Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1924, p. 26

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26 \VILl\fETTE LIFE,...FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 BIG COST ITEM Direct wage-payments to telephone workers amount to over three-fifths of the entire operating expenses o~ the telephone industry, says t.he Busmess Research Bureau of Northwestern university. ;;~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;: Christmas Seal Sales Folk in final Appeal This Week berculosis assoc1at1on and affiliated agencies. tuberculosis problems have been more and more systematically and intelligently coped with. Theirs is an educational campai~n . Through education, fake cures are slowly but surely losing the ir insidious popular. ity and climate chasers are not found The annual drive to sell Xmas in the \Vest in such great numbers. !-eats for the Chicago Tuberculosis In- 1 Yet in a recent report on the indigent stitute is nearing its end in the migratory situation in certain cities schools and other sales stations. A I of the southwest, the National Tu::reat many seals were sold last year berculosls association points out that and the salespeople . are attempting in six cities studied (Colorado Springs. to exceed their previous record this Den\'er, El Paso, Phoenix, Los An!.ea son . A seal buying contest is be- geles and San Anttonio) 63 per cent ing conducted in the schools. The of all the tuberculous · had resided ~cal~ sell for one cent each and the thrre less than two years at the time pupils are buying large numbers of when they applied to an agency for 1 hem. help. Municipal agencies in those ·· 'orne persons never seem to go cities cared for a total of 7,319 'tuberhither and yon in the well-regulated a year so that it was concluded there manner," said a prominent Christmas culous indi\'iduals in the ,llOurse of seal worker this week in comment- a year so that it was con.1uded there ing on the current campaign . "They was · an a\'jerage of one indigent or go through life from yon to hither, pauper tuberculous person to every wondering why others about them are 155 of the entire population in those progressing happily and with more six cities. Investigations such as this successful results. Ignorance some- when exposed will eventually help in 1 imes holds them back, their stub· mee!ing the tuberculosis cure-chasift{r' hornness is frequently the cause, and problem. occasionally it is circumstances. AnyFne Cliaica A·ailahfe how they are the ones who go around "By constantly emphasizing the in circle~ instead of 'following need for (1) consulting an expert through.' p~ys!ci~n ~nd (2) follo~ing strictly "In business. neople have to 'fol- hts ·advtce tt may be poss1ble to overlow through.' Athletes also must, and come the yon to hither method of in social life one certainly cannot go curing tuberculosis. Free clinics from yon to hither with friendships. where physicians · may be consutu:d Buaine.. of Health and t~;~.berculosis sanat9riums where "One husiness of life that every- proper treatment is given at little cost hodv has to meet is the husiness of are two important mediums in the heaith. for only the healthy man can campaign that seeks to stamp out feel he is truly ~etting the most out tuberculosis. They are made possible of his life. And when one has lost by ' Christmas seals. Many more he a It h he mo~t decidedly cannot go clinics, tuberculosis specialists and around in circles to get it back. sanatoriums are needed. Christmas "Curing tuberculosis oftentimes seals purc~ased in December will help 111ust necessarily he a long, hard pull. many pat1ents to follow through in An acti\'e person who has ht>en told curing tuberculosis. lw his phvsician that he has this "Much of our own public health disease and should rest, flat on his health program for 1925 depends on hack. will naturally feel panic strick- bu~ing and using plenty of seals. Leader in Work Comments In Detail on Tuberculosis Situation I A BIG LEAD . In the United States there are SIXteen cities. each of which has over 100,000 telephones. In all fhe other countries of the world put together there are only nine citil!s with over 100,000 telephones apiece. Miss Maude Miner of Wilmette is spending a month in Florida. -------- "] pagl Ho~ capa ticc perf ADIO RadioIa Pathe Freed-Eismann and rl ior a fa rect the sch Kinj quirl eve Murdock Neutrodynes Staple Line of Radio and Electrical Supplies It is sure to solve the old questions what shall I get for her, or what little ·favor can I send them is satisfactorily answered by a gift of candy. We fill boxes to order, so you can be sure of having it fresh. We have a fine line of imported novelties, candy and toys. Wm. G. Beyrer Electric and Radio Supplies 1122 CENTRAL A VENUE Phoae 11 ~~ Village Chocolate Shop Where Quality Chocolate Rulea In th· Villa·· Theatre Lobby mother a family she patient will feelisthere en at of first. If the the is nobod,· who can undertake the .