Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1924, p. 24

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Be Cautioua in Buying Uaed Cara, Club Warna "Make ·sure that you arc dealing with a financially respon sible party when purchasing a used car," warn s the latest bulletin issued by the legal department of the Chicago Motor Wilmette Girl Geta Prize in club. Jf the seller is insolvent, the Competition purchaser will be obliged to srand the loss if it de velops tha~ the car has been stolen. A beautiful five tube radio set will ··And in this day of wholesale autob:e awarded Miriam Poundstone of mobile thefts, one cannot be too ·Grand Ridge, Ill., and a three-tube cautious. E ven when .the person from set will be given Beatrice Bedard of whom you buy a car · is well known Kankakee, the lucky winners in the to you, and you ha\·e every reason Suburban Electric league division of to believe him thoroughly reliable, do the Better llome Lighting campaign. not buy a car without some investigaWinners of prizes in the North tion . Shore Electric league will receive " Remember the seller may have no watches and kokaks respectively. idea that the car' he is offering you Contestants winning prizes are: Oliver is stolen property."' Many motorists Castle, 635 Sherman avenue, Evans- have lost their cars when the ,police ton, watch; Evelyn Hovine, 707 Reba discovered that their cars were stolen place, Evanston, wrist watch; York property; the safe way is to get the B. Castle, 63S Sherman avenue, Ev- motor number and ask the police if anston, kodak; Martha E. Farmer, any stolen car of that number has 915 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, been reported. kodak. "It is also advisable to take the car In judging this contest the officials. to a mechanic to see that the numbers had a big job on their hands. For have not been altered. The purchaser one thing, the excellent: quality of the of a used car may be deceived by an essays submitted as well as the cor- unscrupulous seller who will knock rect manner in which the primers off several years of the car's age. The were designed made the task a big serial numbers tell the true story; one. Then again, the accuracy of get those numbers and call the local the investigations made by the pupils dealer, he will be able to tell you in gave the job of judging a professional what year the car was turned out of aspect. The judges were called upon the factory." to grade as closely as possible. The winning essays in the Suburban Electric teague will now be forwarded to the national headquarters where the national judges wilt pass upon them for the national prizes. A $15,000 electric home, the first prize, and a number of college scholarships are the secondary prizes offered in the national contest. It is the belief of the officials judging the contest that the essays submitted wilt be on a par, if not above, those of any of the other leagues in the country. Contestants in the Suburban Electric league and in the local leagues can well expect to be awarded a share in the forthcoming national prizes. If you would reach your futt enLocal prizes will be awarded the joyment, see that your vision is winners at some school or public up to the present day requireexercise to be held before Christmas ments. Glasses that take the -a fitting Christmas present ill honor worried wrinkles out of your of the ingenuity of the authors. face and put your vision back upon a joyable plane-that's the Cold Snaps Bring Damage kind of a service you will get here. 7eachint I Safety to your T IS tremendously important that children be taught the lesson of accident prevention. Their lives may depend on it. That is why the North Shore Line employs competent women to talk in simple language to the school children of the North Shore. These lecturers are chosen for their knowledge of this subject and their ability to impress the youngsters with its importance. \Vhat they ~ay in the schools of the North Shore has greater effect in ket>p ing your children away from danger than you perhaps realize. Hundreds of these s:-~fety talks are given each year, under the management of the North Shore Line Safety Engineer. Last year every public and parochial school on the North Shore was visitt.d ln addition to this work among the school children, the N..:>rth Shore Line has established Safety Councils in v;-~rious communitiec;, and posted thousands of safety posters. The en lightened spirit of public service of the North Shore Line has often been made the subject of comment. Spread, ing the gospel of safety to your children is one example. TO SEE PERFECI'LY TO UNDERSTAND AND ENJoy· North Shore Merchandise t:[)espatch Over-night service for shippers between all important points on the North Shore Line. Through service to Sheboygan, Burlington, Watertown and all points on the Milwauke.., Norther!\ R. R. and T.M. E.R. &L For rates, deliveries, etc, write or telephone local North Shore agent, or Traffic Department: Chicago office, 72 W. Adam· St, 'phones State 5723 and Central 8280; Milwaukee offic:e,403 Sec~.:r itv B'd~ .· 'phone~ Grand 990 and Grand 2162. to Hapleaa Automobiles Wintry blasts played havoc with motori sts here during a recent cold snap, according to a report of the mechanical first aid department of the Chicago Motor club. Frozen radiators and stiff engines increased the distress calls into the club one hundred per cent. Motorists are advised to use alcohol in their radiators- at 19 degrees the aotution should be 20 percent, at 15 degrees 25 per cent, at 10 degrees 30 per cent, and if the thermometer should slip down to zero a 40 per cent aolution will be needed. 15 Fears of Successful Practict Dr. 0. H. Bench Optometrist Fw~Mr Mer. O~i··l Dtt>l. C. D. Pt·cotli,lflc 1177 Wilmette Ave. For A· . .l·t·eat Plleae WU. ~ or a ..adea~e \VIl·ett· 1'Je7 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R. Co. Wilmette Puseager Station Telephone Wilmette ZSl~ Hean fro· lja80 A. M. to lh3U p, ·· Jllye'· .,. . . . . . . .- ·· ··U7 Watch Plumbint Uncle Sam Cautions! .. Hoover luuea Standard Code Waahington, D. C.-The De~rtrnent of Commerce have approved a 'i>eQple's plumbing cod~e"with the hope that it may be adopt by states and municipahtiea, it was nnounced. The bill is for the protection of the public "from insanitary plumbing, the uae of defective and C!tleap material and improper installation." The code waa prepared l>y a special committee appomted f>y 5ecretary Hoover and beaded by William C. Groeniger of Clevela\Jd. . ~ ~BEST INVESTMENT Only PackaTd Combines So Much Economy With So Much Satisfaction After vou have looked them all over consider the Packard Six again. You know that, being a Packard, you can count with certainty on the highest type of manufacture in the industry. You know Packard's reputation for per.. formance. You know that no other car inspires an equal satisfaction and pride in mere possession. If you owned one of these Packard Six models how would you come out on your investment? At the end of three, five, seven .or more ean you would still be getting high gaso-~~~~~&ke mileage; repairs would still be le value still high and the harm still undiminished. In P~rd Ues true economy as well as supre~~--~tisfaction. Let us give you facts and figUres. PACWDIIZI o..n.a.t- AYe. c: E~nnch COMPANY . ~-- Uninraity 710 PA

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