Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1924, p. 21

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 Vext Wednesda) M iss Natalie Redfield will enterJimmy Burrill of 812 Greenwood tain about 00 youn!I people at a avenue is home from the Evanston dinner-dance at the Ouilmette Coun- hospital where he underwent an oper- . ROMINENT north shore women I Miss Roeber, Miss Mildred · December 26. ation for appendicitis. will be patronesses for the Ev-1 Melone, . Mtss Martha ~wan and Miss try club Friday ·evening, -{)-1 anston performance of "The Ruth Ahderson, of Wilmette, will be -o-Chriatmu .ad New YW.' William Lonnquist and Theodore ;iends will be present at Mrs. McClain Bercaw of Paris, Illi~car\c t Coat" to be presented at the h?stesses at a dance on Saturda_ y eve- Mead arrive home this morning from 1 Gteetina'·-_ c..w...:: :.::.. .: nois, wit spend the holidays with Mr. ony that will take , ·anston Country club Tuesday evenmg, December 27, at the Kenilworth E Princeton. James Swan returns to- and Mrs. 0. M. Bercaw of 741 Eighth ·" · December 30, by the .Prmceton . dub. niug. mquist, 418 Central morrow from the same university. Remembrances for ia.tiy and streeet. -oTriangle club, noted for tts clever -o-~4, when Miss Audrey friends-an unlimited selection -o-prod uctions and 'welcomed with eagerMrs. Marshall Davies of 153 RobMr. and Mrs. G. W. Kibby of 835 is afforded in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George Price formerly of Wilm·s> each year. sart place has as her guests her Lake avenue are leaving Monday to Th r ticket sale, in charge of Rob- mother and sister, Mrs. 0. M. Bilharz spend the Christmas holidays in Hart- mette has left for a European and Mediterranean trip. Edaewater Beecla . Hot.l · ert T. Sherman of 1629 Judson ave- and Miss Elizabeth Bilharz of Kansas ford, Conn . d at the close of the -o-nu e. Evanston, is open to the public. City. They will remain for the holi-orginia Limbocher of Mr. and Mrs. Fred White of 715 GIFr SHOP All .. eats for the performance will be days. M iss Anna Jeanette Klapperich and Washington avenue are back from bride will be at home resaved. Alfred Klapperich, 412 Central avenue, their eastern trip. at S3Z7 Sb...W.a R.... Claieap reet, Princeton, New Following is the list of north shore Cards are out for a luncheon and are home from Prairie du Chien for , --o-patronesses: Mesdames Charles S. bridge · to be given at the Orrington the holidays. DRUG STORE On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Barber, Eugene M. Barnhart, Arthur hotel on Saturday, December 27, by Miss -oFrank V. Widger entertained at D. Black, Norris Bokum, George R. Margaret MacLean of 924 Greenwood Mrs. H . L . Comstock of Providence, dinner at their home, 128 Fifth street. Brown, Eugene J. Buffington, Ed- wenue and Miss Helen Bruch, formerly Rhode Island, spent last week as the FLOWER SHOP -a-ward F . Carpenter, Charles M. Cart- of Wilmette. 11 center around Santa house guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. MlcThe Tuesday club met for luncheon on the Ground Floor and wright, Phillip G. Connell, Charles C. Coy of 730 Ashland avenue. and bridge this week with Mrs. T. B. ! m , December 27, --oDawes, Thomas H. Eddy, J. Horton -oPotter of (1)7 Forest avenue. M iss Gertrude Melone, who is conCountry club witt CICAR AND NEWSSTAND Fall. Jr., Devid R. Forgan, John M. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher of 826 -a-Glenn, John C. Harding, Wilbur pitting her senior year at Vassar col- Greenwood avenue had as their guest r will listen to story Afr. and Mrs. Axel Lonnquist of 418 ia tbe Lobb,. lege will arrive home Saturday, DecemHelm, Carl S. Jefferson, Rollin W. until 5. last week, Mrs. H. Wilkins of Denver, Central avenue are having a stag party !