WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1924 17 College Club X111as Party of Inter.zst Along North Shore ELLESLEY students home for the holiday season, prospective Wellesley stndents and their mothers will be guests of honor at the hig Christmas party planned by the Chica~ro \Vcllesley club for Tuesday, Deremhcr 30, at 2 :30 o'clock, at the Fortnightly club, 120 Bellevue place, Chicago. Four college seniors will give five minute talks about various phases of college life. Liligh Lidseen, president of The Barnswallows, the college dramatic soc:ety, will discuss the social life at w'elleslcy, and the work done in dramatics. Marion Montgomery, president of ha class, freshmen year, will talk about her first week as president and about the life of a freshman. Sarah Carr. president of Judiciary, is to tell of studeqt government, and Mary Louise Scheidenhelm of Wilmette will describe the gymnasium work and the sports. For the benefit of those who intend entering college, and for those alumnae who do n?t know of recent ~hange~~~s. Whtte of Evanston wtll discus~ M"tra1nce requirements. Two reels of films wiU be given at the 'conclm;ion of which there will be music and tea. Mrs. Hubert Howard of Winnetka president of the Chicago club, will in~ troduce the speakers and Mrs. William Sherman Hay, also of Winnetka, recently elected alumna trustee. Notes of Activities in Winnetka Woman's Cub N .Thursday, December 1}, the Wmnetka Woman's club was favored in having Miss Edith Kendal, violinist, w~th Miss Melita Krieg, accompan:st. M1ss Kendal is young and lov~ly. She c~mpletely . charmed . her aud1ence. Her mterpretatton was gorgeous and brilliant and her program well selected. . . The ~ostesses on th1s occaston were Mr~. Stdney Bartlett, Mrs. Edward W. El!ts! Mrs. Stephen A. Foster and Mrs. Wtlham Sherman Hay. . ~he ne~t club pro~ram wtll be ~speclally s~ttable for chtl~ren. The ~mnet~a.. Att!c Puppets ~.ttl present Dickens Chmtmas Carol M~nday after- O Art Center." Mr. Watson has gained the reputation of be"ng an extremely intercstmg speaker who never fails to hold his aud.ence, hav.ng them in laughter one minute, and in tears, perhaps, the next. Coffee and sandwiches were served after the lecture. W Vill·CI'ers Aaked to Sew For the County Hospital AST ATEMENT that every one is rushed to death at this time, the last few days left for hurried Christmas shopping and preparations, is not news to any one. However, the philanthropy department of the Woman's Club of Wilmette needs workers just the same to complete the sewing for Cook County hospital. Women. of HATTSTROM W .a... SANDERS pg of Teenie Weethat cry, suna-mah, and litand OVt!ralls I noon, 22, mvttes .at . 3 o clock. the village in to this bo~rd December of. ma~agers mef!lbersThe to thropic workinterested are asked come philanto the brtng ~hetr children .. Those ha':mg none clubhouse at 10 o'clock this morning. of the1r own, may brmg one chtld ~st. Luncheon will be served. These bi-monthly meetings give resiDudley Watson Lectures dents of the village an opportunity to pass several hours in pleasant soeiability At Glencoe Library Club while they sew for those unfortunate. T the close of . the meeting_ of the Mrs. Herbert West is chairman of the Woman's Library Club of Glencoe A philanthropy department. on Thursday, December 18, a lull in the activities of that organization CLERK-CARRIER EXAM commenced that will last until JanuAn examination for the position of ary 15. clerk-carrier at the Wilmette Post The program this week was of in- Office will be held Tuesday, January terest. Dudely Crafts Watson, exten- 13, according to an announcement sion lecturer of the Art Institute· of made this week by the United States Chicago, chose as the topic of his after- Civil Service commission. Information noon talk, "Chicago, the World's Great may be secured at the Post Office. I:~=====:;;;;::;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ·--·"'"'""'"""'"'"muuuneneNmNuunmnttumMIIIIMit l l l - - Sc&.atl&c a Maa·factwia· Opticlaaa 7IZ Qa...dl Stnet EV~STON ()ppoeite ~ H.tel Plao·· Uai.....il)' 1141 ()pea n..n. A Sat. E ... tUI I P. II. FIB ART SHOP Formerly Gairing Fine Arts · ... Orriqt· A...ae EVANSTON A choice selection of Christmas Cards and Gifts for your approval -PlcnJRE FRAMINGPhoDe Uaiftraity no to $15· 00 etal carriages .Some are cor- In Recital AST Saturday afternoon was the occ?s:on of a VPrv pleasat·t Christwas oartv and musicale ~t the studio of Miss Adela;de C. Jones. 