-ount IC'ss · tasks in her household during her inactivity. Tf the patient is a father he will not be able to see l1ow his wife and the children are to he fed and keep the roof over their ht'ad~ . E\·en if. through his local tuberculosis association it hac; been made possible for him to go to a nrarhv sanatorium for treatment and instruction on how to care for himself and protect his family after his return, he may chafe under the rules and wish to hurry up the long tedious period of curing. He may not realize his comparative good fortune and, Fl ·p many who had no help, will seize .eagerly at almost any straw of hope. These straws of hope for tuberculous persons make problems that in the end may mean failure to be cured or at best long drawn-out set-backs. Many Fakir· Operatin1 "Thc.>se are two straws that often lt>ad tuberculosis patients a merry chase from yon to hither. The first, the most serious, is the alluring fake t4berculosis cure. Of these there are many on the market. Glowing testimonials appear in advertisements for these.>. They may state that so and so hc.>nefited at once by the fumes from a marvelous little stove that wiii be rented for so much a month, --or that, 'after consuming the contents of one bottle my husband was able to go hack to work.' Although the testimonial writers may long since have been in their yraves, such enthusiastic endorsements lead to the purchase of a bottled liquid which has no more power to cure than tomato ketchup. "Electronic reactions" often beguile with their temporary stimulation. Secret recipes and offices for treatment where fake 'doctors' hold sway have brought millions of dollars to the pocketbooks of quacks and emptied the already too-slim purses of tuberculosis victims. Citea "Climate Chaaera" "Another deceptiv-e quick route to cure which has so aften proved to be but a flimsy straw of h~ hae &een the climate lure. High altitudes in some cases are better for helping along the prescribed treatment but other elements in the real cure are far more important and only the consulted physician is able to decide what is best for the individual case. Yet the old idea that one must go West persists and · we find countless climate chasers in some of the western states. These have become hopeless probJ... ms. With money all gone, 4milies deserted, the poor victims are known 3S "indigent migratory consumptives.' They must be supported, hence they have become a burden to the state. Tn the beginning of their sickness, had they remained at home, carried on a strict regimen of rest, proper diet, and much fresh .air they might have become well and helpful citizens. As it is many of these who would never have considered begging for help in the East have gone to the West and have become paupers. A ituation thereby has been created which is a most serious economic problem · ~~e~t~s~a~ll~h~e;lp~,~a~n~d~h;e~lp~gie~nie ~rio~u~s~l.iv~l'ij ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~ LULIAS BROTHERS 635 MAIN STREET 1135 CENTRAL AVE. '. I 635 Lia Street Phones~ 111 ' 1M lUll ·To You Lulias Brothers Extend Most Sincere Holiday Greetings 1135 Ceatral AYe. Phones{~E. Come in and aee the fine diaplay of Cbriatmaa Decorationa-Holly, looae and in Wreatha, Miatletoe, Chriatmu Treea, and Smilax. We are offering, at pricea apecially reduced for the Holidaya, Cbriatmaa Candiea in bulk and attractively boxed. Alao at low pricea and by the box-fine Grape Fruit, Orangea, Appleafreah, juicy, and guaranteed the beat. Everything you want for ChriatmuNuta of all kinda; Grapea, white, green, and red; Cranberriea; freah Pineapplea; imported Table Raiaina; extra fine Fiaa. Baaketa of choice auorted fruita. ..... to organized tubereakNls haallli~MNIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI~IIIIIIIIIIII~~IM~IIIIIIIIII~~~~~~~~IM~IIIIIIIIIIII~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ been carried on by the campai,n National TaI' "Within the past 20 years, since the s.. u.Jat I BUY CIIIUiiTIIAS l'aUI'I'S, CAIIDIB8.JIUTS AT OUR TWO BIG TORBI

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