\eyes, Eugene U. Kimbark, ]. Fred- ber 20, to spend the holidays with her 1, 9, the y.oung people of erirk Kinney, Eugene H. Leslie, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Melone Colorado. --{)-led by Mrs. Weckler of George M. Ludlow. Hiram McCul- of 914 Forest avenue. John A. MacLean, a sophomore at --aclock on, the juniors lough, George N. Moore, James F. Yale, is returning today to spend the Oates, M. John Prendergast, Walter Orville Borchers, formerly chorister holidays with his family 924 Green\\'. Ross, Donald Scott, Walter Dill at the Methodist church, who is now wood a venue. cott, Clayton W. Sherman, Edwin teaching in a college in Texas, made -o1erman. John T. Stockton, Edward a "flying visit" to Wilmette Sunday Mt-s. Leslie Gates of 723 Eighth Tilden, Ricker Van Metre, Rawleigh evening. street enter.tained the Reading circle at Warner, Guy S. Warren. Henry J. --oher home ;Monday. regory a venue, announce \Yhite, John E. Wilder, Nathan W. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Best enter\\'illiams, of Evanston; Roy E. Bard, tained Vlildred, to Earl L. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ma.rqua.rt of 218 30 guests last Saturday eveKoah R. Brooks, Calvin Fentress, ning at their home, 1458 Lake avenue, Woodbine avenue are entertaining at >f Wilmette. The Henry H. Kennedy, William B. Mc- in celebration of their tenth wedding an evening party on Saturday. Ih·aine, Howard C. Phillips, John anniversary. O COMMODITY on earth-well bought~epreciates so little -oStuart, Chester H. Walcott, Russell S. At the Howard school on Monday . -a-with time and wear as diamonds. You may enjoy-with Christmas festival of the N Walcott, Henry W . Wales, Sanford B. Miss Gwendolyn Pritchard, who evening, a party was given by the pride-the intimate possession and use of nature's masterKindergarten and White, Emory H . Wilder, of Win- makes her home with her uncle and faculty for Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harper. gem for a generation or more, at which time its value may have will be held this n<'t ka; Frederick H. Scott, Hubbard enhanced. Do you know of another article of luxury of which aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul t. Roche, Episcopal church on Woods; William R. Dawes. Glencoe; 801 Central avenue, entertained 20 this may be said? December 19. Ralph A. Bard and John MacKenzie young people last Saturday evening. EXCELLENT the loveliest Christmas of Highland Park,- and Louis E. Laf\Ve have heen diamond merchants for 67 years. The experience -athe college is the pr(:senttatil lin of Lake Forest. CHRISTMAS and jn<lgment gained therein are at your service today. Every Girls' clubs of the village have ts of gifts for -oGIFTS diamond that we offer is worthy of its price and of your approval. joined in planning a Christmas party this year each girl :\lrs. Cornelius Peter Van Schaack for the boys of the winter camp at Reasonable prices ual child in one of of Wilmette, and Mrs. Victor Harding Arden Shore on Tuesday afternoon. kinder~artens and has of Hubbard \Voods will give a young December 23. ft for him with the oeople's dance on Tuesday, December -{)-t that she might put Diamond Merchant. ancl Jewelera 2l at the Ouilmette Coun·ry club for Breeder of Rev . and Mrs. Stephen A. Lloycl of a toy for her own highest class Boston Harding and Cornelius Van Schaack, of 1035 Lake avenue are expecting MADISON STREET AT WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO and Mary, Jane, and Victor Harding, their daughters, Miss Pri~cilla and Terriers candle processional by Jr. EatahliahN 1857 Miss Dorothy home today from OberZZSZ Orchard Street and the presentation of lin college. Clalca.-o the students, will be --o:Miss Florence Branson, who has Phone Lincoln 1813 traditional Christmas Amon~ the young men who have been in a French convent in Paris, lege, the legend of the for the last two months, will join her returned to Wilmette from Ames cotold by Miss Edna Dean parents in Florence, Italy, for Christ- lege for the Christmas holidays are organ accompaniment as mas. Mr. and Mrs. Branson have Frederick and Robert Harbaugh, John by Francis M. Arnold. hrcn spending the months of Novem- Hoffman and Glenn Cathercoal. Christmas service is a -a-ber and December in Florence. to the Christmas Dales Knapp comes home today --o-shore friends who are from Ann Arbor, to be with his father Amoug the girls who returned from d will be most welcome. eastl·rn