1020 Central avenue, Wilmette. when she presented in recital about twenty of her pupils. who rendered the following program: .Tolly Workman ..........··. Gaynor Criss Cros~ . . . . · . . . . . Hannah Smith Phyllis Richardson The Donkey ................. Bilbro Svlvia Stoerk Tht> French boll Dances the Minuet . . . . . . Hulten Ruth Cross Happy Farmer . . . . . . . . . . Schumann l{uth Williams Nymphs Harp . . . . . . . . . . . Rea Gale Stokes Frqm Days Gone Bv ........ Huerter Sylvia Bontecou Birds Frolic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fontana Janice James .Tack Tar .... '......... ... ..... Maxim Sur Ia Glace .. .. . .. .. .. . .. Crawford Helen Waterman \\' r're Playing Today Kenneth Bontecou. Tohn Zipprich, William Phelps The Little Conqueror . . . . . . . Tracey The One Armed Man ........ Maxim William Phelos Brownies in the Moonliq;ht. . . Hulten John Zipprich Our Indian Guide . . . . . . . . . Griswold The Clowns Dance . . . . . . . . . . . Kern Kenneth Bontecou Song of Sunshine . . . . . . . . . . . . Peake Jean Munro Cradle Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schumann Mary Craig Farewrll to the Piano .... Beethoven Elfins Dance ................ , Otieg Frances Stansell Christmas Song Sylvia Stoerk, Jean Munro, Ruth Williams, .Tanice James, Sylvia Bontecou, Kathrvn Munro, Frances Stansell, Phillis Richardson. The Mill .................... Jensen Faith Burge Romance sans Paroles ..... Streabog Marguerite Casey rie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gaynor Josephine Baker Happy Miller ........... Abollo . Lillian Baker . us ..................... Novtn n an Indian Lodge . . . . . . McDowell Mercilo Putt Awarding the Pin by Miss Jones Farewell Advice Helen Waterman Marguerite Casey g_ave selected readings. L -- -SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OPFER We are making a Special Reduction in price on burner· inatalled during the Chriatmaa ·ea1on. Can you propose? a better gift for your ~vife and famil.y than a safe aHd dependable oil burner that 1s so automatic in its operation that it will permit one to go out anytim~ and leave the children behind, knowing full well that there ts no danger of fire and that the home will be comfortably ~eat~d all the while? Then, too, have you thought of the savmg m dollars and cents? Our terms are convenient; the upkeep as well as the fuel consumption is extremely low. In fact the sum total of your satisfaction and your saving is far greater than the cost. . . Honestly, we cannot think of anythm~ so hkely to bring such a Jasting perfect peace as a Hart Oil Burner. Let us hear from you and talk over with you the prospects of a Happy Xmas s, $1.00 es, $2.00 HART HEAT In coldest winter we at her Hart Heat turns the furnace room into a sunny outdoors. There s not a speck of dirt or dust to spot up your wash---and tl,e clothes dry dean and fresh just as the sun itself would do. · Ask for the .. Road to Happiness.·· You enjoy knowmg more about Hart Heat. ---- ·u AYRES TEeyi CO. Tel. 1146 WINNETKA 556 Center St. Music Box Revue Opening Will Bene6t Settlement A NOTHER well worth while charity to benefit by an entertainment which will brin~ out society from the city and north shore. will be the Eli Bates settlement on West Elm street. The house board has taken over the opening night of the Music Box Revue," on December 22, at the Illinois theater. ~li Bates settlemen, a pioneer in the ratnks of social settlements in this part of the country, has been in existence lllore than 40 years, and has. been the about which the life of a large and foreign population has revolved. has been felt in the neighof the gas works. Mrs. Arthur F~rwell is chairman of the benefit com~~ee, and president of the woman's UUilrd. -HART OIL BURNER