WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 ESTABUSHED 1854 C. ·H. JORDAN &: COMPANY FUNfJW. DIRECI'ORS FOR 69 YEARS Dar1u Stre·t, ErHJtuton, Rl. Pilon· UniHrtity 449 164 N. MicAipn Aoe. Plaon· Rtu~tlolph 1346-1347 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 CANEY CREEK Separate the Grades. The gifts sent by New Trier Enforce the Traffic Laws. Build the Through Traffic Road. high school to the mountain chilWiden the Business Thoroughfares dren at Caney Creek, Kentuckv, will bless both senders and receivers. A person with even a THE "SNOW STORM Am1ouncrd by all the trumpets of the weak imagination can easily picture the happiness uf these unskj·, Arrh·rs the SIIOW. and dri1i11,q o'er the fortunate children while watching the opening .of these 18 fields, Seems 11ou·lzrre to alight: the whited air boxes of Christmas gifts. And Hide.f /rills and ~t·oods, the ri1·er, a11d no grown person can exaggerate the joys of the individual rethe hcm·e1J, A11d 1·e:ts tlze farmhouse at the garde11's cipients of the various good things. Put yourself in the place end. The sfrd mrd traveler stopped, the of the girl or boy to whom will be given one or more of the 500 courier's feet Delayed, all friends .flmt out, the lrouse- books! The New Trier students who tllatrs sit contributed to this Caney Creek Around the radia11t fireplace, enclosed holiday shipment will also exb1 a l11m11ltuous privacy of storm. perie_nc~ a glow of righteous joy Come ser the north 'Wind's masollry. Ill thmkmg of what they have had Out of a11 unsren quarry l"t'ermore th.e privilege of doing. Theirs Fur11ishrd with tile, thr; /il'l'ce artificer wtll be a real lasting joy, not Cr~rves Iris white bastions with projected merely the transient pleasure of roof self-indulgence. Rou11d every wi11dward stake, or tree, rr Haying provided 18 boxes door. 0f g1fts and 500 books, New Speedi,Jg, the myriad-ha1tded, his wild !rier school.men will also see to work tt that $250 ts raised to pay for a Sc /a11ciful, so savage, naught cares lie year's education of one child at For mtmber or proportio 11. Mockingly, the Can~y ~reek set_tleme~t. On coop or kemzcl he ha~tgs Pari All thts ts a mamfestahon wreaths,· an the true Christmas spirit. A S1.CJa11-like form iwvests tile hidden thorn,· Fills up the farmer's la1u from wall to Can you think of a Gift more sensible or m. o re desirable for the Home than fine wall, Mar~gre the farmer's sighs; altd at tile gate A taperillg turret overtops the work. A11d wllctl his, hours are 1111mbercd, and the world Is all his O'Wtl, retiring, as he were 1101 , Lem!es, when the s1m appears, astmzi.shcd Art To mi11~·c i11 slo·w structttres, stoiJe l y stone, Built itJ an age, the mad wi~rd's nightwork, The frolic architectrtre of the snow. Oriental Following are a few augge1tion1 Shiraz . . . . . . . . . 6.6x3.10 Kerman ....... 17.8xl0.2 Arak .......... 10.10x7.10 Kazac . . . . . . . . . 5.2x3.7 Gorevan ....... 12.0x9.4 Arak .......... 15.3xll.9 Anatolian ...... 12.2x9.5 Lavere ........ 12.2x8.8 Lilahan . . . . . . 6.10x4.2 Ladik ......... 2.10x1.9 Bel0uchistan . . . 4.6x2.7 Sarouk . . . . . . . . 6.7x4.4 Melaz . . . . . . . . . 12.6x9.5 Chinese . . . . . . . . 8.0x5.0 Fereghan ...... 18.0x12.0 Serapi . . . . . . . . . 24.0x15.4 Kazac . . . . . . . . . 5.2x3.7 Arak .......... 10.lx7.1 Arak . . . . . . . . . . 13.5x10.6 Lilahan . . . . . . . . 19.0xl0.4 Sparta ......... 17.6xll.2 Lilahan . . . . . . . . 26.5x11.8 Sarouk ........ 20.0x10.8 Afshar . . . . . . . . 5.2x4.0 Bergamo 7.1x4.10 We have selected and set aside a goodly number of small, medium and large size rugs which we, as experienced Oriental Rug men, would choose personally for our friends. Each rug is especially worth while-for one reason or another. and the prices are so reasonable that we are sure each sale will mean a new friend for this store. Every member of the family circle will enjoy the home gift of one of these exquisite rugs, and with each member contributing to its purchase, the pleasure will be so much the greater. $ 57.50 950.08 175.08 58.08 115.88 uas -R. w. EM£RSON SAVING President Coolidge preaches and practises economy. In his message to Congress. and in his speeches he str~sses the great need of decreasmg the nation,s 450.80 385.00 800.00 85.80 7.55 15.00 lSI.IJ %75.10 tS.M 575M l,GLII SIM -.. 8&.11 ··· 1..- 1,551.11 Z,t·M SSM 75.11 Belouchistan . . . 4.4x2.6 $ 17.00 375.00 Gorevan ....... 15.0x9.6 Serapi ......... 15.7x9.10 375.00 65.00 Caraja . . . . . . . . 10.4x3.9 .cs.oo Mosoul . . . . . . . . 6.lx3.6 62.50 Lilahan . . . . . . . . . 6.2x4.5 75.00 Kurd'istarl . . . . . 13.2x4.2 Soarta ........ 26.7x14.2 1,265.00 158.00 Khiva ......... 10.0x8.0 875.00 Sarouk .. , ..... 14.4x9.3 Melaz ......... 13.1x10.10 375.00 zoo.oo Gorevan . . . . . . . 11.9x8.3 245.00 Khiva . . . . . . . . . 11.7x8.4 5%.00 Mecca . . . . . . . . . 5.9x4.0 128.00 Oushak . . . . . . . . 9.0x6.0 121.10 Antique Kazac . 6.9x5.5 Anatolian 20.3xl2.0 758.80 Kashan ........ 16.10xl0..4 1,750.· Bokhara . . . . . . . 13.2x7.8 325.00 M.osoul . . . . . . . . 6.5x3.5 45·· IZIM Kazac ......... 7.10x4.8 Saddle Bags . . . 2.0x2.0 7.58 Gorevan ....... 12.6x9.3 Z37.M Karpoot . . . . . . . 6.5x4.6 USM Khiva . . . . . . . . 11.7x8.4 ZSI.IO Oar ·IHcial charge acccunt may be convenient All raga parclaaaetllaere may be exclaangetl any time witlain a year at fall parclaaae price