schools this week for the Christ- and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. -omas holidays were Miss Marian Reese Knapp of 633 Forest avenue, during his Christmas vacation. ~ nd Miss Winifred Bilsland who arrived -oThursday from Pine Manor, Wellesley, M iss Mary Lucille Cutler and her Ma ' sachusetts. hrothers, Paul W. and Henry, Jr .. arrived home Friday to spend the holi1frs. S. M. Dingee. Miss Anna days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dingee, Mrs. Edwin Drury, Mrs. E. Henry E . Cutler. \\'. :Mendsen, and Miss Gedney of -o~I inneapolis are deparitng DecemMiss Virginia Moore and Miss Elsie ber 31 to pass the remainder of the Warner who have been attending winter at St. Petersburg, Florida. the Uni~ersity of Illinois, are coming -<>-home today for the Christmas holiEdward Scheidenhelm, who attends day season. Cornell university. will spend the two ----<rweeks of his Christmas vacation at Winfield Taylor, son of Mrs. D. L. the home of his parents, Mr. and Taylor of 849 Michigan avenue, arMrs. E . L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake rives from Dartmouth to spend the avenue. Christmas season with his mother. Announce Patroness List for Triangle Club Play V~ra 1 Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of Miss Katherine Duffield of New fFr55E35ESE5!E5!!!!!5.EI!=::,~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bertram Wilson York will be the guest of Mr. anrl of 611 Laurel avenue, comes home to· Mrs. C. L. Ricketts of ~7 Ashland 1 day from National Park seminary. a" t:nue over Chr~s. -o-- I P Gift8, ~~ve.IW and No~lti~... ;. J ··· l I ;a~t~t~h~ei~·r~re~s~id~e~n~ce~t~om~o~rr~o~w~e~v~en~i~n~g;.;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Things of Beauty Which Endure DIAMONDS N FRED PAUL CHARLES E. GRAVES & COMPANY new~&st, · luxurious · ·servtce ·fbrnia., Golden State Lim;ted Effective December 28th. becomet an all-PuUmaa train for fint-c:Ja. tluouch travel only. New ..a equipment eepecially de.iped for thit IIJ'Vic:e. Obeervatioa, drawinc·room and compartment lleepinc can. Ladiei louncinc I'OCIID and bath. maid. IIWlicure. Oub car. barber, bath and valet. Dininc car eervlDc all med. No extra fara. -o-- }.liss Betty Brown arrives tomorMrs. E. M. Stafford of 9.36 Sherirow from the Convent of the Sacred dan road had as her guest last weekHeart Lake Forest, to pass the holi- end, Miss Mary Crumtacker of Austin. da,- ; eason with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown, Telephone Wilmette 37 at their home, 1315 Chestnut avenue. -o-rs of the North Shore will be entertained rs. E. L. Essley, 234 d, Kenilworth, on the December 29. Appeari ial program given be Mrs. Alvene Res who will sing s of songs; Mrs. ist, who will give . piano selections, and kely, accompanist. E. R. Stone, H . D. Hill and Miss E. Hazlett, of Hill and Stone, left last week for Florida where Miss Hazlett will remain. Mrs. Stone and Mr. Hill went down on business and 1 will return in about a week. ~[rs. ----<r- -o- INSURANCE Bttsiness, Life, Estate Annuities, . EndowmeNts, Trusts J. E. SWIFT TEAL 1017 c-tral .......... Wilmette, lllinoia .......c...-.Laeaue-....._,.,,. ..... Enclewood Loe Barbara 630 P. IDo Rock laland Unee. 8:415 p. m. Arriv. Ancel· 2,.5 p.m. [3rd day). San Dleco 300 P. m.. Sanca and a NEW - FAST- THRU TRAIN Business Mtnj Lunchion Galden§tate fixlwress will leave Chlcco. La SaUe &. Station. Rock Wand LiMa, daily 600 p.m.; EacJewood 613 p.m. Arriw to. ADaeJ2:15p.m. [Jrd day]. Ob.rvarion .&eepiDa car. toUrilt .Jeep- 75~ ina car.. throulh cachet and dinini car eerviDc all med. Tla· Golden Stat· Rout· ia the ehort.int~ waydirect to Califomia. duouah the land ol tomaDce. S. Old Mexico. the Imperial V aDey and Cameo Corp. Malte your ,....rwrtiona NOW. Ck,. Ticbc Ol&ce. 179 W· J.cbae lhd. PboDe Wu..lt 4600 Gl' La s.n. Sc. s.Doa. Pt-e w...,_ 3lDO L H. Mceon*k. C.. ......... ,._., Dip&. tak·ae 1\ockw-cll...iMe 179 w. J.UO. Blvd.. CIUaco C. T. c:.u.a, c-.1 .Ae-t. SoutMra h:i&c ...._ ~ h:iic .....-~-~·· Bldt-. 35 w. JeWoa ... ............. 968). ClliciF

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