Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Dec 1924, p. 36

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1924 Legislation h.Y the Congress to ' make poss1ble sc1entdic enlar~ement of the historic plan for the c1ty of Washington is urged by the NaNew Grid Captain Real "Iron tional Association of Real Estate Man" boards in a resolution which has just been transmitted to all members- of Congress. Real est~te boards in more than 500 c'itics mak111g up the memberAn agressive and cool-headed football ship of the association are asked to player who is a junior at Northwestern express to their own senators and rt>p university. a young man who does as resentative s their support of the well in the classroom as he plays at measure exl?ected to c?me hcfore the the center pos 1 t1 on on one of the best present. sess1on to prov1de for such an 'd teams in the l:nited States. has expans1on. ~rl h n to ilot the Purple machine The enlargement w.o~ld carry ~ut cen c ose . P He is Timoth G under present cond1t10ns of c1ty for the commg ~ear. lied "Tim" ony th~ growth the best of the original plan Lo wry, common Y ca . which George Washington had before Northwestern campus, and ~e 1 s. among · him in laying out the city. That plan , the best students m ~he umvers!tYj, conceived hy the distingui5hed . Tim hales fro~ Ch1cago and hts o~e Frenchman, L'Enfant, has made 5 IS at 163~ Kemlworth avenue. He ! Washing-ton the first American city to a Sen':l lug~ school product wher~ hts have a city plan, and one of the most name IS wntt.en l":rge on the scroll ~f hc:-~utiful capital cities in the world. honor but wh1le T1m l?ves to recall h!s Early passage of legislation providhigh school days ·. the ~hmg he probably 15 ing for the best enlargement ?f the most proud of IS th1s: For two years city's plan and for the extens1?n . of he h~s played at center f?r Northwest- its parks is urged by the assoc1atwn ern, m all. ten hard, gruehng conference lest the present rapid growth of the games, and nev~r ~~s been ~aken out ci ty in the absence. of .such a. plan of a game for d1sab1hty or fa1lure. He make its later adoptiOn Impracticable has played every minute of every game or impossible. "Wherever we may live we feel and as captain next year is anxious to complete a three-year period with it un- that Washington belongs to aU of us," sullied by untimely departures 'during a the resolutions state. "The realtors contest. of th e United States hav!! a deep inLowry is over six feet high and terest in the proper phys1~al develop weiJ!'hts 185 pounds when in perfect ~ent of our natton~l ca·)1tal and decondition. Besides playing football and s1re to express the1r support of ll:"Y making high grades in his classes, last ac.tion which Con.gress may take wh1c.h winter Tim found time to participate w1ll make Wash111gton a more beautJwith credit. in several varsity wrestling ful city." bouts at Patten gym. He is president ------of the Greek club at Northwestern and Wilmette Youth Prominent is fond of ancient classics. He is a blonde lad of atttractive appearance, On Harvard Debating Team genial and friendly with his pals at the Dwight W. Chapman, of 900 ElmWrangler House, which is his fraternity wood avenue. Wilmette, a sophomore in home. Steadily, according to the coaches, Harvard college, and graduate of New Lowry has advanced until some of the Trier high school, was a member of the critics picked him this year as the all- debating team which met the Amconference center. although the majority hersr college team at Amherst Monday veice was for Claypool of Purdue. evening, the Harvard Debating council Whether Lowry becomes an all-con- has announced. This meeting with Amference center next year or not is not herst was the first of the series of inbothering him. What he is anxious to tercollegiate debates in which the Hardo is his best for Northwestern both vard team will take part this year. as a student and participant in athletic Chapman is prominent as a debater sports, without special regard for honors at Harvard, being an active member of or public recognition. the Harvard Debating union. ' LOWRY POPULAR - lu:kc~~Wrr~N~~~ N. U. SELEcriON l?res~nt I Universality . telephone service U must be universal in scopeNIVERSAL T L I it must reach anyone, anywhere. But it must be universal also in cost- it must be within the financial reach of everyone, everywhere. Years of research have been required to provide the telephone instrument~~ switchboards, wire and supplementary apparatus which afford inter-communication between housewives, shopkeepers, farmers and millions of other American telephone users. But these facilities do not in themselves make America's telephone service a universal service. Telephone. engineers have spent years of additional study in order to build, maintain and operate this nationwide system so eco Bomicall y th~ t the cost of service may be kept r.t all times well below its value to the telephone user. Upon the two fundamentals or extensiveness in scope and economy in cost the Bell System has built the most universal telephone service in the world. in rt· ah en :\1 io During the past few ,.ears much of the telephone plant in Illinois, originaU:y erected at pr~r costs, has worn out or been outgTown, and laas been replaced, at poskvaf' prices for material and labor. This luu added gread:y to the awrage int!Utment per telephone \\.. ap an be ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy One System Universal Service In ;lppreciation \\' of the Prestige and Public Confidence Enjoyed Throughout a Score of Years \\' A the REO MOTOR CAR COMPANY Offers Its New L Twentieth AlmiverSary Sedan at$1595c=> It is not customary f~r a n1otor car manufacturer to offer a full-sized, attractive closed car on a time-tried, .standard chassis of the finest quality at the cost of an open car. The magnificent quality oftheHAZF.LTO]\( tone has been famous for seventy years A tone which for richn~ depth. maJesty and resonance has no equal A tone of en, dunng beauty and loveliness. Music critics of renown and arttst8 and composers of dtstmction have for generations acdaimed the mcomparable Haz.elton tone. Every Grand Piano, Upright or Playa But the Reo Motor Car ~m~v has bullt ":ell and pro8pered-and baa bad the unwavenng confidence and .esteem of thousands of Reo owners since the fint year of ita existence. . #_ Appreciation of these good friends and of t~e gOOd fortune that has iDarked every one of ttl twenty years bas prompted Reo to celebrate its Twentieth Anniversary in this unusual manner. And this is the oniv anawer to the "How am they do it?" which greeted the announcement of the Reo Twentieth Anniversary Sedan at $1595. 5( ., Cl \ h l>earing the grand old liAZELTON BROS. name is characterized by that wonderful charm of tone, which. on~we heard, is never forgotten. PLANO. T OUf' Home should have a HAZELTON GROSVENOR MUSIC HOUSE Eachaah,e Claic;ap Dbtributore (Jut W..t of Slaeridaa Road) Let Ul 1how you th~ latc.st attTactiw: stylea. IIZZ WILSON AVENUE REO EVANSTON COMPANY 1101 Chicafo Avenue Telephone Unioer·ity I Ill RBO MOTOR CAR COMPANY ·

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