WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, ' 1924 ~tive government ltates." lS started. All the five patro1s .now ba·e over the , r·fi1atioa ei·la~. 1Mtl. · Sotile as hi·h ·· 1 and lZ m ra. Give Fireplace Furnishings for Xmu Largest selection In Cbie to chooRe from. Fact~to prices. You will feel Y repaid If you drive out 1 your car to see our dllpl n and get helpful sugge1 u0 Colonial Andirons, Firese~ and other ftreplace furnish. ings appropriately complete, the genuine flreplace equip. ped with Ute Colonial Head Throat and Damper. · Mn. A. F. Reichmann returnecl Tues-day to her country home at Barrincton froni a two weeks' sojourn in Toronto. where she visited her sister. lint Aid for M7 :J $ZOO IN PRIZES For the best ftreplace pb 010 · graph. Send In photograph (kodak print will do) and win a prize. First Prile UOO.OO, Second prizt>, SSo.oa eltrht other prizes totallnr $50. 0~. Contest closes Janu. ary "· In ease of tie, eae· get prlze. Three Judgea, one an architect. WRITE l<'OR DESCRIPTIVE Clft. ~~~~. AND ENTRy _..,_..,_,, Night Innovation 0 f Wil mette Gar den ClU b -· Botto· row, left to ri·ht: Fisher, Billhona, Tu:~~hona, Huat, Prof. Johaaoa, ZaiMier, Robinaoa, S. M. Aaderaoa, Second row: Jaqu.., Darrell, JohDIOn, Butcher, Cone, Babcock, Norria, Ward, Gieske, MacKaJ. Top row: Sancleraon, Wilaon, Enrliab, Morton, Towle, Jackaoa, T. L. Anderton, Culliaon, Wilder and Laae. Our Bo C!--ua.:v , .;x;u v Wilmttlt Troop ActiWttS ar s The first "Men's Night" held recently by the Wilmette Garden club at the home of Mrs. Charles Hurlbut proved a ,·err successful departure. About 60 guests were present to enjoy Harry \\'ells' deligh~ful views ~f gardens in Evanston, Wtlmette, Wmnetka, Lake Fore st and Lake Geneva. \'an Tuyl and Robert Sanderson gave riolin and 'cello selections. Refreshments and a social hour followed. On Friday, December 19, Mrs. A. W. Peard. 110 Third street. will entertain the members at an afternoon tea . !--each was back on \he job, after· bt>After careful consideration, Mr. 1111 mg away for about stx weeks. Leach and the patrol leaders decided Four new Tenderfeet were admitted to appoint Frank Gilchrist patrol into the troop. ' leader of a new patrol which is being I W£LU.W£SCOT CO., INC. cw.a.. A... · ..... £yaaatea ~ £,_.._ P-na · .........., - -- - - I I TROOP I 1 On Saturday, December 20, Captain f'ay will give us another talk on "A Sa lor at Sea." A number of the former membe rs of the troop will visit us on that occas :on and we may have a surprise or two. TROOP NO. IV At the meeting on December 10, Mr. _ Rand } h d Wat...-... 'h . 0 P an .~ Chinese and Oriental Rugs Buy Direct From Importers Just received a large shipment of Chinese and Oriental rugs - also lamps - cloisene antl curious. _: Save Dealers Profits - JULIN IMPORTING CO. 320 So. Franklin St., Chicqo BO·LIDAY GIFTS FOB BOYS l Indian Policeman Cowboy Fireman e lew Five-Tube leutrodyne The Amrad Sensation cu.--Q -r--DW c.atnl al Six Ctrle tlaro. .la loeale wit" .... ,.,. ,.... Jl.,.,._ ,..··,M... wit" louJ . . . .r .,.,_._ SoLI oa Our 13 W-k Plaa Baseball Marine Camping and other Sports Packed in attractive, individual boxes Firemaa Suitt $3.51 . Top .. v ..: .- I oupe, ~ tj Indian Suits $2.00 to $7.SO DeUHHJ l11 Y oar Ho... FAMOUS TRIRDYN T,_ le.tlllity ,,.., u ....t-~ CROSLE;:~-~ ..$8SI ,....;,.r _,,_ ... 1\e\·er ha\·e we been so wonderfully prepared to cumpletely satisfy eYery desire and 'vish of boys as we are this season. The character in boys' suits, long established by this store and much appreciated by parents of particular taste, has been carefully maintained in detail of design and workmanship in these boys' suits. Cowho7 aw.. to . . . DE LUXE IIIIC'GIIII)'· Sold ·· OUI' . . .7 pa7J~Mat plan ol $3 a week. Price .... $75 ·~--:,~~~ .. ) . . . ·-·-~ sus "Crosley" One-Tube JlaD~re Speciala Shamrock "Wonder" ·venity 6194 coaet to oout; the but one-tubs Mt aauufacturc:d. Complete with radlotroo tube. 4lrY cella, "B" batter1 headphonea IUid complete' aerial equip· mnt,~ .,, .. to bu, ...... with lneldc: ;!:kit· S26.7& Oll!rata MdaJI ta.. bet· t.riea or plete, readJ to whit tit~.~~~~~~ S19 h.ad piiOIIN ud aerial equipm~~at. l'foclabw slae S· 25 ~~-= ~.~:.......... SlO ,.neat . . . . . . . . DO l, UpeAMj COlli· 11M HarU.. I· Radio We carry RoJ'al. FU., Murdock Nati'..Q-. R..Uola Super· laeterod~ aad Dar-Faa. allaiP·...... ..U. ~INS ~e them. A _,,.,. u- 218 W. Maditon St. rAinuuiillDJ :.::.1 Telephone State 8087 ttl.,.,._ MPANY Buddy Saow Skate· $2... Police·aa Saita . $S.5I . . . . . . . .IOI"D &VUIMGI UNTIL t, !VMDAYI 10 TO