. The Mr. E. Carleton Kaumeyer baa been parenta are Invited 10 attend wltb elected by the vestry aa treasurer ot t.be children. St. Ausuatlne'a and u a member of ht plao:e ol Mr. Oliver Prlnftere -wUI M a ~ party U.e nre Jll'eJJRJ'ing to bring baskets Into Th!' Walthf't' JJeagu e ··s of St. John's The Church s c hool will present the ;)ageant, "Tha Gilt," on Sunday afternoon at 4 : 15 o'clock . Extended announcement of this service Is made In another column of \VIlmette Lite. The The Presu~· tet· lan chut·cil located at public Is most cordially Invited to this Greenleaf avenue and Ninth street in- service. vites you to attt'nd any and all or Its Christmas services. A Christmas party will be given to th e children of the Beglnnl!rs and Prlman· departments or the Church Bchool on Monday afternoon at 3 The superintendents and Sunday, 11 a. m . 'l'br Star of B.th- o'clock. teachers are in charge. Santa Claus lt·brm w iII be tht' sernion topic of Dr. is l'X))eCtcd. !:ltansell for the Christmas service. 9:30 a . m. Th Sunda\· school In all There will be no Wednesday evening its 4epartments. · >c£>J'Vice as Christmas Eve., since the Special Ch,l,.rmas services will be Cmnmunltv ""rvlrP urtth 'h" oArol held by .. ach dl·part nll'n t supermtenshould occupy nil the townsdent. Th" Junio1· department is giving singing people during that hour. a short play. 5:00 p. 111. Th e Intermediate League . Sunday, Dl"cember 28, Is the annual 6:00 p . m. T~e Er>worth League. l"amlly Day In this church. Toilet Goods Are always appropriate gifts for Christmas-Our tine is so complete that it ·is possible to select for every member of the fam.ily. S!lj al cl the I On "'ag Ill em be yhil rbet>t thPir Methodist Church Ridge Avenue Pharmacy _ O..O.ite St. Joaeph'a Church Phone 316 " T T Cllti cur J'eC S£. Augustine's Parish :·:s. . A Present for all·the Family For the old folks, ,oacng folks~ the children-a gift that nat~ tiYes. See .the B"'nswick toda,Leam how eas, it is to bu, IVE Musf.c this year-.:-the finest music the world knows. . Today,· see our wide range· of Brunswicks, offered on convenient terms-a assortment ·ot uprights, consoles and de lmce models in several fiiushe&. Each the best that men know at its price. /,.:li·.·, G First Presbyterian Church C·n w'· ...,.._.,1...... When you give a Brunswick for Christmas yougive a present L'lat never grows old. One which constantly delights-which remjnda the recipient of you daily. Today, see the Brunawick8 at oar e110n. It will · be a pleasure to demonstrate them for you. Let us set one aside for yoa-oo obligatioo. EVERY EVENING I . . . . . ., ...... W~ettellade bop I for U.. diWNa ol..tM . . . . . ....r_ ..., ""tr' . . . '